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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

'Assessment construct' Search Results

The Practicum in Teacher Training: Conditions for Integral Training

curricular innovations initial teacher education practicum secondary education training process

Ana Martín-Romera , Estefanía Martínez-Valdivia , Lina Higueras-Rodríguez


The practicum is an essential component in the initial training of Secondary Education teachers, as it is the first approach to educational practice that future teachers have. This is a fundamental element for improving the quality of education, as it is one of the objectives of the different educational reforms. This research aims to find out the educational value of the practicum for this group, as well as its advantages and limitations. For this purpose, qualitative research was carried out, using as an instrument an interview with 13 Secondary Education teachers, 2 managers of the master’s degree in Secondary Education Teaching at the University of Granada, 144 students of this master’s degree, and 5 specialists in the subject at a national level. The data obtained were analysed by means of content analysis, using the Nvivo12 program. The most relevant results include the importance of the alternating and interdisciplinary models and development of the activities to be developed by the students during their stay in the schools. Respecting the current model, actions to create the necessary synergies and resources (tutors, supervisors, schools and planning) that promote the training model that is intended are particularly relevant.

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Pages: 2115-2126
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The article deals with financial education. The data were collected as part of the Slovenian project “NA-MA POTI” (NAroslovje, MAtematika, Pismenost, Opolnomočenje, Tehnologija, Interaktivnost- Science, Mathematics, Literacy, Empowerment, Technology, Interactivity), which aims, among other things, to promote financial literacy at the national level. The aim of the survey presented here is to determine teachers’ attitudes towards financial literacy and their teaching strategies in teaching topics related to financial literacy. A total of 158 teachers participated in the survey. The results show that most teachers agree that financial literacy is important. Those teachers who agreed that financial literacy is important were also statistically significantly more likely to use group work, approaches and work methods that require the development of critical thinking and authentic tasks, which provides a good foundation for knowledge transfer in everyday life.

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Pages: 2265-2273
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visibility 1413
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The present research aimed to test an Amharic version of the multi-dimensional Work Task Motivation Scale for Teachers (WTMST), which measures the five pillars of university instructors’ motivation toward teaching and student evaluation tasks based on self-determination theory (SDT). Therefore, the WTMST offers the first instrument to measure all five motivational elements, and today it is one of the most applicable instruments to assess teachers’ motivation. An Amharic version of the WTMST for teaching and student evaluation tasks was adopted and assessed in large-scale data (N=1,117). Our findings demonstrate excellent reliability and construct validity (convergent, discriminant, divergent and factorial). Besides, the results of the model comparisons provided that out of the four theoretically competing models (single-order factor, correlated factor, higher-order factor and bi-factor models), the bi-factor model was the most-fitted one used for measurement invariance across various groups. Results also suggest that the factor structure of the WTMST for both teaching and student evaluation tasks demonstrate consistency across gender (men, women), university types (research, applied, and general university), age and experience in teaching. Therefore, the WTMST for teaching and student evaluation tasks may be valid in Ethiopian higher education settings.

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Pages: 2243-2263
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Multiculturalism in the school environment is challenging for all educational systems. This study examines the effect of multicultural school leadership on multicultural teacher culture and determines mediating effects of multicultural inspiration, personality, and attitude. A quantitative research approach using a cross-sectional survey was used for this study. The population and sample of this study were school principals and high school teachers in Central Java Province, Indonesia. The participants were a total of 357 individuals. Data analysis was done by structural equation modeling (SEM) using the software AMOS 24. The results show that multicultural school leadership directly influences multicultural teacher culture. This study also highlights multicultural inspiration, multicultural personality, and multicultural attitude as factors that mediate the effect of multicultural school leadership on multicultural teacher culture. This study makes a practical and theoretical contribution, especially by providing data to support the improvement of multicultural teacher culture and the importance of multicultural leadership of school leaders in influencing these factors through multicultural inspiration, personality, and attitude.

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Pages: 2387-2399
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The longitudinal changes of the average grades in four study semesters before and during the COVID-19 pandemic and distance learning are presented in the current study. 11th grade students’ (n=586; age M=17.38, SD=0.53) average grades were assessed, as well as their verbal and non-verbal reasoning abilities, and self-evaluations of problem-solving and self-management skills. The main findings of the study are: 1) There is a general pattern for the grades to increase during the four semesters from the autumn 2019 to the spring 2021; 2) The general tendency of changes in the grades is similar to various students’ groups based on their level of skills; 3) Higher level of students’ skills and cognitive abilities determined that students’ grades were higher and were more likely to increase during the “second wave of the pandemic”, compared to the middle and low-level skill groups. Results of the current study show a tendency for the average grades to increase during the pandemic and distance learning, however, there are group differences in the findings, relating the grade level to the individual level of students’ skills and abilities.

