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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

'Observation' Search Results


Despite its well-documented benefits for training a wide range of professionals, including teacher candidates in almost all content areas, the incorporation of service-learning into foreign language teacher education is relatively new, and most research only dealt with narrative accounts of non-work-related charitable activities. Consequently, this study sought to investigate the impact of the 20-hour peer-tutoring project on the teaching beliefs, community service attitudes, personal and professional development of 14 Turkish EFL teacher candidates. A comparison between their pre- and post-service metaphors revealed a conceptual shift not only in their teaching perspectives from the behaviorist to constructivist paradigm for knowledge acquisition, but also in their community partnership approaches from the unidirectional to reciprocal pattern of altruism towards their tutees. The classification of their written reflections into six types of significant learning demonstrated that despite a relatively greater focus on expressing their foundational knowledge and application practices, a more balanced distribution of learning gains was achieved between the two overarching spheres of academic learning and personal growth, when coursework engagement and multimodal reflections were co-implemented. They reported developing effective teacher dispositions, interpersonal skills and social responsibility, valued intrinsic rewards for their contributions to the youth well-being, and also appreciated the informal professional learning opportunities the peer-tutoring service offered, though without establishing their own learning agendas.

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Pages: 1-17
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visibility 1972
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Aggression in early childhood is considered to a common problem. Identification, reduction and prevention of aggression, especially in early childhood are also considered prevalent. Preschool teachers are known as one of the most important people in children’s lives as they are the first ones to meet the child after parents. Therefore, they hold an important role in identifying, reducing and preventing child aggression observed in early childhood. The purpose of the present study is to examine the knowledge and the awareness levels of preschool teachers about aggression and aggressive behaviours. The study is based on phenomenological approach, as one of the qualitative research designs. A semi-structured interview form, prepared for the study based on expert opinions, was applied to the participants. On the light of the findings from the preliminary findings, the related form was applied to a second group of teachers over the internet. Besides, an additional scale consisting of the items of two different instruments directed to determine the aggressive behaviours of preschool children were formed and applied to the second group of participants. The last scale, which was prepared depending on the findings obtained from the second group of teachers, was applied to a third group of participants because the first two participant groups could not recognize and define relational aggression. The relevant themes and sub-themes were created from the data obtained and the findings were discussed within the scope of the literature. According to the results of the study, it was seen that preschool teachers generally defined aggression as physical and verbal harm, and similarly, aggressive behaviours were categorized under physical aggression and verbal aggression types. It was determined that teachers generally recognized relational aggression when they saw the items related to it in the scale. However, they hardly emphasized it while they were defining aggression. So, it can be said that preschool teachers have limited knowledge and awareness of relational aggression as they recognize it only when they see it but can neither define nor name it. The results are discussed and some suggestions are recommended.

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Pages: 471-487
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Summative assessment of students' writing predicts not only the extent to which the course learning objectives have been achieved but also reveals the relevance of the assessment design with the construct of writing being assessed. Any dichotomy between the assessment criteria and the construct of writing or between the assessment criteria and test scoring procedures can produce unreliable and invalid interpretations of the students' writing proficiency. Assuming cohesion as a measure of writing quality, the present study chose samples of academic writing which did not specify cohesion as a descriptor in the assessment scale. A cohesion index was, therefore, developed to investigate how cohesive devices created texture in the sample texts and correlated with the test scores. Descriptive statistics and non-parametric correlation analysis revealed that cohesive devices were positively associated with appropriate use to create texture; however, they only weakly correlated with the test scores. The findings imply that there is the need for developing assessment criteria which consistently measures the text-forming resources to reliably ascertain the writing proficiency of the students. The study recommends a research initiative based on an analytical assessment criteria to ensure a more accurate analysis of the role of cohesion in text-formation and writing quality.

