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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

' quality of preschool education.' Search Results


The role of preschool teachers in supporting children’s language development is unquestionably substantial. To ensure the quality of preschool teachers’ performance in this specific task, various assessing instruments have been developed and justified in recent years. This study joins such efforts by investigating a new scale based on the “Framework for assessing preschool teacher competence in promoting children’s language development” proposed by a previous research. The scale’s psychometric properties are examined with a sample of 685 Vietnamese preschool teachers. The results supported the four-factor model suggested by the original authors and confirmed its reliability and validity. Finally, further usages of the scale are discussed.

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Pages: 2167-2179
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visibility 1213
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Generalization of Patterns Drawing of High-Performance Students Based on Action, Process, Object, and Schema Theory

apos generalization high-performance pattern drawing

Andi Mulawakkan Firdaus , Wasilatul Murtafiah , Marheny Lukitasari , Nurcholif Diah Sri Lestari , Tias Ernawati , Sri Adi Widodo


This study is qualitative with descriptive and aims to determine the process of generalizing the pattern image of high performance students based on the action, process, object, and schema (APOS) theory. The participants in this study were high performance eighth-grade Indonesian junior high school. Assignments and examinations to gauge mathematical aptitude and interviews were used to collect data for the study. The stages of qualitative analysis include data reduction, data presentation, and generating conclusions. This study showed that when given a sequence using a pattern drawing, the subjects used a number sequence pattern to calculate the value of the next term. Students in the action stage interiorize and coordinate by collecting prints from each sequence of numbers in the process stage. After that, they do a reversal so that at the object stage, students do encapsulation, then decapsulate by evaluating the patterns observed and validating the number series patterns they find. Students explain the generalization quality of number sequence patterns at the schema stage by connecting activities, processes, and objects from one concept to actions, processes, and things from other ideas. In addition, students carry out thematization at the schematic stage by connecting existing pattern drawing concepts with general sequences. From these results, it is recommended to improve the problem-solving skill in mathematical pattern problems based on problem-solving by high performance students', such as worksheets for students.

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Pages: 421-433
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The primary objective of this study is to require the experts’ unanimous agreement on the e-learning antecedents and usage behavior towards e-learning performance. This study used the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) to gather answers and feedback using a 7-point Likert scale. The survey (items) was reviewed and approved by eight panel members or experts. It was analyzed using Fuzzy Delphi Logic (FUDELO 1.0) software. The data were evaluated using triangular fuzzy numbering and the position (ranking) of each variable was established through defuzzification. The findings revealed that all of the items received high levels of expert agreement, significantly greater α-cut defuzzification values >.5, the overall value of the threshold (d) is less than .2 and had to comply with the overall percentage of percent consensus, which must be greater than 75%. All 45 recommended items were retained adequately and acceptable for a large-scale survey in this study. Finally, each item was prioritized (ranked) based on the defuzzification value, and then some additional items were added, as recommended by experts.

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Pages: 467-480
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The purpose of the current study was to analyze social media content related to physical education. In the context of summative qualitative content analysis, I took advantage of big data analytics to access the data. Machine learning of this big data mapped the large content volume from four major social media platforms. The data was collected by extracting social media posts from January to December 2020. The big data analysis process sorted, categorized, and classified the enormous data into several preeminent topics regarding PE. These computerized analyzes were used to identify themes that were further analyzed using qualitative methods. The results revealed two overarching themes. These themes were (a) PE representation as a school subject and (b) the images of PE teachers on social media. The second theme consisted of three subthemes: masculine traits of PE teachers and negative and positive sentiments toward these teachers. I concluded that key aspects of PE discourse in virtually mediated reality share topical characteristics with what people have previously socially constructed. However, the themes offer a new addition to the literature in that the analysis offers a new perspective on ongoing debates about the social construction of PE through enormous large data sets.

