The Development of Teacher and Student’s Book Based on Realistic Mathematics Education in Statistics for A package Program
Development research demands a improvement in the implementation of learning by developing products based on learning needs. The products of this deve.
Development research demands a improvement in the implementation of learning by developing products based on learning needs. The products of this development are teacher book and student book based on the realistic mathematic education (RME) approach for package A in statistics material. Validity testing in this study includes instrument validation, self-evaluation, expert validation, one-to-one evaluation. Aiken's V and Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) are used to determine the validity and reliability of the product. The result of research shows that the instruments and prototype are valid and feasible. Then, the ICC obtained moderate stability, it also categorize reliable. In terms of context and hypothetical learning trajectory (HLT) developed, the products should be revised to achieve meaningful learning.
Keywords: Realistic mathematical education, student books, teacher's books, validity.
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