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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

' higher education services' Search Results


This study was conducted to corroborate in understanding the teachers’ beliefs about assessment practices. The prior studies related to teachers’ assessment beliefs in mathematics have been done to assess teachers’ beliefs in the general context of mathematics teaching. This study developed an instrument to assess teachers’ assessment beliefs of mathematical thinking. The research aimed to develop and validate a scale of assessment beliefs of mathematical thinking by using the confirmatory factor analysis. The first draft of the scale contained 25 items. The sample of the study consisted of 537 mathematics teachers from public schools in Oman. The instrument was a questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale. The scale was validated by asking a number of experts in mathematics educational measurement and evaluation. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was applied to test the model of assessment beliefs of mathematical thinking scale using AMOS 25.0. All constructs had acceptable reliability. The model had a good model fit for the assessment beliefs of mathematical thinking scale which obtainable from the fit indices tests. The findings revealed that all fit criteria indices were realized. The results also showed acceptable validity and construct reliability for the scale.

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Pages: 179-191
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Higher education plays an important role in providing students with knowledge and skills to enter the labor market. The quality of higher education, the satisfaction of the quality of higher education has been concerned by many individuals and organizations. The study aims to explore the factors affecting student satisfaction with the quality of higher education services in Vietnam. Research data was collected from survey results by questionnaires from 396 students of An Giang University, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. SPSS 20, AMOS 24 software is used for analysis and evaluation of scales through Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient; exploratory factor analysis EFA; CFA confirmatory factor; SEM linear regression analysis to test the hypotheses. The results of the SEM model study show that there are six factors affecting student satisfaction with the quality of higher education services in Vietnam, including teaching staff; facilities and teaching facilities; ability to serve; educational activities; student support activities; education programs. From the research results, discussions on educational administration are proposed to improve student satisfaction with the quality of higher education services in Vietnam.

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Pages: 339-351
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visibility 1997
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A Decade of Value Education Model: A Bibliometric Study of Scopus Database in 2011-2020

bibliometric educational model value education vosviewer

Udin Supriadi , Tedi Supriyadi , Aam Abdussalam , Aam Ali Rahman


This bibliometric study aims to map the value education model research to provide direction for future research, especially in education and teaching. It is essential because value is the core of education. After all, in addition to opening the window of knowledge, education also has a role in transferring values for internalizing them in the education model. Therefore, conducting studies related to the concept and model of value education is essential for an educator. The focus of this study is to examine the bibliography related to the value education model based on the Scopus database in the period 2011-2020. This research took four stages; first: using Publish or Perish application to search articles from Scopus database. Second, performing filter by setting bibliographic criteria to be analyzed. Third, checking and completing articles' metadata through the EndNote reference manager application. Fourth, perform bibliometric analysis through the VOSviewer application. Through these four stages, seven analyses were explored; the trend of publications related to the value education model, analysis of the keywords used, collaboration of authors, citation patterns, institutions, and countries that were contributors to the study of the value education model, and abstract analysis. The results of this exploration conclude that there is a tendency for academics to pay less attention to the value education model when viewed from the number of publications related to the topic. The contribution of this research can be expected to provide direction for other researchers in conducting research and development related to educational models.

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Pages: 557-571
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Psychological Well-Being of School Counsellors Model

self-compassion counseling self-efficacy emotional intelligence spiritual intelligence psychological well-being school counselors

Nur Jannah Bali-Mahomed , Ku Suhaila Ku-Johari , Mohd Izwan Mahmud , Salleh Amat , Syazwani Saadon


