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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

' research ethics' Search Results


The emergence of digital technologies and a more global and digital society has brought about the need to develop and educate in Digital Citizenship, as well as to study how youth are taught to participate and learn citizenship in a digital age. This paper aims to explore the role of digital and socio-civic skills development, as facilitators for youth participation and analyses the relationship between sociodemographic variables (sex, age, educational level, and political ideology) with the participatory profile of participants. This is a study with a quantitative methodology, where, based on non-probabilistic convenience sampling, 534 young people between 16 and 35 years old from Spain, completed an online questionnaire regarding the development of digital and socio-civic skills. The results indicate how a participant’s participatory profile is related to other variables. In addition, significant differences are observed between the different participation profiles and digital and socio-civic skills, underlining that the development of digital and socio-civic skills are essential for educating in digital citizenship.

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Pages: 697-709
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visibility 2065
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Parental Obstacles During Distance Learning Mathematics in Indonesia: A Phenomenology Study

covid-19 distance learning mathematics panic-gogy phenomenology

Muhamad Galang Isnawan , Didi Suryadi , Turmudi Turmudi , Marfuah Marfuah


The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has caused an inevitable shift from face-to-face to distance learning, a phenomenon known as panic-gogy. Parents are the main students’ companions while studying at home. Although various studies show the constraints in this condition, few employ phenomenology that accurately describes people’s experience regarding a situation. Therefore, this study aimed to describe parents’ experience during distance learning mathematics using a phenomenology approach. The participants comprised 71 35-50-year-old parents of junior high school students. A Google form with open-ended questions was used as the main instrument in data collection. Data were analyzed using NVivo-12-assisted thematic analysis in coding, while source triangulation was used to strengthen the data trustworthiness. The results showed that students did not learn the content well due to poor explanations by the teacher. Furthermore, they did not study well at home due to signal constraints and quota limitations. This study recommends blended learning by combining limited face-to-face and online learning.

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Pages: 873-883
cloud_download 1075
visibility 1401
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Access, Efficiency, Inconvenience, and Scarcity as Issues of Online and Distance Learning in Higher Education

distance learning issues on online and distance education student perception

Yagya Prasad Gnawali , Parshu Ram Upadhayaya , Bishnu Sharma , Shashidhar Belbase


This study aimed to explore online and distance learning (ODL) issues related to higher education during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Nepal. We applied an online survey design with a five-point Likert scale. We surveyed 71 (57 male and 14 female) postgraduate students in science education at a public higher education institution in Kathmandu, Nepal. A Principal Component Analysis identified four major constructs as the components of ODL issues. They are scarcity, efficiency, access, and inconvenience. The results of the Independent Samples Test (t-test and ANOVA) showed that participants' views about scarcity were significantly different across their gender (male and female) and device use (mobile, laptop, and desktop). They were not significantly different in their views about efficiency, access, and inconvenience across gender, device use, hometown, age group, ethnicity, and school type at .05 level of significance.

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Pages: 1115-1131
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visibility 1374
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The Effects of Online Supervisory Feedback on Student-Supervisor Communications during the COVID-19

communication esl supervisory feedback online feedback performance

Ushba Rasool , Muhammad Zammad Aslam , Jiancheng Qian , Sami Hussein Hakeem Barzani


This study focuses on online supervisory written feedback on PhD supervisees’ performance, given explicitly through online communication, particularly during the first wave of COVID-19. This unusual situation has brought many different effects on students’ academic lives. This scenario has influenced both students’ and teachers’ mutual communication. A directed qualitative content analysis (DQCA) approach was adapted from previous research and modified for the present context. The current study planned to bring forth the supervisee and supervisors’ perception of the communication and feedback process, considering that online feedback and communication has been a new experience for most students. According to the findings, teachers/supervisors give feedback on students’ production, whereas teacher-student communication also seemed crucial for the performance improvising of learners. The result brought forth a wide range of social, educational, and surprisingly psychological issues both supervisees and supervisors faced during online communication during COVID-19.

