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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

'pedagogy of higher school' Search Results

Researching Sport Education Appreciatively

physical education sport appreciative inquiry

Shane Pill , Peter Hastie


In order to plan and enact appropriate learning environments in physical education (PE) teachers are increasingly directed to models based practice. The Sport Education model is one of these models for PE curriculum and teaching design that informs the content and pedagogical direction of sport teaching in PE. Despite Sport Education being well researched internationally, there are few examples of research consideration of this model in Australian PE in the last ten years. In this paper the aim is to appreciatively examine two secondary school PE teachers use of the Sport Education model in the context of their familiarisation of the new Australian Curriculum for Health and Physical Education. At the same time, exploring the use of Appreciative Inquiry to examine models based practice in PE was also an aim of the study. Data were collected from pre and post interviews with the teachers and an end of unit survey of the Year 9 students undertaking the Sport Education unit. The Sport Education model was found to be most suitable to teaching for student evidence of the personal and social skills elements of the Achievement Standard. Appreciative Inquiry was found to be suitable for foregrounding existing examples of teacher use of models based practice, highlighting what it is about the teachers that led them to stay with the model when the literature particular to Australian PE suggests mostly a continuation of the “traditional” physical education method.

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Pages: 189-200
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visibility 1984
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Due to Finnish pupils’ achievements in international comparisons, also Finnish teacher training has been widely acknowledged. Today’s educational policies aim at making teacher training more effective in Finland. However, in order to realize this in practice, not only reforms in educational policy or institutions are enough. More attention should be paid on student teachers’ study processes as a whole. In this article, we introduce an illustration of the factors that comprise student teachers’ study processes at universities. Based on the illustration, we will discuss what makes a good study process as the teacher’s academic degree and how teacher educators can make students’ progress on their study paths motivating and fruitful. We argue that teacher educators should be more thoughtful and willing to genuinely help and confront students as individuals: teacher educators should act as mentors who further students’ engagement in studying.

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Pages: 339-352
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The primary goal of this research is to explore absenteeism tendency, and the attitudes towards absenteeism and cheating of students who attended the teacher certificate program. In addition, this research aims to identify the views of students and lecturers on cheating and absenteeism. A sequential explanatory mixed-method research design was employed in this research. The sample of the quantitative data was 321 teacher certificate program students studying at Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Turkey. Absenteeism tendency, cheating attitude and absenteeism attitude scales were used to collect the data. Descriptive statistics, correlation, independent t-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey HSD tests were used to analyze the data. Qualitative data was collected through semi-structured interview forms. 14 students and 14 lecturers were interviewed, recorded, and transcribed. Qualitative data was analyzed through quantitative content analyses and descriptive analyses. Research findings show that verbal field students have significantly more positive cheating attitudes than quantitative field students. While cheating attitudes show no significant difference between genders, students in physical education departments have higher scores in the dimensions of environmental conditions and opportunity and ability than verbal and quantitative field students. Both students and lecturers describe cheating as “unfair behavior and plagiarism,” and absenteeism as a “right” in unavoidable situations. It is emphasized that the active participation of students in classes mostly depends on the instructor.

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Pages: 267-284
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The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning and Aptitude Treatment Interaction in Improving Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills on Curriculum 2013

problem based learning aptitude treatment interaction creative mathematical thinking skills

Ruhban Maskur , Sumarno , Yasinta Rahmawati , Kenny Pradana , Muhamad Syazali , Ari Septian , Endah Kinarya Palupi


The development of the revolution era 4.0 which increasingly rapidly demands the wider community to have the ability to think creatively mathematically. One effort to improve the ability to think creatively is through quality education. Quality education can be improved through to train thinking using the right learning model. This study aims to see which results are more effective in improving students' thinking skills between the two learning models applied. The two models are Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI) models. This research method uses quasi experimental method with a posttest only control test design not control group. This study uses two group subjects with two experimental classes. The analysis of the data used the hypothesis testing of the non-correlated 2-sample t-test. Based on the research results obtained Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI) models have a better effect on students' creative thinking abilities compared to Problem Based Learning (PBL) models.

