The Impacts of Heritage Education on Students’ Nationalism and Patriotism: A Case Study at a Private University in Vietnam
Huynh Van Bay
Dao Thi Hong Van
Vo Minh Sang
Nguyen Khac Binh Tan
Heritage education is an integral component of general and higher education programs. It helps students understand the national culture and arouses th.
Heritage education is an integral component of general and higher education programs. It helps students understand the national culture and arouses their love for the country. The quantitative study was conducted with the participation of 822 students in the FPT University system. Multiple linear regression analysis and Pearson correlation results help determine the relationship between heritage education’s learning outcomes, including Vovinam martial arts and traditional musical instruments, and students’ patriotic and nationalistic attitudes. Accordingly, promoting learning outcomes related to Skills, Attitudes, and Behaviors positively impacts the development of students’ patriotism and nationalism. The study affirms the role of heritage education programs in the education system in Vietnam, especially at the university level. It confirms the necessity of this type of education at all stages of learners’ development, especially in the research context at FPT University.
Keywords: Heritage education, patriotism, nationalism, traditional musical instruments, Vovinam.
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