'online integrated character education' Search Results
The Mastery of Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge among Indonesian Biology Teachers
biology teachers indonesia tpack mastery...
The mastery of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is very important for teachers in order to achieve qualified learning. Analyzing the mastery of TPACK by teachers in Indonesia seems to be imperative to provide baseline data to Indonesian government. This study aimed to examine the mastery of TPACK, in particular among biology teachers in terms of their teacher certification status, educational level, and academic background. This research involved 68 biology teachers obtained through proportional random sampling in five districts of Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. The data collection was conducted through a multiple-choice test consisting of 33 items. The results showed that although the teacher’s mastery of TPACK was categorized as fair (60.13), it does not meet the work performance standards as a good teacher in Indonesia which has a minimum score of 76.00. Using Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis Tests (p< 0.05), the evidence revealed that the mastery of TPACK among biology teachers is likely influenced by the academic background, educational level, and teacher certification status.
Student’s Critical Thinking Skills Through Discovery Learning Model Using E-Learning on Environmental Change Subject Matter
critical thinking skills e-learning environmental change discovery learning...
This study aimed to analyze the critical thinking skills of students in learning of environmental change material using e-learning madrasah. This study used explanatory sequential design by mixed-methods experiment. The data were collected by interviewing, observing, and essay testing that have indicators modified from critical thinking skills by Watson-Glaser, Facione, and Ennis. There were 67 participants in this study as 7th grade student at a junior high school in Sleman district. Quantitative data analyzed by determining average score and standard deviations and, qualitative data analyzed from interviews and observation. Quantitative analysis showed that there were 3 levels of student’s critical thinking skills which were 14 students (20.90%) in the high category, 38 students (56.72%) in the middle category, and 15 students (22.38%) in the low category. Qualitative analysis indicated learning model made students to learn actively, independently, and enthusiastically looking for several sources. This study provided information about student critical thinking skills in junior high school, especially in the environmental change matter which are still low. Thus, the alternative learning strategies to improve students critical thinking skills are very needed. Besides, information on the application of the discovery learning model with e-learning Islamic school was obtained in the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mathematics Teachers’ Practices of STEM Education: A Systematic Literature Review
instructional approaches mathematics stem education...
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education is regarded as one of the formulas to embracing many of our imminent challenges. STEM education benefits the learners by encouraging interest in STEM disciplines. This daunting task needs everyone’s concerted efforts in creating and innovating mathematics teachers’ classroom practices Therefore, a systematic review was conducted to identify best practices for STEM education following the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) by Moher et al. (2015). The reviewed articles were published from 2016 to 2020 and accessed using the Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases. Three themes for best practices were identified namely (a) core competencies encompassing 21st-century teaching skills; (b) instructional designs; and (c) requisite STEM execution. Results of PRISMA determined the dominant STEM practices were critical thinking, communication, collaboration, problem-solving, research-based pedagogy, problem-based learning and project-based learning, technological integration, accessibility, professional development and learning support, evidence of effectiveness, access to materials and practitioner support, and scalability. Mathematics teachers should determine the best STEM practices to employ even though there is a lack of studies on integrated STEM domains. When more students are interested in venturing and exploring into the field of STEM, the high demand for STEM related careers could be met by the younger generation.
The Users’ Experiences in Processing Visual Media for Creative and Online Learning Using Instagram
creative learning creating instagram online learning user experience...
The aims of the recent study were; analyzing the effect of creative and online learning using Instagram on the ability to create new products in the technology and learning media course, and determining the level of users’ experience in processing visual media through the Canva application on android. Quantitative approach with this research was carried out through a quasi-experimental research model because it measured the post-test was applied to 58 students as the respondents in two experimental and control classes. This study used two instruments; the cognitive learning outcome questionnaire according to the subject to get the students’ ability to create new products, and the second instrument was taken from ueq-online.org in the Indonesian version to know the users' experience in processing visual media. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, mean and standard deviation assisted by IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0. The results demonstrated that the effect of creative and online learning using Instagram on the ability to create new products in The Technology and Learning Media course was found significant at 0.028 <0.05 which meant it could be applied well. Meanwhile, the level of users' experience in processing the visual media application Canva on Android had the highest score on the Stimulation scale at 1.59, categorized "Very Good" and the lowest score was on the Novelty scale at 0.93, categorized "Above Average". With the strong creative encouragement to create new products, the students were able to process their own visual media which were tailored to the agreed digital visual designs and were published on Instagram.
Implementing Online Integrated Character Education and Parental Engagement in Local Cultural Values Cultivation
local cultural values online integrated character education parental engagement...