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Pages: 375-383
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Readiness and Competence of New Teachers for Career as Professional Teachers in Primary Schools

new teacher career new teacher readiness new teacher competence professional teacher teacher professional education

J. Julia , Herman Subarjah , M. Maulana , Atep Sujana , I. Isrokatun , Dadan Nugraha , Dewi Rachmatin


This study aims at exploring the problem of the readiness and competence of new teachers to teach in primary schools. This study specifically focuses on identifying the readiness of new teachers to conduct teaching professionally, and analyzing their competence in conducting teaching. This study employs a mixed-method research design with data collected from two different approaches: a qualitative approach by conducting interviews and observation, and a quantitative approach by conducting a survey. The data were collected from lecturers, graduate teachers working as teachers, graduate teachers working not as teachers, and users of graduate teachers. The results of data collection and analysis were made into several themes. The results showed that the majority of graduates were ready to join the workforce as professional teachers with the risk that they had to accept the lack of welfare and legitimacy as unprofessional teachers because they had to attend further professional education programs. The education provided by the lecturers during their study in their institution in the aspects of knowledge and skills in the field of study and pedagogy became the foundation for new teachers in starting their careers as professional teachers in schools. A good educational process had produced teachers who have competencies with good categories in various aspects.

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Pages: 655-673
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The Teacher Efficacy for Inclusive Practice (TEIP) scale is an instrument created by Sharma et al. to assess efficacy of instruction in inclusive settings. Despite its increase in use, the TEIP has not been validated with a Spanish teacher population. The aim of this study was to: (1) analyze the psychometric properties and factor structure of the TEIP scale in a sample of Spanish preservice teachers (N = 475; 80% female, 20% male), and (2) examine the level of self-efficacy for inclusive practices that teachers experience when they graduate from their training programs. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses indicate that a Spanish version (TEIP-ES) consisting of 15 items with a three-factor construct explains 61.34 percent of total variance. Item total-correlations ranged from .488 to .778, and factor loadings from .590 to .790. Convergent validity with measures of quality of teacher education (TE) programs and self-report of preparedness to teach in inclusive settings was good. In contrast, self-efficacy for inclusive practices was rated moderately low. Overall, these findings support the construct and convergent validity of the TEIP-ES and suggest that it is a useful instrument to measure self-efficacy for inclusion in Spanish preservice teacher populations. This manuscript reports the findings, discusses the implications for the improvement of TE programs, and suggests possible avenues for future related research.

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Pages: 809-823
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visibility 1662
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HOTSEP: Revised Anderson’s Taxonomy in Environmental Learning of COVID-19

covid-19 environmental learning hotsep

Ilmi Zajuli Ichsan , Henita Rahmayanti


Environmental learning in the 21st century requires a high level of thinking ability, especially to solve environmental problems when COVID-19 pandemic. This was to develop a new level of thinking, namely Higher Order Thinking Skills of Environmental Problem (HOTSEP) which is a revision of Anderson's Taxonomy. The purpose of this study was to measure students HOTSEP in the context of environmental problems related to COVID-19. The research method used in this research was descriptive. The sample used 277 university students from several cities in Indonesia. The instrument used HOTSEP which has 3 categories of thinking level start from develop innovation about environment (C6), solve environmental problem (C5), criticize environmental problem (C4). The results showed that students HOTSEP were still in the very low category (33.64). This study concludes that the HOTSEP of students was still low and needs to be improved to the understanding of COVID-19 concept in environmental learning. Suggestion for further research was HOTSEP need to implement in school or university for several environmental learning topics in many subjects/courses start from Natural Science, Social Science, Engineering, and others relevant subject. HOTSEP can be measured not only in school or university, HOTSEP can be implement in community and public.

