' work-based learning.' Search Results
Developing Mathematical Communication Skills for Students in Grade 8 in Teaching Congruent Triangle Topics
congruent triangles mathematics education mathematical communication skills the teaching process...
Teaching mathematics in general and instructing mathematics at junior schools in particular not only create favorable conditions for students to develop essential and core competencies but also help students enhance mathematical competencies as a foundation for a good study of the subject and promote essential skills for society, in which mathematical communication skill is an important one. This study aimed to train students in mathematics communication by presenting them with topics in line with the structure's congruent triangles. An experimental sample of 40 students in grade 8 at a junior school in Vietnam, in which they were engaged in learning with activities oriented to increase mathematical communication. A research design employing a pre-test, an intervention, and a post-test was implemented to evaluate such a teaching methodology's effectiveness. For assessing how well the students had progressed in mathematical language activities, the gathered data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Empirical results showed that most students experienced a significant improvement in their mathematical communication skills associated with congruent triangles. Additionally, there were some significant implications and recommendations that were drawn from the research results.
Influencing Variables and Implications in the Teacher-Student Relationships
learning motivation learning transfer perceived teacher innovation self-efficacy self-regulated learning...
The purpose of the study was to examine correlations between perceived teacher innovation (PTI) and self-regulated learning (SRL), where learning motivation, self-efficacy, and learning transfer help illustrate the interplay between and among influencing variables in the teacher-student relationship. This study gathered 213 valid questionnaires out of 355 participants in the Design Thinking for Data Scientists, which is one of the courses taught from a university in Taiwan. This study has analyzed the possible linkage in the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through the path coefficient. The ensuing data analysis study has shown that learning motivation, self-efficacy, and learning transfer not only served as the mediator effects in the PTI and SRL but also played small moderating effects. It appears that when learning motivation, self-efficacy, and learning transfer decrease, the interplay between PTI and SRL becomes stronger. It is necessary to increase the level of intrinsic motivation by the perception of greater innovation in teaching materials. By so doing, students would be more receptive and affective of course contents in the classroom and regulate themselves to achieve educational goals. The implications of teachers' perceptions of pedagogical innovation for learning motivation and learning experience are likewise discussed.
The Effect of Scientific Reading Based Project Model in Empowering Creative Thinking Skills of Preservice Teacher in Elementary School
creative thinking empowering srbp model...
Creative thinking skills are 21st century learning needs that can be applied through the Scientific Reading Based Project (SRBP) model. The purpose of this study is to empower creative thinking skills through SRBP models in science learning in elementary school teachers’ education students. This research is mixed research with qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative research is used to explore students' creative thinking abilities. Quantitative research uses a quasi-experimental approach carried out for six months on the candidates of elementary school teachers’ education. Participants in this study were the candidate of elementary school teachers’ education of 75 people who took the Basic Concept of Science subject. Data collection in this study was through observation, documentation, pre-test, and post-test with essay questions to measure creative thinking skills. The final result of the project is the final product to measure creativity. The data analysis used was an ANOVA test to measure every aspect of creative thinking skill. Qualitative analysis was used to describe the learning process and the final project of creativity. The results showed that there was an increase in creative thinking skills from aspects of flexibility, elaboration, fluency and originality. The SRBP model has a positive effect on improving the ability to think creatively.
Online English Comics as Reading Materials for English Language Education Department Students
english language education online english comic reading material...
Online English comic is one of reading material that can be used by students. Students should be triggered by interesting and understandable reading material to increase their reading motivation and English proficiency. The objective of this study is to discuss the benefits of online English comics as reading materials and to discover the applications and websites that are usually used by students to read online English comics. This study applied the descriptive qualitative study supported by interviews as a data-gathering technique. The results of this study showed the benefits of online English comics as reading materials. Those are adding language knowledge such as vocabulary and grammar, enhancing reading comprehension, building critical thinking, increasing creativity, and developing reading motivation. The second finding is about the applications and websites to read English comics that students prefer to read. There are some applications and websites that are usually used by students to read English comics. The applications are Webtoon and Ciayo Comic, and also the websites include Mangakakalot.com, Mangareaderapp.com, Mangazuki.info, and Mangapanda.com.
