Investigating the Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence Chatbots in Enhancing Digital Dialogue Skills for Students
The central focus of this study is exploring the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbots in enhancing digital dialogue for students. The st.
The central focus of this study is exploring the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbots in enhancing digital dialogue for students. The study investigates the key attributes of Chatbots that can contribute to the feasibility of facilitating digital dialogue to improve students' communication skills through discussions and dialogues. The study employed a descriptive method using a questionnaire to gather the perspectives of 35 educational experts on the use of AI Chatbots in digital dialogue skills. This study revealed that using AI Chatbots plays a crucial role in enhancing digital dialogue skills and can be effectively integrated into instructional practices to facilitate meaningful dialogue among students. Finally, the study recommends that educational technology specialists leverage new technologies, such as Al Chatbots to help improve student performance and facilitate digital dialogue in education.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Chatbots, digital dialogue, educational experts.
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