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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

'promotion management' Search Results


Kutadgu Bilig is one of the literal works that shed light on Turk-Islam history and culture. In this study, it is aimed to examine Kutagu Bilig in terms of values that are involved in social studies teaching program.  In research, Kutadgu Bilig work that is written by Yusuf Has Hacip and is adopted to Turkish in today by Silahdaroglu is benefitted as a collect data tool. In data collect period, document analyze technique that is one of the qualitative research methods is used and data is evaluated by descriptive analyze. In result of study, it is reached that justice, giving importance to family unit, responsibility, scientificness and honesty values take place mostly and peace value exists least.

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Pages: 203-209
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University attempts to respond to globalization to build international trust by conducting internationalization as the bridge of their selected strategies. The efforts needed to build international trust are promotion strategies. This study aims to elaborate the effective promotion strategies in Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia. The data were collected by some deep interviews, observation, and documentation. The result shows that the promotion strategies includes, first, the university’s direction to be recognized globally by a strong vision, international accreditation for its study programs, and being the center of special studies. Second, the university publicizes the university’s programs, activities, excellence, and uniqueness through printed or online media, foreign institutions, and individuals. Third, the university initiates international collaborations with foreign universities and institutions by building good interpersonal communication, forming teams for international collaborations, initiating activities to build trust among individuals, and getting involved in international events. Last, the university offers scholarships for foreign students to increase inbound students.

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Pages: 351-361
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Approaches to Cultivating Healthy Behaviours in Tertiary Students: Systemic Review

higher education; healthy behaviours; pedagogics; psychology; public health policy and healthy lifestyle management

Valentyna I. Bobrytska , Tatiana D. Reva , Nataliia А. Beseda , Larysa V. Filippova


The purpose of the study was to identify the interventions used as approaches to cultivate healthy behaviours in undergraduate students and assess the effectiveness of those approaches. This was qualitative research. The design of the study was organised into three stages such as the search and selection stage, validation and assessment stage, and the interpretation stage. The originally designed Critical Appraisal Checklist was used by the research team members. The Triangular Assessment Method was used by the involved experts in pedagogics in the field of health education, psychology in the field of healthcare and health promotion, and experts in public health policy and healthy lifestyle management. The review provided a list of feasible approaches that can be combined to make the models that might increase the effectiveness of the process of cultivating healthy behaviours in tertiary students. These approaches were found to be the cross-domain solution seen as flexible. The specified approaches are easily combined with other ones. The use of these approaches in combination with the other approaches creates the models that can increase the effectiveness of the process of cultivating healthy behaviours in the students. The findings imply that healthy behaviour is a complex phenomenon that requires a consistent, multi-facet, and prolonged influence.

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Pages: 1649-1661
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visibility 1442
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This study examined the influence of personal factors, school factors and practices performed on job stress and satisfaction. Quantitative research design and purposive sampling method were employed to sample school heads from senior high schools. Data was collected using a self-reported survey questionnaire and was analysed using exploratory, confirmatory and regression analysis to explore the relationships. In the results a high proportion of school heads are satisfied but feel stressed about their job and age, type of school, experience, position and practices performed, had a varied influence on job stress and job satisfaction. The authors advised on building the capacity of school heads in improving their health and performance.

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Pages: 51-62
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Lecturers’ Aptitudes, Attitudes and Professional Development in Higher Education at University of Cuenca

higher education aptitudes attitudes professional development

Guillermo Pacheco , María-Isabel Espinoza , Sandra Cabrera-Arias , Patricio Cabrera-Tenecela


