' 6 -10 years old children' Search Results
Household Possessions and Parental Support in Mexican Students with High Scientific Competencies in PISA 2015
household assets mexican students parents support pisa 2015 scientific competencies...
Traditionally secondary studies on achievement on Programme for International Students Assessment (PISA) tests point to the significant impact of socioeconomic status and cultural backgrounds of families as well as the role of parental involvement, which in some cases has had a negative impact on achievement. For this article, a model of structural regression was tested, with structural modelling software. This model included the following factors: domestic and educational assets, parental support for students, parents’ perceptions about science, and science competencies among 214 high performing Mexican students on PISA tests in 2015. This resulted in a structural regression model with a goodness of fit, where science competencies were a positive significant variable, impacted by domestic and educational assets and parental involvement. An additional restricted model with four variables manifested as mediators, revealed that science competencies were predicted positively and significantly by domestic and educational assets, and by the manifest parental emotional support variable. Variables related to ownership of educational and cultural assets and resources, as well as parental support, particularly emotional parental support, have positive and significant impact on science competencies.
Parental Involvement and High School Dropout: Perspectives from Students, Parents, and Mathematics Teachers
academic performance mathematics teachers parental involvement high school dropout self-determination theory...
Students drop out of schools for many reasons, and it has negative effects on the individual and society. This paper reports a study using data published in 2015 from the Educational Longitudinal Study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics to analyze the influence of parental involvement on low-achieving U.S. students’ graduation rates from high school. Findings indicate that both students and parents share the same perspective on the need for parental involvement in their academic progress. For low-achieving high school students, parental involvement in academic work is a positive factor influencing students’ graduation from high school.
Is Segregated Language Support Fit for Purpose? Insights From German Language Support Classes in Austria
newcomer education pull-out language classes segregated language support classes structured immersion students with a migration background...
In Austria, segregated German language support classes (GLSC) were introduced in the school year 2018/19 to intensively support students who had previously little or no contact with German, the official language of instruction. These classes have been widely criticised; however, a formal evaluation of their effects has yet to be published. In absence of this evaluation, this article describes the language support model as it currently exists in Austria and reviews existing evidence about its efficacy. The literature review synthesises findings from educational research undertaken in other contexts that offer insight into features of ‘good practice’ in language support models. The article then explores the extent to which GLSC comply with these features. As such, this review allows insights into ways of ensuring students’ language and socio-emotional development – all central aspects of academic success – in language support models. It therefore allows research-informed understanding of the effects of the newly implemented model of German support classes in Austria and makes recommendations for further development.
Factors and Parameters Influencing Student Achievement in Mathematics: A Comparative Study between Israel and Finland
education mathematics achievements mathematics pisa test...
In all years of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) in primary mathematics education, Finland ranked in the lower places (44-61) in the dispersion index (the difference in scores between the 95th percentile and the 5th percentile), while Israel ranked in the upper places (1-3) in the same index. In the last PISA test, Israel ranked first (among the 78 participating countries) in grade differences, while Finland ranked 61st. The score for dispersion in Israel is 356 points, the highest among the countries and economic entities of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Based on these results, this comparative study between Israel and Finland was conducted to investigate the most important sociological factor in the Pisa test that influences most student achievements in mathematics in Finland and Israel, as well as the reasons for the differences in achievement between mathematics scores. The results of this study show that the differences in achievement in Israel are due to students' socio-economic status and the sector. In contrast, Finland's first sociological factor influencing student performance is socio-economic status. Nevertheless, it has a more negligible influence than in Israel. The second factor is student motivation.
Early Literacy Assessment among Kindergarten Teachers in Indonesia: A Phenomenological Study
early literacy assessment kindergarten teachers phenomenology...
The study aims to identify how kindergarten teachers perform early literacy assessments in the classroom and the challenges these teachers have in performing such assessments. During the study, the data were gathered through an in-depth interview in the form of a forum group discussion (FGD). Then, the phenomenological data were attained from 30 public and private Kindergarten teachers. The researchers could illustrate how these kindergarten teachers assessed their children's early literacy through these data. Furthermore, the study results show that the teachers' literacy knowledge has been sufficient and that the literacy programs for the children have been variously designed in each school. The teachers' techniques in performing the early literacy assessment are observation and documentation (portfolio), and the measurement of literacy skills itself refers to the scope of literacy. Concerning the findings, numerous obstacles and expectations that kindergarten teachers have are also discussed within the study.
Examining the Associations Between Calibration Accuracy and Executive Functions in Physical Education
calibration accuracy executive functions physical education sports performance...
This study examined students’ calibration of performance in a sport skill in relation to their performance in an executive functions test. A total of 265 students in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades participated in the study. The students took an executive functions test, and then they were tested on a basketball shooting test, after having provided a personal estimation regarding their performance. Based on students’ actual and estimated performance, the bias index was calculated to classify students into three categories; accurates, underestimators and overestimators, while the accuracy index (absolute values of the bias index) was also calculated. The results showed a positive but small magnitude relation between students’ scores in the executive functions test and their performance calibration, while accurate scored higher on the executive function test compared to over estimators and under estimators. These results are similar to those of previous studies with elementary school children that employed cognitive tasks and were discussed with reference to theoretical and empirical implications.
