The Effectiveness of Collaborative Learning on Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, and Metacognitive Skill Ability: Meta-Analysis on Biological Learning
This review explores research into the effects of collaborative learning interventions on critical thinking, creative thinking, and metacognitive skil.
- Pub. date: July 15, 2022
- Pages: 1607-1628
- 16 Citations
- #Biological learning
- # collaborative learning
- # creative thinking
- # critical thinking
- # metacognitive skill
- # meta-analysis.
This review explores research into the effects of collaborative learning interventions on critical thinking, creative thinking, and metacognitive skill ability on biological learning. The search was conducted from 2000 to 2021. We found 36 critical thinking studies, 18 creative thinking studies, and 14 metacognitive skill studies that met the criteria. The results showed that collaborative learning influences large categories (ES=4.23) on critical thinking, influences large categories (ES= 7.84) on creative thinking, and influences large categories (ES= 8.70) on metacognitive skill. The study's findings show that collaborative learning interventions have the highest impact on metacognitive abilities. Based on these findings, we provide insights for education research and practitioners on collaborative learning interventions that seem to benefit the empowerment of high levels of thinking at various levels of education to be combined with various other interventions in the future. The type of intervention, level of education, materials used, and study quality criteria were included in the study.
biological learning collaborative learning creative thinking critical thinking metacognitive skill meta analysis
Keywords: Biological learning, collaborative learning, creative thinking, critical thinking, metacognitive skill, meta-analysis.
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