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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

'research proposal writing skills' Search Results


The introduction, methods, results, and discussion (IMRaD structure) is a structure used by many journals and publishers in its publications since the early twentieth century. This research aims to survey and analyze some prestigious Open Access journals in the field of educational science in the world and in Vietnam on the use of IMRaD structure in presenting research results. We selected 05 open journals with the highest IF in the 2018 Scopus list and 05 prestigious journals in this field in Vietnam to conduct analysis of the articles in the latest 03 issues of these journals. The results of the survey of manuscript draft requirements and the frequency of articles written according to the IMRaD structure of the above journals show that: the IMRaD structure is commonly used in the articles in the field of Educational science in the world. However, in Vietnam, there is no journal that fully meets the contents compared to the basic IMRaD structure. The analysis of the content of articles published in journals in Vietnam shows that the weakest point of the researches is that the research methodology section is almost absent. Finally, we propose some solutions to improve scientific editing in Educational science journals in Vietnam to meet international publishing standards.

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Pages: 1367-1376
cloud_download 1134
visibility 1874
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Research is considered a vital component for propelling progress and development. This study aims to investigate the effects of problem-based learning (PBL) in the teaching of research methodology and statistics courses on improving research writing skills and enhancing course achievement. It also projects an action plan model for the effective implementation of PBL in the instructional aspect. The study utilised a positivist research paradigm based on action research design using the technique of content analysis. Employing a universal rubric, 45 proposals of graduate programme students enrolled in the College of Education at Minia University in North Upper Egypt were subjected to content analysis to rate students’ skills in writing research proposals before and after the delivery of the course. The students volunteered to participate in the study after they were given a synopsis of the aims and procedures. Students’ achievement was assessed through a test consisting of 90 items, developed primarily for this purpose at the end of the second semester in the academic year 2018–2019. The post-content analysis revealed a significant improvement in scientific research skills, with a considerable difference between the pre- and post-achievement scores. It is imperative to consider the feasibility of using the PBL approach in teaching research methodology and statistics courses for graduate students. The study recommended the adoption of PBL in undergraduate programmes as well as in high school education.

description Abstract
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Pages: 189-200
cloud_download 595
visibility 1533
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The integration of AI tools in education is reshaping how students view and interact with their learning experiences. As AI usage continues to grow, it becomes increasingly important to understand how students' perceptions of AI technology impact their academic performance and learning behaviours. To investigate these effects, we conducted a correlational study with a sample of 44 students to examine the relationship between students' perceptions of ChatGPT’s utility—focusing on usage frequency, perceived usefulness, accuracy, reliability, and time efficiency—and key academic outcomes, including content mastery, confidence in knowledge, and grade improvement. Additionally, we explored how these perceptions influence student behaviours, such as reliance on ChatGPT, procrastination tendencies, and the potential risk of plagiarism. The canonical correlation analysis revealed a statistically significant relationship between students' perceptions of ChatGPT's utility and their academic outcomes. Students who viewed ChatGPT as reliable and efficient tended to report higher grades, improved understanding of the material, and greater confidence in their knowledge. Furthermore, the bivariate correlation analysis revealed a significant relationship between dependency on ChatGPT and procrastination (r = 0.546, p < .001), indicating that a higher reliance on AI tools may contribute to increased procrastination. No statistically significant association was identified between ChatGPT dependency and the risk of plagiarism. Future research should prioritize the development of strategies that promote the effective use of AI while minimizing the risk of over-reliance. Such efforts can enhance academic integrity and support independent learning. Educators play a critical role in this process by guiding students to balance the advantages of AI with the cultivation of critical thinking skills and adherence to ethical academic practices.

description Abstract
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Pages: 199-211
cloud_download 304
visibility 2807
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