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Pages: 1569-1579
cloud_download 766
visibility 1624
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Character education is urgent in passing down the ethical and moral values in the cultured community life. The local cultural values are a source of ethics and moral education for elementary school students. The school keeps taking an essential role in cultivating the local values through online character education during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to analyze the effect of implementing online integrated character education and parental engagement in local cultural values cultivation outcome. The method of this study used an exploratory sequential mixed method design. Collect qualitative data using interview forms, observation, documentation, and quantitative data using questionnaires and portfolios. Qualitative data interpretation used content analysis, and inferential analysis used multiple linear regression. Results revealed that parental engagement, teachers’ performance, and online learning obstacles affect local cultural values cultivation outcome in character education partially and simultaneously for sixth-grade students in Padang City. We suggested teachers improve character education management based on local cultural values by building good synergy and collaboration between them and parents to cultivate noble character behavior among students.

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Pages: 1699-1714
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visibility 1490
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The purpose of the study is to identify how the coverage of topics of the Code of Conduct for Research in Education in Ukraine is consistent with the ones from the United States of America (USA) and Europe. Furthermore, the study attempts to explore coherences in the documents so that these could be reviewed and addressed. The study used the methodology for mixed-methods systematic reviews to respond to the first research question and the survey research methodology to respond to the second one. It was identified that the research integrity and ethics terms were not sufficiently covered by the Codes of education and research organisations from Ukraine compared to the Codes from the USA and European Union (EU). It was found that there was a shift from emphasising the role of the researcher (contributor) in the Codes from the USA and EU to drawing the importance of regulatory and legal instruments for the maintenance of research integrity and ethics in Ukraine. The prescriptive wording in the Codes of professional organisations in the USA and EU was given much greater attention than in the Codes of educational and research institutions in Ukraine. The Codes of the educational and research institutions from Ukraine were considered to be tentatively consistent with the relevant ones from the database from the USA, and Europe.

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Pages: 2195-2207
cloud_download 367
visibility 866
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Several supporting factors are alleged to influence the performance of teachers. This study aimed to describe the relationship between each research variable and teachers’ performance, either directly or indirectly. This research was conducted through surveys and quantitative approaches that included correlational research types. The research subjects were Hindu religion teachers in 119 state junior high schools, consisting of 517 teachers. The sample of 256 people was determined using the Krejcie and Morgan formula and the Warwick and Lininger formula. The samples from each sub-population were determined with the proportional random sampling technique, and the personal sampling of sample members was determined with the use of lottery techniques. The data were collected using a five-point Likert scale model questionnaire with high validity and reliability. The data analysis technique used in this study was structural equation modelling. The conceptual model met the standards of comprehensive goodness-of-fit requirements. The results of the study show that the average levels of Hindu principals’ leadership, the emotional intelligence of teachers, supervision of school superintendents, school culture, teachers’ work motivation, and the performance of Hindu religion teachers are in the high category. In addition, the hypothesis testing results show there is a significant direct and indirect relationship between the variables in the state junior high school.

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Pages: 99-117
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visibility 1171
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Under the influence of neo-liberalism and marketization, education is increasingly becoming more content-focused than character one. Ignoring the fact that money, science, and technology may take a person to the moon, these are ethical and moral values that take him/her to the even loftier heights of humanity. Recent COVID-19-driven focus on information and communication technology (ICT) and digital learning have further added to these woes by focusing more on human-machine interaction than human-human ones. Traditional models for inculcating these values through education which heavily rely on the physical presence of teachers do not seem to work in these circumstances. This demands a model for inculcating these values in learning management systems/ e-learning platforms. This study contributes in this regard by first identifying key players and factors, and then proposing a model for it. Using the Delphi model, it gathers opinions from 59 experts in two rounds. Academic institutions, society and online community members, teachers, and e-contents were identified as key factors and players. It suggests a holistic approach-based model through which all of them play their role and collaborate through an e-learning platform. That platform can be used to disseminate information, create awareness, monitor, and report the e-learners. It uses pull and push strategies to help the e-learners to develop those values.

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Pages: 455-465
cloud_download 371
visibility 1090
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‘Panic-gogy’ is a term that describes the educational situation during the pandemic due to the transformation phenomenon from face-to-face learning to distance learning. Various types of research are used to uncover the constraints of this phenomenon, but not many researchers use phenomenological studies with parents as participants. Therefore, we used a phenomenological study to describe parents’ views on the constraints, expectations, and approvals regarding the preparation of distance learning modules at the junior high school level (aged 13-15 years). Data collection was carried out using semi-structured interviews. Data were analyzed using NVivo-12-assisted thematic analysis. The main findings are that most parents experience problems. Namely, children do not understand mathematics material, incomplete explanations of material from teachers, internet disturbances, and quota limitations, and children cannot learn mathematics optimally during the distance learning period. Most parents want face-to-face learning to be carried out immediately, teachers to provide detailed explanations, and use digital learning platforms. In addition, 85% of parents agree that mathematics teachers should develop distance learning modules. However, because the pandemic is still not over, this study recommends using blended learning to maintain the quality of mathematics learning.