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Pages: 2445-2458
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Learning activities are conducted to help students achieve optimal academic achievement. This research aims to optimize student academic achievement through a learning process that integrates comprehensive formative assessments, including formative tests, self-assessment, peer assessment, and the initiator of creating summaries or concept maps that are given to students in a structured manner at the end of every lesson. The research method used was a quasi-experimental method with a 2x2 factorial design. Students enrolled in the biology education program of the basic physics course for the 1st semester of the 2019 academic year participated in this study. The participants were 66 undergraduate students divided into two classes. Thirty-four students in the experimental group were in class A, while 32 students in the control group were in class B. Data were collected using a learning outcome test instrument to measure academic achievement, which was tested at the end of the semester. Data were analyzed using a two-way ANOVA. This study concluded that a learning process that includes comprehensive formative assessment significantly affects students' academic achievement. These findings support the theory that formative assessment provides feedback, correction, and improvement in student learning.

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Pages: 71-85
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The Development of a Four-Tier Diagnostic Test Based on Modern Test Theory in Physics Education

developing test four-tiers diagnostic test modern test theory

Edi Istiyono , Wipsar Sunu Brams Dwandaru , Kharisma Fenditasari , Made Rai Suci Shanti Nurani Ayub , Duden Saepuzaman


Diagnostic tests are generally two or three-tier and based on classical test theory. In this research, the Four-Tier Diagnostic Test (FTDT) was developed based on modern test theory to determine understanding of physics levels: scientific conception (SC), lack of knowledge (LK), misconception (MSC), false negatives (FN), and false positives (FP). The goals of the FTDT are to (a) find FTDT constructs, (b) test the quality of the FTDT, and (c) describe students' conceptual understanding of physics. The development process was conducted in the planning, testing, and measurement phases. The FTDT consists of four-layer multiple-choice with 100 items tested on 700 high school students in Yogyakarta. According to the partial credit models (PCM), the student's responses are in the form of eight categories of polytomous data. The results of the study show that (a) FTDT is built on the aspects of translation, interpretation, extrapolation, and explanation, with each aspect consisting of 25 items with five anchor items; (b) FTDT is valid with an Aiken's V value in the range of 0.85-0.94, and the items fit PCM with Infit Mean Square (INFIT MNSQ) of 0.77-1.30, item difficulty index of 0.12-0.38, and the reliability coefficient of Cronbach's alpha FTDT is 0.9; (c) the percentage of conceptual understanding of physics from large to small is LK type 2 (LK2), FP, LK type 1 (LK1), FN, LK type 3 (LK3), SC, LK type 4 (LK4), and MSC. The percentage sequence of MSC based on the successive material is momentum, Newton's law, particle dynamics, harmonic motion, work, and energy. In addition, failure to understand the concept sequentially is due to Newton's law, particle dynamics, work and energy, momentum, and harmonic motion.

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Pages: 371-385
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Challenges in Managing Bilingual Schools: A Solution Through Higher Education for Prospective Leaders

bilingual education management education prospective leader

Siti Muniroh , Yusnita Febrianti , Shirly Rizki Kusumaningrum , Sri Rachmajanti , Ahmad Yusuf Sobri


This qualitative study is part of a feasibility study conducted by State University of Malang (SUM), Indonesia, to determine stakeholder needs for a study program specializing in managing bilingual education. The study participants included one SUM lecturer who held a managerial position in the division of SUM laboratory schools and twelve teachers/leaders of bilingual schools in some cities in East Java and South Sulawesi. Data were collected using an online questionnaire and in-depth interviews with two selected participants. The results indicate issues related to teachers' English competencies, materials development, and integrating an internationally-oriented curriculum into the national curriculum. Teachers' low English competencies prevented them from conducting teaching and learning bilingually and developing instructional materials in appropriate English. In addition, the combination of national and international curricula was identified as the biggest challenge for bilingual schools. The teachers/leaders were never trained to manage the bilingual program. They learned based on their experiences, and it took years to figure out how to manage bilingual programs successfully. Therefore, the establishment of a new program of study is needed.

