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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

'Othering' Search Results


Personal connections to agriculture have decreased considerably in Finland during the last few decades due to struc-tural changes in agriculture. In this study, we will elucidate the understanding and conception of agriculture amongst urban pupils who have grown up during the 21st century. The research strategy consists of intervention in form of a farm visit, with pre- and post-assessment. The methods for collecting data were drawings for gaining a diversified un-derstanding of how pupils understand, experience and conceptualise agriculture. The drawings were analysed by visual content analysis. In addition, interviews, analysed by inductive content analysis method, were used to clarify the re-sults. Qualities of farms as authentic learning environments are defined and studied The study revealed that many pupils had irrational conceptions of agriculture before the farm visit (38 %), but decreased significantly after the visit. One of the explaining factors for these irrational conceptions was considered to be the influence of media sources. Farms as educational learning environments were able to correct pupils’ false conceptions. A realistic image of agriculture is of significant value for becoming an aware and responsible consumer as well as choosing a career in agriculture.

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Pages: 1-13
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This study has been carried out with the families who migrated from Turkey and settled in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, which has an intense cultural and educational diversity. Finding the answer to the question “According to whom; who is who?” constitutes the fundamental ground of this research. However, this research has also been carried out in order to comprehend the points of view that have changed or have not changed between the past and the present and to scrutinize the reasons for such points of view. Moreover, another main objective is to form a comparative opinion about the situations that the settled migrant families in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and their children have encountered regarding the “other” concept, based on cases in their experiences, with regard to the adaptation concept. Content analysis, which is a qualitative research technique, was used during the research, whereas relevant persons have been contacted by means of the snowball sampling technique. In accordance with the obtained opinions and with the results derived from sample experiences, there surely exist differences in experiences in terms of adaptation and the marginalization-othering concept between those who migrated in the past and those migrating in the present day. Those sample experiences are discussed directly and the comments have been made by considering negative and positive concepts together.

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Pages: 965-981
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This research has the purpose to explore implementation contextual character education in Senior High School in Buli village, East Halmahera Regency, Eastern Indonesia, and Remote Indigenous Community (RIC) role in addressing student behavior to improve education quality in that area. Sources of data from this qualitative research are teachers, students, village leader, and religious leaders Focus of the research: (1) socioeconomic conditions in families who live in the remote areas regarding adolescent character; (2) the influence of mobile phones and the internet; (3) the role of customary leader in the control of norms in adolescents; (4) good habits in schools as an effort to implement the character education program of adolescents in schools. The results of this study are: (1) the economic condition of the family causes the child does not get the quality of attention and quality of time. Parents are preoccupied with working to sustain life, so schools are considered a burden because of school fees; (2) social media causes everyone to access all information in their own way and the lack of social control causes the use of social media to influence the pattern of relations and communication patterns; (3) the role of RIC can be optimal if supported by members who have better education, and awareness to promote education in their village; (4) good habituation can arise if the school implements positive discipline and commitment to carry out character education in accordance with local wisdom and local culture.

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Pages: 1009-1023
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Higher education institutions (HEIs) demand from their faculty excellent teaching output and substantial number of quality productive scholarship, hence, balancing work and family demands becomes a central challenge among academics to maintain a healthy work-life balance. The decision to have children and family shapes the career trajectories of academics as well as their research productivity in particular. Striking a balance between attending to family matters and becoming scholarly productive is a tall order among Filipino women academics, having a culture that is just beginning to adopt to the more egalitarian aspect of attending to family matters. The empirical result of this study shows that indeed, parenting is a moderating factor between work-life balance and research productivity among Filipino women academics. Female faculty members in particular are susceptible to a balancing act between family commitments most especially in producing quality researches. Family life still pervades within the spectrum of research productivity on one side and work-life balance on the other end among women academics.

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Pages: 1425-1434
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The research investigated whether there is a correlation between participation in a course entitled "Diversity and multiculturalism in the global era" as perceived by Jewish and Arab students in Israel and a change in the students' attitudes and behaviors and their performance of activities in a multicultural context in the education field. The course was part of a master's degree program in Policy and Administration in Education in an academic college in central Israel. Pre-course and post-course questionnaires were administered to the course participants. Participants were 528 students; 177 responded to the pre-course questionnaire and 351 responded to the post-course questionnaire. The research findings indicated a direct association between participation in the course and activities conducted in the education field. In addition, students’ acquisition of knowledge on multiculturalism mediated the association between participation in the course and performance of multicultural activities in the education field. Differences were found between Jewish and Arab students' reports: Jews reported a multicultural academic atmosphere significantly more than Arabs. Contrastingly, Arab students gave significantly higher grades than Jewish students to reciprocal relations between the groups in the college and reported a more positive change in their attitudes towards the other group and towards multiculturalism and were more convinced that the course contributed to their multicultural thinking. These findings have theoretical and practical implications that can inform policymakers planning education for multiculturalism as a permanent component in academic programs, while responding to different sectors' cultural uniqueness to promote equality between them.

