Principal's Innovation and Entrepreneurial Leadership to Establish a Positive Learning Environment
A positive learning environment can be achieved if all the school members follow the principal's learning process. The paper aims to study and ana.
A positive learning environment can be achieved if all the school members follow the principal's learning process. The paper aims to study and analyze the principal's implementation of innovation and entrepreneurial leadership in creating a learning environment. The research is conducted qualitatively through a case study. The research subjects were determined using purposive sampling, while the data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation study. The data were then analyzed descriptively qualitatively using the Atlas.ti software. The results show that the principal has implemented the entrepreneurial leadership employing two main principles to create a learning environment. First, the principal regulates organizational growth through optimization, communication, motivation, monitoring, controlling, role model, and empowerment. The principal makes some innovation through several steps: vision building, staff development, and restructuring. This kind of leadership can create a comfortable and fun learning environment. As a result, all school members can follow the learning process and create innovative products, as well as making some progress in academic and non-academic achievements. The research findings imply a recommendation for the school's program in that a principal's entrepreneurial and innovative leadership is one of the critical factors in learning.
Keywords: Principal, entrepreneurial leadership, innovation, learning environment..
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