The school counselor’s role is increasingly challenging with various demands of students’ problems and the issue of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic also affect students’ psychosocial and mental well-being. Therefore, school counselors need to equip themselves with high psychological well-being as a self-care factor to deal with burnout, instability, and work stress. This study aims to develop Psychological Well-Being Model among school counsellors. A total of 330 secondary school counsellors from four districts in Selangor were selected as the respondents using the group random sampling method. Data were collected through translated questionnaire instruments, namely Self Compassion Scale, Counselling Self Estimate Inventory, The Assessing Emotions Scale, Spiritual Involvement and Beliefs Scale Revised, and Psychological Well Being-Ryff. Confirmation Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) show that there is a significant positive relationship between self-compassion, counselling self-efficacy, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, and the school counsellor’s psychological well-being. The findings also showed that self-compassion, counselling self-efficacy, emotional and spiritual intelligence affected 76.5% (R2 = 0.765) of variance in psychological well-being. This study is one of the earliest in presenting the school counsellor’s psychological well-being model who can contribute to Malaysian education. The implications of this study suggest that the elements of self-compassion, counselling self-efficacy, emotional and spiritual intelligence, and psychological well-being should be applied in the curriculum at the counsellor training level in university so that counsellors have adequate preparation in providing effective services in schools. The Ministry of Education Malaysia, on the other hand, needs to cultivate psychological well-being interventions regularly so that counsellors can always manage various students’ issues in schools as well as maintaining psychological well-being in terms of personnel and professionals.

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Pages: 621-638
cloud_download 1298
visibility 1973
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Reflective learning in community-based education (CBE) activities requires the role of a supervisor. The ‘intensive supervision’ based on Kolb's experiential learning can provide guidance for facilitating reflection on CBE experiences through discussion. Accordingly, supervisors must receive training on providing constructive feedback sessions to assist students in reflecting. This study aimed to determine the effect of training on facilitating reflection using experiential learning methods based on the concept of 'intensive supervision' for CBE supervisors. The study design used a training program evaluation with the Kirkpatrick model of levels 1 and 2. The training on facilitating reflection was divided into workshops and mentoring sessions based on the experiential learning cycle. The questionnaire was developed to assess tutoring performance before and after the training based on the perceptions of supervisors (n=10) and students (n=43) and observers' observations during the supervisor tutoring. Descriptive and comparative data analyses were employed. The trainees showed positive reactions to the training. The students’ and supervisors’ perception questionnaires showed a significant difference in the performance of the supervisors who were assessed before and after training. Our results indicated that most of the supervisors’ ability to facilitate reflection changed following the ‘intensive supervision' method. This training helps supervisors learn how to become facilitators and students to feel more assisted in the learning process.

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Pages: 695-704
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This study examined the impact of modular distance learning on students' motivation, interest/attitude, anxiety and achievement in mathematics. This was done at the Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija, Philippines during the first and second grading of the academic year 2021-2022. The study included both a descriptive-comparative and descriptive-correlational research design. The 207 high school students were chosen using stratified sampling. According to the findings, students have a very satisfactory rating in mathematics. Students agree that they are motivated, enthusiastic, and have a positive attitude toward mathematics. They do, however, agree that mathematics causes them anxiety. When students are subdivided based on sex, their mathematics interest and anxiety differ significantly. However, there was no significant difference in interest/attitude and achievement. When students are divided into age groups, their mathematics motivation, interest/attitude, anxiety, and achievement differ significantly. Students' motivation, anxiety, and achievement differ significantly by year level. There was a positive relationship between and among mathematics motivation, interest/attitude, and achievement. However, there is a negative association between mathematics anxiety and mathematics motivation; mathematics anxiety and mathematical interest/attitude; and mathematics anxiety and mathematical performance. The study's theoretical and practical implications were also discussed, and recommendations for educators and researchers were given.

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Pages: 917-934
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Game-based Learning Sustainability During Social Distance: The Role of Gamification Quality

behaviour intention gamification quality instructor characteristic student satisfaction technology anxiety

Ayatulloh Michael Musyaffi , Wiwit Apit Sulistyowati , Christian Wiradendi Wolor , Aji Ahmadi Sasmi