Factors Affecting Parents' Intention of Sending Children to Study Abroad: A Study From Vietnam
children international education study abroad vietnamese parents...
In recent years, there is a growing number of Vietnamese students applying to study abroad at a younger age. Instead of waiting until adulthood, many Vietnamese parents decide to send their offspring to study abroad early from high school. This study was conducted to analyze the factors affecting the intention of Vietnamese parents to send their children to study abroad. The dataset includes 350 responses, in which parents of middle and high school students having the intention and willingness to send their children to study abroad are respondents. The research results show that perceived value, perceived risk, and three variables of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) model affect the intention to send their children to study abroad with the ability of explanation 53.4%. In detail, Attitude (influenced by Success, Modern self, and Traditional self) has the most significant influence (30.9%) on the dependent variable. On that basis, some suggestions are proposed for international educational organizations and study-abroad counseling centers to help them give the right orientation to Vietnamese parents about studying-abroad. Besides, proposing some recommendations for domestic educational institutions, international educational institutions, and educational management agencies in Vietnam, in order to improve the quality of education and training, creating an ideal learning environment that meets international standards for students, and simultaneously attracting international students to Vietnam.
Mathematical Literacy Skills for Elementary School Students: A Comparative Study Between Interactive STEM Learning and Paper-and-Pencil STEM Learning
experimental research interactive stem mathematical literacy paper and pencil stem...
This study aimed to compare and examine the effectiveness of interactive STEM learning and paper-and-pencil STEM learning in terms of mathematical literacy skills of elementary school students. This research is of a quasi-experimental type with a non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Sampling was carried out on the elementary school populations in Bengkulu and South Sumatra Provinces in two stages. In the first stage, schools in rural and urban areas were selected, and in the second, classes in each school were randomly selected. The selected sample consisted of fifth-grade students of the Public Elementary School of Terawas, Musi Rawas, with an experimental class A (n = 20) and an experimental class B (n = 19), as well as fifth-grade students of the Public Elementary School of Bengkulu City, with an experimental class A (n = 25) and an experimental class B (n = 22). Data collection was conducted using mathematical literacy skills tests in reference to the PISA and Minimum Competency Assessment (level 1–3). Data analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics; it employed an independent t-test for the comparative testing and an N-gain test for testing the effectiveness of STEM learning. The results showed that there were differences in math literacy skills between interactive STEM and paper-and-pencil STEM for students in urban schools, but not significantly different for students in rural schools. General STEM learning was effective in increasing the literacy of elementary school students, and interactive STEM in particular demonstrated the highest level of effectiveness in the urban school.
Preschool Teachers’ Issues and Beliefs in English Language Teaching: A Systematic Review (2012-2022)
belief elt in preschool issues preschool teacher...
The introduction of English language teaching (ELT) at the preschool level has been widely discussed by researchers. While most agree with ELT at preschool level, considerable issues are faced in learning a second, third, or foreign language. Therefore, this systematic review discusses the issues preschool teachers face in implementing ELT and their beliefs on how ELT should be applied to young children. Using three renowned databases, namely Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), and Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC), 34 articles were extracted out of 85 articles, from 2012 to 2022, with exclusion and inclusion criteria taken into consideration. The findings of this study showcased eight main issues faced by preschool teachers in implementing ELT: English language proficiency, pedagogical skills, teacher perception, curriculum, teaching resources, training, socio-cultural, and classroom environment. In terms of preschool teachers' beliefs about ELT, there are four main issues: Bilingual education, children's characteristics, curriculum alteration, and teachers’ experience. Generally, these findings will guide teachers, responsible authorities, and researchers to acquire an overview of the actual issues that occur in the implementation of ELT in preschools as well as the appropriate measures to overcome them, starting from the preschool teachers' beliefs.
The Degree of Application of Language Activities in Autistic Children and Their Relationship in Improving Verbal Expression Skills in Special Education Centers in Jordan
autistic children language activities special education centers verbal expression skills...
The study sought to determine the degree to which autistic children used language activities and their relevance to increasing verbal expression abilities in Jordanian special education institutions. The descriptive-analytical technique was used in the investigation. The two dimensions were utilized to represent the instrument through a set of 27 statements. The participants included 200 instructors from special education centers in Amman, Jordan's capital. The study's findings revealed a high level of application of linguistic activities among autistic children in Jordanian special education programs. Their ability to express themselves verbally improved significantly as well. The findings also revealed a statistically significant positive link between the extents to which autistic children applied language exercises and the improvement of verbal expression abilities in special education institutions.
The Use of the Teddy Talk Test to Determine Speech and Language Development in Children Aged 4 to 5 Years
screening test speech and language testing teddy talk test...