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Pages: 523-535
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Readiness and Competence of New Teachers for Career as Professional Teachers in Primary Schools

new teacher career new teacher readiness new teacher competence professional teacher teacher professional education

J. Julia , Herman Subarjah , M. Maulana , Atep Sujana , I. Isrokatun , Dadan Nugraha , Dewi Rachmatin


This study aims at exploring the problem of the readiness and competence of new teachers to teach in primary schools. This study specifically focuses on identifying the readiness of new teachers to conduct teaching professionally, and analyzing their competence in conducting teaching. This study employs a mixed-method research design with data collected from two different approaches: a qualitative approach by conducting interviews and observation, and a quantitative approach by conducting a survey. The data were collected from lecturers, graduate teachers working as teachers, graduate teachers working not as teachers, and users of graduate teachers. The results of data collection and analysis were made into several themes. The results showed that the majority of graduates were ready to join the workforce as professional teachers with the risk that they had to accept the lack of welfare and legitimacy as unprofessional teachers because they had to attend further professional education programs. The education provided by the lecturers during their study in their institution in the aspects of knowledge and skills in the field of study and pedagogy became the foundation for new teachers in starting their careers as professional teachers in schools. A good educational process had produced teachers who have competencies with good categories in various aspects.

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Pages: 655-673
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This research aims to reveal the pattern of the multiculturalism-based civics education at higher education institutions in Surakarta, Indonesia. It applied the descriptive qualitative method with the dual case study approach, conducted at State University of Sebelas Maret and Slamet Riyadi University in Surakarta. The data were collected through observation and interviews to find the answers to the research questions in the field. The data were analysed using the interactive technique, consisting of data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The result shows that the teaching of multiculturalism-based civics education at State University of Sebelas Maret and Slamet Riyadi University has almost the same pattern, that is media-assisted teaching pattern and is always conducted by considering the material integration dimension, knowledge construction dimension, prejudice minimization dimension, equal rights to education dimension, and the dimension of school culture empowerment and social structure from the planning stage to teaching implementation and evaluation stages. The research findings suggest that the students of universities in Surakarta should be able to implement the goal of the teaching of civics education in universities, and the lecturers should always improve the materials, content, method, and strategies of the teaching of multiculturalism-based civics education.

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Pages: 799-807
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visibility 1663
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The present study aims at investigating some English speaking problems found by the students of English language education department at State Islamic Institute of Kudus and exploring some implications for speaking curriculum development of English language education department. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach and the data were taken from semi-structured interviews, observation and focus group discussion (FGD). The results of the analysis reveal that the problems encountered by the students in English language education department in speaking English cover the lack of appropriate vocabulary, the lack of grammar mastery, the lack of correct pronunciation, the lack of input of English outside the class, the lack of confidence and the lack of English speaking curriculum development. There have been some implications for developing English speaking curriculum. First, the curriculum of speaking should be well designed. Second, lecturers should design English speaking curriculum integrated by technology and social media that makes students to enrich some culture, knowledge and experience around the world. Third, lecturers should facilitate the English speaking curriculum with the English speaking community so that the students will have more chance to speak English inside and outside the class.

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Pages: 967-977
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visibility 4204
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The ability to think critically and creatively is essential for students to be able to face the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0. Lectures must be designed to enhance students’ critical and creative thinking skills. This study aims to examine the implementation of problem-based learning in learning management information systems courses to improve students critical and creative thinking skills. The research design carried out was classroom action research. The subject in this study was students of Economics Education, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang. The research was conducted in April-May 2019. The procedure for implementing class action research are two cycles (plan, action, observation, and reflection). The research data was taken by observation and interview methods. The data analysis method used is descriptive quantitative and qualitative methods. The results showed that two class action research cycles were well implemented. The application of the problem-based learning method can improve students’ critical and creative thinking skills. Students are able to solve a given case by doing the right analysis and being able to provide alternative solutions. Students consider the learning process to be more exciting and challenging. Students can express their opinions well in front of the class. The implication of this research is that lecturers can apply PBL with various combinations of learning strategies to improve students' critical and creative thinking skills.

