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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

'indonesian secondary schools' Search Results

The Effect of Principals’ Leadership towards Effective Learning at an Indonesian Secondary School

leadership effective learning principals leadership

Ristapawa Indra , Martin Kustati , Antomi Saregar , Warnis , Nelmawarni , Yunisrina Qismullah Yusuf


The study aims to investigate the evaluation model of professional leadership and the characteristics of successful principals at an Indonesian secondary school. It is to further realize the effective learning and to produce instruments that meet the validity and reliability tests. It also aims to discover the correlation and the significance of the independent variables on the dependent variables, and the percentage of influence on the indicators in shaping the model of principals’ leadership. Quantitative data were obtained by distributing questionnaires to 100 students. The number of respondents was determined using a simple random sampling technique. The research findings showed that there was a significant correlation among the principals’ leadership, characters, and effective learning. It indicated that leadership evaluation influenced the school leadership and the principals’ characters on effective learning. The results of the measurement on formative relationships showed that the indicators of behaviour and actions of school principals who manage the teachers to conduct learning activity seriously in the classroom became a determining factor in shaping the effective learning paradigm in secondary schools.

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Pages: 1063-1074
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visibility 1702
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The Role of Eco-School Program (Adiwiyata) towards Environmental Literacy of High School Students

adiwiyata eco-school environment literacy msels

N. Nurwidodo , Mohamad Amin , I. Ibrohim , S. Sueb


This study was intended to display the role of eco-school program (Adiwiyata) towards environtmental literacy (EL) of high school students by analyzing, (a) EL of students in Adiwiyata and non-Adiwiyata high schools, and (b) EL of students in Grade X and XI, Adiwiya and non-Adiwiyata high schools in Malang-East Java, Indonesia. The survey involved 275 students. The respondents were from four state high school i.e. SMAN 1, SMAN 3, SMAN 4, and SMAN 7. Data were taken via MSELS questionnaire that was modified and filled online. Aspects of EL include ecological knowledge, environmental affect, cognitive skills, and behavior. The results of multivariate analysis showed that the level of students’ EL was significantly influenced by school type and grade. However, the interaction both of them had no significant effect on their EL. Univariate results on school type factor informed that significant differences occured in all aspects of EL, where the lower identified level of students in Adiwiyata schools compared to Non-Adiwiyata was only in the environmental affect. On the other hand, the significant influence of grade level only occurred in cognitive skills aspect. Broadly speaking, all data analyzes concluded that the application of the Adiwiyata program was able to bring a positive impact on the level of students’ EL. There was also a tendency that the higher the student's grade, the better their EL level.

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Pages: 1089-1103
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visibility 3960
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Motivation and Learning Strategies: Student Motivation Affects Student Learning Strategies

learning strategies metacognition motivation self-regulated learning student

Hasan Hariri , Dedy Hermanto Karwan , Een Yayah Haenilah , Riswanti Rini , Ujang Suparman


Despite being a popular research subject internationally, self-regulated learning is relatively under-investigated in the Indonesian context. This article examined student learning motivation and its use as an indicator to predict student learning strategies in an Indonesian school context. This article applied quantitative research design, with Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) used to collect the data. This questionnaire was completed by 408 public high secondary students randomly selected from the population in Lampung Province schools, and multiple regression was used to analyze the obtained data. Results show that student motivation and learning strategies were positively and significantly correlated; three predictor variables of student motivation could significantly predict learning strategies; and value components of student motivation best predicted learning strategies. In conclusion, these findings indicate that, when teachers apply learning strategies, such variables as motivation including value, expectancy, and affective components should be strongly considered to be in place. It is hoped finally that the students will be self-regulated learners for their success.

