Relations Among Psychological Resilience, Exam Anxiety, and School Satisfaction in a Large Sample of Azerbaijani Adolescents
Elnur Rustamov
Matanat Aliyeva
Ulviyya Nahmatova
Fuad Asadov
Gulay Mammadzada
The purpose of this study was to examine whether exam anxiety played a role as a mediator in the relationship between psychological resilience and sch.
The purpose of this study was to examine whether exam anxiety played a role as a mediator in the relationship between psychological resilience and school satisfaction in a large sample of adolescents (N = 1819; Mage = 15.16, SD = 0.95) who live in different regions of Azerbaijan. Adolescents’ psychological resilience was positively associated with school satisfaction, whereas their exam anxiety level was negatively associated with school satisfaction. Structural equation modeling results showed that exam anxiety partially mediated the relationships between psychological resilience and school satisfaction. Therefore, the indirect effect of psychological resilience on school satisfaction through exam anxiety was also statistically significant.
Keywords: Adolescent, exam anxiety, psychological resilience, school satisfaction.
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