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Pages: 1141-1150
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visibility 5359
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Involving Stakeholders in Shaping Educational Legislation and Policy in Ukraine

: education educational reform shaping educational legislation bottom-up approach

Valentyna Bobrytska , Elvira Luzik , Tatiana Reva , Yevheniy Spitsin , Victoria Akmaldinova


The purpose of this research was to explore how effective the bottom-up approach to producing and shaping educational legislation is in Ukraine and to identify what observed changes take place in students if the bottom-up approach is simulated in the classroom. Qualitative instruments and observational data were used to yield the data. Those were a survey questionnaire, semi-structured interview questionnaire, and focus group discussion observation checklists and moderators’ and facilitators’ reports. The data were processed using IBM SPSS Statistics Software. The results of the study suggest the bottom-up approach to shaping educational legislation can be considered an option or an alternative to the conventional law-making procedure, at least in the sphere of education, in Ukraine. The use of mock policymaking experience has proven to be an efficient teaching tool. The application of the simulation of the bottom-up approach in the courses entitled “Educational policy” and “National Education Policy” was found to have the potential to encourage students to participate in the processes of shaping education policy, legislation, and regulation. The approach accelerated the desire of the students to participate in the processes of shaping education policy, legislation, and regulation. It also brought a change to the students’ vision of the school structure, the content of education, and the way the teacher is motivated. The intervention also brought a positive change to the students’ behaviour as citizens and their motivation as teachers-to-be.

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Pages: 1189-1200
cloud_download 539
visibility 1358
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This study aims to identify students’ approaches toward courses lectured by visual arts teachers with elements of popular culture with a view to enabling students to attain 7th grade targeted achievements. To this end, the multiple-case design, one of the qualitative research methods, was utilized in the study. The sample of the study comprised 11 visual arts teachers working at secondary schools located in three central districts of the Bursa province of Turkey. As the data collection tools, two interview forms and document review were used. The obtained findings were evaluated through the thematic analysis technique and were compiled under the theme of ‘implications on students’. As per the research results, it was discerned that there were certain differences in the students’ approaches toward the course along with employment of elements of popular culture in the visual arts course. It may be alleged that, of these differences, the primary ones were attraction of students’ attention to the course, active participation into the course and facilitation of comprehension.

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Pages: 1201-1210
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visibility 1221
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Development of Interactive Multimedia Learning Courseware to Strengthen Students’ Character

interactive multimedia observational learning national historical event character

An-nisa Nur Sholihah Indah Septiani , Triana Rejekiningsih , Triyanto , Rusnaini


The development of information technology rapidly has an impact on the changing paradigm of education. On the other hand, education holds an important responsibility to create students who have a good and strong character. This research aims to: 1) describe the concept and framework of interactive multimedia courseware; 2) test the feasibility of interactive multimedia courseware by experts and practitioners; 3) test student responses to the use of interactive multimedia courseware. This research and development involved experts, teachers, and students. The data were collected using expert validation sheets, teacher questionnaires, and student questionnaires. They were then analyzed using the descriptive statistics analysis based on mean and percentage. This research yielded interactive multimedia courseware called IMONEC (Interactive Multimedia courseware integrated with Bandura’s Observational learning model and National historical Event to strengthen students' Character) that integrates three important components: the principles of interactive multimedia learning; Bandura's observational learning model; and the noble values and messages of national historical events to strengthen students' characters. The framework of the interactive multimedia courseware consists of the title, user instruction, home, core competency and basic competency, concept map of material, learning material, and quizzes. The results of the expert validation, teacher questionnaire, and student questionnaire showed that the interactive multimedia courseware is feasible for use in learning and effective in strengthening students’ characters.