Continuous changes in social demand and development provide an acute and continuous pressure on universities. The question is whether higher education institutions (HEI) in Ecuador deliver graduates with the competences to provide timely economic, ecological, and sustainable solutions. Additionally, HEIs should prepare graduates to find employment in a society characterized by greater uncertainty, extensive use of information technology, speed, risk, complexity and interdisciplinary work. To face this challenge, universities need lecturers to possess a mix of aptitudes, attitudes, and professional development in teaching, research, and services. Unfortunately, knowledge is sparse about the readiness of their pupils to function effectively in a rapidly changing and increasingly globalized environment. Accordingly, this study uses an explanatory sequential mixed-methods approach to explore the impact of lecturers’ aptitudes, attitudes, and professional development on teaching and student learning at the University of Cuenca. Lecturers’ perceptions about their aptitudes and their attitudes are higher than the students’ perceptions. Faculty representatives believe that untenured lecturers have a better attitude and aptitude than the tenured lecturers. A third part of lecturers have achieved one of the required criteria in research development. Students from biological sciences are more satisfied with their lecturers and the competence development that they receive than the students from social sciences or engineering. Understanding the likely implication of the variables, aptitudes, attitudes and professional development, on the quality of teaching and learning is fundamental for the design and carrying out of educational reforms.

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Pages: 553-565
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A large number of articles in the field of science education reflect on scientific literacy as the main goal of science education (SE), although often with varying viewpoints. Nevertheless, researchers have begun to highlight subject-specific teaching practices that are expected to specifically enhance science subject teaching, including biology. The main aim of this theoretical article is to come on consensus and to conceptualise the term biological literacy (BL) more clearly and to present a theoretical concept of BL, composed on the basis of systematically analysed articles. This theoretical concept includes two dimensions of BL: (1) cognitive (cognitive skills, conceptual understanding, biological inquiry) and (2) affective dimension, based on systematic literature review (SLR). This theoretical concept also includes in addition four dimensions of BL: (3) sustainability; (4) interdisciplinarity, (5) career awareness and (6) nature of biology (NOB), based on literature review (LR) of recent decades, that was conducted to write theoretical overview of this research.

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Pages: 1181-1197
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The Users’ Experiences in Processing Visual Media for Creative and Online Learning Using Instagram

creative learning creating instagram online learning user experience

Mohammad Salehudin , Muhammad Nasir , Syeh Hawib Hamzah , Rostanti Toba , Noor Hayati , Intan Safiah


The aims of the recent study were; analyzing the effect of creative and online learning using Instagram on the ability to create new products in the technology and learning media course, and determining the level of users’ experience in processing visual media through the Canva application on android. Quantitative approach with this research was carried out through a quasi-experimental research model because it measured the post-test was applied to 58 students as the respondents in two experimental and control classes. This study used two instruments; the cognitive learning outcome questionnaire according to the subject to get the students’ ability to create new products, and the second instrument was taken from ueq-online.org in the Indonesian version to know the users' experience in processing visual media. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, mean and standard deviation assisted by IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0. The results demonstrated that the effect of creative and online learning using Instagram on the ability to create new products in The Technology and Learning Media course was found significant at 0.028 <0.05 which meant it could be applied well. Meanwhile, the level of users' experience in processing the visual media application Canva on Android had the highest score on the Stimulation scale at 1.59, categorized "Very Good" and the lowest score was on the Novelty scale at 0.93, categorized "Above Average". With the strong creative encouragement to create new products, the students were able to process their own visual media which were tailored to the agreed digital visual designs and were published on Instagram.

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Pages: 1669-1682
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visibility 2003
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Development of the Multiple Intelligences Promotion Model for Thai Learners

learner model multiple intelligences screening test thai education

Panat Chanpleng , Ammara Wisuttranukul , Jomtup Khwanrat , Siwaporn Poopan , Kanchana Pattrawiwat , Wichuda Kijtorntham , Kunakorn Phonsuwan


Recently, Thailand's educational policy focused on developing learners’ potential according to multiple intelligences. The research objectives were to develop the multiple intelligences (MI) promotion model and an MI screening test for Thai learners and propose policies to encourage MI so that learners can reach their full potential. The sequential mixed method was applied. First, the model and the MI screening test were developed. The participants were two groups of key informants, comprising 93 and 185 participants, respectively. The sample group consisted of 460 primary and secondary school students selected through multistage random sampling. The MI screening test consisted of characteristics of 45 behavioral observations. The result showed that the developing model was the “A2D model or AAD.” This model consisted of three components: nine areas of intelligence, eight continuity mechanisms, and two success conditions. The MI screening result revealed that most learners had outstanding bodily–kinesthetic intelligence, accounting for 40.4%. The least prominent aspect was musical intelligence, representing 16.2%. The proposal policies comprised (a) The aspect of foundation for learning management with access to the A2D model, consisting of four sub-policy proposals, and (b) The aspect of encouraging learners to develop their full potential, consisting of six sub-policy proposals.