Character education is urgent in passing down the ethical and moral values in the cultured community life. The local cultural values are a source of ethics and moral education for elementary school students. The school keeps taking an essential role in cultivating the local values through online character education during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to analyze the effect of implementing online integrated character education and parental engagement in local cultural values cultivation outcome. The method of this study used an exploratory sequential mixed method design. Collect qualitative data using interview forms, observation, documentation, and quantitative data using questionnaires and portfolios. Qualitative data interpretation used content analysis, and inferential analysis used multiple linear regression. Results revealed that parental engagement, teachers’ performance, and online learning obstacles affect local cultural values cultivation outcome in character education partially and simultaneously for sixth-grade students in Padang City. We suggested teachers improve character education management based on local cultural values by building good synergy and collaboration between them and parents to cultivate noble character behavior among students.
Effectiveness of Online Learning at Universities: Do Sociocultural Differences Matter?
culture lecturer's performance social influence student's performance...
This study aims to explain the success factors of e-learning. The participants were 427 students in public universities in Indonesia. To demonstrate the success of this e-learning, we developed a more comprehensive e-learning evaluation model that considers the system's characteristics, students, and instructors. The results show that higher student performance is associated with higher student satisfaction. However, the increase in performance is not due to the use of e-learning. Social and cultural factors influence the use of e-learning. Culture and social environment influence students' use of e-learning. The instructor's ability to implement e-learning has been shown to influence student satisfaction. The difference in the implementation of e-learning compared to classroom learning requires different teaching methods that affect student performance. In addition, e-learning is used in all courses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Effects of The Blended Project-Based Literacy that Integrates School Literacy Movement Strengthening Character Education Learning Model on Metacognitive Skills, Critical Thinking, and Opinion Expression
blended li-pro-gp learning model critical thinking metacognitive skills opinion expression...
Metacognitive, critical thinking and opinion expression are in high demand. This study aimed to investigate the effects of the blended project- based literacy that integrates school literacy movement strengthening character education (literasi berbasis proyek terintegrasi GLS dan PPK: Li-Pro-GP) learning model on students' metacognitive skills, critical thinking, and opinion expression. A post-test experimental design was used to answer the research question. The study was conducted from August to October 2021 at Government Junior High School 23 Malang. Seventh-grade students were selected as research participants. The participants included 30 students from class VII-2. The research instrument was five essay questions to measure critical thinking skills. Material and assessment experts validated the essay questions developed by the researcher. The items that were declared valid were tested for validity. The result showed five valid items with high reliability of .670. Metacognitive skills were measured using the Metacognition Awareness Instrument (MAI), which consists of 40 items. The questions declared valid were tested for validity with a very high reliability of .953 for 37 items, and only three items were invalid. The ability to express an opinion was measured with an observation questionnaire validated by experts with a valid instrument score. Data analysis was performed by path analysis using the SmartPLS software. The results showed that the Li-Pro-GP blended learning model significantly strengthened students' metacognitive skills, critical thinking, and opinion formation.
The Factors Influencing Digital Literacy Practice in Vocational Education: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
digital literacy practice pls-sem teacher readiness vocational education...
In the future, vocational students will face all changes and developments in technology and information. In this context, students' digital literacy skills need to be trained to adapt to the demands of the world of work. This article aims to present the results of a study on factors that can improve the digital literacy practice for vocational students as a roadmap for digital learning in the current era. The sampling technique used purposive random sampling of 8 Vocational Schools in East Java Province, Indonesia. The number of respondents in this study amounted to 355 second-year students. The study has found that online learning, motivation, and technology introduction are influenced by students' digital literacy practices, while teacher readiness and infrastructure must be mediated by online learning. The findings in this study indicate that collaboration from various parties is needed from teachers, school administrators, and policymakers in planning learning that focuses on students' digital abilities.
Mathematical Literacy Skills for Elementary School Students: A Comparative Study Between Interactive STEM Learning and Paper-and-Pencil STEM Learning
experimental research interactive stem mathematical literacy paper and pencil stem...