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Pages: 1257-1265
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visibility 1867
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The Effects of MANSA Historical Board Game toward the Students’ Creativity and Learning Outcomes on Historical Subjects

board game creativity history learning outcomes project-based learning

Ameliasari Tauresia Kesuma , Harun , Himawan Putranta , Jefri Mailool , Hanif Cahyo Adi Kistoro


The constraints of history learning in the Indonesia curriculum are the weekly time is only one hour of lessons and the material is quite dense, if delivered with an explanation and discussion the time is not enough. Therefore, it was sought how to get all material delivered and students not bored. Learning this model is done to condition students as a center of learning, increase creativity and learning outcomes, the project undertaken is called the MANSA Historical board game (MANSA is taken from the abbreviation of our school name). In this case, students are asked to create, design their own board game on a different topic for each group. This study aims to determine the differences in learning outcomes and creativity between the control class and the experimental class of students at senior high schools in Salatiga, Indonesia. The research model used is quasi-experimental. The respondents of the research were 35 students in the experimental class and 35 students in the control class, who had the same homogeneity in creativity and learning outcomes. The results showed that the MANSA Historical board game had a significant effect on creativity and student learning outcomes. It is proven that creativity and student-learning outcomes can be increased. As shown by the mean different test results, there was a difference in the creativity of 0.593 and a learning outcome of 4.224 between the control class and the experimental class before and after treatment. The results showed a difference in learning outcomes between the control class and the experimental class. The average learning outcomes of the experimental class are higher than the average learning outcomes of the control class, as well as student creativity.

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Pages: 1689-1700
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visibility 1750
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Development of Web-based Application for Teacher Candidate Competence Instruments: Preparing Professional Teachers in the IR 4.0 Era

instrument application ir 40 pedagogy professional social personality

Badrun Kartowagiran , Suyanta Suyanta , Syukrul Hamdi , Amat Jaedun , Ahman , Rusijono Rusijono , Lukman A.R. Laliyo


This research aimed to develop a web-based application for teacher candidate competence instruments to prepare professional teachers in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) era. Teacher candidate competencies consist of pedagogical, professional, social, and personality competences. This is a research and development with 8 stages, involving the development of instrument grids/ construct, focus group discussions, instrument item development, instrument validation, manual instrument testing, application development, application assessment by experts, application trial, and final revision of the application. The initial focus group discussions involved 9 experts, while the instrument validation involved 35 experts consisting of 21 experts for pedagogical and professional competences, 7 experts for social competences, 7 experts for the personality competences, and 4 media experts. The trial involved a total of 107 Mathematics, Indonesian, and English student teacher candidates. Expert validation was analyzed using the Aiken formula; application effectiveness and readability were described based on expert judgment, and discrimination tests on the results of social and personality competence tests between the study programs used the Multivariate Analysis of Variants. The results showed that there were no differences in social and personality competences between Mathematics, Indonesian, and English prospective teachers. The developed instruments for pedagogical, professional, personality, and social competences were deemed valid. The application has met the readability aspect and is scored well by experts with an average assessment rating of  .78. These results suggest that the application can be used by the government as a solution to assess teacher candidate competences in the IR 4.0 era.

