Using Augmented Reality to Teach Digital Literacy Course to Primary School Children with Special Educational Needs
Lyazzat Rakhimzhanova , Darazha Issabayeva , Jaroslav Kultan , Nazira Baimuldina , Zhanylsyn Issabayeva , Zhamila Aituganova
Augmented reality technologies can create unique interactive learning environments for students with special educational needs that enrich the learnin.
- Pub. date: January 15, 2025
- Online Pub. date: October 22, 2024
- Pages: 55-71
- 0 Citations
Augmented reality technologies can create unique interactive learning environments for students with special educational needs that enrich the learning process and provide immediate feedback. This research analyzed the use of augmented reality in teaching digital literacy courses for primary school children with special educational needs. The study involved a quasi-experiment with participants using a mobile augmented reality application to assess its impacts on learning outcomes. The results showed the positive effects of augmented reality on student achievement. The results highlight the potential of augmented reality in inclusive education. In addition, the findings emphasize the importance of further research and development in this area and an increased use of augmented reality to improve the educational experience of students with disabilities. In light of the results, we conclude with recommendations for integrating augmented reality into educational programs and improving educational practices.
Keywords: Augmented reality, digital literacy, digital content, inclusive education, primary school.
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