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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

' higher education institutions' Search Results

Teachers’ Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: Causality and Comparison

competence moderated factor teacher performance

Ngabiyanto , Ahmad Nurkhin , Kemal Budi Mulyono , Iwan Hardi Saputro , Didi Pramono , Asep Purwo Yudi Utomo


The greatest impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Indonesian education was the decline in teacher performance. In light of this information, this study analyzes the role of supervision, salary and benefits, school climate, training and development, and perceived organizational support in moderating the impact of competence on teacher performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study also compares the relationships between employed government and private teachers. Data were collected through questionnaires to teachers with a sample of 166 government teachers and 175 private teachers in primary and secondary schools through a Google form and analyzed using moderated Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS), multigroup, and multilevel analysis. The results showed that salary and benefits, training, and development did not affect the performance of public school teachers. In contrast, only salary and benefits did not affect teacher performance for private teachers. Moreover, only supervision significantly moderated the effect of competence on the performance of public school teachers. However, supervision, salary, benefits, school climate, training and development, and perceived organizational support did not affect private teachers' performance. The Ministry of Education or the Foundation needs to review and improve the mechanisms of training and development, supervision, and school organizational climate to promote optimal teacher performance during the pandemic.

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Pages: 605-621
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visibility 1396
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Ursula von der Leyen identifies diverse classrooms have different knowledges and ‘epistemologies’. A typology of epistemologies for democratising knowledge ‘A Blueprint for Character Development for Evolution’ (ABCDE) is offered to mainstream policy benefits for all by Higher Education as hubs i) credentialing educational leaders by doctoral-study and ii) propelling networks of Professional Educators and Administrators Committees for Empowerment (PEACE) across professions credentialed by Higher Education and chaired by educational leaders. PEACE builds robust evidence bases to inform redesigning curriculums and culturally responsive pedagogies as policy benefits that empower students to use ABCDE with Assessment for Personal and Social Learning (APSL) to problem solve across the quadruple-helix. Education Outcomes include students’ self-management of personal and social understanding and wellbeing for resilience within sustainable circular, entrepreneurial, green and digitised economies with products and means of production regulated by professions credentialed by Higher Education. Impacts include communities developing responsible historical social consciousness to reinvigorate democratic governance, accountability, transparency, effectiveness and trustworthiness of rule-of-law based institutions and policies to expand active and inclusive citizenship empowered by safeguarding human rights. Further research, building on the powerful European Commission funded platform ‘DocEnhance’ is recommended to inform effective and efficient investment into high quality education and training.

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Pages: 623-637
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visibility 1122
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Development of a Self-Evaluation Instrument with Programmatic Assessment Components for Undergraduate Medical Students

instrument development medical education programmatic assessment

Dina Qurratu Ainin , Yoyo Suhoyo , Artha Budi Susila Duarsa , Mora Claramita


This study aimed to develop and test a student self-assessment instrument based on the programmatic assessment (PA) components. We applied a series of psychometric research methods by (a) conducting a literature study to find PA constructs, (b) developing the students' self-questionnaires, (c) ensuring content validity, (d) testing face validity, and (e) conducting reliability tests that involve medical students, medical teachers, medical educationalist, and an international PA expert. Face validity (readability test) was conducted with 30 medical students from an Indonesian university who were in their last year of pre-clinical education and had average scores above or equal to their classmates. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to report the instruments’ validity and reliability. The final instrument was tested on 121 medical students with excellent GPAs from another medical school with a middle-level accreditation. The PA consists of five components: ‘learning activities’, ‘assessment activities’, 'supporting activities’, 'intermediate evaluations’, and ‘final evaluations'. These components are conveyed through 41 relevant statements with a four-point Likert scale and three yes/no statements. According to the respondents, there was a lack of 'supporting activities' and 'intermediate evaluation' components in the PA in their universities. This study has developed and tested a five-component evaluation instrument based on medical students' perceptions regarding PA implementation.