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Pages: 663-671
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visibility 1087
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Project-Based Learning as a Strategy in Physical Education Teacher Training: Creating A Cultural Route Promoting Active Commuting

active learning higher education student project

Juan Pablo Zavala-Crichton , Claudio Hinojosa-Torres , Rodrigo Yáñez-Sepúlveda


This study analyzes the narrated reflection of the students in relation to their learning, based on the perceptions that emerge from their experience in the development of the project. Participants were 53 fourth year Pedagogy in Physical Education students, with an average age of 24.3, who were divided into 13 groups. A qualitative study that used the narrated reflection of the students in relation to learning, based on a driving question. In order to help guide the students’ work, and to collect the perceptions they experienced during their participation, the following four components were integrated into the development of the project and included in the final product: a) historical and heritage sites, b) technology used to measure energy expenditure, c) type of active commuting, d) reflection on what was learned. The students designed 13 routes of active commuting through the city, which included different cultural, heritage and historical landmarks. The students analyzed the learning experience, highlighting the importance of knowing and caring for the heritage of the different cities around which they traveled. PBL can be a didactic alternative in initial Physical Education teacher training to achieve learning by linking subject content with the motivations and interests of the students.

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Pages: 1219-1231
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Advertising Management of Early Childhood Education Institution: Challenges, Opportunities, and Development

advertising management early childhood education education promotion management technology

Upik Elok Endang Rasmani , Alfan Sarifudin , Siti Wahyuningsih , Novita Eka Nurjanah , Jumiatmoko , Nurul Shofiatin Zuhro , Anjar Fitrianingtyas , Bambang Winarji , Yuanita Kristiani Wahyu Widiastuti


Advertising or promotion management analyses, plans, and monitors programs to create target market exchanges and achieve institutional goals. Early childhood education (ECE) is an educational institution needing advertising management. This study examines the implementation of ECE advertising management in terms of challenges, opportunities, and developments. This study showed two major areas: 1) practitioners were more innovative and creative in using technology to develop advertising management, and 2) the educational institution got better recognition from society, especially parents. This study uses the literature study method, assisted by the publish perish application, to find reference sources related to educational advertising management for ECE. The study showed that the ability of schools and teachers to provide services based on consumers’ demands influenced the implementation of organisational advertising management challenges. Meanwhile, advertising management developments were sometimes affected by the actions of the advertising media. Social media informed consumers about the institution without spending more money and effort.

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Pages: 1731-1742
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Although central governments, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean, have defined reducing school dropout rates as a priority, and drawn policies accordingly, there are still young people who do not finish secondary education, and numbers are still alarming. Therefore, it is necessary to observe educational communities and analyze how they interpret and implement guidelines issued by the central government. The following study sought to describe the institutional and teaching practices deployed by four high schools in Valparaíso (Chile) in order to achieve student retention. A qualitative approach was employed. The management team, support professionals, teachers, students, and their families were interviewed. The information gathered was analyzed using the Grounded Theory. As a main finding, establishments use practices such as monitoring attendance, providing support to students facing problematic situations, and encouraging them during class, through a series of strategies. It is recommended that researchers implement this type of methodology for other study objectives, and that the central government consider these results to provide feedback on its policies.

