'Experimental research' Search Results
Early Literacy Assessment among Kindergarten Teachers in Indonesia: A Phenomenological Study
early literacy assessment kindergarten teachers phenomenology...
The study aims to identify how kindergarten teachers perform early literacy assessments in the classroom and the challenges these teachers have in performing such assessments. During the study, the data were gathered through an in-depth interview in the form of a forum group discussion (FGD). Then, the phenomenological data were attained from 30 public and private Kindergarten teachers. The researchers could illustrate how these kindergarten teachers assessed their children's early literacy through these data. Furthermore, the study results show that the teachers' literacy knowledge has been sufficient and that the literacy programs for the children have been variously designed in each school. The teachers' techniques in performing the early literacy assessment are observation and documentation (portfolio), and the measurement of literacy skills itself refers to the scope of literacy. Concerning the findings, numerous obstacles and expectations that kindergarten teachers have are also discussed within the study.
The Pedagogical Manifestations: A Driver of Teachers’ Practices in Teaching Algebraic Equations
classroom practices pedagogical practices penta-knowledge collaborative planning teacher-centered methods...
Mathematics teachers’ instructional strategies lack in-depth knowledge of algebraic systems and hold misconceptions about solving two algebraic equations simultaneously. This study aimed to gain an in-depth analysis of teachers’ knowledge and perceptions about the promotion of conceptual learning and effective teaching of algebraic equations. The main question was, ‘How do junior secondary school mathematics teachers manifest their pedagogical practices when teaching algebraic equations? This article reports on a qualitative, underpinned by the knowledge quartet model study, that sought to explore how junior secondary school teachers’ pedagogical practices manifested in the teaching of algebraic equations. Data were collected from observations, semi-structured interviews, and document analysis of two mathematics teachers purposely selected from two schools. The collected data were analysed using a statistical analysis software called Atlas-ti. (Version 8) and triangulated through thematic analysis. The study revealed that teachers’ choices of representations, examples, and tasks used did not expose learners to hands-on activities that promote understanding and making connections from the underlying algebraic equation concepts. The study proposed Penta-Knowledge Collaborative Planning and Reflective Teaching and Learning Models to enable teachers to collaborate with their peers from the planning stage to lesson delivery reflecting on good practices and strategies for teaching algebraic equations.
Optimizing Academic Achievement through Comprehensive Integration of Formative Assessment into Teaching
academic achievement formative assessment peer assessment self-assessment structured assignments...
Learning activities are conducted to help students achieve optimal academic achievement. This research aims to optimize student academic achievement through a learning process that integrates comprehensive formative assessments, including formative tests, self-assessment, peer assessment, and the initiator of creating summaries or concept maps that are given to students in a structured manner at the end of every lesson. The research method used was a quasi-experimental method with a 2x2 factorial design. Students enrolled in the biology education program of the basic physics course for the 1st semester of the 2019 academic year participated in this study. The participants were 66 undergraduate students divided into two classes. Thirty-four students in the experimental group were in class A, while 32 students in the control group were in class B. Data were collected using a learning outcome test instrument to measure academic achievement, which was tested at the end of the semester. Data were analyzed using a two-way ANOVA. This study concluded that a learning process that includes comprehensive formative assessment significantly affects students' academic achievement. These findings support the theory that formative assessment provides feedback, correction, and improvement in student learning.
The Effects of The Blended Project-Based Literacy that Integrates School Literacy Movement Strengthening Character Education Learning Model on Metacognitive Skills, Critical Thinking, and Opinion Expression
blended li-pro-gp learning model critical thinking metacognitive skills opinion expression...
Metacognitive, critical thinking and opinion expression are in high demand. This study aimed to investigate the effects of the blended project- based literacy that integrates school literacy movement strengthening character education (literasi berbasis proyek terintegrasi GLS dan PPK: Li-Pro-GP) learning model on students' metacognitive skills, critical thinking, and opinion expression. A post-test experimental design was used to answer the research question. The study was conducted from August to October 2021 at Government Junior High School 23 Malang. Seventh-grade students were selected as research participants. The participants included 30 students from class VII-2. The research instrument was five essay questions to measure critical thinking skills. Material and assessment experts validated the essay questions developed by the researcher. The items that were declared valid were tested for validity. The result showed five valid items with high reliability of .670. Metacognitive skills were measured using the Metacognition Awareness Instrument (MAI), which consists of 40 items. The questions declared valid were tested for validity with a very high reliability of .953 for 37 items, and only three items were invalid. The ability to express an opinion was measured with an observation questionnaire validated by experts with a valid instrument score. Data analysis was performed by path analysis using the SmartPLS software. The results showed that the Li-Pro-GP blended learning model significantly strengthened students' metacognitive skills, critical thinking, and opinion formation.