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Pages: 1267-1279
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visibility 4189
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New Inquiry-Based Learning (NIBL) was developed to improve students’ multiple higher-order thinking skills (MHOTS), such as thinking critically, analytically, creatively, and practically (CACP). This study aimed to examine the increase of students’ MHOTS ability, their perceptions of the NIBL model, and the contribution of the NIBL model to the learning outcomes.  A quasi-experiment of the nonequivalent control group design was implemented in this study. Research subjects were university students majoring in chemistry education and enrolling in the Organic Chemistry course. The experiment and the control groups consisted of 34 and 32 students, respectively. The collected data were analyzed by using t-test and ANCOVA procedures. N-Gain scores were calculated to measure the differences in the increase in learning outcomes. Eta square values measured the contribution of NIBL. The results of this study revealed that there were differences in the learning outcomes of the experiment and control group. The CACP thinking skills and the mastery of organic chemistry concepts of the experiment group increased significantly. The N-Gain scores of practical thinking skills aspect were on medium category, and for critical, analytical, and creative thinking, as well as for mastery of organic chemistry concepts were on high categories. For the control group, the N-Gain scores of all categories were on low or medium categories. The NIBL model effectively improved the prospective chemistry teachers’ M-HOTS in terms of CACP thinking skills and contributed significantly to the increase in the students’ mastery of organic chemistry concepts.

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Pages: 1309-1325
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visibility 1912
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This study aimed at analyzing the implementation of authentic assessments and constraints faced by junior high schools' teachers in mathematics teaching. A qualitative approach was applied in the study. The data on the implementation of authentic assessments and constraints were obtained from 50 mathematics teachers in several public junior high schools in Malang City, East Java Province-Indonesia, trained by the 2013 curriculum. Documentation, questionnaires, observations, and interviews were used to collect the data. The study results showed that most teachers implemented authentic assessments in mathematics teaching as designed in the learning plan. The obstacles faced by the teachers in the implementation of the authentic assessment included the time limit and accuracy. The efforts made by the teachers varied, but the teachers tried to administer the authentic assessment properly following the demands of the curriculum.

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Pages: 1491-1502
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This article highlights the main ideas that underlie the differences in potential pragmatic knowledge constructs students experience when solving problems, between the zone of proximal development (ZPD) and the zone of potential construction (ZPC). This qualitative research is based on a phenomenological approach to finding the meaning of things that are fundamental and essential from the ZPD and ZPC phenomena. Researchers observed mathematics learning by a teacher on 24 fourth-grade students who were divided into groups A (high IQ) and B (low IQ). Data collection through tests, observation, and interviews. While the validity of the data is done through triangulation of methods and triangulation of sources. The results showed that students of the Upper (A) group had high IQ but small ZPD and ZPC. In contrast, students in the Lower (B) group have low IQ but large ZPD and ZPC. This result means that intelligence (IQ) is measured not only logically-mathematically but also in the verbal-linguistic and spatial-visual fields. The conclusion is that there are differences in the construction of students' knowledge in the learning zone. This difference occurs because the knowledge constructs that the students have previously had an effect on the accommodation process of the schemes that students have built while in the proximal development zone (ZPD) where scaffolding works. Meanwhile, the potential construction zone (ZPC) is not sufficient to describe the real development of students. However, it only reflects what students have accomplished.

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Pages: 341-351
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visibility 2079
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The implementation of Lesson Study (LS) varies considerably across countries and institutions and is still in a phase of adaptation and experimentation. This article explains the result and the process of a school-based initiative endeavor to implement LS at a suburban elementary in Padang, Indonesia. The study involved 13 teachers, the principal and 6 classes of students. The data were collected through observation and interview. They were classified on the basis of three noticeable emerging themes- teacher collaboration, scaffolding, and reflection. The data were analyzed qualitatively. The results of data analysis reveal a promising improvement in these aspects. Implementing school- support LS increased by weaving the concept into practice helped teachers develop their professionalism gradually. It was obvious that the teachers felt more at ease to work collaboratively when they designed the lesson. This also affected their design which showed more meaningful learning activities and challenging tasks. Then, the teachers improved the way they scaffolded the pupils. The content of reflection and the way the results of reflection were conveyed became better. The principal’s support and the teachers’ strong willingness to elevate their quality apparently took an important role. In spite of that, there were some challenges in carrying out collaboration, providing appropriate scaffolding, and doing reflection. Changing the teachers’ common practice to LS apparently needs some adjustment and time.