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Pages: 1749-1763
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visibility 1575
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This study seeks to develop a learning method based on local wisdom that is developed to support the learning process. One of the pearls of wisdom used in developing learning methods is the traditional games of the Sundanese people, namely the Bebentengan game. This study aims to see the improvement of student learning outcomes by implementing the Bebentengan learning method. The mix-method, quantitative data and qualitative data are described based on the research findings. It involves as many as 298 students at various levels; Elementary School (ES), Junior High School (JHS), and Senior High School (SHS) and nine teachers. Data analysis using ANCOVA. The results showed that there was no significant increase in learning outcomes at all levels (sig. 0.020 <α). There is a significant difference in the learning of students who get Sundanese local wisdom-based learning methods at each level (ES, JHS and SHS). Based on the comparison between ES and JHS (Sig = 0.079> α), can be concluded that the learning method is not effective to be applied in junior high schools. Then, between ES and SHS (Sig = 0.006 < α) so it can be concluded that the learning method is effective to be applied in elementary schools. The last comparison is between JHS and JHS or vice versa (Sig = 0.079> 0.314> α), can be concluded that the learning method is not effective to be applied in SHS. Therefore, this method is most effective at the primary level. We find that this learning method can improve student learning outcomes at all levels. Learning methods using local wisdom are effective enough to improve student learning outcomes. Thus, this method can be implemented more broadly. Still, it needs to be developed in the future. It does not rule out the possibility of learning methods based on local wisdom can be combined with technological advances.

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Pages: 199-209
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visibility 1567
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This study aimed to analyze the critical thinking skills of students in learning of environmental change material using e-learning madrasah. This study used explanatory sequential design by mixed-methods experiment. The data were collected by interviewing, observing, and essay testing that have indicators modified from critical thinking skills by Watson-Glaser, Facione, and Ennis. There were 67 participants in this study as 7th grade student at a junior high school in Sleman district. Quantitative data analyzed by determining average score and standard deviations and, qualitative data analyzed from interviews and observation. Quantitative analysis showed that there were 3 levels of student’s critical thinking skills which were 14 students (20.90%) in the high category, 38 students (56.72%) in the middle category, and 15 students (22.38%) in the low category. Qualitative analysis indicated learning model made students to learn actively, independently, and enthusiastically looking for several sources. This study provided information about student critical thinking skills in junior high school, especially in the environmental change matter which are still low. Thus, the alternative learning strategies to improve students critical thinking skills are very needed. Besides, information on the application of the discovery learning model with e-learning Islamic school was obtained in the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Pages: 1123-1135
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Multicultural education improves educators’ understanding of the complexities of different cultures and the inherent intersectionality of race, gender, class, and exceptionality to liberate students from oppressive structures within society. The purpose of this study is to illuminate the perceptions of educational leadership graduate students regarding multicultural education and transformative leadership through the lens of critical pedagogy. During this qualitative case study, the researchers used course materials, including discussion and responses, book reviews, and presentations, to answer these research questions: What factors drove the graduate students to want to seek out further experiences for them or their students with multicultural education? What did the participants perceive as potential barriers to influencing educational reform? In what ways did the perceptions of the graduate students regarding multicultural education change over the course of a semester? Three themes emerged from the analysis, the illusion of inclusivity, cultural awareness, and the disconnection between theory and practice. This research could impact current and potential future educational leaders and provides information that would benefit school districts, teachers, and students.

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Pages: 1259-1273
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Digital Andragogical Competences of Ecuadorian Higher Education Teachers during the COVID-19 Pandemic

higher education technology teaching competences virtual education andragogy

Derling Jose Mendoza Velazco , Mercedes Navarro Cejas , Magda Francisca Cejas Martinez , Paola Gabriela Vinueza Naranjo , Vladimir Vega Falcón


The changes brought about in higher education by the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic require effective action. Teachers must be trained to work on university platforms. The study allows us to analyse the current educational problems, which are found in many countries, not only in Ecuador. The research aimed to determine the virtual andragogical competencies of Ecuadorian university education during the COVID-19 pandemic. A mixed research approach was used. A quantitative analysis was applied first, followed by a qualitative analysis. The sample selection was participatory and non-probabilistic. The sample consisted of 1003 active higher education teachers in Ecuador. A questionnaire of 106 questions divided into four variables was applied. A multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA) was performed. The analyses demonstrated the need to apply four integral competencies. First the teacher must "Know how to be", through continuous ICT training. After the teacher has been trained, he/she must "Know". This process involves mastering educational technology. After updating knowledge, they must "Know how to live together". Develop critical and constructive communication. Then "Know how to do" by applying an effective guiding methodology. Teacher training under the competency-based approach is seen as a viable alternative.

