The Impact of Gamification-Assisted Instruction on the Acquisition of Scientific Concepts and Attitudes Towards Science Class Among Elementary School Students
Aseel Ajlouni
Fatima Abd-Alkareem Wahba
Hiba Naccache
Asmaa AlOmary
Amal Ibrahim
This study addresses global concerns surrounding elementary students' science performance following the COVID-19, as a result of international tes.
- Pub. date: April 15, 2025
- Online Pub. date: March 08, 2025
- Pages: 485-500
- 0 Citations
This study addresses global concerns surrounding elementary students' science performance following the COVID-19, as a result of international tests such as Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) highlight the ongoing challenges that urge the exploration of innovative educational approaches to improve science learning. This research employed gamification-assisted instruction and explored its impact on enhancing the understanding of science concepts and attitudes toward science class among fourth graders. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design and included an experimental group (ExG) that was taught using a gamification strategy and a control group (CoG) that was taught using a traditional method with a sample of 38 female elementary students from a public school in Jordan. Data were gathered using valid and reliable tools: the developed scientific concepts test and the Attitude Towards Science class measures. The ANCOVA analysis revealed that gamification significantly improves the acquisition of scientific concepts (η2=.208) and boosts a positive attitude toward science classes among elementary students (η2=.626). These findings encourage decision-makers to incorporate gamification into science teaching practices and methods.
Keywords: Attitude toward science classes, elementary students, gamification, scientific concept.
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