Social Constructivist Approach: Opinions of History Teachers at Intermediate Secondary Schools
social constructivist social science history teachers learning environment constructivist approaches...
This study investigated the influences of social constructivist approaches on history teachers' opinions of social science education. The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of social constructivist approaches and explore the views and practices of teachers in their current use of teaching approaches in social science education. For this study, a qualitative study approach was employed. The study was conducted at intermediate secondary schools in the city of Erbil. For open semi-structured interviews, eight teachers of social science education were purposely selected from eight intermediate secondary schools of grade ninth, and eight social science classes were observed. The results revealed that despite significant changes of the system of education, many challenges were identified in implementing social constructivist approaches in social science education such as the environment of fear, the shortage of proper public infrastructure, lack of care, and resources. Also, the study revealed several barriers like absence of sufficient well-designed teaching guidelines, lack of adequate clear instructions, inadequacy classroom teachers' autonomy, and no freedom. Lastly, the study ends up by specifying several conclusions.
Construct Exploration of Teacher Readiness as an Assessor of Vocational High School Competency Test
competency test construct exploration readiness instruments vocational high school...
Teachers who can adapt and be ready for all changes will also be able to provide a balance to increase the competence of vocational high school students. This is also not denied when teachers become assessors in student competency tests. The objectives of this study were to produce an instrument for the readiness of teachers as assessors; to knowing good grain reliability; to know the characteristics of the instrument; and to know the difficulty level of the item. The method used in this research is instrument development. Respondents were vocational school teachers who were candidates for competency test assessors. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. Analysis of construct validity using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Reliability using Cronbach’s alpha. Test the instrument items using the Rasch model. The results are the readiness instruments of the vocational teacher as an assessor has 19 indicators that have been grouped into 5 factors with consistency values being in the same construct (proven construct validity). The result of the calculation of the reliability of this instrument is 0.852, which means that the reliability coefficient is high; There are two items, namely numbers 24 and 18 which indicate the absence of a fit item in the overall item fit criteria; At the item difficulty level, items 8 and 6 have a difficulty score of more than 2, while this indicates that items 8 and 6 have a high difficulty level.
Differentiated Instruction in Information and Communications Technology Teaching and Effective Learning in Primary Education
differentiated instruction effective learning greece ict primary education...
This article presents the findings of an action research study that evaluated the effectiveness of differentiated instruction in the subject of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in primary education in Greek primary schools. Effective teaching poses a challenge to all educators in all educational levels. The subject of ICT poses multiple challenges to educators due to its applied nature, the limited allocated time and the diverse needs of the students. A differentiated teaching intervention was designed and applied from January to March 2020 to 113 upper elementary students from two elementary schools in Athens. The findings of the research highlight the improvement of the quality of the students’ assessment and the level of students’ active participation due to differentiated instruction. Furthermore, the strategy of flexible grouping, the technique of “thumb it up” cards and the applied differentiated working routine proved to be highly effective. Lastly, the implementation of asynchronous working combined with hierarchical learning activities proved to be challenging to the educator due to its complexity. Based on these findings, the article discusses the importance of further research in the systematic implementation of differentiated instruction in mixed ability classrooms and in multiple subjects.
Student Perceptions of Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: A Study of Phenomenology
online learning covid-19 pandemic perceptions phenomenology...
The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic impacted various lines in the international world, including Indonesia. Pandemic COVID-19 in Indonesia has also changed multiple performances in multiple sectors, one of which is education. The concept of learning from home changes lecturers' paradigm as educators in tertiary institutions applying online learning. This study aims to identify students' perceptions of the implementation of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative research approach with the type of phenomenology. The subject of this study was 22 students in Indonesia who experienced the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This research instrument uses semi-structured interview guidelines. Students perceive online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic as (1) ineffective learning activities; (2) unpleasant learning activities; (3) limit self-actualization in education; (4) helping to become an independent person in learning; and (5) fun learning activities. Higher Education should create innovative and creative online learning strategies. Thus, students have a high enthusiasm for online learning.
Assessments on Vocational Knowledge and Skills: A Content Validity Analysis
assessments content validity analysis i-cvi modified kappa vocational knowledge...