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Pages: 649-662
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visibility 1225
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Pedagogy-Andragogy Continuum with Cybergogy to Promote Self-Regulated Learning: A Structural Equation Model Approach

andragogy continuum cybergogy pedagogy self-regulated learning

Amiruddin , Fiskia Rera Baharuddin , Takbir , Wirawan Setialaksana , Muhammad Hasim


The increasing sophisticated learning technology and COVID-19 have pushed the teaching-learning process to use pedagogy, andragogy, and cybergogy approaches. The current research aims to investigate the relationship between the practices of these three approaches and student self-regulated learning. The structural equation model used indicates that pedagogy practices may affect the andragogy practices in teaching-learning process. Pedagogy approach shows no direct effect but has an indirect effect on students’ self-regulated learning. The indirect effect comes from the pedagogy-andragogy continuum and the impact of pedagogy instruction on cybergogy practices. Andragogy practices also gives a significant impact on students’ self-regulated learning and how the students use learning technology in cybergogy approach. Andragogy and the continuum of cybergogy promote students’ self-regulated learning. These results indicate that pedagogy-andragogy continuum can have an interplay with cybergogy. The interplay of these approaches may encourage students’ self-regulated learning. The current research can be a baseline to construct a new approach in teaching-learning process and its instructions in the classroom.

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Pages: 811-824
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visibility 1499
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This study was undertaken to assess the level of readiness of higher education institutions (HEIs) for horizontal typology, institutional sustainability, and quality assurance in the key result areas (KRAs) for the enhancement of mechanisms, systems, and policies for the HEIs’ effective operation. It is a descriptive correlational design using the modified self-evaluation document (SED). The study showed that all the seven HEIs that participated in this study had been operating for 40 years and above, offering more than sixteen program courses with more than sixteen accredited programs. Four of the HEIs were Level 2 in accreditation status and five were ISO Certified. The level of readiness of HEIs for horizontal typology was moderately ready, which means the HEIs need some improvements in horizontal typology.  The most identified challenges affecting the level of readiness of HEIs in horizontal typology were the lack of innovation, technology, and sustainability; the lack of administrative strategies, leadership competencies, and management skills; and the lack of financial allocation for institutional development and advancements, respectively. There is no significant relationship between the institutional profile and terms of observing the standards in the KRAs. The study recommends further re-assessing the level of readiness of the HEIs in terms of documentation/evidence, observance for the improvement of the systems, processes and practices towards a more effective and efficient delivery of academic services to young people by conducting the more focused study in every KRAs and institutional self-assessment as future researches for the further improvement of the operations of HEIs.

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Pages: 881-890
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visibility 1063
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The study explored the perspectives and experiences of the participating teachers regarding the sudden switch to online learning during the COVID-19 epidemic. 159 teachers from four junior high schools in Taguig City, Philippines, provided the data. The study used the quantitative approach to research, specifically it utilized the descriptive method using survey as way to gather data. The data was statistically analyzed using the frequency distribution, percentage formula, mean, and Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. The study's findings show that the respondents' perceptions and experiences during the sudden change to online learning, which was caused by the pandemic that focuses on internet access, digital infrastructure, administrator assistance, and learning environments, are typically similar. Additionally, there were no significant differences found between the participants’ responses and their demographics as to sex, highest educational attainment, years in service and specialization.

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Pages: 947-956
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Psychometric Analysis of the Social Support Scale Among Indonesian Academicians

factor analysis reliability social support validity

Sri Lestari , Gita Aulia Nurani , Wisnu Sri Hertinjung


The current study investigates the psychometric characteristics of the Social Support Scale as an instrument for assessing social support for academics. The original version of the scale was adapted and translated into Indonesian and was administered to academics in Indonesia through a google form. The data were then analyzed to investigate the reliability, construct validity, and structure of factors of the instrument. Confirmatory factor analysis confirms that the three-dimension model was the best model regarding the internal structure. Our findings also advocate the Social Support Scale as a valid and reliable tool for assessing social support in Indonesian academics. Thus, it can be employed to examine lecturers’ social support level which helps the universities to build a supportive working climate, as well as improve the relationship quality between employees.

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Pages: 977-989
cloud_download 869
visibility 2041
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The quality of higher education is vital for a country’s future, not only in terms of transferring knowledge to younger generation but also for supporting economic development. This paper applies data envelopment analysis (DEA) to evaluate the relative efficiency of 38 academic departments at Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia. The input factors are the number of lecturers, the number of staff and budget allocations, whereas the output is the performance achievement level. The empirical analysis incorporates two traditional DEA models: the Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes (CCR) and the Banker, Charnes and Cooper (BCC) models with input orientation. The results indicate that the CCR model considers five departments efficient while the BCC model considers ten departments efficient, five of which are those considered efficient by the CCR model. It may seem counterintuitive that a department with an output performance achievement below 100% is deemed efficient, and vice versa. However, the underlying principle of efficiency under input-oriented DEA model is resource utilization. Finally, we provide recommendations for the departments with low efficiency scores to improve their performance.