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Pages: 705-718
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A Comprehensive Systematic Review on the Multifaceted Factors Influencing Teacher Flourishing

flourishing teacher mental health systematic literature review well-being

Florence Yulisinta , Bernadette Narulina Setiadi , Eunike Sri Tyas Suci


Teacher flourishing encompasses a broad range of well-being, encompassing hedonic (pleasure-based) and eudaimonic (meaning-based) satisfactions. In the context of the literature review, a concise overview is provided, consisting of definitions, predictors, mediators, and outcomes. Conforming to the PRISMA protocol, the present review progresses through four stages: identification, screening, eligibility assessment, and including relevant studies. Furthermore, the search strategy focused on flourishing, well-being, and measuring tools, leveraging databases such as EBSCO Host, Proquest, Science Direct, and DOAJ. In line with the PRISMA statement, systematic review methodology guides the final analysis, incorporating twenty-seven studies published between 2017 and 2023. Despite being studied in numerous theoretical frameworks, teacher flourishing needs a more widely accepted definition and operational framework in studying the concept. The results show that multiple factors impact teacher flourishing, including individual, relational, and organizational elements. Additionally, the evaluation considers direct and indirect predictors, mediators, and outcomes. The new model is related to global well-being, including emotional, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects, stating the connections of these elements. The implications of the results can be effectively applied within educational settings by teachers, policymakers, and scholars specializing in education.


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Pages: 1335-1351
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Given curiosity’s fundamental role in motivation and learning and considering the widespread use of digital stories as educational tools from the preschool age, we pursued measuring preschoolers’ curiosity when interacting with digital stories. Using 129 toddlers and preschoolers as a sample, three groups (one for each class) were given different versions of the same digital story to listen to: interactive, non-interactive, and animated. Toddlers' verbal and nonverbal behaviors were utilized to quantify curiosity as a condition brought on by the app. The participants' verbal and nonverbal behaviors were recorded during the digital reading aloud. Every child's data was encoded at one-minute intervals to examine concurrent behavior, and the results were then compiled. The findings show that interactive presentation formats encourage more touching and language use but less noise production and that interaction and the creative use of hot spots in digital illustrations are key elements in piquing viewers' curiosity while contributing to the strengthening of the engagement to the activity and the cultivation of critical thinking, creativity, and imagination.

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Pages: 1741-1760
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Considering the importance of the results of national and international standardized tests, which are a benchmark for measuring educational quality, the objective of this research was to model strategies to improve the results of the evaluations, specifically the Saber 11 standardized tests. These tests are applied to students who finish their Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Bogotá, Colombia. To achieve this objective, we employed the Systems Dynamics methodology for a comprehensive analysis, which is a tool that allows for the analysis and projecting of the behavior of different systems, in which anticipation by means of modeling results over time is required. The modeling was conducted in two stages: First, a causal loop diagram and a stock-and-flow diagram that linked 45 variables were designed, showing the underlying physical structure of the system. Then, five groups of alternative simulations were conducted over a time frame of six years: Reference mode, student self-efficacy rate, management rate, teaching competencies rate, and educational policy. An increase in results was observed in each scenario. The combined activity of educational stakeholders is a notably effective strategy to achieve significant improvements. The data used for these simulations came from a six-year period of standardized test results in Bogotá. This period was selected to capture both recent trends and long-term outcomes, ensuring that the model reflects current educational conditions while allowing for meaningful trend analysis.

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Pages: 89-106
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The Experience of Success and Failure of Gifted Students at School

experience of success experience of failure gifted students peer responses

Maruška Željeznov Seničar , Mojca Kukanja Gabrijelčič


The education of gifted students is often characterized by high expectations, ambitious goals, and significant effort invested in learning. Their experiences of success and failure are shaped by a variety of factors, including personal, family, school, cultural, and social influences. This article examines how gifted students perceive and experience their own successes and failures, as well as how these experiences are perceived and responded to by their peers. Using qualitative methods, the study involved semi-structured interviews with thirty gifted students from seventh to ninth grades across ten elementary schools in Slovenia. The findings indicate that gifted students experience a range of emotions in response to success, from satisfaction to anxiety, while their reactions to failure often involve frustration and self-criticism. Peer responses to their success and failure vary significantly, ranging from supportive encouragement to jealousy and social exclusion. These findings highlight the complex interpersonal dynamics at play within school environments. Understanding and addressing these dynamics is crucial for creating inclusive, supportive, and stimulating learning environments that nurture both the academic and social-emotional well-being of gifted students.

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Pages: 185-198
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