'Moral intelligence' Search Results
Emotion and Education: Reflecting on the Emotional Experience Emotion and Education
affective self-understanding emotional education cognitive theory of emotions reflective experience emotional life...
The paper presents an educative experience organized in a postgraduate course in a faculty of education with the aim of facilitating students’ “affective self-understanding”. Affective self-understanding is a reflective practice that allows people to comprehend their own emotions in order to gain awareness of them. Students were spontaneously engaged in a laboratory, where they were invited to reflect on their emotional lives. The educative experience was subdivided into different phases requiring writing and analysis tasks. At the end of the experience, students were asked what they thought they had learned, what had been difficult, and what had been the most important phase for learning. Students’ answers were analyzed on the basis of grounded theory through an inductive process of analysis. The theoretical framework of the research is the cognitive theory of emotions. According to this theory, an emotional education is possible because we can understand emotions by identifying their cognitive component and the actions they induce.
Facilitating and Dealing with Learner Differences in the Online Classroom
facilitated online learning (fol) independent online learning (iol) online classroom presence school climate school culture pedagogy computer mediated learning (cml) socioeconomic status (ses) efficacy...
This paper explores the challenges faced by teachers and educators in the online classroom, especially in light of existing learner differences among students stemming from intelligence, socioeconomic status (SES), culture, gender, among other factors. The author examines the characteristics of the online classroom and looks at learner differences as significant factors impacting teacher responsibilities in the online setting. Several challenges common to facilitated online learning (FOL) and independent online learning (IOL) in the online classroom are examined and brought into perspective as the author applies social science theories such as self-efficacy, multiple intelligences theory, social distance theory and comparative homogeneity, pedagogy and classroom management theories in analyzing and addressing these challenges. The author makes several recommendations for online teachers and educators to address the problems and challenges that are present in the online classroom and then explores the implications for teaching and learning. Finally, the author espouses a need for research into the major issue under discussion.
Teachers’ Moral Intelligence: A Scale Adaptation into Turkish and Preliminary Evidence
moral intelligence integrity responsibility compassion forgiveness...
The purpose of this work is to adapt the existing Moral Competency Index (MCI) developed by Lennick and Kiel in a sample of teachers. The validated Turkish version of MCI is based on the item pool of the original MCI with a slight adaptation of the items to fit the context of teacher leadership. The translated form was administered to 773 teachers in Gaziantep city. Exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach’s Alpha and Split-half reliability, and item analysis were performed through SPSS, while the first and second order confirmatory factor analyses were performed through AMOS. Results showed that adapted Turkish form of MCI (Ogretmen Ahlaki Yeterlik Olcegi) is reliable and valid, and the four-dimensional original factorial structure (integrity, responsibility, forgiveness, and compassion) was confirmed and maintained. Finally, multiple regression analyses were performed. Results showed that female teachers have higher levels of moral competencies in the dimensions of integrity and forgiveness. Also, as teachers’ age increases, their general moral competency scores increase in the dimensions of integrity, responsibility, and compassion.
The Effect of Thinking Actively in a Social Context and Creative Problem-Solving Learning Models on Divergent-Thinking Skills Viewed from Adversity Quotient
thinking actively in a social context creative problem solving divergent thinking adversity quotient...
This research aims to find out: (1) the more effective learning model on students' divergent-thinking skills; (2) the better adversity quotient on students' divergent-thinking skills; (3) the better adversity quotient to improve students' divergent-thinking skills in each learning model; and (4) the better learning model to improve students' divergent-thinking skills in each adversity quotient. This research uses a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental type. The fifth-grade students were selected as the research subjects. This research was carried out at the public elementary schools in Laweyan District, Surakarta, Indonesia. Test and questionnaire techniques were used to collect data. The data analysis was performed with the analysis prerequisite, hypothesis, and multiple-comparison tests. The results showed that the learning model and adversity quotient have an influence on divergent-thinking skills; for each adversity quotient, the thinking actively in a social context learning model is better than the creative problem solving and direct instruction learning model; the creative problem solving learning model is better than the direct instruction learning model; and adversity quotient of the climbers is better than that of the campers and the adversity quotient of the campers is better than that of the quitters in each learning model.
