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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

Integration of Programmed Instruction into Mathematics and Science Teaching: A Panacea to Students Dwindling Interest in Mathematics and Science in Nigerian Schools

Omoniyi Israel Oginni , Olabode Thomas Owolabi

This study examined Programmed Instruction (PI) a panacea to students’ dwindling interest in mathematics. Descriptive research of survey design .

  • Pub. date: July 15, 2012
  • Pages: 199-209
  • 3 Citations


This study examined Programmed Instruction (PI) a panacea to students’ dwindling interest in mathematics. Descriptive research of survey design was adopted for the study. A questionnaire was designed to collect data from a sample of seven hundred and fifty (750) respondents which include 700 Students and 50 Teachers from Public and Private Secondary Schools in Ado-Ekiti Local Government Area of Ekiti State in Nigeria. The study revealed that usage of programmed instruction beef up curiosity in mathematics students and resulted to greater retention and mastery of subject matter. Also, the study revealed that lack of trained personnel to help guide students in the use of programmed books, scarcity of programmed books in the society, high cost of procuring programmed books and machine and lack of necessary infrastructural facilities have been the factors militating against the implementation of programmed instruction in schools. Based on the findings, it was recommended that curriculum experts should develop various using the programmed instruction approach. Government should release fund for the development of programmed books and school authority should encourage their teachers to attend seminars and workshops, were they could gain knowledge of how to implement programmed instruction and other pedagogical skills that will enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics. Also, there should be provision of necessary infrastructural facilities in schools for easy implementation of programmed instruction.

Keywords: Programmed instruction, mathematics teaching, science teaching

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