Online learning is an obligation in teaching and learning activities during the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Game-based learning is a solution in improving student learning outcomes. This research aims to determine the level of acceptance of gamification in terms of Gamification quality (GQ), instructor characteristic (IC), and technology anxiety (TA). The target respondents were students taking information systems courses based on enterprises resources planning (ERP) Gamification. The sample used is a census. That is, the entire population is taken as a sample. A total of 93 students filled out the online questionnaire. Then, data analysis using Structural Equation Model - Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). Student satisfaction (SS) and perceived ease of use (PEOUG) are the most influences. PEOUG is also the construct that has the most significant relationship impact, especially with the perceived usefulness (PUG). Meanwhile, two constructs do not significantly impact TA on PUG and PUG on Intention to use gamification (INTG). The obligation of students requires students to ignore the impact and function of gamification. The results of this research also show that technology acceptance model (TAM), the constructs IC, TA, and GQ have a positive effect on PEOUG. Then PUG and PEOUG can positively affect SS.

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Pages: 1289-1302
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This study aims to identify students' styles of career choices. The second aim is to investigate what factors influence career choice style. The third aim is to determine whether all students of education programs want to become teachers one day. This research model is a relational model that uses multinomial logistic regression. The research population was Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) students of education programs from five faculties in 2018. The number of people in the population was 4,531, and the participants were 220 students. The data analysis consisted of the multinomial logistic regression method. The results showed that the model met the requirements for use. Factors affecting career decisions are gathering information, locus of control, decision-making speed, and aspiration of an ideal career. Career choice has five styles: rational, intuitive, spontaneous, dependent, and avoidant. Accordingly, the spontaneous style is most commonly used by students. The other result shows that the factor that most influences students in choosing a style is pursuing an ideal career.

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Pages: 329-340
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visibility 1060
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This study was undertaken to assess the level of readiness of higher education institutions (HEIs) for horizontal typology, institutional sustainability, and quality assurance in the key result areas (KRAs) for the enhancement of mechanisms, systems, and policies for the HEIs’ effective operation. It is a descriptive correlational design using the modified self-evaluation document (SED). The study showed that all the seven HEIs that participated in this study had been operating for 40 years and above, offering more than sixteen program courses with more than sixteen accredited programs. Four of the HEIs were Level 2 in accreditation status and five were ISO Certified. The level of readiness of HEIs for horizontal typology was moderately ready, which means the HEIs need some improvements in horizontal typology.  The most identified challenges affecting the level of readiness of HEIs in horizontal typology were the lack of innovation, technology, and sustainability; the lack of administrative strategies, leadership competencies, and management skills; and the lack of financial allocation for institutional development and advancements, respectively. There is no significant relationship between the institutional profile and terms of observing the standards in the KRAs. The study recommends further re-assessing the level of readiness of the HEIs in terms of documentation/evidence, observance for the improvement of the systems, processes and practices towards a more effective and efficient delivery of academic services to young people by conducting the more focused study in every KRAs and institutional self-assessment as future researches for the further improvement of the operations of HEIs.

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Pages: 881-890
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visibility 934
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The quality of higher education is vital for a country’s future, not only in terms of transferring knowledge to younger generation but also for supporting economic development. This paper applies data envelopment analysis (DEA) to evaluate the relative efficiency of 38 academic departments at Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia. The input factors are the number of lecturers, the number of staff and budget allocations, whereas the output is the performance achievement level. The empirical analysis incorporates two traditional DEA models: the Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes (CCR) and the Banker, Charnes and Cooper (BCC) models with input orientation. The results indicate that the CCR model considers five departments efficient while the BCC model considers ten departments efficient, five of which are those considered efficient by the CCR model. It may seem counterintuitive that a department with an output performance achievement below 100% is deemed efficient, and vice versa. However, the underlying principle of efficiency under input-oriented DEA model is resource utilization. Finally, we provide recommendations for the departments with low efficiency scores to improve their performance.