The Profile of Students' Social Skills of Bengawan Solo Elementary Nature School
social skills elementary school nature school...
This study aimed to describe the profile of the students’ social skills of Bengawan Solo nature elementary school. The study was qualitatively conducted as a case study. The participants were teachers and students who were chosen by employing a purposive sampling technique. The data were obtained through observations, questionnaires, interviews, and document analysis. This study employed an interactive model data analysis included: data validating, data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The conclusions of the study comprise: (1) the cooperation aspect, students can collaborate well; (2) the assertion aspect, students can get along with new friends and communicate with others; (3) the responsibility aspect, students understand their role and responsibility to the God, themselves, others, and society; (4) the empathy aspect, students can feel others' feeling and problem; (5) the self-control aspect, students can control their mental state so that they can avoid anger and bad influences.
Mathematics Learning Interest of Students Based on the Difference in the Implementation of Model of Thematic Learning and Character-Integrated Thematic Learning
thematic learning model character mathematics’ learning interest...
The teaching and learning in Indonesian elementary schools focus both on students’ concept mastery and character development. Teachers are encouraged to implement a learning model that integrates character values and yet promote learning interest. This study was aimed at investigating the mathematics learning interest of grade three elementary school students through the integration of thematic learning with character education, referred to as the character-integrated thematic learning model. Using a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design, this study involved 70 students and employed a questionnaire to obtain data, which were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. Descriptively, the average scores of students' learning interest before and after the implementation of the character-integrated thematic learning model are respectively 117.54 and 140.69 with the gain index of 0.44 in the fair category. While score obtained for thematic learning model are 116.11 and 120.23 with the gain index of 0.07 in the low category. The results of the statistical inference analysis using the independent sample t-test were obtained t-count of 4.98 > t-table of 1,667. This indicates that there has been a significant increase in students’ learning interest scores with the implementation of character-integrated thematic learning model. Thus, this learning model can be applied to pay attention to the development of student’s character which has an impact on increasing student’s learning interest.
Project-Based Assessment in Teaching Intercultural Communication Competence for Foreign Language Students in Higher Education: A Case Study
intercultural communication competence project-based assessment culture communication teaching innovation...
As a part of learning process, project-based assessment (PBA) is determined to be a potential approach in higher education evaluation that focuses on developing the important objectives related to critical thinking, team working and problems solving skills. The aim of the paper is to find out students’ reflection and teachers’ beliefs towards using this project-based assessment method in teaching Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC). To collect the data, a project-based assessment design was applied for 124 English major students at B University in the 9 weeks ICC course. This project was implemented from the beginning of the course, and at the end of the course, learners’ products were performed with specific activities regarding culture knowledge competition, online cultural community activities, talent performance, situational judgment ability, and eloquence skills. In addition, a set of questionnaires were delivered to the participants, plus the interviews with 36 teachers who have taught culture-related subjects from the universities in Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia. The findings revealed that although there were certain challenges, using project-based assessment in teaching culture had satisfactory effects on students’ intercultural competence, problem- solving skills, critical thinking, and learning motivation.
Effects of Mindset, Democratic Parenting, Teaching, and School Environment on Global Citizenship of Ninth-grade Students
democratic parenting democratic teaching global citizenship mindset school environment...
This research intended to examine the effect of mindset, democratic parenting, democratic teaching, and school environment on global citizenship among 2,226 ninth-grade students and 80 social studies teachers from 80 classrooms in public schools. The research instruments included a student questionnaire to measure global citizenship, democratic parenting, fixed and growth mindset, and a teacher questionnaire to measure democratic teaching and school environment and to analyze the data based on multilevel structural equation modeling. The significant findings revealed that democratic parenting and school environment positively affected global citizenship, whereas democratic teaching had a negative effect on global citizenship. In addition, the outstanding students with a growth mindset tend to lead to a positive effect and act as a mediating role through global citizenship than those with outstanding fixed mindset clearly. All factors in the model collaboratively explained the variance of global citizenship accounted for 62.8% and 47.5% at student and classroom levels, respectively. Finally, the discussions and suggestions section suggested the recommendations according to the findings of the research.