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Pages: 757-772
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The coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which affected the whole world and caused millions to be locked at their homes, brought many difficulties in domestic life. Especially, women are the leading group that has been affected the most negatively due to the workload during the days staying at home and experiencing the constraints of traditional roles. In this study, in which descriptive phenomenology analysis was used, the aim was to reveal how mothers working as psychological counselors in schools experienced motherhood during the days staying at home during the epidemic, and how their professional skills reflected on their role as mothers. In this study, in which the criterion sampling was used, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 mothers who are school psychological counselors and could not continue their work since schools shut down during the pandemic. The data were analyzed by Giorgi’s descriptive phenomenological method. Analysis results revealed six main themes that define the experiences of the participants: adaptation to the new order, parenting codes, introspection during the pandemic, distribution of parenting roles, professional reflections in motherhood, and complex motherhood experiences. It is believed that the results obtained from this study conducted with psychological counselor mothers will contribute to parenting practices and to the content of in service trainings for school psychological counselors.

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Pages: 1039-1050
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visibility 1514
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This study discusses students’ responses and perceptions on the e-book of Local History of West Java (Indonesia) developed by the researchers. It uses a Research and Development approach and experimental method. Data collection techniques used in this study are observation, interviews, and focus group discussions with interactive model data analysis. The research subjects were students and teachers of high schools in West Java. They were taken as the subjects as they can represent the region. The History E-book is, however, published on ebooksejarah.id page while the system was developed by using SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) Waterfall model. The results of the study indicate that the components of the e-book on the aspects of the materials, presentation, and completeness are overall suitable to be used by students. The materials are considered to be still inapplicable and not contextual. Further, they are still lack of latest issues as well as photos/illustrations. The study of student responses on the e-book reinforces that the zoomers (those belong to Generation Z) prefer to digital learning media because their social life belongs to the online world. Local history e-books should better adapt to the learning style of Generation Z, who prefer visuals and hands-on experiences to reading texts. Thus, e-book development needs to be equipped with various learning media in short audios and video explainers, animations, and infographics.

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Pages: 17-31
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A Systematic Review of Research on Problems and Challenges Faced by Principals During the COVID-19 Pandemic

covid-19 pandemic principals systematic review

Fatima K. Urakova , Alexandra V. Sudakova , Lyubov V. Kochneva , Elena E. Grishnova , Elena V. Asafova , Inna A. Garnaya-Ivanova


COVID-19 affected all education stakeholders and led to school closures at the beginning of the spread of the pandemic. During the pandemic, principals had to manage their schools and faced many problems during the closure. Although there are numerous studies on school principals' challenges and difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic, no systematic review study analyzes research about the principals' challenges and problems in the current literature. The purpose of this study is to provide a systematic review of the challenges and problems of principals during the COVID-19 pandemic from 2020 to 2022. The researcher analyzed 395 articles indexed in the ERIC and SCOPUS databases between 2020-2022. The results were analyzed using content analysis. The research results showed that 26 articles were suitable according to the analysis criteria. The results revealed that, in general, researchers focused on understanding principals' experiences regarding their challenges and problems during the pandemic. The results also showed that most articles were published in 2021, and most studies were conducted in The United States of America and Turkey. The results also show that qualitative studies are higher than quantitative. In addition, we found that the biggest challenges are inadequate equipment and lack of access to the internet and online resources during the pandemic. At the same time, the most common problems were identified as the adaptation of online teaching and inadequate infrastructure. The results from this research contribute to the body of the existing literature through a systematic review of the challenges and problems of principals during a pandemic and identifying the research gaps revealed from the analyzed studies.

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Pages: 87-98
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Students’ Perspectives on Civic Education through Digital Citizenship in the Virtual Era

citizens skills digital ethics digital literacy rights and responsibility university students

Muhammad Japar , Asep Rudi Casmana , Mohammad Mona Adha , Dini Nur Fadhillah


This study aimed to determine Indonesian students’ perspectives on digital citizenship skills. Digital literacy is one of the most important needs in the community and the school environment. As educational institutions, universities are expected to integrate and develop an IT-based learning environment to help students develop digital skills. This study used social media and knowledge of rights and responsibilities in cyberspace to examine university students' digital-based skills. A descriptive method with a qualitative approach was also used to describe the perspectives of students about their rights and responsibilities. Participants included 12 students from state universities in Jakarta and Lampung. Data was collected through interviews and 90-minute focus group discussions (FGD). The results showed that the top three considerations that emphasized ethics in cyberspace were maintaining privacy, not spreading fake news, and respecting the Internet community. In this context, individuals must uphold their rights and responsibilities in the virtual world, and university students are expected to apply digital ethics appropriately.

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Pages: 89-102
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