'collaborative strategy' Search Results
The Use of Collaborative Strategies to Improve Students' Writing Ability and Self-Efficacy: A Mixed Method Study
collaborative strategy writing ability writing self-efficacy...
This study explored the effects of collaborative writing strategies on students' writing skills and self-efficacy. The study used a mixed methods design combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. Several instruments were used in data collection, including questionnaires, writing tests, writing assessment rubrics, and semi-structured interviews. The participants were randomly divided into two groups: the experimental group and the control group, which comprised 62 students. Data from the questionnaire and writing tests were analyzed using one-way MANOVA and MANCOVA tests, while interview data were explored using thematic analysis techniques. Participants were randomly divided into two groups: the experimental group and the control group. The results showed that collaborative writing strategies could improve students' writing skills and self-efficacy. Moreover, the qualitative results showed that most students responded positively to using these strategies to improve their writing skills and self-efficacy.
Digital Puzzle Worksheet for Identifying Metacognition Level of Students: A Study of Gender Differences
contextual math problem digital puzzle worksheet metacognition level primary school...
Digital puzzle worksheet (DPW) is innovative teaching material designed using open-source software such as Canva and Liveworksheets. Subsequently, puzzle games in the form of questions can improve problem-solving skills by engaging in metacognitive processes. This research used a case study method to describe the impact of applying the DPW to identify the metacognition levels of students through the assignment of contextual maths problems. The source of informants was third-grade elementary school students in West Java, Indonesia. Test instruments, observation sheets, and interviews were used, while data analysis adopted an iterative model. Furthermore, the method and time triangulation increased confidence in the resulting conclusions. The results showed that male students were at the metacognitive level of ‘strategic use’ and ‘aware use’ for females, based on the characteristics of the observed metacognitive level. The most prominent feature was identifying and determining problem-solving strategies with metacognitive awareness. The reaction of students to the DPW improved problem-solving abilities, expanded conceptual understanding, and enhanced digital technology competence. Therefore, this experience was applied when solving contextual mathematical problem assignments.
The Effect of the Collaborative Discussion Strategy Think-Pair-Share on Developing Students' Skills in solving Engineering Mathematical Problems
collaborative discussion engineering education mathematics education problem-solving skills think-pair-share strategy...
The Think-Pair-Share (TPS) strategy makes the learning environment interactive, lively, collaborative and democratic. It allows students to interact; accept information; develop collaborative discussion skills; refine their thinking; and participate effectively in the classroom. In this study, the researchers investigated the effect of the collaborative discussion strategy (think-pair-share) on developing students' skills in solving engineering mathematical problems. Once we had confirmed the validity and reliability of the tools, we used the quasi-experimental approach. The study sample consisted of 66 students divided into two groups: Namely, an experimental group, which comprised 33 students who studied mathematics using the (think-pair-share) strategy; and a control group, which comprised 33 students who studied in the traditional way. Both groups sat for a pretest and post-test in mathematics. The test results showed that the use of the TPS strategy had a positive effect on developing problem-solving skills compared to the traditional method. In light of these results, the study recommended the use of TPS strategy to improve the skills of students in solving engineering mathematical problems.
Teachers´ Reflective Experience Through Classroom Video Observation
practical knowledge professional development reflective practice teacher video observation...
During the pandemic, online classes were held around the world, which facilitated access to observe teaching practices. This is a relevant experience, since there are few reflective instances in schools, even though public education policy emphasizes reflective practice in the professional development of teachers. In this regard, the observation of videos shows high reflective potential, helping to problematize and analyze teaching. This research sought to describe the functions and experience of classroom video observation with a reflective approach of teachers from four educational schools in the city of Concepción, Chile. The approach was interpretative, an instrumental case study design, with nine participants, selected by a maximum variation sampling and safeguarding ethical criteria. In-depth interviews were conducted and subjected to content analysis. The results showed three functions of the video observation, one instrumental and two others of reflective approach. In addition, the video observation was recognized as a reflective experience that facilitates the reconsidering of teaching performance, renewing practices, and developing reflective habits; also, facilitating and hindering elements were found in the video observation. It is concluded that the functions and experience of video observation could improve and professionalize teaching, based on the awareness and understanding of practice.
A Psychometric Validation of the Sociomathematical Norm Scale for Senior High School Students in Mathematics Learning
developments scale learning mathematics; psychometric validation rasch model sociomathematical norms...