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Pages: 1341-1358
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The Users’ Experiences in Processing Visual Media for Creative and Online Learning Using Instagram

creative learning creating instagram online learning user experience

Mohammad Salehudin , Muhammad Nasir , Syeh Hawib Hamzah , Rostanti Toba , Noor Hayati , Intan Safiah


The aims of the recent study were; analyzing the effect of creative and online learning using Instagram on the ability to create new products in the technology and learning media course, and determining the level of users’ experience in processing visual media through the Canva application on android. Quantitative approach with this research was carried out through a quasi-experimental research model because it measured the post-test was applied to 58 students as the respondents in two experimental and control classes. This study used two instruments; the cognitive learning outcome questionnaire according to the subject to get the students’ ability to create new products, and the second instrument was taken from ueq-online.org in the Indonesian version to know the users' experience in processing visual media. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, mean and standard deviation assisted by IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0. The results demonstrated that the effect of creative and online learning using Instagram on the ability to create new products in The Technology and Learning Media course was found significant at 0.028 <0.05 which meant it could be applied well. Meanwhile, the level of users' experience in processing the visual media application Canva on Android had the highest score on the Stimulation scale at 1.59, categorized "Very Good" and the lowest score was on the Novelty scale at 0.93, categorized "Above Average". With the strong creative encouragement to create new products, the students were able to process their own visual media which were tailored to the agreed digital visual designs and were published on Instagram.

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Pages: 1669-1682
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visibility 2003
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The main topic of the presented article is the pedagogical concept of self-reflection of students of Social Education. The authors understand the pedagogical concept as primarily educational determinants that influence and shape students’ self-reflection. To identify this aim, the authors formulate the main research question: How do social education students reflect on themselves as students, and what are the determinants of study self-reflection for social pedagogy students? The authors used the qualitative research strategy, specifically The Grounded Theory, through which sixty self-reflecting essays were analysed. These written self-reflections were further complemented with six in-depth interviews in which we acquired clarifying information on self-reflection and self-assessment of social education students. It was ascertained that students’ self-reflection is shaped through an awareness of internal and external study factors, which subsequently influence the overall concept of their study, motivation to perform, study style, and self-assessment.

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Pages: 1793-1806
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Integration of Learning Management System as an Aid in Teaching: An Assessment

educational technology higher education learning management system teacher education

Rizaldy E. Garcia , Anjo M. Abaratigue , Nida V. Alcantara


The research delved into the assessment of integrating Learning Management System as an aid in teaching. Data were collected from 26 students at Rizal Technological University-College of Education, Philippines, through pretest-posttest quasi-experimental and normative survey design of research. Data were statistically tested using the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test for dependent and independent samples, and paired t-test. Results of the research indicate that the respondents have optimistic attitudes towards the integration of learning management system in teaching. The respondents performed poorly in the pretest examination but performed very satisfactorily in the posttest examination. Furthermore, the research found out that there is no significant difference between the performances of the experimental group and control group in pretest and posttest, moreover, there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the experimental group and the pretest and posttest scores of the control group.

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Pages: 1907-1918
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Application of the Delphi Technique to Determine the Technological Competencies of a Faculty Member

delphi technique faculty members higher education pedagogy of higher school technological competencies

Yurii O. Sosnytskyi , Petro I. Sikorskyi , Svitlana M. Bezborodykh , Mariia M. Morozova , Volodymyr P. Moroz