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Pages: 1513-1526
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visibility 1919
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Development of E-Learning Oriented Inquiry Learning Based on Character Education in Multimedia Course

e-learning inquiry learning character education multimedia

I Kadek Suartama , Eges Triwahyuni , Sukardi Abbas , Wiwik Dwi Hastuti , Usman M , Singgih Subiyantoro , Umar , Mohammad Salehudin


The study aimed to: 1) determine the e-learning design oriented inquiry learning based on character education in multimedia courses, 2) find out the feasibility of e-learning oriented inquiry learning based on character education in multimedia courses, 3) identify the effectiveness of e-learning oriented inquiry learning based on character education in multimedia courses. This study employed the research and development design. The research and development model used is the Borg & Gall model. The subjects involved in the feasibility test were 8th semester and 2015-2016 academic year students, while the subjects included in the effectiveness test were the 7th semester and 2016-2017 academic year students of Educational Technology Department Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. The instruments used to collect data in this study were questionnaires, learning outcome tests, and character behavior observation sheets. Descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistics (t-test) were used to analyze the data. The results indicated significant differences in learning outcomes of the 7th semester and 2016-2017 academic year students learning multimedia courses, before and after using Edutech Smart e-learning. The study concluded that that the learning media developed are effective to enhance the quality of learning in multimedia learning. Efforts should be made to develop e-learning by optimizing more varied presentation methods.

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Pages: 1591-1603
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Development of Learning Methods through Songs and Movements to Improve Children’s Cognitive and Psychomotor Aspects

cognitive development psychomotor song and movement

Tri Supartini , Ivan Th. J. Weismann , Hengki Wijaya , Helaluddin


Cognitive and psychomotor are two aspects that play an important role in children’s development, especially at the pre-school age. This study aims to create and test products in the form of learning methods with song and movement to improve children's cognitive and psychomotor aspects. This research is a research and development using 4D theory from Thiagarajan, Semmel, and Semmel. There are four phases in this research, namely the define phase, product design, product development, and dissemination. Data analysis used in this study was a qualitative and quantitative approach using instruments in the form of questionnaires, product validation sheets, and learning observation sheets. The collected data is then analyzed using two analytical techniques: (1) qualitative data with content analysis techniques and (2) quantitative data analyzed statistically with the help of SPSS. The results showed that this learning method was proven to have a level of validity, practicality, and effectiveness above the standard to improve children’s cognitive and psychomotor aspects.

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Pages: 1615-1633
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Lessons on Satoyama environmental education were held for undergraduate students who are training to be educators. The lessons blend inquiry-based learning through research using ICT tools and experiential learning in a complementary manner. Students learn about the underlying concepts about the environment from a global perspective through inquiry-based learning; experiential learning can encourage students to get involved with the environment at the local level and also develop abilities and skills to conduct classes in environmental education. This paper investigated how the lessons influenced the students in these areas: knowledge of technical terms related to Satoyama environmental education, students’ confidence and desire to engage in environmental education, and how awareness of their own abilities were improved through the lessons. To understand the impact of the lessons quantitatively, survey contents of the subjective awareness etc. were printed on A4 paper medium and were distributed. The medium were collected after filling them during class. The data are analyzed using Wilcoxon signed-rank test, Wilcoxon rank sum test, and cluster analysis. As a result, overall recognition of technical terms increases on post-survey. There is an increase in the mean score for all items on confidence and desire to engage in environmental education. For the awareness on abilities, students feel that their abilities increased overall across all items.