Speech therapy uses a combination of approaches to assess speech and language, including analysis of spontaneous speech, use of standardized scales and assessment by the child’s parents and/or preschool teachers. In this paper, we present the Teddy Talk Test. Using a sample of sixteen children aged 4 to 5 years, we examined whether the test provided representative data on child language development. The parent questionnaire included information on the parents’ education, the parents’ native language, the child’s gender and the language the parents speak with their child. It was found that the Teddy Talk Test has the characteristics of screening tests for speech and language: it is time-efficient, it covers receptive and expressive language tasks, and it allows for rapid assessment of speech and language in large numbers of children. However, since the Teddy Talk Test has not yet been evaluated, we do not know its value regarding sensitivity, specificity and predictive validity.
Guiding Principles for the Use of Feedback in Educational and Psychosocial Interventions
design feedback framework intervention strategies...
Psychosocial and educational intervention approaches employ diverse treatment frameworks, most of which involve delivering some form of feedback to participants about their behavior. General conceptions of feedback are well-known to underlie mainstream therapeutic and educational approaches. Recently emerging ‘smart’ approaches also rely on feedback principles. However, little scholarship is available to stitch together evolving strands of feedback principles and no literature characterizes explicitly the diverse landscape of feedback practices employed in education or intervention science. This paper reviews intrinsic conceptions of feedback along with diverse cases of its use in intervention and education. Based on our consideration, we present a typology of feedback modalities that we hope will enrich the efforts of interventionists and educators to design treatment and educational frameworks incorporating feedback.
Institutional and Teaching Practices for Student Retention: Accounts from Four High Schools of Valparaíso, Chile
school dropout institutional practices teaching practices student retention...
Although central governments, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean, have defined reducing school dropout rates as a priority, and drawn policies accordingly, there are still young people who do not finish secondary education, and numbers are still alarming. Therefore, it is necessary to observe educational communities and analyze how they interpret and implement guidelines issued by the central government. The following study sought to describe the institutional and teaching practices deployed by four high schools in Valparaíso (Chile) in order to achieve student retention. A qualitative approach was employed. The management team, support professionals, teachers, students, and their families were interviewed. The information gathered was analyzed using the Grounded Theory. As a main finding, establishments use practices such as monitoring attendance, providing support to students facing problematic situations, and encouraging them during class, through a series of strategies. It is recommended that researchers implement this type of methodology for other study objectives, and that the central government consider these results to provide feedback on its policies.
Developing Creative Thinking in Preschool Children: A Comprehensive Review of Innovative
comprehensive review creative thinking early childhood...
The ability to think creatively has a vital role in the development of preschool children. This research provides a comprehensive review of innovative approaches and strategies for developing creative thinking in preschool children based on current trends and methodologies used in educational settings. This research shows three significant areas: (a) creative thinking skills in preschool children, (b) factors influencing creative thinking skills in depth, and (c) innovative strategies and approaches to stimulate creative thinking abilities in preschool children. This research uses a literature study method assisted by the publish perish application to find reference sources related to creative thinking abilities in preschool children. Studies show that creative thinking abilities in preschool children enable them to find innovative solutions, help them adapt to challenges, foster self-confidence and courage, and enrich their experience and knowledge of the world around them. Meanwhile, preschool children's creative thinking abilities are influenced by collaboration from the external environment (parents, teachers, and society); providing support and examples for children to develop and stimulate their creative thinking skills is very important.
Combining Performance-Based and Self-Reported Measures of Executive Functions: Are Both Meaningful in Predicting Study Success in Higher Education Students?
executive functions higher education performance-based measurements self-reported measurements study success...
Research in higher education has revealed a significant connection between executive functions (EF) and study success. Previous investigations have typically assessed EF using either neuropsychological tasks, which provide direct and objective measures of core EF such as inhibition, working memory, and cognitive flexibility, or self-report questionnaires, which offer indirect and subjective assessments. However, studies rarely utilize both assessment methods simultaneously despite their potential to offer complementary insights into EF. This study aims to evaluate the predictive capabilities of performance-based and self-reported EF measures on study success. Employing a retrospective cohort design, 748 first-year Applied Psychology students completed performance-based and self-report questionnaires to assess EF. Maximum likelihood correlations were computed for 474 students, with data from 562-586 first-year students subsequently subjected to hierarchical regression analysis, accommodating pairwise missing values. Our results demonstrate minimal overlap between performance-based and self-reported EF measures. Additionally, the model incorporating self-reported EF accounted for 13% of the variance in study success after one year, with the inclusion of performance-based EF raising this proportion to 16%. Self-reported EF assessments modestly predict study success. However, monitoring levels of self-reported EF could offer valuable insights for students and educational institutions, given that EF play a crucial role in learning. Additionally, one in five students reports experiencing significant EF difficulties, highlighting the importance of addressing EF concerns for learning and study success.