The formed primary level and dynamic and sustainable development of technological competence provides quality management of teaching activities, increases the efficiency of the educational process, accelerates the achievement of pedagogical goals. Delphi expert assessment technique is increasingly used in the paradigm of pedagogy. Due to the set of advantages and objectivity of assessments, it has become the dominant method of this study. The objective of the study is to determine the current level of manifestation of technological competencies, as well as generalized prospects for development and improvement of the identified level within the selected group of freelance teachers using the technology of independent expert assessments –the Delphi method. In general, the following methods were used in the current study: methods of data collection and coordination, anonymous brainstorming, Delphi expert assessment technique, statistical and mathematical processing of results through Delphi formulas, comparative method, generalisations. The diversified approach to the interpretation of the technological competence of faculty members allowed determining: a) the level of faculty members’ knowledge of modern educational technologies at 89.1%; b) activity-practical aspect of training at 83.0%; c) dissonance between the theoretical and empirical level of teacher training and the algorithm for fulfilling the potential in practice at 21.5%; d) mastery of individual creative technologies for the organisation of an effective educational process at 55.9%; e) forecasted development of technological competencies of faculty members in the 5-year perspective under the condition of application of special control and skill trainings at 50.7%. Conclusion of the study is that according to the arithmetic mean of experts’ assessments of differentiated levels of technological competence, the overall level was 75.1%. The average result of the initial student survey on the estimating of the teachers’ technological competence was 69.7%. The difference of 5.4% between the data allows stating that both methods were relevant in this particular case.

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Pages: 2089-2103
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This research aimed to develop a historical thinking assessment for students' skills in analyzing the causality of historical events. The development process of Gall and colleagues and Rasch analysis models were used to develop an assessment instrument consisting of two processes, including the analysis of the framework of cause and consequence, the validity, reliability, and difficultness test. This research involved 150 senior high school students, with data collected using the validation sheet, tests, and scoring rubric. The results were in the form of an essay test consisting of six indicators of analyzing cause and consequence. The instruments were valid, reliable, and suitable for assessing students’ skills in analyzing the causality of historical events. The developed instruments were paired with a historical thinking skills assessment to improve the accuracy of the information about students' level of historical thinking skills in the learning history.

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Pages: 609-619
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This study presents an inquiry-based teaching approach using a rich methodology involving STEM (science-technology-engineering and mathematics) projects, developed using a cooperative way to work between schools and research centres. We describe the teaching pattern scenario with students, teachers, and scientists. We also illustrate the learning process, conducted through two inquiry-based problems in Biochemistry, the mutagenesis process and the transgenesis effects caused by inoculation of bacteria. The teaching sequence, as well as the scientific knowledge and students’ competencies involved, are shown. We then analyse the students' and teachers' perceptions in this scenario regarding the development of students' STEM learning through their inquiry skills promoted and concerning predictors to vocational careers involved (students’ identities as potential scientists, scientific attitudes, social implications towards science or students´ agency). Finally, we add some conclusions and contributions to teaching STEM education, related to factors of the design teaching scenario that bring connections with the interests and motivations of students, such as the relevance of the projects to evoke understanding of processes or causal relationships of content or the teacher's professionalisation supported by a proper allocation between scientists and teachers.

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Pages: 899-915
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Learning Management System in Developing Countries: A Bibliometric Analysis Between 2005 and 2020

bibliometrics developing countries learning management system scopus

Phuong-Tam Pham , Do Thi Hong Lien , Hoang Cong Kien , Ngo Hai Chi , Phan Thi Tinh , Tung Do , Linh Chi Nguyen , Tien-Trung Nguyen


The learning management system (LMS) is a crucial component of the e-learning transformation which is becoming more urgent amid the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak. The issue of adopting LMS is even more decisive in developing countries, where lots of efforts have been put out to broaden educational opportunities. However, there has not yet been any comprehensive analysis of how LMS-related issues are examined in these countries. To address this gap, this study uses the bibliometric method to construct an overview of research on this topic. The results unveil the distribution of the literature, prominent actors, and dominant themes in the literature of LMS in developing countries. In summary, the topic is a robustly potential research matter. Future researchers can use this study as a starter when investigating relevant subjects.

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Pages: 1363-1377
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