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Pages: 1153-1169
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visibility 1109
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Project-Based Learning as a Strategy in Physical Education Teacher Training: Creating A Cultural Route Promoting Active Commuting

active learning higher education student project

Juan Pablo Zavala-Crichton , Claudio Hinojosa-Torres , Rodrigo Yáñez-Sepúlveda


This study analyzes the narrated reflection of the students in relation to their learning, based on the perceptions that emerge from their experience in the development of the project. Participants were 53 fourth year Pedagogy in Physical Education students, with an average age of 24.3, who were divided into 13 groups. A qualitative study that used the narrated reflection of the students in relation to learning, based on a driving question. In order to help guide the students’ work, and to collect the perceptions they experienced during their participation, the following four components were integrated into the development of the project and included in the final product: a) historical and heritage sites, b) technology used to measure energy expenditure, c) type of active commuting, d) reflection on what was learned. The students designed 13 routes of active commuting through the city, which included different cultural, heritage and historical landmarks. The students analyzed the learning experience, highlighting the importance of knowing and caring for the heritage of the different cities around which they traveled. PBL can be a didactic alternative in initial Physical Education teacher training to achieve learning by linking subject content with the motivations and interests of the students.

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Pages: 1219-1231
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Relationship between Mentors’ Roles and Mentees’ Leadership Development: The Mediating Role of Mentees’ Self-efficacy

mentees’ leadership development mentees’ self-efficacy mentors’ roles

Aminudin Mokhtar , Azman Ismail , Mustafa Zihni Tunca , Suja Unni Krishnan , Nurul Aini Othman


Limited latest studies circulated in the 21st century of world university ranking reveal that well-designed mentoring programs will not increase mentees’ leadership development if mentors have not implemented effective roles in the mentoring programs. Although many studies have been done, the mediating effect of mentors’ roles is little known in the tertiary education mentoring research literature. This study is done to examine the correlation between mentors’ roles, mentees’ self-efficacy, and mentees’ leadership development. This study employed a cross-sectional research design. A purposive sampling plan was employed to collect 761 survey questionnaires from undergraduate students at non-research-based public universities in Sarawak. The survey data were analyzed by the SmartPLS package to determine the validity and reliability of the study instrument, and thus test hypotheses for the direct effects model and mediating model. The outcomes of the SmartPLS path model analysis showed that the majority of participants felt that the levels of information exchange, help, self-efficacy, and leadership development are high. This situation explains that the ability of mentors to appropriately implement information exchange and help in mentoring programs has strongly evoked mentees’ self-efficacy. Consequently, this self-efficacy can lead to higher leadership development. This finding can help practitioners to understand the diverse paradigms of mentees’ self-efficacy concept and plan the integration of academic and social-based approaches in formulating mentoring programs to prepare successful graduates in a time of rapid global change.

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Pages: 1719-1730
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Industry 4.0 has affected various aspects of life, including the organization of higher education. In the current era, higher education is required to transform themselves from using the conventional way of administration to the digitalized one. The said transformation also includes the services provided and management carried out by the organizations. The objective of this study is to measure the understudied mediation of digital innovation in the effect of the nexus of digital leadership and digital literacy on the performance of higher education. This quantitative research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 234 faculty members of four higher education institutions in Malang City, Indonesia. Partial Least Squares – Structural Equation Modeling was applied to analyze the data. This study finds that digital leadership significantly affects the higher education performance and conclusively predicts digital innovation. As hypothesized, digital literacy has a significant effect on the higher education performance and digital innovation, and digital innovation plays a substantial role in the higher education performance. In addition, digital innovation mediates the influence of digital leadership and digital literacy on the higher education performance.

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Pages: 207-218
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The Practicability of Quality Assurance Mechanisms in Promoting Tanzanian Universities’ Compliance

practicability quality assurance mechanisms university compliance

Daudi Mrema , Irénée Ndayambaje , Philothère Ntawiha , Eugene Ndabaga


Compliance with any policies, laws and regulations, including university compliance with quality assurance mechanisms globally, depends on the practicability of those mechanisms. Like other countries, Tanzania has quality assurance mechanisms that require universities to comply. However, the existing audit reports have shown non-compliance cases to such mechanisms. This study sought to explore the practicability of the existing quality assurance mechanisms in promoting universities’ compliance in Tanzania. The documentary reviews, interviews, and focus group discussions were used to collect data from the 4 universities and 46 students, academics, and quality assurance directors and officers as a sample size selected purposively. The data were analysed through content analysis. The findings revealed that the existing quality assurance mechanisms are generally practicable; however, there are quality assurance requirements with practicability challenges due to contextual factors. Such requirements include senior academics in administrative duties, academics’ promotion, academics’ recruitment, inclusive and participatory teaching approaches, requirements with extra financial costs, examination scripts’ marking, and invigilation restrictions. This study concludes that the practicability challenges of some quality assurance mechanisms are one reason for non-compliance cases at some Tanzanian universities. It recommends that key stakeholders be involved in establishing mechanisms, and all contextual factors must be addressed to enhance practicability.