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Pages: 2513-2522
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visibility 1554
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This study aims to investigate lecturers' needs for academic writing learning materials and determine their prototypes. This study is qualitative research in the form of an exploratory case study. The research instruments were semi-open-ended questionnaires and unstructured and open-ended interview guides. The data were analyzed using content analysis. The results show that the developed learning material for academic writing skills contains seven needs for lecturers in the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature. Four of them have not been found by previous researchers. The results from this study provide new knowledge and contribution to the literature about the need to prototype the learning materials. The lecturers or other researchers can use these seven needs in prototyping learning materials for academic writing skills, such as the needs of learning materials, their forms, presentation system, language use, evaluation form, main menu design, and the way of creating learning materials.

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Pages: 435-453
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Research on Factors that Influence College Academic Performance: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach

academic performance emotion engagement self-control self-efficacy

Moesarofah , Imanuel Hitipeuw , Fulgentius Danardana Murwani , Marthen Pali


This study used the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach to test a model that hypothesized the influence of self-efficacy, self-control, emotion, and engagement on student academic performance. The structural equation modeling model was developed to link all the study variables with a literature review to describe the interrelationship. Data collected were from 413 college students in their second year. The results show that self-efficacy, self-control, emotion, and engagement predict student academic performance. And through emotion and student engagement, both self-efficacy and self-control predict student academic performance indirectly. Practically the measures used in this study give more information about the learning environment in higher education settings than those usually come from traditional practices faculty received in the classroom, such as student rating forms and feedback. The main findings of this study have some implications for higher education, theory development, measurement, and future research.

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Pages: 537-549
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Development of a Self-Evaluation Instrument with Programmatic Assessment Components for Undergraduate Medical Students

instrument development medical education programmatic assessment

Dina Qurratu Ainin , Yoyo Suhoyo , Artha Budi Susila Duarsa , Mora Claramita


This study aimed to develop and test a student self-assessment instrument based on the programmatic assessment (PA) components. We applied a series of psychometric research methods by (a) conducting a literature study to find PA constructs, (b) developing the students' self-questionnaires, (c) ensuring content validity, (d) testing face validity, and (e) conducting reliability tests that involve medical students, medical teachers, medical educationalist, and an international PA expert. Face validity (readability test) was conducted with 30 medical students from an Indonesian university who were in their last year of pre-clinical education and had average scores above or equal to their classmates. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to report the instruments’ validity and reliability. The final instrument was tested on 121 medical students with excellent GPAs from another medical school with a middle-level accreditation. The PA consists of five components: ‘learning activities’, ‘assessment activities’, 'supporting activities’, 'intermediate evaluations’, and ‘final evaluations'. These components are conveyed through 41 relevant statements with a four-point Likert scale and three yes/no statements. According to the respondents, there was a lack of 'supporting activities' and 'intermediate evaluation' components in the PA in their universities. This study has developed and tested a five-component evaluation instrument based on medical students' perceptions regarding PA implementation.

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Pages: 649-662
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visibility 1226
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The successful application of the problem-based learning (PBL) approach requires feedback from the tutor to the student to guide the latter's learning process. The aim of this study was to characterise the views of a group of Chilean undergraduate students of Primary Teaching and their tutors regarding PBL methodology, and the role of feedback in it. Qualitative research was carried out based on a case study that gathered the views of students and tutors through a focus group. The methods of analysis adapted to the needs of this study are those derived from discourse analysis and especially from discourse in interaction in its three dimensions: interlocution (framework of participation), thematic (topic of discussion) and enunciative (enunciative positioning). The results indicate that students' views emphasised the inter-student collaboration involved in PBL, while tutors emphasised the motivational value of the methodology. However, both recognised the important role that feedback plays in enhancing learning opportunities. Knowing the views of both tutors and learners is central to improving PBL and feedback practices.

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Pages: 705-717
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visibility 1138
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Virtual Laboratory Design for Learning Electro-Pneumatic Practices in Vocational High Schools

design instructional electro-pneumatics practical learning virtual laboratory

Mochamad Sukardjo , Uswatun Khasanah , Stephanus Turibius Rahmat , Khaerudin , Budi Setiawan


Teaching a subject in a vocational high school (VHS) requires specialized instructional design strategies. Recently, instructional VHS used a computer-based platform to teach theory and practice. The computer will assist teachers in creating instructional media. This study aims to design augmented reality-based virtual laboratory media for electro-pneumatic practicum learning in order to ease teachers and students to learn the pneumatic practice. It is specially designed for practical learning purposes. The method used in this research is research and development. The assessment results from Instructional design experts 4.5, material experts 4.5, media experts 4.4, and language experts 4.8. Based on the assessment of experts, this augmented reality-based virtual laboratory media is feasible to use. Next, the results of this study are a prototype of students' pneumatic practice tools installed on mobile phones consisting of eight worksheets. In the designed augmented reality media, 1) 3-dimensional pneumatics can be rotated in all directions so that students understand. 2) Pneumatic job sheet, where on the augmented reality media designed for the simulation circuit, there is an explanation of the components and how they work, and a simulation through markers.

