How the Learning Style and Working Memory Capacity of Prospective Mathematics Teachers Affects Their Ability to Solve Higher Order Thinking Problems
This study aims to analyze the effects of working memory capacity and learning styles of prospective mathematics teachers on their ability to solve hi.
- Pub. date: July 15, 2024
- Online Pub. date: February 28, 2024
- Pages: 1043-1056
- 2 Citations
- #Higher-order thinking skill problems
- # learning style
- # prospective mathematics teacher
- # working memory capacity.
This study aims to analyze the effects of working memory capacity and learning styles of prospective mathematics teachers on their ability to solve higher-order thinking problems. In the present study, learning style was considered students' tendency to learn visually or verbally. In addition, the types of higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) problems are complex and non-complex. Multiple regression tests were used to analyze the effects of learning style and working memory capacity. An ANOVA test was also conducted to analyze the ability of each group to solve each HOTS problem. In addition, one hundred twenty-six prospective mathematics teachers voluntarily participated in this study. The study found that learning styles only affected visual problems while working memory capacity (WMC) only affected the ability to solve complex problem-solving skills. Furthermore, WMC affected the ability to solve complex HOTS problems, not non-complex ones. The ability of visual students to solve HOTS problems will greatly increase when the problems are presented in visual form. On the other hand, the obstacle for visual students in solving verbal problems was to present the problem appropriately in visual form. The obstacle for students with low WMC in solving complex HOTS problems was to find a solution that met all the requirements set in the problem.
higher order thinking skill problems learning style prospective mathematics teacher working memory capacity
Keywords: Higher-order thinking skill problems, learning style, prospective mathematics teacher, working memory capacity.
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