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Pages: 1663-1674
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visibility 1707
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Analysis of Kindergarten Teachers on Pedagogical Content Knowledge

pedagogical content knowledge kindergarten teachers

Mutiara Sari Dewi , Punaji Setyosari , Dedi Kuswandi , Saida Ulfa


This research aims to determine the relationship between the seven components of Pedagogical Content Knowledge possessed by kindergarten teachers. The animal theme was chosen to determine the pedagogical content knowledge component profile of 30 kindergarten teachers, with data obtained through classroom observation, interviews, learning plan documentation. This study employed a mixed-method design, a type of sequential explanatory research with the structural equation modeling-partial least squares and descriptive tests used to quantitative and qualitatively analyze the data obtained. The result showed that: the relationship between the components is specified in the context of using themes to learn in the kindergarten; analysis of the relationships between the components is carried out separately, such as the relationship of all 7 (seven) components to 1 (one) pedagogical content knowledge component of kindergarten teachers; Orientation of teaching has the strongest relationship with Knowledge of Instructional Strategies for Teaching; Knowledge of assessment of early childhood education has the weakest relationship with knowledge of early childhood education subject matter; pedagogical content knowledge components for kindergarten teachers that are often found and associated with other components in a learning episode are orientation of teaching, knowledge of early childhood education curriculum, and knowledge of instructional strategies; there are pedagogical content knowledge component for kindergarten teacher that often found and connection with other component in a learning episode.

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Pages: 1701-1721
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visibility 2481
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Prospective Teachers' Expectations of Students' Mathematical Thinking Processes in Solving Problems

prospective teachers' expectations mathematical thinking processes polya models mason theory

Mohammad Tohir , Maswar Maswar , Moh. Atikurrahman , Saiful Saiful , Diyah Ayu Rizki Pradita


This research aims to describe the expectations of prospective teachers for students' mathematical thinking processes in solving problem-based on the Polya model. This model is perceived by the theory of mathematical thought processes proposed by Mason. A descriptive method with a qualitative approach was used in this research. The research subjects were 25 students from the Department of Mathematics Education, Ibrahimy University. The test was given to collect data related to mathematical thinking processes expected by prospective teachers to students. Collected data including observations, tests, and interviews were tested in the aspect of their validity by triangulation. The qualitative descriptive was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that: (1) The average GPA (Grade Point Average) of the high, medium, and low group prospective teachers' were 93.25; 89.89; and 83.63 with a standard deviation of 1.754 each; 1.054; and 5.370, respectively (2) The prospective teachers expected that the students' mathematical thinking processes were able to carry out all of four mathematical thinking processes based on Mason Theory; (3) The prospective teachers expected that students were able to use Mason Theory on every stage of the Polya model problem solving; and (4) The expectation of prospective teachers were specializing (89%), generalizing (75%), conjecturing (62%), and convincing (59%). The results suggest for following up in a teachers or lecturer’s meeting in order to find out the expectations of their students' mathematical thinking processes, both in mathematics or other disciplines.

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Pages: 1735-1748
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Information Integration Cognitive Mechanisms Underlying the Face-to-Face or Online Statistics Test Anxiety Judgments of Engineering Students

test anxiety engineering students online classroom face to face classroom integration information theory

Guadalupe Elizabeth Morales-Martinez , Angel Garcia-Collantes , Maria Isolde Hedlefs-Aguilar , David Jose Charles-Cavazos , Yanko Norberto Mezquita-Hoyos


This study examined information integration cognitive mechanisms underlying the test anxiety judgments of 474 engineering students. The experimental design considered the orthogonal combination of three factors (teaching style, exam type, and test mode), resulting in 12 experimental scenarios. During the experiments, participants were provided one scenario at a time and were asked to rate their anticipated anxiety level in the described situation. Subsequent analyses failed to reveal statistically significant differences in the anxiety levels reported by females and males. However, the factor selection and valuation female students adopted to make their anxiety judgments differed from those employed by their male peers. Cluster analysis identified three groups based on the anxiety level (low, medium, and high). The most relevant factor for all clusters was test mode, and only the medium anxiety group considered a second factor (exam type) to make their anxiety judgments, which was integrated through an additive cognitive rule. These findings suggest that participants place a higher weight on the examination context than its type when making their test anxiety judgments. Identifying these cognitive mechanisms underlying test anxiety could help regulate conditions that undermine the students' ability to cope with test anxiety.

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Pages: 23-37
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