While previous studies on assessments focused on measurement of principles and constructs, existing attention is given to content validation involving vocational education and skills. The emphasis on content validation has prompted a holistic perspective of teaching and learning to demand alternative research approaches. Using evidence of content validity based on expert judgment and assessment items, this paper argues that vocational knowledge and skills could be determined via constructs and construct functions. Content validity analysis was studied in two major phases, namely, through an assessment of an electrical technology course at a Malaysian higher education institution and expert panels’ examination of items. It was found that to increase confidence in providing reliable instruments for future empirical studies, a careful process in item development and content validity analysis was considered important. Therefore, applying these findings on item analysis and expert panels to reflect content validity can enhance the validity of assessment items.
Mathematics Teachers’ Practices of STEM Education: A Systematic Literature Review
instructional approaches mathematics stem education...
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education is regarded as one of the formulas to embracing many of our imminent challenges. STEM education benefits the learners by encouraging interest in STEM disciplines. This daunting task needs everyone’s concerted efforts in creating and innovating mathematics teachers’ classroom practices Therefore, a systematic review was conducted to identify best practices for STEM education following the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) by Moher et al. (2015). The reviewed articles were published from 2016 to 2020 and accessed using the Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases. Three themes for best practices were identified namely (a) core competencies encompassing 21st-century teaching skills; (b) instructional designs; and (c) requisite STEM execution. Results of PRISMA determined the dominant STEM practices were critical thinking, communication, collaboration, problem-solving, research-based pedagogy, problem-based learning and project-based learning, technological integration, accessibility, professional development and learning support, evidence of effectiveness, access to materials and practitioner support, and scalability. Mathematics teachers should determine the best STEM practices to employ even though there is a lack of studies on integrated STEM domains. When more students are interested in venturing and exploring into the field of STEM, the high demand for STEM related careers could be met by the younger generation.
Functional Measurement Applied to Engineering Students’ Test Anxiety Judgment for Online and Face-to-face Tests
test anxiety engineering students cognitive algebra information integration theory...
This study explored the cognitive mechanism behind information integration in the test anxiety judgments in 140 engineering students. An experiment was designed to test four factors combined (test goal orientation, test cognitive functioning level, test difficulty and test mode). The experimental task required participants to read 36 scenarios, one at a time and then estimate how much test anxiety they would experience in the evaluation situation described in each scenario. The results indicate three response styles (low, moderate, and high-test anxiety) among the participants. The orientation and difficulty of each given exam scenario were the most critical factors dictating test anxiety judgments. Only the moderate test anxiety group considered the test mode to be a third relevant factor. The integration mechanism for Cluster 1 was multiplicative, while for Clusters 2 and 3, it was summative. Furthermore, these last two clusters differed in terms of the valuation of the factors. These results suggest that programs that help students to cope with test anxiety need to take into account the valuation and integration mechanism that students use to integrate different information in specific examination contexts, since the way students assess their internal and external circumstances can influence how they deal with evaluative situations.
Equalization Access to Education as an Effort to Foster the Nationalism of Indonesian Migrant Workers’ Children in Border Areas
border area community learning center meaning of nationalism teaching experience...
The discussion about the loss of nationalism values in the Indonesian migrant workers’ (IMW’s) children in border areas, has become an important issue in the world of Indonesian education. The purpose of this study is to describe the role of Community Learning Center (CLC) in fostering nationalism values in IMW’s children, as well as to reveal the teaching experience and meaning of nationalism from the perspective of teachers at CLC Sarawak, Malaysia. The research uses qualitative method with case study approach that focuses on factors that can foster nationalism of IMW’s children. Data collection obtained through observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The results showed meaningful findings according to the conditions in the education system in CLC, as well as socio-cultural conditions that affect every activity in the border area. The first finding indicates that CLC has an important (central) role in fostering the nationalism of IMW’s children in border areas. The second finding shows the fact that teachers are still experiencing some problems in the field, such as; limited access to information and communication, teacher education background, school conditions, limited educational units, learning facilities, and family and social environments. The third finding emphasizes the importance of nationalism for teachers who devote themselves to teaching in border areas, because teachers have a crucial role in transferring knowledge, providing meaningful learning experiences, and fostering the nationalism of IMW’s children.
