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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

Lecture-Based and Project-Based Approaches to Instruction, Classroom Learning Environment, and Deep Learning

Inthira Paleenud , Krittika Tanprasert , Sakulkarn Waleeittipat

Institutions of higher education generally employ both lecture-based and project-based approaches to instruction. This study aims to investigate which.

  • Pub. date: April 15, 2024
  • Pages: 531-539
  • 2 Citations


Institutions of higher education generally employ both lecture-based and project-based approaches to instruction. This study aims to investigate which aspects of lectures and project-based instructional environments contribute to “deep” and “surface” approaches to student learning. We collected and compared survey data from undergraduate students taking a civil engineering course in which they were assigned to a section taught with lecture-based instruction (n = 181) or with project-based instruction (n = 142). Data analysis was performed after controlling for the effects of the motivational goal orientations of students. A positive correlation can be found between deep learning and higher levels of investigative culture and student involvement in the project-based classroom. Additionally, we found that higher levels of task orientation in the project-based classroom had an inverse correlation with a “surface approach”. We discussed the value of an investigative and participatory learning atmosphere for student approach to learning and its curricular implications for the design of project-based and lecture-based instruction.

Keywords: Approaches to learning, classroom learning environment, deep learning, project-based learning.

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