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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

' innovativeness.' Search Results


Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is a model that explains how teachers use technology more effectively in the context of technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge. Teachers' TPACK competencies play great importance in this regard. Lesson study has also been playing significant roles in the development of teachers' professional trainings. When the researches on TPACK and lesson study have been analyzed, the research is expected to provide significant contributions to the literature. This study aims to present reflections from a lesson study practice that carried out to urge techno-pedagogical competencies of the secondary school mathematics teachers and to reveal the development of teachers’ progress. The study used case study method, and it was conducted with three in-service teachers. The research data were collected through semi-structured interviews, voice recorder, and observation notes. To analyze the collected data, descriptive analysis method was used. The results have revealed that teachers have made much more progress in designing, implementing, and problem solving in terms of TPACK competencies. It has also been determined that teachers’ development of openness to the innovations was limited. This limitation appeared to emerge as a result of teachers’ time anxiety and insufficient knowledge regarding the use of technology.

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Pages: 41-50
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In order to reflect the integration of the teachers’ content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and technology usage skills to the class context and to provide the expected outputs for the program's purposes, it is needed to be revealed the different dimensions of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). In this study, it was aimed to investigate the teacher training programmes related to pre-service science teachers’ TPACK. This study was designed as a cross-sectional study. In the 2015-2016 academic year, a total of 269 pre-service teachers (73 of them from 1st grade, 73 of them from 2nd grade, 87 of them from 3rd and 36 of them from 4th grade students) attending Science Education Department participated in this study. As a data collection tool, 7 subscales of “Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Scale of Pre-Service Teachers”; namely, technology knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge, technological pedagogical knowledge, technological content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and technological pedagogical content knowledge were used. According to the results, as the class level of pre-service teacher increases, their level of technological pedagogical content knowledge increases as well. Moreover, there is a significant difference on behalf of pre-service teachers at the 1st grade in all dimensions of technological pedagogical content knowledge scale.

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Pages: 51-57
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visibility 2102
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The purpose of the current study is to determine pre-service teachers’ opinions about 21st century learner and teacher skills. The study group of the current research is comprised of 391 senior students from an education faculty. As the data collection tool, the 21st century Learner Skills Use Questionnaire and 21st Century Teacher Skills Use Questionnaire were employed. In the analysis of the collected data, frequencies, percentages, arithmetic means, independent samples t-Test, One-Way Anova, Correlation, Mann Whitney-U, Kruskal Wallis techniques were used. The findings of the study revealed that the pre-service teachers’ opinions about 21st century learner and teacher skills vary significantly depending on the variables of gender, department attended, academic achievement, experience of private tutoring and practicum teaching (doing practicum teaching at elementary and secondary schools). As a result, it was concluded that the pre-service teachers are ready for using 21st century learner skills (cognitive skills, autonomous skills, collaboration and flexibility skills, innovativeness skills) and teacher skills (administrative skills, technopedagogical skills, affirmative skills, flexible teaching skills, generative skills). However, it was also found that the pre-service teachers were not able to make enough use of learner and teacher skills during their practicum teaching at schools. Moreover, a positive, medium and significant correlation was found between 21st century learner skills and 21st century teacher skills.

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Pages: 181-197
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The aim of this study is to reveal the suggestions of guidance and psychological counseling candidates (GPC) in dealing with math anxiety. The study analysed 50 GPC candidates’ opinions and suggestions on math anxiety. The research study utilized case study method. The participants were asked to respond what kind of studies they would suggest to their clienst in order to overcome math anxiety once they begin to work in their profession. The interviews transcripts were converted into written documents. Content analysis was made on those documents to find GPC candidates’ suggestions and opinions. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the reasons of math anxiety can vary from individual to individual. Therefore, it was emphasized that the studies to determine the causes of math anxiety should be specific for each individual. Then, consultancy service should be formed based on the assessment of reasons that cause anxiety for each person. If the individual's math anxiety is caused by environmental factors such as teachers, families and peers, guidance and psychological counseling services should be offered to these environmental factors.

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Pages: 421-431
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The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not teachers’ lifelong learning tendencies vary by gender, professional field, educational level of service, professional seniority, and frequency of reading a book, magazine, and newspaper. The study employs a descriptive research model. Its population consists of primary teachers and field teachers working in the central district of Kayseri province, located in the middle part of Turkey, in the 2015-2016 academic year. The study group consists of 380 teachers chosen from this population through stratified sampling. The data were collected through Personal Information Form and Lifelong Learning Tendency Scale developed by Diker-Coskun. The obtained data were analyzed via SPSS 20.00 at 0.05 significance level. The study revealed that the teachers working in the middle part of Turkey have low lifelong learning tendencies. Also, the study determined that the teachers’ lifelong learning tendencies significantly vary by gender, professional field, educational level of service, and frequency of reading a book, magazine, and newspaper, but professional seniority is not a factor that leads to a significant difference in lifelong learning tendency.