This study aimed to compare and examine the effectiveness of interactive STEM learning and paper-and-pencil STEM learning in terms of mathematical literacy skills of elementary school students. This research is of a quasi-experimental type with a non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Sampling was carried out on the elementary school populations in Bengkulu and South Sumatra Provinces in two stages. In the first stage, schools in rural and urban areas were selected, and in the second, classes in each school were randomly selected. The selected sample consisted of fifth-grade students of the Public Elementary School of Terawas, Musi Rawas, with an experimental class A (n = 20) and an experimental class B (n = 19), as well as fifth-grade students of the Public Elementary School of Bengkulu City, with an experimental class A (n = 25) and an experimental class B (n = 22). Data collection was conducted using mathematical literacy skills tests in reference to the PISA and Minimum Competency Assessment (level 1–3). Data analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics; it employed an independent t-test for the comparative testing and an N-gain test for testing the effectiveness of STEM learning. The results showed that there were differences in math literacy skills between interactive STEM and paper-and-pencil STEM for students in urban schools, but not significantly different for students in rural schools. General STEM learning was effective in increasing the literacy of elementary school students, and interactive STEM in particular demonstrated the highest level of effectiveness in the urban school.
Students’ Learning Independence and Critical Thinking Ability Using Mobile Learning Technology
learning independence critical thinking ability mobile learning technology...
21st-century learning requires teachers and students to integrate literacy skills, scientific literacy, mathematics, reading, writing, and technology in the learning process. Students must have initiative, discipline, responsibility, confidence, motivation for independent learning, and the ability to think critically about the problems presented. This study aims to determine students' autonomous knowledge and critical thinking abilities (CTA) using mobile learning technology (MLT). This research is a quantitative study involving 83 students from four junior high schools in the city of Mataram. The data collection for independent learning and students' CTA was carried out by giving tests and non-tests to students. The test conducted was a written test in the form of a description of 10 questions covering indicators of CTA. The non-test was conducted by giving a student learning independence questionnaire with as many as 15 statements, including five indicators of learning independence. This quantitative research data analysis uses the Rash modeling application with the help of Ministep software. The analysis results show that the learning independence of male and female students in the four junior high schools obtained a percentage of 77.38% in the “good” category. Each indicator of learning independence accepts a percentage above 70%, which is in the excellent category. Meanwhile, the CTA of male and female students from the four junior high schools obtained 75.28% in the “good” category. Each indicator of CTA also gets a percentage of more than 70%, meaning that each indicator is in a good category.
STEAM-Project-Based Learning: A Catalyst for Elementary School Students’ Scientific Literacy Skills
elementary education project-based learning (pjbl) scientific literacy steam...
The need for early comprehension of scientific concepts in elementary school students is crucial. However, studies have indicated that some students lack a fundamental understanding of such concepts, highlighting the importance of effective teaching methods to improve scientific literacy at an early age. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the ability of Project-Based Learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM-PjBL) to improve students' scientific literacy, knowledge, and application of foundational scientific principles. A quasi-experimental methodology was employed, involving 22 female and 26 male fourth-grade elementary school students as participants. The study administered a Scientific Literacy Test (SLT) treatment to the students, followed by unpaired and paired t-tests to examine the impact of the STEAM-PjBL model on their scientific literacy skills. The results showed that STEAM-PjBL improved students' scientific literacy skills significantly more than traditional instruction. The experimental group outperformed the control group in the post-test, indicating the effectiveness of STEAM-PjBL. Therefore, the study recommends the adoption of the STEAM-PjBL model by elementary school teachers to improve students' understanding of fundamental scientific concepts.
Learning for Children With Special Needs: The Effect of Visionary Leadership and Organizational Commitment on Teachers’ Performance
learning for children with special needs organizational commitment teacher performance visionary leadership...
Inclusive teaching development has provided opportunities for children to study it with special needs to study in the school. Although some parents prefer to enroll their children in schools specifically designed for those with special needs, inclusive learning allows these individuals to participate in the learning process alongside their peers with disabilities. Through inclusive teaching, teachers aim to help children develop their social skills. This research aimed to analyze the influence of visionary leadership and organizational commitment on teacher performance under the visionary leadership of school principals in the implementation of inclusive schools in Malang City. The utilized research methodology was a mixed sequential exploratory, involving data collection through interviews, observations, documentation, and questionnaires. Qualitative data analysis employed content analysis, while quantitative data underwent multiple linear regression inferential statistical analysis. The findings indicated that visionary leadership and organizational commitment influence the instructional efficacy of teachers when working with children having special educational requirements. Therefore, the recommendation to school principals persistently enhances their leadership competencies and reinforces their dedication to cultivating a vibrant teaching environment that promotes inclusive educational advancements.
MIB-Inquiry-Infographic Android Application and Its Impact on Students' Critical Thinking Skills during the COVID-19 Pandemic
critical thinking skill infographic inquiry momentum-impulse e-book...