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Pages: 891-900
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Advertising Management of Early Childhood Education Institution: Challenges, Opportunities, and Development

advertising management early childhood education education promotion management technology

Upik Elok Endang Rasmani , Alfan Sarifudin , Siti Wahyuningsih , Novita Eka Nurjanah , Jumiatmoko , Nurul Shofiatin Zuhro , Anjar Fitrianingtyas , Bambang Winarji , Yuanita Kristiani Wahyu Widiastuti


Advertising or promotion management analyses, plans, and monitors programs to create target market exchanges and achieve institutional goals. Early childhood education (ECE) is an educational institution needing advertising management. This study examines the implementation of ECE advertising management in terms of challenges, opportunities, and developments. This study showed two major areas: 1) practitioners were more innovative and creative in using technology to develop advertising management, and 2) the educational institution got better recognition from society, especially parents. This study uses the literature study method, assisted by the publish perish application, to find reference sources related to educational advertising management for ECE. The study showed that the ability of schools and teachers to provide services based on consumers’ demands influenced the implementation of organisational advertising management challenges. Meanwhile, advertising management developments were sometimes affected by the actions of the advertising media. Social media informed consumers about the institution without spending more money and effort.

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Pages: 1731-1742
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visibility 1471
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This study aimed to investigate the relationship between teacher professional development, quality of lecture design, student engagement, teacher technical skills, pedagogical content knowledge and teacher satisfaction in using Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Powered Facilitator for designing lectures. The study used a non-random sample technique, and 208 participants answered a survey via Google Form after one semester, using a 5-point Likert scale to rate their responses. The structural equation model was used to analyze the data, and six factors were included in the study. The study confirmed hypotheses that teacher professional development, quality of lecture design, student engagement, and pedagogical content knowledge have a positive effect on teacher satisfaction. However, the study also revealed that teacher technical skills have a negative effect on teacher satisfaction, and pedagogical content knowledge has no significant effect. The proposed conceptual model explained 55.7% of the variance in teacher satisfaction Theoretical and practical implications were also discussed. These findings provide insights into the factors that contribute to teacher satisfaction in utilizing AI-Powered Facilitator for designing lectures and could inform the development of effective teacher training programs.

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Pages: 219-231
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Preschool Teachers’ Issues and Beliefs in English Language Teaching: A Systematic Review (2012-2022)

belief elt in preschool issues preschool teacher

Mohamad Iskanda Mohamad , Muar Suziyani Mohamed , Kamariah Abu-Bakar


The introduction of English language teaching (ELT) at the preschool level has been widely discussed by researchers. While most agree with ELT at preschool level, considerable issues are faced in learning a second, third, or foreign language. Therefore, this systematic review discusses the issues preschool teachers face in implementing ELT and their beliefs on how ELT should be applied to young children. Using three renowned databases, namely Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), and Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC), 34 articles were extracted out of 85 articles, from 2012 to 2022, with exclusion and inclusion criteria taken into consideration. The findings of this study showcased eight main issues faced by preschool teachers in implementing ELT: English language proficiency, pedagogical skills, teacher perception, curriculum, teaching resources, training, socio-cultural, and classroom environment. In terms of preschool teachers' beliefs about ELT, there are four main issues: Bilingual education, children's characteristics, curriculum alteration, and teachers’ experience. Generally, these findings will guide teachers, responsible authorities, and researchers to acquire an overview of the actual issues that occur in the implementation of ELT in preschools as well as the appropriate measures to overcome them, starting from the preschool teachers' beliefs.

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Pages: 279-296
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visibility 1699
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Research on STEM in Early Childhood Education from 1992 to 2022: A Bibliometric Analysis from the Web of Science Database

bibliometric early childhood education stem education web of science

Thi-Lam Bui , Thanh-Huong Nguyen , Manh-Tuan Nguyen , Thi-Tham Tran , Thi-Luyen Nguyen , Viet-Nhi Tran , Ut Phuong Dang , Cam-Tu Vu , Anh-Duc Hoang


STEM education is an irreplaceable movement of educational systems across the globe in the 21st century. Both Pre-K, K-12, and higher education institutions consider STEM as an innovative approach to integrate and reform the teaching and learning processes. The purpose of this paper is to examine the development of studies on STEM in the Early Childhood Education context from 1992 to 2022. We investigated a dataset of 308 scholarly works from the Clarivate Web of Science database and figured a diversified collection of research focuses on topics such as children’s readiness, outcomes, teachers’ competency in designing and implementing STEM activities, and the role of computational thinking and robotics. The findings of this paper revealed the dominant contribution of researchers from the USA regarding research quantity and impact, as well as their collaborations with researchers from Western countries. In addition, we also figured out the top influencing authors, documents, and journals as a suggestion for scholars who are new to this topic. However, we would like to note that our findings depended on the quality of the imported database from the WoS system, which covers top-tier journals only.