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Pages: 39-49
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visibility 10029
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This research aims to develop Indonesian Language textbooks with multiculturalism and character education for traditional poetry writing learning. This research uses a research and development approach until the discovery of a proper textbook. The subjects involved in this study were 101 elementary school fourth-graders, 33 teachers, and 2 Indonesian language and literature learning experts. Data analysis techniques at the need analysis stage through interactive models, and data analysis at the product testing stage using quantitative techniques with non-independent t-test statistics. Preliminary studies found that teachers and students needed creative writing skills textbooks developed by integrating the values of multiculturalism and character education. Textbook development referred to aspects of content, language, presentation, and graphics. Limited textbook product testing using t-test showed that t-obtained= -4,265 and t-table on α = 5 % is 2,064, so H0 is rejected. Broad testing also resulted in    t-obtained= -6,426 and t-table = 2,004, so it can be decided that H0 is rejected. Students' traditional poetry writing skills after learning using textbooks are better than before learning using textbooks. Thus it is concluded that the textbooks developed are inferred worthy of use by teachers and students to improve their writing skills in elementary school.

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Pages: 455-466
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visibility 1954
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The mastery of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is very important for teachers in order to achieve qualified learning. Analyzing the mastery of TPACK by teachers in Indonesia seems to be imperative to provide baseline data to Indonesian government. This study aimed to examine the mastery of TPACK, in particular among biology teachers in terms of their teacher certification status, educational level, and academic background. This research involved 68 biology teachers obtained through proportional random sampling in five districts of Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. The data collection was conducted through a multiple-choice test consisting of 33 items. The results showed that although the teacher’s mastery of TPACK was categorized as fair (60.13), it does not meet the work performance standards as a good teacher in Indonesia which has a minimum score of 76.00. Using Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis Tests (p< 0.05), the evidence revealed that the mastery of TPACK among biology teachers is likely influenced by the academic background, educational level, and teacher certification status.

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Pages: 1063-1073
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visibility 2387
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Motivation and Grit Affects Undergraduate Students’ English Language Performance

english language performance english learning motivation grit psychology

Yun Tao Wu , Lydia Yoke Yean Foong , Noryati Alias


This study aims to explore non-English speaking major student’s perceptions of Motivation and Grit and the relationship between these two factors and students’ English language performance at a public university in China. The research was conducted by quantitative research design to collect 624 non-English speaking Major students’ answers to multiple questionnaires at a public university in China. Data analysis is used by SPSS and AMOS. The study shows that Motivation and Grit all have a positive correlation with English language performance. One major conclusion of this study is Grit has the most significant effect on the English language performance of non-English speaking major students in multiple regression analysis and is also the best predictor of the relationship between these two factors and English language performance in the path analysis in Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. The finding also revealed that male students’ perception of motivation and grit is slightly stronger than that of female students. These findings highlight the need for English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher to understand students’ affective factors in learning English, and hence help them utilize different teaching methods to enhance students’ English learning and promote sustainable development of English learning in a public Chinese university.

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Pages: 781-794
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visibility 2100
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Character education is urgent in passing down the ethical and moral values in the cultured community life. The local cultural values are a source of ethics and moral education for elementary school students. The school keeps taking an essential role in cultivating the local values through online character education during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to analyze the effect of implementing online integrated character education and parental engagement in local cultural values cultivation outcome. The method of this study used an exploratory sequential mixed method design. Collect qualitative data using interview forms, observation, documentation, and quantitative data using questionnaires and portfolios. Qualitative data interpretation used content analysis, and inferential analysis used multiple linear regression. Results revealed that parental engagement, teachers’ performance, and online learning obstacles affect local cultural values cultivation outcome in character education partially and simultaneously for sixth-grade students in Padang City. We suggested teachers improve character education management based on local cultural values by building good synergy and collaboration between them and parents to cultivate noble character behavior among students.