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Pages: 719-737
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visibility 1324
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The Role of Hemispheric Preference in Student Misconceptions in Biology

biology concepts hemispheric preference intuitive reasoning right hemisphere students’ misconceptions

Nektarios Lagoudakis , Filippos Vlachos , Vasilia Christidou , Denis Vavougios , Marianthi Batsila


The various intuitive reasoning types in many cases comprise the core of students’ misconceptions about concepts, procedures and phenomena that pertain to natural sciences. Some researchers support the existence of a relatively closer connection between the right hemisphere and intuitive thought, mainly due to a notably closer relation of individual intuitive cognitive processes with specific right hemisphere regions. It has been suggested that individuals show a different preference in making use of each hemisphere’s cognitive capacity, a tendency which has been termed Hemisphericity or Hemisphere Preference. The purpose of the present study was to examine the association between hemispheric preference and students’ misconceptions. A correlational explanatory research approach was implemented involving 100 seventh grade students from a public secondary school. Participants completed a hemispheric preference test and a misconceptions documentation tool. The results revealed that there wasn’t any differentiation in the mean score of misconceptions among the students with right hemispheric dominance and those with left hemispheric dominance. These findings imply a number of things: (a) the potential types of intuitive processes, that might be activated by the students, in interpreting the biology procedures and phenomena and their total resultant effect on students’ answers, probably do not have any deep connection with the right hemisphere; (b) it is also possible that students might use reflective and analytic thought more frequently than we would have expected.

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Pages: 739-747
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It is important for students who learn history to have the skills to think, read and analyze historical sources because past events can only be reconstructed and understood from these numerous resources. Various media methods are needed to support the development of these skills, especially in online learning. Therefore, this research aims to create a virtual field trip (VFT) based history learning media to help students improve their thinking skills using primary source evidence. It was carried out by using the research and development (R&D) method consisting of four stages, namely analysis, designs, conducting trials, and testing media effectiveness. The sample subjects consisted of six teams as expert validators, seven history teachers, 70 and 280 Class X students who assessed the product's practicality and determined the developed media's effectiveness. Data were collected through expert validation, student and teacher response questionnaire sheets, as well as description exams. The level of validity and practicality of the medium were determined using descriptive analysis, while the N-Gain approach evaluated the media's effectiveness. The expert validation result is very good, with an average score of 3.77. The teacher and student response tests showed an average score of 4.67, indicating that the VFT medium is practical for learning history. The N-Gain value of 72% showed that the students' abilities to use primary source evidence are increasing. Therefore, using VFT based history classes to develop explanation skills using primary source evidence is feasible, practical, and useful.

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Pages: 775-793
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Constructive Cognitive Assessment of Learning in a Course on the Computational Cognition in Psychology Students

academic learning cognitive evaluation mental representation of knowledge natural semantic networks

Guadalupe Elizabeth Morales-Martinez , Angel Garcia-Collantes , Rafael Manuel Lopez-Perez


Learning evaluation is a complex task, and this study illustrates the Constructive Assessment of Learning as a complementary alternative to evaluate the computational cognition schema construction. The authors designed a mental representational task under the Chronometric Constructive Cognitive Learning Evaluation Model. Control and experimental groups performed a conceptual definition task based on the Natural Semantic Network technique (NSN). They defined ten target concepts related to computational cognition theory, using verbs, nouns, and adjectives as definers. Afterward, the participants rated the conceptual quality of each definer one by one, on a scale of one to ten; the higher the rating, the greater the quality of the definer to define the target concept. The results indicate that the NSN technique was sensitive to measuring and discriminating cognitive changes in knowledge structures produced by the specific learning of computational cognition theory. In contrast, the learning of broad psychology subjects produced general cognitive changes without organization related to the specific learning of the evaluated course. Data showed more sophisticated cognitive change patterns on the evaluated schema in the experimental group than in the control group. The findings of this study suggest that cognitive assessment techniques can be helpful in the formative assessment of learning and provide clear indicators of students' knowledge management skills.