Teacher-Student Performance Criteria During Online Classes due to COVID-19: Self-Report by Postgraduate Students in Education
didactic pandemic performance school lockdown teaching...
During didactic interactions, teachers and students employ competencies and skills that correspond functionally to one another, and several models propose to typify didactic performances in higher education. For this study, we chose the didactic performance interbehavioral model as the substantive theory to identify six pairs of didactic performance criteria through self-evaluations from graduate students. These included: Competency exploration–precurrent learning behaviors, Criteria explicitness–Criteria identification, Illustration–Participation, Practice supervision–Relevant practice, Feedback–Improvement, and Evaluation–Application.309 Peruvian students from an in-person postgraduate course in Education Sciences filled out two scales (via Google Forms) to assess teacher-student performance criteria during online classes. Convergent and divergent validity were obtained separately for six teacher/student performance constructs through a confirmatory analysis using LISREL 8. Moreover, differences according to sex were only significant for the Illustration teacher criterion (favoring men) and the Application student criterion (favoring women). Students rated Explicitness of criteria and Illustration as the teacher performance criteria most frequently seen during online classes. On the other hand, Criteria identification ranked the highest in terms of the students’ performance criteria, followed by Feedback–Improvement. Another conclusion was that the didactic performance interbehavioral model could be empirically supported by the two self-assessment questionnaires, which yielded good convergent and divergent validity of constructs.
Moral Intelligence and its Relationship to Academic Entitlement and Academic Performance of Secondary School Students
academic entitlement academic performance moral intelligence secondary school students...
The purpose of the current research is to identify the correlations between moral intelligence and both academic entitlement and academic performance; in addition to identify the mediating role of academic entitlement between moral intelligence and academic performance. Four hundred and forty-four students from (Yemen, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Jordan) participated in the research. The moral intelligence scale and the academic entitlement scale were applied to the participants and data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficient and path analysis. The results revealed that there was a statistically significant negative correlation between moral intelligence and academic entitlement and a significant positive correlation between moral intelligence and academic performance. Besides, results demonstrated the mediating role of academic entitlement between moral intelligence and academic performance. The results of this research can be employed in building programs and setting plans for developing moral intelligence and eliminating academic entitlement behaviors and beliefs to encounter the problems of secondary school students.
Soft Skills Through the Prism of Primary School Teachers
common referential primary school soft skills teachers teaching practices...
COVID-19 and the expansion of distance learning pose new challenges to the educational system. Soft skills are imperative in this context, for children's effective and adaptive learning. The following study aims to discover teachers' representations by identifying their common conceptual framework of soft skills in primary school. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers. The teachers' comments helped identify and define a framework of soft skills that would help children learn effectively. The results illustrate that the lack of practice of soft skills activities depends on the teachers' perceptions of the importance of their role in transmitting disciplinary knowledge. The study concluded that the lack of a clear and shared vision of soft skills influences the representations and practice of teachers.
The Relationship of Supporting Factors That Influence the Performance of Hindu Religious Teachers
hindu religious teacher hindu principal leadership school culture supervision of school superintendents teacher work motivation...
Several supporting factors are alleged to influence the performance of teachers. This study aimed to describe the relationship between each research variable and teachers’ performance, either directly or indirectly. This research was conducted through surveys and quantitative approaches that included correlational research types. The research subjects were Hindu religion teachers in 119 state junior high schools, consisting of 517 teachers. The sample of 256 people was determined using the Krejcie and Morgan formula and the Warwick and Lininger formula. The samples from each sub-population were determined with the proportional random sampling technique, and the personal sampling of sample members was determined with the use of lottery techniques. The data were collected using a five-point Likert scale model questionnaire with high validity and reliability. The data analysis technique used in this study was structural equation modelling. The conceptual model met the standards of comprehensive goodness-of-fit requirements. The results of the study show that the average levels of Hindu principals’ leadership, the emotional intelligence of teachers, supervision of school superintendents, school culture, teachers’ work motivation, and the performance of Hindu religion teachers are in the high category. In addition, the hypothesis testing results show there is a significant direct and indirect relationship between the variables in the state junior high school.