Reading Comprehension Skills: The Effect of Online Flipped Classroom Learning and Student Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic
reading comprehension online flipped classroom learning student engagement...
The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic outbreak in the Indonesians nowadays, the public education department established the policy of the online education system to all education levels. Most educators employ an online flipped learning method to support the policy. Research aimed to measure the effect of online based-flipped classroom learning between using Microsoft Team and WhatsApp and student engagement on reading comprehension skills. The research approach was a quasi-experimental model with a 2 x 3 factorial pre-test-post-test non-equivalent control group design. The sample of this investigation was early period undergraduates of the management economics study program. Data analysis employed a two-way ANOVA test. The result confirmed that the online flipped learning scheme using Microsoft Team was better than WhatsApp in improving student engagement and reading comprehension skills. We advise English lecturers to apply better online media services, pay attention to the completeness of the learning features and train their competence in implementing distance learning to use compatible synchronous flipped classroom teaching based on internet technologies.
Profile of Students’ Problem-Solving Skills Viewed from Polya's Four-Steps Approach and Elementary School Students
polya's step problem solving word problem...
Problem-solving is considered one of the thinking skills that must be possessed in 21st-century education because problem-solving skills are required to solve all problems that arise. The problem-solving stages that can be used are Polya's four steps, namely, understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan, and looking back. Problem-solving skills are essential for solving word problems. Word problems based on arithmetic operations are divided into three types: one-step, two-step, and multistep. This qualitative research aimed to see problem-solving skills viewed from the type of word questions and elementary school students’ third, fourth, and fifth grades. A purposive sampling technique with 22 third-grade students, 28 fourth-grade students, and 21 fifth-grade students was used. The data were collected using documentation, testing, and interview methods. The findings of the study showed that fourth-grade students’ problem-solving skills are better than those of third-grade students, and the problem-solving skills of fifth-grade students are better than those of fourth-grade students. The percentage of Polya's steps always decreases because not all students master problem-solving. Based on the types of questions, the percentage of the one-step word problem is better than that of the two-step while the percentage of the two-step word problems is higher than that of the multistep.
Technology Anxiety and its Impact on E-Learning System Actual Use in Jordan Public Universities during the Coronavirus Disease Pandemic
anxiety covid-19 e-learning self-efficacy...
During the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, universities were obligated to transform from traditional classroom teaching environments to virtual ones. This sudden transformation highlighted the issue of low e-learning system usage amongst instructors of humanity faculties in Jordan's public universities. This study empirically investigated the moderating impact of technology anxiety on the relationship between the instructor's self-efficacy and the e-learning system's actual use to contribute to solving the problem. A survey was distributed to 468 instructors to test the theoretical framework, which yielded 285 valid and complete instruments analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Results showed the positive direct effect of self-efficacy on actual use. Furthermore, the level of technology anxiety moderated the relationship. Instructors with low technology anxiety showed a higher level of e-learning system actual usage than those with a high anxiety level. To improve the use of e-learning systems, top management must understand the fundamental role of compulsory training as the Covid-19 pandemic, and the instructor's confidence must be increased by providing training and support.
The Users’ Experiences in Processing Visual Media for Creative and Online Learning Using Instagram
creative learning creating instagram online learning user experience...
The aims of the recent study were; analyzing the effect of creative and online learning using Instagram on the ability to create new products in the technology and learning media course, and determining the level of users’ experience in processing visual media through the Canva application on android. Quantitative approach with this research was carried out through a quasi-experimental research model because it measured the post-test was applied to 58 students as the respondents in two experimental and control classes. This study used two instruments; the cognitive learning outcome questionnaire according to the subject to get the students’ ability to create new products, and the second instrument was taken from ueq-online.org in the Indonesian version to know the users' experience in processing visual media. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, mean and standard deviation assisted by IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0. The results demonstrated that the effect of creative and online learning using Instagram on the ability to create new products in The Technology and Learning Media course was found significant at 0.028 <0.05 which meant it could be applied well. Meanwhile, the level of users' experience in processing the visual media application Canva on Android had the highest score on the Stimulation scale at 1.59, categorized "Very Good" and the lowest score was on the Novelty scale at 0.93, categorized "Above Average". With the strong creative encouragement to create new products, the students were able to process their own visual media which were tailored to the agreed digital visual designs and were published on Instagram.