Students in mathematics classes do not understand the importance of sociomathematical norms in learning mathematics. This causes sociomathematical norms not to be teachers' focus when learning mathematics. Besides, there is no standardized instrument for assessing this norm, so developing this instrument is necessary to measure socio-mathematical norms in learning mathematics. This study aims to create and verify the psychometric validity of the sociomathematical norm scale. This research used a survey method with 505 senior high school students from Jakarta and West Java as respondents. The results showed that 25 items had convergent validity, with a loading factor value of > 0.700, meaning they could be declared valid. Concurrent validity indicates that each sociomathematical norms indicator is valid as a whole. Discriminant validity shows that the average variance extracted value on the diagonal is higher than the other values, so each item is declared valid. It was concluded that each item of the sociomathematical norms instrument has accuracy in its measurement function. The reliability test shows that each sociomathematical norms item is declared reliable. The reliability value of the sociomathematical norm item is .99, and the person's reliability is .86. Thus, the instruments developed can measure sociomathematical norms in learning mathematics.
Promoting Gender Equality Through Cross-Disciplinary Collaborative Online International Learning Projects: The Students’ Perspective
collaborative online international learning cross-disciplinary research gender violence higher education teaching and learning innovation...
This article describes a methodology and a didactic innovation in higher education that employs Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) across four universities in the fields of sociology, psychology, social education and economics in order to explore the phenomenon of economic violence. The COIL activities were developed by four teachers in the second semester of 2022. The students explored the social and cultural origins of economic violence and the daily exposure to economic inequality in the domestic sphere, while also studying the prevention and responses offered by anti-violence centers from both organizational and social perspectives. The most novel aspect of COIL projects is the research approach to the topic (gender violence) and the students' participation in extracurricular activities, namely presenting the results of their research developed during their academic subjects after the course, at international events. In this study, we describe the projects and the assessment of this part of the research, analyzing the perceptions of the Italian and Spanish students who participated in the dissemination activity. The students' perceptions were recorded through a semi-structured questionnaire utilizing Likert scales and open-ended questions, which included their self-assessments of their knowledge before and after participating in the project, the impact on their development of competences and skills, and their satisfaction with the whole experience. Students acquired a great deal of knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon being studied through COIL methodology and connected these extracurricular activities to a clear improvement in their transversal skills.
Analyzing Learning Style Patterns in Higher Education: A Bibliometric Examination Spanning 1984 to 2022 Based on the Scopus Database
bibliometric analysis higher education learning styles scopus...
In an era where diversity and digitalization significantly influence higher education, understanding and adapting to various learning preferences is crucial. This study comprehensively analyzes 394 scholarly articles from 1984 to 2022 using bibliometric methods, providing a dynamic overview of the research patterns in learning styles within higher education. We identified four stages of development during this period: 1984–1995 (Low-interest), 1996–2005 (Early development), 2006–2018 (Development), and 2019–2022 (Intensification). Our analysis highlights that the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia were the top three leading publishers of research on learning styles in higher education. The results reveal three main topics of publications: educational technology, learning environments, and subject behaviors. This research not only identifies emerging research topics but also underscores the importance of adapting instructional strategies to diverse learning styles to enhance educational outcomes in higher education.
Optimization of Critical Thinking by Empowering Collaboration and Communication Skills through Information Literacy-Based E-Books: In STEM integrated Problem-Based Learning
critical thinking collaboration communication information literacy stem...
This study aimed to optimize critical thinking by empowering reflective and impulsive students' collaboration, communication, and information literacy skills through information literacy-oriented e-books in STEM-integrated problem-based learning (PBL). The research method used was a descriptive explorative approach. The study subjects consisted of five reflective students and five impulsive students. The measurement of cognitive style used the Matching Familiar Figure Test (MFFT) instrument. Collaboration skills were assessed through observation sheets, critical thinking and communication skills were assessed through student worksheets based on problem-solving tasks, and information literacy was assessed through a questionnaire. The study found that reflective students excelled in critical thinking and information literacy, while impulsive students demonstrated superior collaboration skills. As for communication skills, reflective and impulsive students have different advantages for each indicator of communication skills. This study can conclude that implementing information literacy-oriented e-books through STEM-integrated PBL can optimize reflective and impulsive students' critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and information literacy skills. The implication of this study is the importance of integrating 21st century skills holistically in learning practices, especially in the digital era, to prepare the younger generation to face the challenges of the 21st century.