Constructive Cognitive Assessment of Learning in a Course on the Computational Cognition in Psychology Students
academic learning cognitive evaluation mental representation of knowledge natural semantic networks...
Learning evaluation is a complex task, and this study illustrates the Constructive Assessment of Learning as a complementary alternative to evaluate the computational cognition schema construction. The authors designed a mental representational task under the Chronometric Constructive Cognitive Learning Evaluation Model. Control and experimental groups performed a conceptual definition task based on the Natural Semantic Network technique (NSN). They defined ten target concepts related to computational cognition theory, using verbs, nouns, and adjectives as definers. Afterward, the participants rated the conceptual quality of each definer one by one, on a scale of one to ten; the higher the rating, the greater the quality of the definer to define the target concept. The results indicate that the NSN technique was sensitive to measuring and discriminating cognitive changes in knowledge structures produced by the specific learning of computational cognition theory. In contrast, the learning of broad psychology subjects produced general cognitive changes without organization related to the specific learning of the evaluated course. Data showed more sophisticated cognitive change patterns on the evaluated schema in the experimental group than in the control group. The findings of this study suggest that cognitive assessment techniques can be helpful in the formative assessment of learning and provide clear indicators of students' knowledge management skills.
The Effect of Character Teaching on College Student Social-Emotional Character Development: A Case in Indonesia
character teaching college student socioemotional development...
This study aimed to investigate the effect of character teaching on college student socioemotional character development. The study was conducted at IAIN Pontianak, Universitas Tanjungpura and Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak. The sample was 1284 students, 388 male and 896 female. Partial least square-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) data analysis using SmartPLS was used. The findings reveal that character teaching has a significant and positive effect on college student honesty, prosociality, respect at home, respect at school, self-control, and self-development. This study suggests that colleges/universities ensure that lecturers supervise student assignments, seriousness and discipline, check students’ attendance strictly, give course assessment samples, and grade their assignments on schedule. At the end of the conclusion, implications and suggestions are given.
Project-Based Learning as a Strategy in Physical Education Teacher Training: Creating A Cultural Route Promoting Active Commuting
active learning higher education student project...
This study analyzes the narrated reflection of the students in relation to their learning, based on the perceptions that emerge from their experience in the development of the project. Participants were 53 fourth year Pedagogy in Physical Education students, with an average age of 24.3, who were divided into 13 groups. A qualitative study that used the narrated reflection of the students in relation to learning, based on a driving question. In order to help guide the students’ work, and to collect the perceptions they experienced during their participation, the following four components were integrated into the development of the project and included in the final product: a) historical and heritage sites, b) technology used to measure energy expenditure, c) type of active commuting, d) reflection on what was learned. The students designed 13 routes of active commuting through the city, which included different cultural, heritage and historical landmarks. The students analyzed the learning experience, highlighting the importance of knowing and caring for the heritage of the different cities around which they traveled. PBL can be a didactic alternative in initial Physical Education teacher training to achieve learning by linking subject content with the motivations and interests of the students.
Innovative Teaching: A Bibliometric Analysis From 2013 to 2023
bibliometrics bibliometrix innovative teaching research trends topic evolution...
This study sought to investigate the current state of innovative teaching research and identify emerging themes and trends in the field from 2013 to 2023. The Scopus database was searched for the term “innovative teaching,” resulting in 1005 documents. After manual screening, 903 articles were exported in the BibTeX format for further processing in Bibliometrix using three bibliometric analysis types: network analysis, science mapping, and performance analysis. Performance analysis revealed bursts in publication output in 2015 and 2021, with a moderate boost in 2018. Ten top-cited journal papers were identified. The citation rates were low between 2019 and 2021, but there has been an upturn since 2022. The top keywords included simulation and nursing education, and there was a shift in research topics from broad educational concepts to more specific approaches, such as e-learning. Innovative teaching has been predominantly investigated in higher education, particularly in nursing education, with themes like “teaching/learning strategies” suggesting an emphasis on enhancing teaching practices not just through technology infusion. This study can aid educators and researchers in staying current with innovative teaching developments and inform their teaching practices.