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Pages: 837-850
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The significance of speaking English has been emphasized in Malaysia education. However, speaking problems such as lack of enthusiasm and poor speaking performance emerge among ESL pupils. To resolve this, an online board game “Flippity” is implemented in online speaking lessons. This paper aims to explore the usefulness of the online board game “Flippity” to improve speaking skills among elementary pupils who are in Year 5 as well as to investigate pupils’ perceptions towards the use of the online board game “Flippity”. The study employed a quasi-experimental mixed method design to collect data from thirty Year 5 pupils from a Chinese primary school. Data was collected through speaking pre-test and post-test, semi-structured interview and questionnaire. The results indicated a significant improvement in pupils’ speaking skills in terms of accuracy, fluency, range, interaction and coherence. Pupils also displayed preferences and positive attitude in learning to speak while playing “Flippity”. Further studies are recommended to be done on how “Flippity” could be exploited when learning other language skills such as listening, reading, writing and grammar.

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Pages: 1085-1096
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Morocco has undergone significant reforms in the education and training field, including the implementation of preschool education as a compulsory stage in the education system. Several studies have shown that attitudes toward science tend to decline between the ages of 11 and 14. Therefore, it is crucial to promote the acquisition of different modes of reasoning and forms of thought from early childhood. The primary objective of preschool education in Morocco should be to promote positive attitudes toward science. This study aims to analyze the preschool program prescribed in the Moroccan curriculum framework with regard to scientific awareness as well as its methodological and practical implications. The analysis was conducted using a designed grid and including the following criteria: construction of school science; axiological and psychological foundations of science learning; objectives and competencies; contents; approaches; activities; teaching strategies; didactic resources; pedagogical design and evaluation. The study's findings revealed that the Moroccan Curriculum Framework for Preschool Education featured a number of dimensions related directly to scientific awareness. However, no explicit statements about scientific awareness or science literacy were made. Moreover, some elements suggested in the program document were out of phase with the current trends of scientific awareness. Therefore, the study offered some suggestions for improving the proposal provided by this pedagogical document. In conclusion, Morocco's focus on preschool education is a positive step towards building a more scientifically literate society. However, to fully benefit from it, the guidance document must be revised to reflect current scientific awareness trends.

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Pages: 1233-1246
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Education delivers systematic instruction so effective learning acquisition may take place. It molds students into holistic well-being to contribute to various industries; hence, relevant competencies are developed. Strengthening education significantly encompasses the production of formfitting and distinct instructional materials to invite a sequential way of presenting quality instruction. This research is focused on knowing the effectiveness of the modules developed in Human Resource Management for Filipino business students. Specifically, it is developmental research and utilizes a pretest and post-test control group design. Numerical data were supported by phenomenological interviews, strengthening the study's results. It involved 80 college students classified as the experimental and control group. Moreover, the interview includes 10 participants. Findings reveal that utilizing the modules realized the increase in performance of the experimental group due to their exposure to the materials. However, one of the pitfalls has been revealed in utilizing self-directed learning material; thus, academic performance will only improve if students are organized to set their own goals and learning pace. Using outcomes-based instructional materials leads to substantiating learning, effectively enticing learners' interest. It maximizes students' motivation and participation since topics are well-planned and designed comprehensively. The materials are an essential tool in inviting the enthusiasm of business students to engage in learning. These are valuable means to encourage independent learning without sacrificing the competencies to be learned and applied by the learners.

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Pages: 1257-1268
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Measurement of Students' Chemistry Practicum Skills Using Many Facets Rash Model

chemistry practicum mfrm performance assessment process assessment product assessment

Melly Elvira , Heri Retnawati , Eli Rohaeti , Syamsir Sainuddin


The accuracy of assessing the capabilities of the process and product in chemical practice activities requires appropriate measurement procedures to be followed. It is crucial to identify the components that can introduce bias while measuring student abilities during the measurement process. This study aims to identify the components or criteria used by teachers to assess student performance in practicum activities and analyze the quality of the rubrics developed. The study was conducted with the participation of three raters, 27 high school students, and nine assessment criteria. A quantitative descriptive approach was employed using the many-facet Rasch model (MFRM) analysis for measurement. The results of the MFRM analysis show no significant measurement bias, with data measurement facets fitting the MFRM model. The reliability of all the facets meets the criteria, and the scale predictor functions appropriately. While all students can easily pass four out of nine items, five items can only be partially passed by students. The assessment criteria that require special attention include communication skills, tools and assembly, interpretation, cleanliness, and accuracy when performing practicums. These criteria provide feedback for teachers and students to ensure successful practicum activities. The Discussion section of this study delves into the findings and their implications.

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Pages: 1297-1315
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