Bandura's Observational Learning Model and General Motoric Ability About Learning Outcomes in Athletic Skills
athletic skills learning outcomes general motoric ability learning model...
This study aims to analyze the impact of Bandura’s observational learning model based on performance assessment learning models and general motor skills on athletic skills learning outcomes. This study used an experimental design treatment by level 2x2. A simple random sampling technique was used with a total of 88 people. The data collection method used consisted of tests and documentation. A two-way analysis of variance was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the students’ athletic skills learning outcomes that followed the Bandura observational learning model based on performance assessment were higher than students’ conventional learning model. There was an interaction effect between the learning model and general motor skills on the student's athletic skills learning outcomes. The students’ athletic skills learning outcomes who follow the Bandura observational learning model based on performance assessment were higher than the conventional learning model. The students with low general motor skills and the students’ athletic skills learning outcomes that followed the Bandura observational learning model based on performance assessment were lower than the conventional learning model. Based on the research findings, it is recommended to improve the athletic skills learning outcomes with Bandura's observational learning model based on performance assessments appropriately and correctly.
Examining the Associations Between Calibration Accuracy and Executive Functions in Physical Education
calibration accuracy executive functions physical education sports performance...
This study examined students’ calibration of performance in a sport skill in relation to their performance in an executive functions test. A total of 265 students in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades participated in the study. The students took an executive functions test, and then they were tested on a basketball shooting test, after having provided a personal estimation regarding their performance. Based on students’ actual and estimated performance, the bias index was calculated to classify students into three categories; accurates, underestimators and overestimators, while the accuracy index (absolute values of the bias index) was also calculated. The results showed a positive but small magnitude relation between students’ scores in the executive functions test and their performance calibration, while accurate scored higher on the executive function test compared to over estimators and under estimators. These results are similar to those of previous studies with elementary school children that employed cognitive tasks and were discussed with reference to theoretical and empirical implications.
An Examination of Science Achievement and School Compositional Effects in Ireland Using TIMSS Data
before children start school results are discussed with regard to educational policy and educational practice in ireland keywords: e...
Recent educational policy initiatives in Ireland have focused on improving outcomes in reading and mathematics among students, particularly those experiencing educational disadvantage. However, science achievement in Irish primary schools has received much less research attention, especially in the context of educational disadvantage. This article examines science achievement and its relationship to school compositional effects in primary schools at the national level, including school-average indicators of the school context, as well as examining factors associated with science achievement in three distinct categories of schools (those with high, moderate, or minor levels of educational disadvantage). The data are drawn from the Fourth grade Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2015 database for Ireland. Multilevel analyses were implemented in a stepwise manner. Findings suggest the relevance of school contexts with regard to science achievement. Before including school-level contextual variables, students from ‘minor disadvantaged’ schools achieved significantly higher science scores than students from schools with ‘moderate’ or ‘high’ levels of disadvantaged. However, this difference disappears after controlling for predictors at the school level. The findings highlight the importance of the home environment, including early numeracy activities and skills before children start school. Results are discussed with regard to educational policy and educational practice in Ireland.
Factors Affecting Parents' Intention of Sending Children to Study Abroad: A Study From Vietnam
children international education study abroad vietnamese parents...
In recent years, there is a growing number of Vietnamese students applying to study abroad at a younger age. Instead of waiting until adulthood, many Vietnamese parents decide to send their offspring to study abroad early from high school. This study was conducted to analyze the factors affecting the intention of Vietnamese parents to send their children to study abroad. The dataset includes 350 responses, in which parents of middle and high school students having the intention and willingness to send their children to study abroad are respondents. The research results show that perceived value, perceived risk, and three variables of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) model affect the intention to send their children to study abroad with the ability of explanation 53.4%. In detail, Attitude (influenced by Success, Modern self, and Traditional self) has the most significant influence (30.9%) on the dependent variable. On that basis, some suggestions are proposed for international educational organizations and study-abroad counseling centers to help them give the right orientation to Vietnamese parents about studying-abroad. Besides, proposing some recommendations for domestic educational institutions, international educational institutions, and educational management agencies in Vietnam, in order to improve the quality of education and training, creating an ideal learning environment that meets international standards for students, and simultaneously attracting international students to Vietnam.
Tutors' and Students' Views on Learning and Feedback in Problem-Based Learning
views discourse analysis feedback problem-based learning...
