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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Research Article

The Process of Structure Sense of Group Prerequisite Material: A Case in Indonesian Context

Junarti , Y.L. Sukestiyarno , Mulyono , Nur Karomah Dwidayati

This study was to support the understanding of the set structure, binary operations, and their properties as a prerequisite of group theory material c.


This study was to support the understanding of the set structure, binary operations, and their properties as a prerequisite of group theory material categorized as 9 structure senses. This study aimed at investigating the process of students’ structure sense in recognizing the structure of mathematical properties or objects as a prerequisite of group theory material. A task-based case study by exploring 9 categories of structure senses through three integrated process frameworks in the questionnaire was employed in this study. It involved 26 students who had obtained a prerequisite of group theory material and would take abstract algebra course. The choice of subjects was determined based on the results of the questionnaire, in which it identifies the type of structure sense processes. There were 6 out of 26 subjects were chosen. The 6 subjects consisted of 2 subjects from the first path process, 2 subjects from the second path process, and 2 subjects from the third path process. Then, the 6 subjects were interviewed. The choice of 2 subjects for each path process was because it used a fixed comparison theory. Then, the data were validated by using triangulation methods by comparing the students’ work on assignments and questionnaires as well as audio recordings of interviews. The results show the tendency of the process of structure sense was more dominated by students from the second type of path process, in which the subjects still depend on the well-known structure of the properties or mathematical objects in the form of sample questions. The subjects were unable to understand definitions in order to construct structures of properties or mathematical objects.

Keywords: Structure sense, task-based case study, group theory material, set structure, binary operatio.

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