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Pages: 729-741
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visibility 1545
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This study aims to investigate students’ attitudes towards e- book use, and its relationship to self-efficacy and academic motivation in Omani higher education institutions. The sample of the study, which was chosen based on the stratification random method, consisted of 200 students from both genders and different colleges and academic years. To achieve the aims of the study, a descriptive correlational approach was adopted using attitudes, academic motivation and self-efficacy scales developed by the researchers, and administered to the study sample after assessing their psychometric properties. Findings show generally a positive significant correlation between students’ attitudes towards e-book use, self-efficacy, and academic motivation.

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Pages: 1167-1176
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visibility 1909
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The paper aims to know the influence of entrepreneurial leadership on the students' entrepreneurial intentions as well as its impact on teacherpreneurship. The design employed was quantitative with the ex post facto method using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) to test the hypothesis. The samples were taken using a stratified random sampling technique, obtaining 70 teachers and 285 students as the respondents. The data were gathered through a questionnaire, which has been tested for validity and reliability. The validity and reliability tests of each variable show the Cronbach's Alpha value, and the Composite Reliability is higher than 0.6 (the minimum standard), while the average variance extracted (AVE) value is higher than 0.50 (the minimum standard for validity). The hypothesis tested using the path coefficient is accepted if the t-statistic is above 1.96 and p-value less than 0.05.The results of the path coefficient and indirect effect are above 1.96 and below 0.05 for the t-statistic and p-value, respectively. Therefore, the three hypotheses are accepted. First, entrepreneurial leadership has a positive and direct significant influence on teacherpreneur, with a t-statistic value of 18.057 and a p-value 0.000. Second, similarly, the teacherpreneur positively and significantly influences students' entrepreneurial intentions, with a t-statistic value of 3.558 and a p-value 0.000. Third, entrepreneurial leadership has an indirect influence on entrepreneurial intentions, mediated by teacherpreneur. In other words, teacherpreneur mediated the influence of entrepreneurial leadership on entrepreneurial intentions, with a t-statistic value of 3.282 and p-value 0.0001. The findings recommend the importance of entrepreneurial leadership and teacherpreneur in establishing the students' entrepreneurial intentions.

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Pages: 1605-1614
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visibility 1526
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Shared leadership and employee empowerment develop positive feelings in employees towards the organization, the work they do and themselves. These positive emotions create confidence for employees to try new methods and techniques in their work. Employees who approach their work with an innovative mindset will be more beneficial to their organizations and increase their own satisfaction. In this study, the shared leadership, employee empowerment and innovativeness levels of schools, the relationship of these variables with each other and the predictive status were examined according to the perceptions of the teachers. This study is a research in relational survey model. The data of the research were collected in the province of Malatya in November during 2019-2020 academic year. The data were collected through "Shared Leadership", "Employee Empowerment" and "Innovativeness" scales. Correlation analysis and structural equation modeling were used to analyze the data. According to the results of the research, the levels of shared leadership, employee empowerment and innovativeness in primary schools are “partially high”. There is a positive, significant and moderate relationship between the school's shared leadership and employee empowerment and teachers' innovativeness. In addition, shared leadership and employee empowerment predict teachers' innovativeness. For this reason, it is considered important to create a school environment where leadership is shared in order to increase the innovativeness of teachers and to support teachers and include them in decision-making processes in order to empower them.

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Pages: 327-339
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visibility 1744
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Because of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, most universities were forced to choose Online Distance Learning (ODL). The study aimed to examine the response of university students to the new situation. A questionnaire was sent to the entire university student population. Based on responses from 606 students, it was revealed that use of all applications in ODL increased. However, only the use of MS Teams increased significantly, while the use of the other applications (email, Moodle, e-textbooks) increased in a range of low to medium in terms of effect sizes, and even nonsignificant for applications such as Padlet and Kahoot. Based on the replies of 414 respondents, a Model of Forced Distance Online Learning Preferences (MoFDOLP) based on Structural Equation Modeling was developed. With a chosen combination of predictors, we succeeded in predicting 95% of variance for Satisfaction, more than 50% for Continuance Preferences variance in MS Teams applications, and nearly 20% in the case of e-materials. Among hypothesized constructs, only Attitudes are a strong predictor of Satisfaction, while Organizational Support, Perceived Ease of Use and Learner Attitude toward Online Learning are not. Satisfaction is a good predictor of Continuance Preferences to use Information Technology after the lockdown ended.

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Pages: 393-411
cloud_download 1936
visibility 2219
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Analyzing Indonesian Students’ Google Classroom Acceptance During COVID-19 Outbreak: Applying an Extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model

gcr utaut model trust learning platform covid-19

Zulherman Zulherman , Farah Mohamad Zain , Darmawan Napitupulu , Siti Nazuar Sailin , Liszulfah Roza


The primary goal of this study is to explore what makes teachers accept Google Classroom (GCR). GCR platform is an emerging technology that could support online learning activities by offering outstanding benefits such as usability, flexibility, and task adaptability. Many of the students in Indonesia have al-ready used the GCR platform since the government has tried to provide it as a free online learning tool to support learning activities during the pandemic. However, there is limited understanding of users' behavior, especially Indonesian students' acceptance of the GCR platform. The model is tested by administering the online questionnaire to 261 university students in Indonesia. The extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model (UTAUT) model has been applied to observe users’ acceptance of GCR. The result Performance expectancy (PE), Effort expectancy (EE) Social Influence (SI), Facilitating Conditions (FC), Trust of Internet (TI) and Trust of Government (TG) considerably affected users’ intention to use the GCR. Moreover, Trust of Internet (TI) and Trust of Government (TG) also knowingly impacted Performance expectancy (PE).