Art Teaching: Inclusive Factor and Attention to Diversity
artistic creation art education cultural diversity inclusive education...
The current research aims to analyze art teaching as an inclusive factor and pays attention to diversity in excluded populations to meet the needs of students in the pandemic context. In regard to methodology, we used the naturalistic paradigm, a qualitative approach, and an inductive method with a phenomenological and hermeneutical design. The data collection techniques we used were semi-structured interviews with teachers of the Regular Basic Education in Peru. The findings show that through the mediation of diverse artistic languages and the implementation of different didactic strategies, it is possible to achieve an interaction free from exclusion barriers, driven by good teaching practices that enable the inclusion and attention to the diversity of students, providing them with opportunities to develop capacities and skills to establish better coexistence. We concluded that art education comprises a lasting learning process that guarantees a healthy environment for peaceful coexistence, which today, inclusive teachers, parents, and students should keep in mind.
Developing Creative Thinking in Preschool Children: A Comprehensive Review of Innovative
comprehensive review creative thinking early childhood...
The ability to think creatively has a vital role in the development of preschool children. This research provides a comprehensive review of innovative approaches and strategies for developing creative thinking in preschool children based on current trends and methodologies used in educational settings. This research shows three significant areas: (a) creative thinking skills in preschool children, (b) factors influencing creative thinking skills in depth, and (c) innovative strategies and approaches to stimulate creative thinking abilities in preschool children. This research uses a literature study method assisted by the publish perish application to find reference sources related to creative thinking abilities in preschool children. Studies show that creative thinking abilities in preschool children enable them to find innovative solutions, help them adapt to challenges, foster self-confidence and courage, and enrich their experience and knowledge of the world around them. Meanwhile, preschool children's creative thinking abilities are influenced by collaboration from the external environment (parents, teachers, and society); providing support and examples for children to develop and stimulate their creative thinking skills is very important.
A Systematic Review on the Factors Related to Cyberbullying for Learners’ Wellbeing
cyberbullying factors recommendations systematic review...
The wide use of the Internet of Things (IoT) in all spheres of life has led to a surge of cyberbullying among learners worldwide. That is why it cannot be denied that underlying factors, manifestations, consequences, and preventive measures of cyberbullying improve the welfare and overall mental development of students. This systematic literature review examines the causes, effects, and preventive measures of cyberbullying based on empirical studies conducted on learners in various situations. The review will focus on existing material published between 2015 and April 2024. For the inclusion and exclusion of literature, the Scopus online database was employed, along with the guidelines of the PRISMA model. Of 1004 studies, 51 were closely reviewed to determine the responses to the objectives of this study. NVIVO-12 was used for both thematic and content analysis in this study. The results show that there are 29 causes, 12 forms, 31 effects, and 41 different preventives for cyberbullying. The results of this study will not only enhance the comprehension of various concerns for parents, guardians, policymakers, educators, and governments but also provide valuable insights to researchers for addressing this issue.
Developing Gross and Fine Motor Skills Using Sensory Integration in Children With Moderate Autism Spectrum Disorder
autism spectrum disorder fine motor skills gross motor skills sensory integration...
Sensory integration (SI)-based intervention programs aim to improve the motor performance of children with moderate autism spectrum disorder (MASD), which may contribute to the development of their gross and fine motor skills. This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of a SI-based training program in developing gross and fine motor skills in 70 children with MASD aged 6–9 years (M = 7.11, SD ± 1.19) and selected intentionally from a daycare center in Al-Ahsa in Saudi Arabia. The study used the quasi-experimental approach and followed the experimental design with two groups, which were randomly distributed and examined for equivalence. The study also used the Gross Motor Skills Scale (GMSS), the Fine Motor Skills Scale (FMSS), and the training program based on SI. The study found that the experimental group had significantly higher post-test scores in the GMSS and the FMSS than the control group, with these differences being statistically significant. However, no significant difference was observed between the post-test scores and the follow-up test scores within the experimental group, indicating stability in their performance over time. This indicates the effectiveness of the training program used in developing the targeted skills and the continuation of the training effect after the program’s application period. The study suggests that children should use SI-based training programs to enhance their motor skills.