Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Preservice Elementary Teachers: Relationship to Self-Regulation and Technology Integration Self-Efficacy
Ika Ratih Sulistiani
Punaji Setyosari
Cholis Sa’dijah
Henry Praherdhiono
Technology integration into learning is essential to supporting educational reform. On the other hand, the relationship between self-regulation (SR), .
Technology integration into learning is essential to supporting educational reform. On the other hand, the relationship between self-regulation (SR), technology integration self-efficacy (TISE), and technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) has yet to be thoroughly studied. This study investigated preservice elementary teachers and the connection between SR, TISE, and TPACK. A quantitative approach and a survey-based approach were both utilized in the research project. The research was carried out at one of Indonesia's universities, and the data collected were from 224 preservice elementary teachers in their fourth year through a questionnaire. According to the findings, preservice elementary teachers' SR, TISE, and TPACK levels were above average. Preservice elementary teachers scored the highest on planning capability (PC), monitoring and controlling skills (MC/CC), and making others use computer technologies self-efficacy (MUCTSE). In contrast, they scored the lowest on information and communication technology (ICT). Besides that, SR and TISE positively and significantly affected pre-service teacher TPACK. In light of the findings, it is of the utmost importance to enhance the competency of preservice elementary teachers in using technology to integrate learning.
Keywords: Self-regulation, technology integration self-efficacy, TPACK.
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