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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

' practical setting' Search Results

Predictors of Dropout Intention in French Secondary School Students: The Role of Test Anxiety, School Burnout, and Academic Achievement

academic achievement intention to leave school school burnout school demands test anxiety

Chloé Sperduto , Fabien Fenouillet , Christophe Boujon , Marie Oger , Charles Martin-Krumm , Evgeny Osin


School dropout intention and reduced academic achievement are two crucial indicators of school dropout risk. Past studies have shown that school performance plays a mediating role in the models explaining dropout intentions. School burnout and test anxiety have been identified as predictors of both academic performance and school dropout. However, their combined effects on the intention to leave school have not yet been investigated. We aimed to address this gap by exploring the predictors of school dropout intention in a sample of 205 French secondary school students. Structural equation modelling analyses have revealed the specific facets of school burnout (devaluation) and test anxiety (cognitive interference) that explained the school dropout intentions and academic performance. Grade Point Average (GPA) was a mediator of the effects of these variables on the intention to drop out of school. The findings highlight the need to acknowledge assessments as a school stress factor that could contribute to health problems and intentions to drop out of school.

description Abstract
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Pages: 1901-1915
cloud_download 210
visibility 936
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The Effect of Work-Based Learning on Employability Skills: The Role of Self-Efficacy and Vocational Identity

employability self-efficacy vocational identity work-based learning

Suyitno Suyitno , Muhammad Nurtanto , Dwi Jatmoko , Yuli Widiyono , Riawan Yudi Purwoko , Fuad Abdillah , Setuju , Yudan Hermawan


Work-based learning (WBL) is an important tool for enhancing students' employability skills in vocational education and training. Many studies have underlined the importance of a variable of WBL, self-efficacy, and vocational identity in developing vocational students' employability skills. Nonetheless, the research is limited and examined separately. Therefore, this study investigates how WBL, self-efficacy, and vocational identity influence employability skills and how self-efficacy moderates between WBL and employability skills. Four hundred and three state university students in Yogyakarta were involved in the data collection. This study used structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis to test its hypothesis. The results of the study revealed that the implementation of WBL did not have a direct effect on employability skills; however, self-efficacy was able to moderate the relationship between WBL and employability skills. However, WBL directly influences vocational identity, which in turn directly influences employability skills, while self-efficacy also directly influences employability skills. This research has important implications for improving learning that can improve students' self-efficacy skills in an effort to build students' employability skills in vocational education and training.

description Abstract
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Pages: 309-321
cloud_download 203
visibility 1790
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