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Pages: 1153-1169
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visibility 1283
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EFL Educators’ Insights into Online Education and its Impact on Teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic

affective factors efl online education pedagogical practices student achievement

Cynthia Hidalgo-Camacho , Wilma Villacís Villacís , Gloria Isabel Escudero , Juan Carlos Silva


After months of 100% online teaching due to the pandemic produced by COVID-19, the return to face-to-face classes is being experienced. This study focused on finding the English as a foreign language (EFL) University professors’ perspectives of online education during that time. The information was collected from three Ecuadorian universities: The Technical University of Ambato, The Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo, and The University of Cuenca. The survey was designed with 26 questions about professors’ perceptions of online teaching and its impact on their pedagogical practices, affective factors, and student achievement. Software R, and the Cronbach's alpha tests were used as statistical tools, along with Kendall's Tau_b, and the Kruskal-Wallis test. The results showed that teaching online not only represents a solution in cases where face-to-face education is not possible, but also offers teachers the opportunity to experience the benefits of using technological tools and innovative strategies. Although some drawbacks, such as lack of time and real interaction were encountered, online teaching resulted in an alternative methodology that engaged learners.

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Pages: 1207-1217
cloud_download 545
visibility 1262
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This study seeks to investigate the relationship between dropout intent, the weekly work duration of student employees, and university social capital by analysing empirical evidence from three European countries, including Estonia, Lithuania, and Poland. This exploratory study utilised Eurostudent-VII survey data and employed cross-tabulation and exhaustive Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) to achieve its objectives. Findings indicate that student employees who believe they get along well with their teachers and have more connections with fellow students to discuss subject-related issues are less likely to intend to drop out of university. In addition, the results show that students’ likelihood of abandoning their higher education increases in the presence of difficulties caused by an inapt academic programme. Regarding employment duration, for the Estonian and Lithuanian markets, there is no difference between working more than 20 hours per week or less than that with the intention of dropping out of university. In Poland, however, the disparity in working hours interacts with other factors related to social capital to explain dropout intent. These findings provide novel insights into the dropout literature by refreshing thoughts on the role of teacher-student and peer relations in the dropout intentions of student employees. In addition to reviving the relevance of university social capital, which has received too little attention lately, they have also sparked a recent debate on whether or not combining work and university actually affects the intention to drop out.

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Pages: 1329-1348
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visibility 1556
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This article examines the influence of the university environment and learning programs on students' entrepreneurial intentions and attitudes, considering the moderating roles of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and locus of control. The empirical analysis employs a multilevel (hierarchical) linear model, utilizing responses from 713 students across 30 universities in Kazakhstan who participated in the GUESSS 2021 project survey. Our findings reveal that students' entrepreneurial intentions are directly influenced by entrepreneurial self-efficacy and locus of control. However, the locus of control is also indirectly influenced by the university environment and learning program. The learning program's effect on both entrepreneurial aspirations and attitudes is mediated by self-efficacy. Locus of control, conversely, negatively affects both entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions in program learning. The study's results underscore that student entrepreneurship is shaped by personal factors such as self-efficacy and locus of control, alongside the university context. Interestingly, the findings also indicate interdependencies between these factors, further influencing students' entrepreneurial intentions and attitudes.

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Pages: 1539-1554
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visibility 2212
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Industry 4.0 has affected various aspects of life, including the organization of higher education. In the current era, higher education is required to transform themselves from using the conventional way of administration to the digitalized one. The said transformation also includes the services provided and management carried out by the organizations. The objective of this study is to measure the understudied mediation of digital innovation in the effect of the nexus of digital leadership and digital literacy on the performance of higher education. This quantitative research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 234 faculty members of four higher education institutions in Malang City, Indonesia. Partial Least Squares – Structural Equation Modeling was applied to analyze the data. This study finds that digital leadership significantly affects the higher education performance and conclusively predicts digital innovation. As hypothesized, digital literacy has a significant effect on the higher education performance and digital innovation, and digital innovation plays a substantial role in the higher education performance. In addition, digital innovation mediates the influence of digital leadership and digital literacy on the higher education performance.

