Peer Tutoring Learning Strategies in Mathematics Subjects: Systematic Literature Review
Riyan Hidayat
Nurihan Nasir
Sobiratul Asiah Mohamad Fadzli
Nurul Syahirah Rusli
Nur Najiha Kamaruzzaman
Victor Yii Zi Sheng
Nur Husna Hayati Mohammad
Afifah Shabirah Shukeri
The peer tutoring approach is a student-cantered teaching method in which students learn in pairs with teacher supervision. The study discussed in thi.
- Pub. date: July 15, 2023
- Pages: 1407-1423
- 3 Citations
- #Mathematics education
- # peer-assisted learning
- # peer tutoring
- # systematic literature review.
The peer tutoring approach is a student-cantered teaching method in which students learn in pairs with teacher supervision. The study discussed in this paper is a systematic literature review related to the effectiveness of peer tutoring approaches which has been published within the last 5 years. A complete text analysis was conducted using 20 research papers stating the impact of the peer mentoring approach for this writing. Among the things obtained from previous studies are the variety of ways to implement peer tutoring approach, the impact on 3 aspects in students which are mathematical achievement, social skills and cognitive skills and the teaching theories used. The findings of the study indicate that most past studies used quantitative research methods with the concept of age peer approach. Then, constructivism theory was the most frequently applied with a sample of high school students. In conclusion, this systematic literature review shows that the peer tutoring approach in mathematics education has many benefits in various aspects and needs to be extended to improve the quality of education.
mathematics education peer assisted learning peer tutoring prisma systematic literature review
Keywords: Mathematics education, peer-assisted learning, peer tutoring, PRISMA, systematic literature review.
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