The successful application of the problem-based learning (PBL) approach requires feedback from the tutor to the student to guide the latter's learning process. The aim of this study was to characterise the views of a group of Chilean undergraduate students of Primary Teaching and their tutors regarding PBL methodology, and the role of feedback in it. Qualitative research was carried out based on a case study that gathered the views of students and tutors through a focus group. The methods of analysis adapted to the needs of this study are those derived from discourse analysis and especially from discourse in interaction in its three dimensions: interlocution (framework of participation), thematic (topic of discussion) and enunciative (enunciative positioning). The results indicate that students' views emphasised the inter-student collaboration involved in PBL, while tutors emphasised the motivational value of the methodology. However, both recognised the important role that feedback plays in enhancing learning opportunities. Knowing the views of both tutors and learners is central to improving PBL and feedback practices.
The Role of Hemispheric Preference in Student Misconceptions in Biology
biology concepts hemispheric preference intuitive reasoning right hemisphere students’ misconceptions...
The various intuitive reasoning types in many cases comprise the core of students’ misconceptions about concepts, procedures and phenomena that pertain to natural sciences. Some researchers support the existence of a relatively closer connection between the right hemisphere and intuitive thought, mainly due to a notably closer relation of individual intuitive cognitive processes with specific right hemisphere regions. It has been suggested that individuals show a different preference in making use of each hemisphere’s cognitive capacity, a tendency which has been termed Hemisphericity or Hemisphere Preference. The purpose of the present study was to examine the association between hemispheric preference and students’ misconceptions. A correlational explanatory research approach was implemented involving 100 seventh grade students from a public secondary school. Participants completed a hemispheric preference test and a misconceptions documentation tool. The results revealed that there wasn’t any differentiation in the mean score of misconceptions among the students with right hemispheric dominance and those with left hemispheric dominance. These findings imply a number of things: (a) the potential types of intuitive processes, that might be activated by the students, in interpreting the biology procedures and phenomena and their total resultant effect on students’ answers, probably do not have any deep connection with the right hemisphere; (b) it is also possible that students might use reflective and analytic thought more frequently than we would have expected.
Effects of a Transformative Learning Program for Developing Active Global Citizenship among Thai Students
active citizenship global citizenship transformative learning undergraduate students educational management...
This experimental research aimed to examine the effectiveness of the transformative learning program (TLP) on the active global citizenship (AGC) of 60 undergraduate students who had joined student affairs engaging in community development, working with a volunteer spirit, and community service. The participants were randomly assigned into experimental and control groups (n=30 for each group). The data were collected using the AGC Scale with a reliability of .968. Assessments were conducted three times: before, after the experiment, and follow-up. The TLP consisted of five steps: (a) Review social issues and crises contributing to disorientation; (b) Reflect critically to reach solutions; (c) Reformulate the meaning of perspectives to plan a course of action based on new perspectives; (e) Accept and improve new practices; and (f) Evaluate. MANOVA was performed to analyze the data. The results showed that students in the experimental group had a higher mean score of AGC than the control group, both after treatment and at follow-up (p < .05); the mean scores of the AGC of the experimental group after treatment and at follow-up were higher than the mean score before treatment (p < .05); and the mean score of AGC of the experimental group at follow up was higher than the score after treatment with no statistical significance. In conclusion, educational personnel could use this TLP to promote AGC for university students.
Grade-3 Learners’ Performance and Conceptual Understanding Development in Technology-Enhanced Teaching With Interactive Mathematics Software
conceptual understanding interactive mathematics software lower primary school mathematics education rwanda...
This study presented the effect of interactive mathematics (IM) software assisted-teaching on primary three learners' conceptual understanding and performance. The cognitive theory of multimedia learning (CTML) supported the quasi-experimental design of this study drawing on IM software features that fit a multimedia tool for effective learning. This study used a sample of 138 lower primary learners. Learners’ test scores and examples of their work provided data to be analyzed. Learners' conceptual understanding was measured using the percentage of learners who performed a particular item and analyzed using sample learners' work while the overall performance was measured using the mean class scores. From the data analysis, IM-assisted teaching influenced conceptual understanding and performance based on a .05 p-value, the effect size of significance, and learning gains. The analysis of learners’ workings revealed different errors in addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication, which were remarkably reduced in the post-test by IM-supported teaching. This evidenced conceptual understanding development by IM-supported teaching. The study suggested the integration of IM in the Rwandan Competence-Based curriculum and its use as an instructional tool in teaching and learning mathematics at the primary level. Besides, it was recommended that Rwanda Education Board support teachers in developing basic computer skills to effectively create and monitor a multimedia learning environment for effective learning. Furthermore, further similar research would improve the literature about interactive technologies in supporting quality mathematics delivery and outcomes.