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Pages: 207-218
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The aim of this exploratory case study is to investigate the impact of the pandemic as an unexpected situational variable on university instructors’ perceptions and attitudes towards technology integration, as well as their foresight about the future of education in post Covid-19 era. The data for the study came from autobiographies, narratives, and opinionnaires. The findings revealed that the degree of familiarity with educational technology and eagerness to integrate technology into education made a difference in academicians’ adaptation to the new mode of delivery. As for their predictions for the future, an increase in the use of educational technology not only in teaching, but also in testing and assessment is expected. Participants also emphasized a need to enhance the infrastructure to avoid any further technical issues and offer continuous development opportunities for teachers and students to become familiar with new technologies.

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Pages: 15-28
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The Resilience of University Youth While Undergoing Digital Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic

digital learning pandemic resilience university youth

Nur Amirrah Yusrisham , Siti Hajar Kamaruddin , Siti Munirah Mauzud , Roslina Ismail


The outbreak of COVID-19 has affected the educational sector globally. One of the impacts of this outbreak is observed in the implementation of digital learning, which involves problems such as poor internet connection and a lack of information technology facilities. However, university youth could be seen as resilient if they could keep up with good academic performance despite going through various challenges of digital learning. Thus, this research would like to explore the resilience of university youth while undergoing the challenges of digital learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research adopted a qualitative approach, and data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Purposive sampling was used, where five respondents among the University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) youth with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.50 and above were selected in this research. The research found that the challenges faced by the majority of the respondents during digital learning were the non-conducive learning environment and the poor internet connection. In addition, findings also found two protective factors that helped the respondents be resilient, identified as the internal factor (i.e., self-concept and cultural sensitivity) and the external factor (i.e., parents' support and positive peer relationships). The research findings showed that the university youth also need support and help from various parties alongside their own efforts in academics in order to face any kinds of risky situations and grow as resilient youth.

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Pages: 29-41
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Innovative Teaching: A Bibliometric Analysis From 2013 to 2023

bibliometrics bibliometrix innovative teaching research trends topic evolution

Raisa Esenovna Kussainova , Gulsara Tundebayevna Urazbayeva , Assel Bolatovna Kaliyeva , Edyta Denst-Garcia


This study sought to investigate the current state of innovative teaching research and identify emerging themes and trends in the field from 2013 to 2023. The Scopus database was searched for the term “innovative teaching,” resulting in 1005 documents. After manual screening, 903 articles were exported in the BibTeX format for further processing in Bibliometrix using three bibliometric analysis types: network analysis, science mapping, and performance analysis. Performance analysis revealed bursts in publication output in 2015 and 2021, with a moderate boost in 2018. Ten top-cited journal papers were identified. The citation rates were low between 2019 and 2021, but there has been an upturn since 2022. The top keywords included simulation and nursing education, and there was a shift in research topics from broad educational concepts to more specific approaches, such as e-learning. Innovative teaching has been predominantly investigated in higher education, particularly in nursing education, with themes like “teaching/learning strategies” suggesting an emphasis on enhancing teaching practices not just through technology infusion. This study can aid educators and researchers in staying current with innovative teaching developments and inform their teaching practices.

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Pages: 233-247
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Mapping the Intellectual Structure of Studies on Internationalization of the Curriculum: A Bibliometric Analysis From the Scopus Database

bibliometrics curriculum internationalization of higher education scopus

Do Hong Cuong , Do Thi Hong Lien , Le Van An Nguyen , Tran Thi Ha Giang , Ha Thi Lich , Tien-Trung Nguyen


The pervasive development and momentous changes of internationalization in higher education have led to the acceleration of research on its key component – the curriculum. However, there has not been any comprehensive analysis of the research status of the internationalization of the curriculum (IoC). To address the gap, this study employs the bibliometric method to construct an intellectual structure of research on the topic. The data, retrieved from the Scopus Database, consisted of 386 publications. The extracted data were then analyzed using citation, co-authorship, and keyword co-occurrence analysis. The results reveal a significant growth in research volume during the last ten years and the domination of Global North in the geographical distribution of publications. Besides, the most prominent authors include those who introduced fundamental knowledge on the topic. The most cited works and the most popular publishing sources focus on various aspects of internationalization of higher education. They also show a multidisciplinary interest in the topic. Finally, concerning newly emerged themes of studies on IoC, “cultural competence” and “internationalization at home” are outstanding keywords. The research findings emphasize IoC as a potential research matter. Hence, this study is recommended as a starting point for future researchers when examining related subjects.

