Examining the Phenomenon of Perfectionism at the Individual Level in Hungarian Education
This complex personality trait serves as the main topic of our paper due to the increasing prevalence of perfectionism as well as the rising demands f.
- Pub. date: January 15, 2025
- Online Pub. date: October 05, 2024
- Pages: 1-21
- 2 Citations
- #Perfectionism models
- # striving
- # performance appraisal at secondary school
- # performance indicators in further education.
This complex personality trait serves as the main topic of our paper due to the increasing prevalence of perfectionism as well as the rising demands from educational organizations. Our paper can fill a research gap by examining its definitions, models, components, and influencing elements (personality, gender, and immediate environment) in addition to the role of perfectionism in secondary and tertiary education. We assume that perfectionism in higher education is based on its development at secondary school, and it is becoming more intense in time. In 2023 the authors conducted a survey among Hungarian university students to determine the degree to which the participants pursue perfectionism in their professional and personal lives. The questionnaire finally resulted in 550 responses. The findings of our research suggest that women tend to be more perfectionist, but the picture is differently deemed by individuals than by their immediate surroundings. Another noteworthy result revealed that personal perfectionism also depends on the people with whom those who consider themselves perfectionists live. Our SEM model also showed that perfectionism is stronger throughout university studies and that it might be descended from secondary school perfectionism. Personality traits do affect perfectionism at school, which intensifies in higher education after graduating from secondary school.
perfectionism models striving performance appraisal at secondary school performance indicators in further education
Keywords: Perfectionism models, striving, performance appraisal at secondary school, performance indicators in further education.
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