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Pages: 1697-1710
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visibility 1414
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Related Factors in Undergraduate Students' Motivation towards Social Entrepreneurship in Malaysia

entrepreneurship education motivation toward social entrepreneurship self-efficacy social support undergraduate students

Norsamsinar Samsudin , Mohamad Rohieszan Ramdan , Ahmad Zainal Abidin Abd Razak , Norhidayah Mohamad , Kamarul Bahari Yaakub , Nurul Ashykin Abd Aziz , Mohd Hizam Hanafiah


Education based on social entrepreneurship (SE) practices is of importance at this time to shape the personality of students who are more responsible towards the surrounding environment. This SE requires high motivation from students to ensure success in education based on social entrepreneurship can be achieved. However, the factors that support the motivation for social entrepreneurship are still poorly identified, particularly in the setting of undergraduate students in Malaysia. Data were collected from 15 selected Malaysian universities involving undergraduate students who are actively involved in the Enactus program. A set of questionnaires was administered to 294 respondents online. The data analysis involved confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to measure the construct validity of the measurement model, and covariance-based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM) to establish the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variables. The results revealed self-efficacy and entrepreneurship education provide a relationship in motivation toward social entrepreneurship by undergraduate students. However, social support does not relate to motivation toward social entrepreneurship. Overall, this study adds to the notion of factors that influence social entrepreneurship motivation by supplementing the literature in the areas of educational management and entrepreneurship. In practice, this study contributes significantly to the formation of government policies to further strengthen the motivation of social entrepreneurship that can enhance the community economy and local communities.

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Pages: 1657-1668
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visibility 1369
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The primary objective of this study is to require the experts’ unanimous agreement on the e-learning antecedents and usage behavior towards e-learning performance. This study used the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) to gather answers and feedback using a 7-point Likert scale. The survey (items) was reviewed and approved by eight panel members or experts. It was analyzed using Fuzzy Delphi Logic (FUDELO 1.0) software. The data were evaluated using triangular fuzzy numbering and the position (ranking) of each variable was established through defuzzification. The findings revealed that all of the items received high levels of expert agreement, significantly greater α-cut defuzzification values >.5, the overall value of the threshold (d) is less than .2 and had to comply with the overall percentage of percent consensus, which must be greater than 75%. All 45 recommended items were retained adequately and acceptable for a large-scale survey in this study. Finally, each item was prioritized (ranked) based on the defuzzification value, and then some additional items were added, as recommended by experts.

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Pages: 467-480
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New Challenges of Learning Accounting With Artificial Intelligence: The Role of Innovation and Trust in Technology

artificial intelligence online learning perceived trust personal innovativeness technology adoption

Ayatulloh Michael Musyaffi , Bobur Sobirov Baxtishodovich , Bambang Afriadi , Muhammad Hafeez , Maulana Amirul Adha , Sandi Nasrudin Wibowo


Online learning has become increasingly popular, making the learning process more attractive. One of the most popular learning media is artificial intelligence (AI). However, students do not accept this technology at all. Therefore, this study examined the factors influencing accounting students' acceptance of AI in learning. The survey was conducted with 147 higher-education students who use AI as a learning medium. The data were analyzed using SmartPLS 4.0 with the partial least square approach. The results showed that perceived usefulness influenced behavioral intention to use and satisfaction. However, perceived ease of use was only significant for satisfaction. Similarly, perceived confidence must be consistent with intention. Although it may influence perceived usefulness, other constructs, such as AI quality and personal innovativeness, can increase students' perceptions of the benefits and convenience of adopting AI in learning. Thus, this study contributes to the development of the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the information systems success model and is helpful to scholars, especially in applying AI in learning. They need to pay attention to the quality of AI, such as the accuracy of the information produced. Thus, the need to control the information from the AI only serves as a reference without requiring you to trust it completely.

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Pages: 183-195
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visibility 1907
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Since psychological satisfaction is influenced by the interaction between individuals and their environment, it is necessary to create a cooperative climate at the organizational level and strengthen collective innovativeness at the individual level to improve teachers' job satisfaction. Therefore, the study investigated whether collective innovativeness can be mediated by the school climate to enhance teacher job satisfaction. This study extensively examined survey data with a sample of 3,976 teachers in Shanghai through Structural Equation Modeling, obtained from Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS). The findings revealed that teachers' collective innovativeness served as a significant mediator between school climate and job satisfaction. Furthermore, higher levels of collective innovativeness among teachers amplified the influence of school climate on their job satisfaction. These findings show that schools should strive to foster a collaborative school climate and provide support for teachers in implementing innovative and collaborative teaching activities with the aim of enhancing their job satisfaction. Above all, efforts are needed to support teachers' active and cooperative practice capabilities in building teacher-student relationships.

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Pages: 1573-1585
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visibility 1161
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