Momentum-impulse requires critical thinking skills, and teaching should be encouraging for students. Critical thinking skills can be fostered through inquiry-based learning. During the COVID-19 pandemic, familiar learning media were used for students. Therefore, it is necessary to develop creative learning media. This developmental research aimed to create a momentum-impulse e-book based on inquiry supported by infographics (MIB -In-graph) to enhance students' critical thinking skills. The developmental model was a 4D model with field testing, i.e., a pretest-posttest control group design with three classes. Descriptive analysis showed that MIB-In-graph, an Android application, received a good average rating in content, worksheets, and forms. Students’ responses were very positive. Mixed design ANOVA showed that the mean score of students’ critical thinking skills increased significantly from the pretest to the posttest in each class and students’ critical thinking skills in the experimental class was more salient than control class 1 and control class 2. The highest difference in mean scores was in the experimental class. The differences were influenced by various factors such as learning approaches, media use, pictures, and collaboration.
Logistic Regression Analysis: Predicting the Effect of Critical Thinking and Experience Active Learning Models on Academic Performance
academic performance critical thinking skills experience with pjbl and sbl logit analysis...
This study aims to analyse the relationship between critical thinking and the learning experience provided by instructors through active learning models, specifically Project-based Learning (PjBL) and Simulation-based Learning (SBL), to the potential achievement of academic performance in undergraduate students. The main analysis technique employed in this research was logistic regression, with additional analysis techniques including discriminant validity, EFA, as well as Kendall’s and Spearman’s correlation, serving as a robustness check. The results of this study indicate significant correlations and effects of critical thinking (CT) on academic performance. Higher levels of CT are associated with a greater likelihood of achieving academic excellence, as indicated by the cum laude distinction, compared to not attaining this distinction. Experiences of receiving PjBL (0.025; 6.816) and SBL (0.014; 14.35) predicted the potential for improving academic performance to reach cum laude recognition, relative to not achieving this distinction. Furthermore, other intercept factors need to be considered to achieve cum laude compared to not achieving cum laude. We recommend that policymakers in higher education, instructors, and others focus on enhancing critical thinking and utilizing both Pub and SBL as learning models to improve students’ academic performance.
Text Comprehension as a Mediator in Solving Mathematical Reality-Based Tasks: The Impact of Linguistic Complexity, Cognitive Factors, and Social Background
experimental design language in mathematics linguistic complexity mediation analysis reality-based tasks...
Successfully solving reality-based tasks requires both mathematical and text comprehension skills. Previous research has shown that mathematical tasks requiring language proficiency have lower solution rates than those that do not, indicating increased difficulty through textual input. Therefore, it is plausible to assume that a lack of text comprehension skills leads to performance problems. Given that different sociodemographic characteristics and cognitive factors can influence task performance, this study aims to determine whether text comprehension mediates the relationship between these factors and competence in solving reality-based tasks. Additionally, it examines the impact of systematic linguistic variation in texts. Using an experimental design, 428 students completed three reality-based tasks (word count: M = 212.4, SD = 19.7) with different linguistic complexities as part of a paper-pencil test. First, students answered questions about the situation-related text comprehension of each text, followed by a mathematical question to measure their competence in solving reality-based tasks. The results indicate that: a) Tasks with texts of lower linguistic complexity have a significantly higher solution rate for both text comprehension (d = 0.189) and mathematical tasks (d = 0.119). b) Cognitive factors are significant predictors of mathematical solutions. c) Text comprehension mediates the relationship between the impact of students’ cultural resources and cognitive factors and their competence to solve reality-based tasks. These findings highlight the importance of linguistic complexity for mathematical outcomes and underscore the need to reinforce text comprehension practice in mathematical education owing to its mediating role.
The Impact of Gamification-Assisted Instruction on the Acquisition of Scientific Concepts and Attitudes Towards Science Class Among Elementary School Students
attitude toward science classes elementary students gamification scientific concept...
This study addresses global concerns surrounding elementary students' science performance following the COVID-19, as a result of international tests such as Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) highlight the ongoing challenges that urge the exploration of innovative educational approaches to improve science learning. This research employed gamification-assisted instruction and explored its impact on enhancing the understanding of science concepts and attitudes toward science class among fourth graders. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design and included an experimental group (ExG) that was taught using a gamification strategy and a control group (CoG) that was taught using a traditional method with a sample of 38 female elementary students from a public school in Jordan. Data were gathered using valid and reliable tools: the developed scientific concepts test and the Attitude Towards Science class measures. The ANCOVA analysis revealed that gamification significantly improves the acquisition of scientific concepts (η2=.208) and boosts a positive attitude toward science classes among elementary students (η2=.626). These findings encourage decision-makers to incorporate gamification into science teaching practices and methods.