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Pages: 1139-1154
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This study investigates the social attitudes and acceptance levels towards Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and other sexualities and gender identities, collectively referred to as LGBTQIA+, among students within the College of Education at Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology. Employing a descriptive correlational research design, the research utilized surveys and interviews to collect data from a diverse student body, analyzing their perspectives on LGBTQIA+ inclusion and the impact of educational environments on their acceptance levels. Results indicate a generally positive attitude and high acceptance of LGBTQIA+ students, with significant relationships identified between students' acceptance levels and their gender and year level, while no significant correlations were found with their course and religion. The study emphasizes the critical role of educational settings in fostering an inclusive atmosphere that supports LGBTQIA+ students, highlighting the importance of promoting understanding and acceptance to enhance the educational experience for all students. By shedding light on current attitudes and acceptance levels, this research contributes valuable insights into the efforts required to create more inclusive educational environments for LGBTQIA+ individuals. The findings are of particular relevance to educators, policymakers, and educational researchers interested in advancing LGBTQIA+ inclusion within educational settings.

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Pages: 1711-1726
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Considering the importance of the results of national and international standardized tests, which are a benchmark for measuring educational quality, the objective of this research was to model strategies to improve the results of the evaluations, specifically the Saber 11 standardized tests. These tests are applied to students who finish their Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Bogotá, Colombia. To achieve this objective, we employed the Systems Dynamics methodology for a comprehensive analysis, which is a tool that allows for the analysis and projecting of the behavior of different systems, in which anticipation by means of modeling results over time is required. The modeling was conducted in two stages: First, a causal loop diagram and a stock-and-flow diagram that linked 45 variables were designed, showing the underlying physical structure of the system. Then, five groups of alternative simulations were conducted over a time frame of six years: Reference mode, student self-efficacy rate, management rate, teaching competencies rate, and educational policy. An increase in results was observed in each scenario. The combined activity of educational stakeholders is a notably effective strategy to achieve significant improvements. The data used for these simulations came from a six-year period of standardized test results in Bogotá. This period was selected to capture both recent trends and long-term outcomes, ensuring that the model reflects current educational conditions while allowing for meaningful trend analysis.

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Pages: 89-106
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The Effect of Work-Based Learning on Employability Skills: The Role of Self-Efficacy and Vocational Identity

employability self-efficacy vocational identity work-based learning

Suyitno Suyitno , Muhammad Nurtanto , Dwi Jatmoko , Yuli Widiyono , Riawan Yudi Purwoko , Fuad Abdillah , Setuju , Yudan Hermawan


Work-based learning (WBL) is an important tool for enhancing students' employability skills in vocational education and training. Many studies have underlined the importance of a variable of WBL, self-efficacy, and vocational identity in developing vocational students' employability skills. Nonetheless, the research is limited and examined separately. Therefore, this study investigates how WBL, self-efficacy, and vocational identity influence employability skills and how self-efficacy moderates between WBL and employability skills. Four hundred and three state university students in Yogyakarta were involved in the data collection. This study used structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis to test its hypothesis. The results of the study revealed that the implementation of WBL did not have a direct effect on employability skills; however, self-efficacy was able to moderate the relationship between WBL and employability skills. However, WBL directly influences vocational identity, which in turn directly influences employability skills, while self-efficacy also directly influences employability skills. This research has important implications for improving learning that can improve students' self-efficacy skills in an effort to build students' employability skills in vocational education and training.

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Pages: 309-321
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