Evaluation of Preservice Teachers’ Performance in School through Video Observations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
observation preservice teachers rubrics student evaluation teacher education...
Lesson study, observation and analysis are relevant to professional development and initial teacher education. As a strategy, it helps to bridge the gap between theory and practice. The health conditions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic forced the restriction of the tutors’ direct observation of preservice teachers at school. This study analyses preservice teachers’ performance through video observations to evaluate their professional activity at school during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Fifteen Items Revised Tsang-Hester Observation Rubric (FIR-THOR) was administered to a sample of 166 preservice teachers in their internship schools and their video recordings each one of 45-minute teaching lessons were analysed. The results show that the FIR-THOR appears as a robust instrument, which allows us to conclude that the instrument works well in the three five-items dimensions that compose it - Instruction, Management, and Assessment - proving to be reliable for assessing teacher intervention in the classroom. Among the three dimensions, the preservice teachers’ performance stands out in the Management of the classroom, as well as in the classroom Instruction. This contribution is relevant considering the potential of lesson analysis in learning and professional development during initial teacher training.
The Use of Mathematics Comics to Develop Logical-Mathematical Intelligence for Junior High School Students
logical-mathematical intelligence mathematics comics rural school students urban school students...
Logical-mathematical intelligence is highly needed to ease students’ understanding of mathematics concepts. Therefore, it is necessary to delivery an innovative teaching approach to enhance students’ logical-mathematical intelligence. This study aims to investigate the use of mathematics comics to increase the logical-mathematical intelligence of junior high school students in urban and rural schools. This study employed a quantitative approach with a pretest-posttest control group design. The population of this study were seventh-grade students from a junior high school in Banda Aceh (urban areas) and a junior high school in Aceh Besar (rural areas), Indonesia. The samples of this study were two classes (experimental and control) from each school which were selected randomly. To collect data, we used a logical-mathematical intelligence test and analyzed it by using t-test. This study shows that the use of mathematical comics in urban schools can improve mathematical logical intelligence. However, there was no improvement in students' mathematical logical intelligence in rural schools. Therefore, this study showed that using mathematics comics in different school conditions yield different results in logical-mathematical intelligence. The findings suggest that other learning innovations are required to improve students' logical-mathematical intelligence in rural areas.
Motivating Active Learning in Physical Education: Critical Thinking
elementary school hots motivation active learning physical education...
Motivation is essential in shaping how much a student is interested in learning and also affects how much students will learn from a learning activity or how much students' ability to capture the information presented by the teacher. Well-motivated students will produce a vibrant learning atmosphere and a better success rate. This research aims to determine whether the motivating active learning in physical education (MALP) model can help kids in elementary school develop their capacity for critical thinking. The design used is experimental. The research subjects were grade 6 elementary school students representing five sub-districts in the Tasikmalaya district. One elementary school was taken from each sub-district through a probability sampling technique using the cluster random sampling approach. The total sample taken was 137 people. The results of the study prove that applying the MALP model can greatly influence improving the critical thinking skills of elementary school students. The result of the study is proven by the significance test using the paired sample t-test; the results obtained from sig. (2-tailed) of .001< .05. So applying motivating active learning in the physical education model influences increasing elementary school students’ critical thinking skills.
Science Awareness: Analysis of Moroccan Curriculum Framework for Preschool Education
curricular framework early childhood morocco pre-school education scientific awareness...
Morocco has undergone significant reforms in the education and training field, including the implementation of preschool education as a compulsory stage in the education system. Several studies have shown that attitudes toward science tend to decline between the ages of 11 and 14. Therefore, it is crucial to promote the acquisition of different modes of reasoning and forms of thought from early childhood. The primary objective of preschool education in Morocco should be to promote positive attitudes toward science. This study aims to analyze the preschool program prescribed in the Moroccan curriculum framework with regard to scientific awareness as well as its methodological and practical implications. The analysis was conducted using a designed grid and including the following criteria: construction of school science; axiological and psychological foundations of science learning; objectives and competencies; contents; approaches; activities; teaching strategies; didactic resources; pedagogical design and evaluation. The study's findings revealed that the Moroccan Curriculum Framework for Preschool Education featured a number of dimensions related directly to scientific awareness. However, no explicit statements about scientific awareness or science literacy were made. Moreover, some elements suggested in the program document were out of phase with the current trends of scientific awareness. Therefore, the study offered some suggestions for improving the proposal provided by this pedagogical document. In conclusion, Morocco's focus on preschool education is a positive step towards building a more scientifically literate society. However, to fully benefit from it, the guidance document must be revised to reflect current scientific awareness trends.