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Pages: 1699-1714
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visibility 1540
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Teachers’ Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: Causality and Comparison

competence moderated factor teacher performance

Ngabiyanto , Ahmad Nurkhin , Kemal Budi Mulyono , Iwan Hardi Saputro , Didi Pramono , Asep Purwo Yudi Utomo


The greatest impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Indonesian education was the decline in teacher performance. In light of this information, this study analyzes the role of supervision, salary and benefits, school climate, training and development, and perceived organizational support in moderating the impact of competence on teacher performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study also compares the relationships between employed government and private teachers. Data were collected through questionnaires to teachers with a sample of 166 government teachers and 175 private teachers in primary and secondary schools through a Google form and analyzed using moderated Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS), multigroup, and multilevel analysis. The results showed that salary and benefits, training, and development did not affect the performance of public school teachers. In contrast, only salary and benefits did not affect teacher performance for private teachers. Moreover, only supervision significantly moderated the effect of competence on the performance of public school teachers. However, supervision, salary, benefits, school climate, training and development, and perceived organizational support did not affect private teachers' performance. The Ministry of Education or the Foundation needs to review and improve the mechanisms of training and development, supervision, and school organizational climate to promote optimal teacher performance during the pandemic.

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Pages: 605-621
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visibility 1433
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Relationship Between Knowledge and Affection for the Environment: A Meta-Analysis

affection conservation environment knowledge meta-analysis

Trias Hernanda , Absori , Aidul Fitriciada Azhari , Kelik Wardiono , Janu Arlinwibowo


Environmental damage must be taken seriously. Strengthening human attitudes to preserve the environment is the keyword, and strengthening the aspects of knowledge about the environment must be pursued. However, a scientific basis is needed that shows that it is true that strengthening the aspects of knowledge about the environment can improve a person’s attitude toward preserving the environment. The purpose of this research is to find the relationship between a person’s knowledge and their behavior in preserving the environment. By defining the general picture of the relationship between knowledge and attitudes, future accurate educational policies can be taken in the context of environmental protection. This research is a meta-analysis of correlation types. The inclusion criteria for selecting the data are as follows: studies published from 1999 to 2022 in English, analyzed by correlation analysis, have descriptions of many samples and correlation indices, and published in Google Scholar-indexed journals. Based on this inclusion criteria, 23 studies were selected containing 36 relevant sets of research data. The results showed that there was a correlation between knowledge and a person’s attitude toward the environment (.37). Assuming a 95% confidence level, the real score ranges from 0.26 to 0.48. The publication bias test using the trim and fill method showed that none of the data contained biased publications, so the meta-analysis results could be declared valid. Now, there is an urgency to expand environmental education to encourage the development of good attitudes by the community toward the environment.

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Pages: 1071-1084
cloud_download 633
visibility 1609
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Heritage education is an integral component of general and higher education programs. It helps students understand the national culture and arouses their love for the country. The quantitative study was conducted with the participation of 822 students in the FPT University system. Multiple linear regression analysis and Pearson correlation results help determine the relationship between heritage education’s learning outcomes, including Vovinam martial arts and traditional musical instruments, and students’ patriotic and nationalistic attitudes. Accordingly, promoting learning outcomes related to Skills, Attitudes, and Behaviors positively impacts the development of students’ patriotism and nationalism. The study affirms the role of heritage education programs in the education system in Vietnam, especially at the university level. It confirms the necessity of this type of education at all stages of learners’ development, especially in the research context at FPT University.

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Pages: 1555-1567
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visibility 2069
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In the Indonesian context, English is considered a local subject and there is no mandated curriculum for English in elementary schools. Meanwhile, English has been a compulsory subject taught at the secondary school level. The present study aims to explore barriers to teaching English experienced by non-native English teachers in Indonesian secondary schools and policy recommendations. The study employed a qualitative case study method. Concerning the data collection, the authors garnered the data through semi-structured interviews with six non-native English teachers teaching at private and public secondary schools in Indonesia. The findings of the study reveal that several barriers experienced by non-native English teachers include lack of training in English teaching and learning, academic literacy among non-native English teachers, school facilities, English-relevant materials, student motivation, and English exposure outside of school. Drawing on these results, some policy recommendations to improve English language teaching in the Indonesian context are discussed in this study.

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Pages: 1617-1629
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visibility 2656
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