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Online Learning in Higher Education: A Vietnamese Case
case study covid-19 higher education online learning pandemic the impact...
The article mentions the impact of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on online learning in Vietnamese higher education in 2020. This is a qualitative case study, by using in-depth interviews to explore the changes in the perception, methods, and orientation of online learning of students and lecturers at a key pedagogical university when experiencing the three COVID-19 outbreaks in Vietnam. The findings show that the COVID-19 pandemic has a positive impact on the developmental orientation of online learning at the Vietnamese higher education level. Even though at the time of an outbreak, opposition and dissatisfaction with online learning occurred; but through the three outbreaks, together with the efforts of lecturers and students, online learning in Vietnam has recorded remarkable achievements. This is a prerequisite for the development of online education and the innovation of digital technology in education.
Analyzing Indonesian Students’ Google Classroom Acceptance During COVID-19 Outbreak: Applying an Extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model
gcr utaut model trust learning platform covid-19...
The primary goal of this study is to explore what makes teachers accept Google Classroom (GCR). GCR platform is an emerging technology that could support online learning activities by offering outstanding benefits such as usability, flexibility, and task adaptability. Many of the students in Indonesia have al-ready used the GCR platform since the government has tried to provide it as a free online learning tool to support learning activities during the pandemic. However, there is limited understanding of users' behavior, especially Indonesian students' acceptance of the GCR platform. The model is tested by administering the online questionnaire to 261 university students in Indonesia. The extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model (UTAUT) model has been applied to observe users’ acceptance of GCR. The result Performance expectancy (PE), Effort expectancy (EE) Social Influence (SI), Facilitating Conditions (FC), Trust of Internet (TI) and Trust of Government (TG) considerably affected users’ intention to use the GCR. Moreover, Trust of Internet (TI) and Trust of Government (TG) also knowingly impacted Performance expectancy (PE).
A Rasch Analysis of Item Quality of the Chemical Literacy Assessment for Investigating Student’s Chemical Literacy on Chemical Rate Concepts
assessment chemical rate rasch analysis students’ chemical literacy...
Assessment is a topic that continues to be developed in science education research. Assessment evaluates not only students' cognitive abilities but also their thinking skills. Therefore, in this study, an assessment that could measure students' chemical literacy was developed. Chemical literacy is a thinking skill that students must develop as part of their chemistry learning. The goal of this study was to assess item' quality, as well as student’ chemical literacy on the concept of chemical rate. The Rasch model was employed to analyze the data in this study. The results of this study depict that the developed assessment had sufficient reliability and validity to be used to assess students' chemical literacy. Furthermore, the analysis of the students’ responses to the items revealed that many students did not understand or were unaware of the context presented. These findings suggest that students' chemical literacy in the material for the reaction rate is still lacking and needs to be improved. As a result, the teacher's role in assisting students in improving their chemical literacy through chemistry learning is critical.
Combination of Discovery Learning and Metacognitive Knowledge Strategy to Enhance Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
discovery learning metacognitive knowledge strategy learning strategy combination critical thinking skills science education...
The research aims to develop an instructional tool based on Discovery Learning (DL) combined with a Metacognitive Knowledge Strategy (MKS) to enhance students’ Critical Thinking Skills (CTSs). In doing so, the study employed a Research and Development (R&D) method to develop such a tool. The developed instructional tool was tested for its validity by experts and practitioners’ evaluation. Further, the empirical data were collected from the results of implementation in learning and the student's responses, while the data of tools effectiveness were acquired from the critical thinking tests given to students (analyzed by related t-test). The developed instructional tools were implemented in a limited-scale trial of 32 students and a large-scale trial of 59 students. The results show that: firstly, the DL and MKS-integrated instructional tools are stated as valid in terms of the lesson plan, student worksheet, and critical thinking test. Secondly, the practicality criteria have been successfully met; the learning implementation, students’ activity, and students' responses were regarded as in accordance with the feasibility standard. Thirdly, the instructional tool was deemed effective in enhancing students’ CTSs (p = 0.05).