Promoting Outcomes-Based Instructional Materials: Testing the Effectiveness of Print Modules for Business Students
business students human resource management methodological triangulation outcomes-based education print modules...
Education delivers systematic instruction so effective learning acquisition may take place. It molds students into holistic well-being to contribute to various industries; hence, relevant competencies are developed. Strengthening education significantly encompasses the production of formfitting and distinct instructional materials to invite a sequential way of presenting quality instruction. This research is focused on knowing the effectiveness of the modules developed in Human Resource Management for Filipino business students. Specifically, it is developmental research and utilizes a pretest and post-test control group design. Numerical data were supported by phenomenological interviews, strengthening the study's results. It involved 80 college students classified as the experimental and control group. Moreover, the interview includes 10 participants. Findings reveal that utilizing the modules realized the increase in performance of the experimental group due to their exposure to the materials. However, one of the pitfalls has been revealed in utilizing self-directed learning material; thus, academic performance will only improve if students are organized to set their own goals and learning pace. Using outcomes-based instructional materials leads to substantiating learning, effectively enticing learners' interest. It maximizes students' motivation and participation since topics are well-planned and designed comprehensively. The materials are an essential tool in inviting the enthusiasm of business students to engage in learning. These are valuable means to encourage independent learning without sacrificing the competencies to be learned and applied by the learners.
Measurement of Students' Chemistry Practicum Skills Using Many Facets Rash Model
chemistry practicum mfrm performance assessment process assessment product assessment...
The accuracy of assessing the capabilities of the process and product in chemical practice activities requires appropriate measurement procedures to be followed. It is crucial to identify the components that can introduce bias while measuring student abilities during the measurement process. This study aims to identify the components or criteria used by teachers to assess student performance in practicum activities and analyze the quality of the rubrics developed. The study was conducted with the participation of three raters, 27 high school students, and nine assessment criteria. A quantitative descriptive approach was employed using the many-facet Rasch model (MFRM) analysis for measurement. The results of the MFRM analysis show no significant measurement bias, with data measurement facets fitting the MFRM model. The reliability of all the facets meets the criteria, and the scale predictor functions appropriately. While all students can easily pass four out of nine items, five items can only be partially passed by students. The assessment criteria that require special attention include communication skills, tools and assembly, interpretation, cleanliness, and accuracy when performing practicums. These criteria provide feedback for teachers and students to ensure successful practicum activities. The Discussion section of this study delves into the findings and their implications.
Obstacles and Challenges in Implementing STEM Education in High Schools: A Case Study in the Northern Mountains of Vietnam
barriers challenges education in vietnam stem education stem integration...
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education has been successfully implemented in many countries around the world, including Vietnam. Admittedly, it appears that Vietnamese teachers are encountering several obstacles and challenges as they adopt STEM education in their classrooms. The purpose of this study was to use the Delphi method to figure out the obstacles and challenges that teachers in six northern mountainous provinces of Vietnam encounter when teaching STEM education. As per research findings, teachers confront 11 obstacles and challenges when integrating STEM education in their classrooms, including: Teacher competency, time consumption in lesson planning and guiding students to produce STEM products, teachers' beliefs regarding STEM education, inflexible programs, insufficient facilities, examination pressures, lack of timely rewards and encouragement for effective teachers, teachers’ self-funding teaching STEM, students’ competence, students’ cultural, economic and social background, and disagreements from student’s parents. These findings assist administrators and teachers in developing future strategies for successfully implementing STEM education in Vietnam.
The Effectiveness of The Educare Program in Improving Pro-Social Attitudes to Prevent Bullying in Inclusive Schools
bullying prevention educare program inclusive school pro-social attitude...
The fundamental challenge in implementing inclusive schools is related to accepting students with special needs by other students. Lack of acceptance and respect for differences often trigger acts of bullying. There are insufficient studies describing that the perpetrator of bullying in school is a student with special needs. This study aims to measure the effectiveness of the educare program in improving students' pro-social attitudes to prevent bullying in inclusive schools. The Educare Program consisted of four lesson plan themes and became a treatment instrument. Single subject research (SSR) was used for the research method, implementing the baseline-intervention-maintenance (AB+M) phase with multiple baselines across subjects. Three students, including a student with a disability and a low pro-social attitude, were the subjects of this study. The data were collected through observation and analyzed through graphical visual inspection focusing on trend, level, latency, and percentage of all non-overlapping data (PAND). The results of the study presented in polygon graphs and PAND showed that the Educare Program is very effective in increasing students' pro-social attitudes. Almost all scores of pro-social attitudes obtained through trend with PAND reached 96.11%.