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Pages: 567-581
cloud_download 478
visibility 1293
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This study was undertaken to assess the level of readiness of higher education institutions (HEIs) for horizontal typology, institutional sustainability, and quality assurance in the key result areas (KRAs) for the enhancement of mechanisms, systems, and policies for the HEIs’ effective operation. It is a descriptive correlational design using the modified self-evaluation document (SED). The study showed that all the seven HEIs that participated in this study had been operating for 40 years and above, offering more than sixteen program courses with more than sixteen accredited programs. Four of the HEIs were Level 2 in accreditation status and five were ISO Certified. The level of readiness of HEIs for horizontal typology was moderately ready, which means the HEIs need some improvements in horizontal typology.  The most identified challenges affecting the level of readiness of HEIs in horizontal typology were the lack of innovation, technology, and sustainability; the lack of administrative strategies, leadership competencies, and management skills; and the lack of financial allocation for institutional development and advancements, respectively. There is no significant relationship between the institutional profile and terms of observing the standards in the KRAs. The study recommends further re-assessing the level of readiness of the HEIs in terms of documentation/evidence, observance for the improvement of the systems, processes and practices towards a more effective and efficient delivery of academic services to young people by conducting the more focused study in every KRAs and institutional self-assessment as future researches for the further improvement of the operations of HEIs.

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Pages: 881-890
cloud_download 465
visibility 1060
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The purpose of the current study was to analyze social media content related to physical education. In the context of summative qualitative content analysis, I took advantage of big data analytics to access the data. Machine learning of this big data mapped the large content volume from four major social media platforms. The data was collected by extracting social media posts from January to December 2020. The big data analysis process sorted, categorized, and classified the enormous data into several preeminent topics regarding PE. These computerized analyzes were used to identify themes that were further analyzed using qualitative methods. The results revealed two overarching themes. These themes were (a) PE representation as a school subject and (b) the images of PE teachers on social media. The second theme consisted of three subthemes: masculine traits of PE teachers and negative and positive sentiments toward these teachers. I concluded that key aspects of PE discourse in virtually mediated reality share topical characteristics with what people have previously socially constructed. However, the themes offer a new addition to the literature in that the analysis offers a new perspective on ongoing debates about the social construction of PE through enormous large data sets.

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Pages: 891-900
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visibility 991
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The Development of Teacher Performance Assessment Instruments in Boarding School

assessment boarding school teacher’s performance

Minhayati Saleh , Kumaidi Kumaidi , Sudji Munadi , Ahmad Mardalis , Joko Subando


The objective of this study is to create a tool for evaluating teachers’ effectiveness in boarding schools. Planning and preparation stages, instrument testing, and measurements were used in this study to implement research on the creation of the Mardapi model instrument. In order to generate instrument items, the planning and preparation stage tasks included a literature assessment of teacher performance appraisal manuals. Data were gathered utilizing documentation approaches, and descriptive and qualitative analysis was performed. Six specialists validated the built instruments, which were subsequently put through limited testing at two boarding schools and extensive trials at nine boarding schools in Surakarta residency area. The Aiken formula was used to examine the expert’s evaluation data, and confirmatory factor analysis was used to analyze the test results. The results of this study indicate that the instrument for assessing teacher performance in boarding schools meets the validity criteria. This is indicated by the existence of loading factor values ranging from .51 to .72 (>.4) and t-sign values ranging from 4.75 to 9.25 (>1.96) and meeting the requirements of a fit model since Chi-square = 1307.95 < 2524 (2*df), p-value = .17956 (>.05), and RSMEA value = .014 (<.08). The instrument items are reliable assessment packages, and this is shown by the reliability value of omega .967 > .70. Because there is a guarantee of validity and reliability, the test can be used to further assess teacher performance in boarding schools.