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Pages: 1057-1075
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visibility 3705
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Scientific Information and Validation Criteria in Kindergarten Teachers: An Exploratory Study in Chile

early childhood educators early childhood education evaluation criteria sources of information

Sergio Sepúlveda-Vallejos , Alejandro Almonacid-Fierro , María Isabel Cifo , Andrew Philominraj


Teaching is a demanding and complex exercise, exposed to the direct or immediate resolution of multiple problematic situations, whether pedagogical, relational, or socio-affective. The teacher's personal resources are often insufficient to cope with the profession's demands. The research reports that there is a gap between research and educational practice. Hence, the objective of this research was to analyze the criteria used by early childhood educators to attribute validity to the written sources of information that guide their pedagogical decisions. The present study follows a qualitative research methodology. The sample for this study was non-probabilistic and consisted of 18 early childhood educators who participated through semi-structured interviews and discussion groups. The data obtained were analyzed by inductive categorization using NVivo 14. The findings revealed that the validity criteria assigned by the educators about the sources of information related to theoretical aspects is mainly attributed to the texts and authors they know, while those referring to practical aspects are attributed to their own experiences or the other educators at the same level. The results showed that specific information and obtaining it in the shortest possible time were the criteria that determined the use of information sources.

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Pages: 1507-1518
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visibility 1393
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Since psychological satisfaction is influenced by the interaction between individuals and their environment, it is necessary to create a cooperative climate at the organizational level and strengthen collective innovativeness at the individual level to improve teachers' job satisfaction. Therefore, the study investigated whether collective innovativeness can be mediated by the school climate to enhance teacher job satisfaction. This study extensively examined survey data with a sample of 3,976 teachers in Shanghai through Structural Equation Modeling, obtained from Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS). The findings revealed that teachers' collective innovativeness served as a significant mediator between school climate and job satisfaction. Furthermore, higher levels of collective innovativeness among teachers amplified the influence of school climate on their job satisfaction. These findings show that schools should strive to foster a collaborative school climate and provide support for teachers in implementing innovative and collaborative teaching activities with the aim of enhancing their job satisfaction. Above all, efforts are needed to support teachers' active and cooperative practice capabilities in building teacher-student relationships.

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Pages: 1573-1585
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visibility 1331
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This study aimed to optimize critical thinking by empowering reflective and impulsive students' collaboration, communication, and information literacy skills through information literacy-oriented e-books in STEM-integrated problem-based learning (PBL). The research method used was a descriptive explorative approach. The study subjects consisted of five reflective students and five impulsive students. The measurement of cognitive style used the Matching Familiar Figure Test (MFFT) instrument. Collaboration skills were assessed through observation sheets, critical thinking and communication skills were assessed through student worksheets based on problem-solving tasks, and information literacy was assessed through a questionnaire. The study found that reflective students excelled in critical thinking and information literacy, while impulsive students demonstrated superior collaboration skills. As for communication skills, reflective and impulsive students have different advantages for each indicator of communication skills. This study can conclude that implementing information literacy-oriented e-books through STEM-integrated PBL can optimize reflective and impulsive students' critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and information literacy skills. The implication of this study is the importance of integrating 21st century skills holistically in learning practices, especially in the digital era, to prepare the younger generation to face the challenges of the 21st century.

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Pages: 151-166
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This paper presents the results of an action research conducted in a kindergarten in Sarajevo Canton. The participants were four female kindergarten educators who collaborated with two university professors who took the role of research leaders and moderators of reflective meetings. The action research was conceived as a model of professional development for preschool teachers in the Reggio pedagogy field, aiming to develop the skill of documenting pedagogical observation and the competence of implementing reflective practice (RP below the text) based on the Reggio principles. Data were collected on two levels: the educators documented their educational practice (photos, transcripts, videos, etc.), which was the basic material for analysis at collaborative reflective meetings, and all of it was documented by the research leaders. The data were analyzed simultaneously during the research (to decide on further action) and finally at the end of the research. The results of the research indicate that the action research raised awareness of the elements of traditional educational practice and developed the skills of pedagogical documentation management and the skill of implementing RP. Considering the limited time period for the realization of the research (14 months), significant but not optimal results were achieved, and there is still room for further progress in terms of improving the skills of keeping records and the capacity of RP implementation. It is necessary to systematically provide support for the professional development of educators through the development of reflective learning communities in kindergartens instead of the one-off and lecture-based forms that are offered.

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Pages: 335-348
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