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Pages: 379-395
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Indonesian Teachers' Acceptance on Online Teaching Technology During the COVID-19 Pandemic

facilitating condition pandemic pls-sem technology acceptance model tpack self-efficacy

Bisri Musthofa , I Nyoman Sudana Degeng , Punaji Setyosari , Sulthoni


This study investigates the impact of external variables, technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) self-efficacy, and facilitating conditions on teacher adoption of online teaching technology during the COVID-19 pandemic. It employs explanatory research to characterize the effect of external variables on the variables of the technology acceptance model. 240 high school teachers filled out Google Forms survey questionnaires for six research variables and analyzed by the SmartPLS program. The result indicates that attitude and perceived usefulness significantly and positively influence behavioral intention. Perceived usefulness and ease of use have a strong positive effect on attitude. Furthermore, perceived ease of use has a considerable effect on perceived usefulness. Perceived usefulness and ease of use are not significantly influenced by external variables. Facilitating conditions significantly positively affect behavioral intention, whereas TPACK self-efficacy negatively affects behavioral intention.

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Pages: 497-509
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visibility 1709
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This study examines the state of grant writing practices in Ukrainian universities and proposes recommendations to enhance their capacity to secure external funding for research and development. Through a mixed-methods approach involving surveys and semi-structured interviews, data was gathered from researchers and faculty members. The study identifies challenges faced by Ukrainian universities in obtaining external funding and highlights important themes for improving grant-writing practices. These themes include promoting collaboration, providing resources and infrastructure, implementing language support policies, raising awareness of funding opportunities, offering institutional support, fostering a research culture, establishing internal grant review processes, leveraging international collaborations, and emphasising evaluation and learning. By addressing these themes, Ukrainian universities can improve their grant-writing practices, increase proposal competitiveness, and enhance success rates in securing external funding. This study provides valuable insights, complements existing literature, and offers practical recommendations for grant writing in Ukrainian universities.

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Pages: 585-603
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There has been a clear shift in higher education to prepare and empower the current students for a future quite different and more complex than that faced by previous generations. In particular, it is expected that they will possess comprehensive abilities to deal with challenges arising from new employment demands and beyond. While liberal arts education has a long history in the West, it has been increasingly implemented more recently in East Asia as one response to the need for educational reform. The research reported here is an empirical study of how liberal arts education has affected individuals from two institutions with distinctive interpretations of “liberal arts education” - University N, the first Sino-foreign joint university in mainland China, and University L, the only public liberal arts university in Hong Kong. Drawing on Bourdieu’s Theory of Practice, this study illustrates the interplay and balance among students’ practical concerns, their sense of social obligation fostered through liberal arts education elements and the wider social structure. Semi-structured interviews with senior students, fresh graduates, and educators were conducted to gather in-depth primary data. These reveal that, by providing interdisciplinary knowledge and transferable skill sets, a liberal arts education experience does enhance individuals’ personal agency and intellectual competencies in a professional context - they are trained to become independent thinkers and learners. Moreover, the “humanistic” aspect of liberal arts is also relevant: having engaged in various activities and programs, students in both universities are encouraged to care, cooperate, and make positive differences in their increasingly interconnected communities.

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Pages: 735-746
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Conceptual Model for the Assessment of Academic Productivity in Research Seedbeds From a Systematic Review

formative research higher education measurement productivity research seedbeds

Magda Alejandra Martinez-Daza , Lira Isis Valencia-Quecano , Alfredo Guzmán-Rincón


Higher education institutions have focused their efforts on promoting research seedbeds as a strategy for formative research. In this regard, the impact of such a strategy remains unknown due to the lack of models that enable its evaluation. Therefore, this study aimed to design an evaluation model for the academic productivity of research seedbeds based on the available evidence in the literature. To achieve this, a systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA model, analyzing 53 documents including articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings from the SCOPUS, ProQuest, Jstor, Scielo, and ScienceDirect databases. The results identified indicators that allowed for the design of a model based on six constructs: research training, institutional capabilities, bibliographic production, innovation and development, social appropriation of knowledge, and human resource training. It was concluded that the indicators evaluating research seedbeds seek greater scientific development involving students and improving the quality of research products, which directly impacts the institutional research mission.

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Pages: 813-833
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