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Pages: 55-68
cloud_download 460
visibility 2098
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Teacher well-being has gained significant prominence in academic publications indexed by Scopus in recent years. This study employs rigorous bibliometric analysis to trace the evolution of teacher well-being literature, examining 326 relevant publications from 1995 to 2022. Our findings reveal two crucial inflexion points in 2013, driven by the global economic downturn, and 2020, propelled by the widespread repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, including teacher unemployment. These inflexion points underscore the real-world events' profound impact on academic discourse in teacher well-being. Traditionally, authors from the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom have shaped this discourse. Dutch scholars have also gained recognition, accumulating substantial citations. This paradigm shift is paramount as emerging nations like Iran, Ireland, China, and Austria increasingly contribute, challenging the dominance of Western authors. This shift underscores the evolving dynamics of scholarly contributions in teacher well-being research, emphasizing the need for a more diverse and inclusive academic dialogue. This study provides a panoramic view of the trajectory of teacher well-being research, shedding light on the interplay between global events and scholarly responses. It highlights nations' evolving roles in shaping this discourse, acknowledging established influences while recognizing the contributions emerging from voices in the field. These findings enrich the global dialogue surrounding teacher well-being and offer insights into the dynamic forces shaping this vital field of study, compelling the academic community to adapt, diversify, and foster a more inclusive conversation on teacher well-being.

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Pages: 457-478
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visibility 1343
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Guiding Principles for the Use of Feedback in Educational and Psychosocial Interventions

design feedback framework intervention strategies

Coral L. Shuster , Theodore A. Walls , L.A.R. Stein


Psychosocial and educational intervention approaches employ diverse treatment frameworks, most of which involve delivering some form of feedback to participants about their behavior. General conceptions of feedback are well-known to underlie mainstream therapeutic and educational approaches. Recently emerging ‘smart’ approaches also rely on feedback principles. However, little scholarship is available to stitch together evolving strands of feedback principles and no literature characterizes explicitly the diverse landscape of feedback practices employed in education or intervention science. This paper reviews intrinsic conceptions of feedback along with diverse cases of its use in intervention and education. Based on our consideration, we present a typology of feedback modalities that we hope will enrich the efforts of interventionists and educators to design treatment and educational frameworks incorporating feedback.

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Pages: 651-663
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visibility 1042
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This study aimed to evaluate the impact of problem-based learning (PBL) within a teaching unit on the advancement of ethical reasoning and decision-making skills among Israeli female tertiary students. Employing a quasi-experimental design, 48 female students were distributed into three groups, with two serving as control groups receiving conventional curriculum-based instruction and one as an experimental group exposed to the PBL methodology. Both before and after implementation, all groups underwent assessments using a decision-making competency test and an ethical reasoning scale. The results unequivocally demonstrated the significant enhancement of decision-making abilities and ethical thinking through the implementation of the PBL strategy. Comparative analysis revealed substantial improvements in the experimental group compared to the control groups, emphasizing the efficacy of PBL in fostering comprehensive skill development. Furthermore, a positive correlation between ethical thinking and decision-making skills further reinforces the beneficial outcomes associated with PBL. These findings advocate for the widespread integration of PBL techniques across various academic disciplines.

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Pages: 1077-1091
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visibility 1154
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This article investigates artificial intelligence (AI) implementation in higher education (HE) from experts' perspectives. It emphasises the view of AI's involvement in administrative activities in higher education, experts' opinions concerning the influence of the incorporation of AI on learning and teaching, and experts' views on applying AI specifically to assessment, academic integrity, and ethical considerations. The study used a qualitative method based on an unstructured qualitative interview with open-ended questions. The participants were thirteen individuals currently involved with higher education institutions and had various talents related to AI and education. Findings stress that implementing AI technology in administrative roles within higher education institutions is essential since it cuts costs, addresses problems efficiently and effectively, and saves time. The findings also revealed that AI plays a vital role in learning and teaching by speeding up the learning process, engaging learners and tutors, and personalising learning depending on the learner's needs within an entirely intelligent environment. AI can produce an accurate, objective, and suitable level of assessment. AI aids students in developing a stronger sense of integrity in their academic work by guiding them through AI-powered applications. AI must adhere to ethical laws and policies, ensuring its potential negative aspects are not overlooked or left unchecked.

