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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

Knowledge and Application toward Financial Topics in High School Students: A Parametric Study

Arturo Garcia-Santillan

The aim of the study focused on assessing the relationship between student's financial knowledge and their relationship with the use and applicati.

  • Pub. date: July 15, 2020
  • Pages: 905-919
  • 2 Citations


The aim of the study focused on assessing the relationship between student's financial knowledge and their relationship with the use and application of financial instruments. The test designed by Garcia-Santillan, Contreras-Rodriguez and Moreno-Garcia which integrates topics on money management, savings and investment, spending, credit and budgets, was used. 333 high school students were surveyed face to face and only 305 were validated. The internal consistency Cronbach’s Alpha of the scale was of α=.860 (34 items) and α=.855 (7 dimensions). For the hypothesis test, exploratory factor analysis and canonical correlational analysis were used. The main findings show the existence of three factors that explain the structure that underlies the phenomenon of financial knowledge and the use of financial techniques, and a significant relationship was found between the constructs of financial knowledge and the use and application of financial products.

Keywords: Financial education, financial literacy, financial services, students, Mexico.

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