Integration of Chatbots in Additional Language Education: A Systematic Review
This comprehensive systematic review delves into the increasing prevalence of integrating chatbots into language education. The general objective is t.
- Pub. date: October 15, 2024
- Online Pub. date: June 03, 2024
- Pages: 1607-1625
- 2 Citations
- #Artificial intelligence
- # chatbot
- # computer-assisted learning language
- # foreign language learning.
This comprehensive systematic review delves into the increasing prevalence of integrating chatbots into language education. The general objective is to assess the current landscape of knowledge regarding chatbot utilisation and its influence on three crucial elements: students' skills, attitudes, and emotions. Additionally, the review seeks to scrutinise the advantages linked to incorporating chatbots in foreign language teaching, exploring their potential benefits while considering limitations and potential negative impacts on specific skills or user experiences. Consequently, this research offers valuable insights into the application of chatbots in foreign language education, shedding light on their potential advantages and areas that warrant further exploration and enhancement. The integration of chatbots in language learning, despite certain limitations, generally yields positive outcomes and enhances educational results in students' skills. Its characteristics can also influence a language learner's attitude, impacting factors such as motivation, interest, autonomy in learning, and engagement or even their sense of fun. Additionally, chatbots prove to be helpful in creating emotionally positive learning environments and can contribute to boosting students' self-esteem and self-confidence.
artificial intelligence chatbot computer assisted learning language foreign language learning
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, chatbot, computer-assisted learning language, foreign language learning.
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