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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

Promoting Outcomes-Based Instructional Materials: Testing the Effectiveness of Print Modules for Business Students

Analyn V. Inarda

Education delivers systematic instruction so effective learning acquisition may take place. It molds students into holistic well-being to contribute t.


Education delivers systematic instruction so effective learning acquisition may take place. It molds students into holistic well-being to contribute to various industries; hence, relevant competencies are developed. Strengthening education significantly encompasses the production of formfitting and distinct instructional materials to invite a sequential way of presenting quality instruction. This research is focused on knowing the effectiveness of the modules developed in Human Resource Management for Filipino business students. Specifically, it is developmental research and utilizes a pretest and post-test control group design. Numerical data were supported by phenomenological interviews, strengthening the study's results. It involved 80 college students classified as the experimental and control group. Moreover, the interview includes 10 participants. Findings reveal that utilizing the modules realized the increase in performance of the experimental group due to their exposure to the materials. However, one of the pitfalls has been revealed in utilizing self-directed learning material; thus, academic performance will only improve if students are organized to set their own goals and learning pace. Using outcomes-based instructional materials leads to substantiating learning, effectively enticing learners' interest. It maximizes students' motivation and participation since topics are well-planned and designed comprehensively. The materials are an essential tool in inviting the enthusiasm of business students to engage in learning. These are valuable means to encourage independent learning without sacrificing the competencies to be learned and applied by the learners.

Keywords: Business students, human resource management, methodological triangulation, outcomes-based education, print modules.

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