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Pages: 1477-1492
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visibility 2486
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The concept of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) is presented as a framework that guides how to effectively integrate technologies in the educational environment. Through this model, we investigate the ethical implications related to the use of digital tools in teaching, and we outline the necessary knowledge that educators should have to address these issues of ethics and technology in the classroom. We assess the professional, ethical knowledge of pre-service teachers regarding their use of technologies using a descriptive and exploratory mixed-methods approach. The data for this research come from a Likert-scale questionnaire administered to 616 teacher-training students in Spain, as well as from personal interviews with 411 of them. From these data, we identify four of the eight dimensions of ethical knowledge: professional, ethical knowledge, ethics in the use of technologies, pedagogy for their integration in the classroom, and the use of content specific to the disciplines of pre-service teachers. The results obtained indicate that the preparation of educators with professional, ethical knowledge in training is insufficient, which highlights the need to address this issue in the post-pandemic context of the 21st century. Among the difficulties detected, it should be noted that this study is limited to a European university and a sample chosen for convenience, so it would be advisable to extend the study to other European universities.

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Pages: 121-133
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The Experience of Success and Failure of Gifted Students at School

experience of success experience of failure gifted students peer responses

Maruška Željeznov Seničar , Mojca Kukanja Gabrijelčič


The education of gifted students is often characterized by high expectations, ambitious goals, and significant effort invested in learning. Their experiences of success and failure are shaped by a variety of factors, including personal, family, school, cultural, and social influences. This article examines how gifted students perceive and experience their own successes and failures, as well as how these experiences are perceived and responded to by their peers. Using qualitative methods, the study involved semi-structured interviews with thirty gifted students from seventh to ninth grades across ten elementary schools in Slovenia. The findings indicate that gifted students experience a range of emotions in response to success, from satisfaction to anxiety, while their reactions to failure often involve frustration and self-criticism. Peer responses to their success and failure vary significantly, ranging from supportive encouragement to jealousy and social exclusion. These findings highlight the complex interpersonal dynamics at play within school environments. Understanding and addressing these dynamics is crucial for creating inclusive, supportive, and stimulating learning environments that nurture both the academic and social-emotional well-being of gifted students.

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Pages: 185-198
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visibility 915
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The integration of AI tools in education is reshaping how students view and interact with their learning experiences. As AI usage continues to grow, it becomes increasingly important to understand how students' perceptions of AI technology impact their academic performance and learning behaviours. To investigate these effects, we conducted a correlational study with a sample of 44 students to examine the relationship between students' perceptions of ChatGPT’s utility—focusing on usage frequency, perceived usefulness, accuracy, reliability, and time efficiency—and key academic outcomes, including content mastery, confidence in knowledge, and grade improvement. Additionally, we explored how these perceptions influence student behaviours, such as reliance on ChatGPT, procrastination tendencies, and the potential risk of plagiarism. The canonical correlation analysis revealed a statistically significant relationship between students' perceptions of ChatGPT's utility and their academic outcomes. Students who viewed ChatGPT as reliable and efficient tended to report higher grades, improved understanding of the material, and greater confidence in their knowledge. Furthermore, the bivariate correlation analysis revealed a significant relationship between dependency on ChatGPT and procrastination (r = 0.546, p < .001), indicating that a higher reliance on AI tools may contribute to increased procrastination. No statistically significant association was identified between ChatGPT dependency and the risk of plagiarism. Future research should prioritize the development of strategies that promote the effective use of AI while minimizing the risk of over-reliance. Such efforts can enhance academic integrity and support independent learning. Educators play a critical role in this process by guiding students to balance the advantages of AI with the cultivation of critical thinking skills and adherence to ethical academic practices.

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Pages: 199-211
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This study examines how work well-being is addressed in Finnish leadership education programs. The data consist of 91 publicly available course descriptions from Finnish leadership education programs in 2023, including those for master’s degrees from universities of applied sciences, traditional university-level leadership programs, and specialist vocational qualifications in leadership and business management. The study uses content analysis to examine the role of work well-being in leadership training. The results indicate that work well-being is often linked to organizational performance and treated as a tool for achieving economic goals, with less emphasis on the inherent value of employee well-being. This instrumental approach is prevalent across the different types of leadership training programs, including those found in the universities of applied sciences, traditional universities, and programs for specialist vocational qualifications in leadership and business management. The study also finds that leadership training programs often emphasize self-leadership and personal development, which can perpetuate a culture of individual responsibility for well-being and may lead to superficial leadership practices. The study concludes that Finnish leadership educators should prioritize holistic approaches to work well-being in leadership training, emphasizing its intrinsic value alongside its role in organizational performance, while researchers could explore methods to integrate and evaluate these balanced perspectives in diverse educational contexts.

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Pages: 229-248
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