' mindset' Search Results
The Efficiency of Tailored Systems for Language Education: An App Based on Scientific Evidence and for Student-Centered Approach
immigration mobile-assisted language learning refugees second language technology-based education...
In the vulnerable and unstable contexts that characterize populations in mobility between countries, especially immigrants and refugees, the second language learning has assumed new traits of difficulty. To help the new generation of learners, mainly with origin in forced immigration, the mobile-assisted learning helps motivation for language learning and reduces anxiety related to language acquisition. Attending to this challenge educational scenario, this review study presents a literature systematic analysis and a concrete technology tool that advocates the student-centered approach. A mobile pedagogical plan was developed for the learning of European Portuguese as a Second Language and as a Foreign Language. A critical review of 38 studies was conducted to understand how the mobile-assisted learning responds to the inclusion and education, especially concerning minorities. Based on previous empirical data with 108 immigrants, we understand the type of tasks that new immigrants have more difficulty learning in Portuguese. It was developed as a mobile app for Android, IOS, computers and tablets: the GoGenius app. In mobile format, individuals can access fourteen themed units with a symmetrical game architecture. These games focused the tasks and themes with priority for new language learners who recently arrived in a hosting country. These units involve a consistent number of working hours that intentionally intend to complement to the contact hours that the subjects have in classroom contexts or in unstable communication contexts (daily communication). This technology project aims to match “tailored” psychological and technological resources. Flipped classroom approach showed how mobile-assisted learning reinforces the educational goals worldwide, specifically for language learning. However, mobile tools should be well structured and centered on students’ needs, especially with migration backgrounds.
Pedagogy-Andragogy Continuum with Cybergogy to Promote Self-Regulated Learning: A Structural Equation Model Approach
andragogy continuum cybergogy pedagogy self-regulated learning...
The increasing sophisticated learning technology and COVID-19 have pushed the teaching-learning process to use pedagogy, andragogy, and cybergogy approaches. The current research aims to investigate the relationship between the practices of these three approaches and student self-regulated learning. The structural equation model used indicates that pedagogy practices may affect the andragogy practices in teaching-learning process. Pedagogy approach shows no direct effect but has an indirect effect on students’ self-regulated learning. The indirect effect comes from the pedagogy-andragogy continuum and the impact of pedagogy instruction on cybergogy practices. Andragogy practices also gives a significant impact on students’ self-regulated learning and how the students use learning technology in cybergogy approach. Andragogy and the continuum of cybergogy promote students’ self-regulated learning. These results indicate that pedagogy-andragogy continuum can have an interplay with cybergogy. The interplay of these approaches may encourage students’ self-regulated learning. The current research can be a baseline to construct a new approach in teaching-learning process and its instructions in the classroom.
Structural Equation Model on Pro-Social Skills and Expectancy-Value of STEM Students
expectancy-value of stem grit mathematics performance self-regulated learning skills structural equation modeling...
The objective of the study was to develop a structural model that explores the relationship between Mathematics Performance and students’ self-regulated learning skills, grit, and expectancy-value towards science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The research collected survey data from 664 senior high school students from 17 STEM high schools, and conducted a covariance-based structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis. The results of the SEM analysis indicate that the Re-specified Self-Regulated Learning Skill – Expectancy-Value towards STEM – Grit – Mathematics Performance (Re-specified SRL-EV-GR-MP) model is the most parsimonious fit, offering the best empirical support for the theoretical model of the study. The research findings suggest that the mathematics performance of senior high school students in STEM curriculum is attributed to their high expectancies for success and perceived values of the STEM tasks, high grit, and high self-regulated learning skills. Moreover, the research also observed evidence of mediating and moderating grit effects in the concurrent effects of expectancy-values towards STEM and self-regulated learning skills towards students’ mathematics performance.
Do Digital Competency and Self-Leadership Influence Teachers' Innovative Work Behavior?
digital competency innovative work behavior self-leadership...
This study investigates whether digital competency and self-leadership influence teachers’ innovative work behavior in Islamic International schools. The participants in the quantitative research were 108 teachers from the Islamic International School, who were selected using saturated sampling. The researchers used a 41 items questionnaire to collect data on the study variables. Quantitative data were analyzed by applying structural equation modeling partial least squares (SEM-PLS) using Smart-PLS 3. According to the study's findings, digital competency has a positive and significant impact on innovative work behavior, while self-leadership also has a positive impact that significantly influences innovative work behavior. Overall, the impact of digital competency and self-leadership simultaneously was 0.584 or 58.4%, while the other variables not tested in this study influenced the other 41.6%. This research emphasizes schools to improve building their teachers’ innovative work behavior and for teachers themselves through training, self-development programs, building knowledge sharing among teachers and school leaders, and open ideas about developing pedagogical and sustainable programs for schools.
Enhancing Student Performance during Online Learning with Psychosocial Processes and Information and Communication Technology Competence: The Role of Psychological Engagement as Mediator
ict competence online learning psychological engagement psychosocial processes student performance...
Some Indonesians may still regard online education as a novel, although they frequently engage in online-related activities without even realizing it. The quality of learning, satisfaction, achievement, retention, and, more broadly, personal growth are all favorably correlated with student engagement. For students to provide their best effort and succeed in online learning, it is crucial to have good psychological engagement in them. This engagement will help their psychological processes and dispositions to improve. The quantitative research methodology was utilized in this research. In addition, 800 high school students from South Sumatra participated in this research as a sample. The structural equation model is analyzed (SEM). The findings indicated that 85.9 percent of the time, a psychological commitment is influenced by information communications technology (ICT) proficiency, psychosocial processes, and student performance. Thus, the value of .713 indicates that psychological involvement, psychosocial processes, and ICT proficiency all impact student performance. This study demonstrates that every hypothesis has a favorable and significant impact. These circumstances suggest that students who are proficient in ICT and psychosocial processes will be able to enhance their performance through challenging and dry learning. The interaction between students while learning strengthens this condition.
The Moderating Role of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Locus of Control on the Effect of the University Environment and Program on Entrepreneurial Intention and Attitudes
entrepreneurial intention and attitudes entrepreneurial self-efficacy locus of control student entrepreneurship university environment...
This article examines the influence of the university environment and learning programs on students' entrepreneurial intentions and attitudes, considering the moderating roles of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and locus of control. The empirical analysis employs a multilevel (hierarchical) linear model, utilizing responses from 713 students across 30 universities in Kazakhstan who participated in the GUESSS 2021 project survey. Our findings reveal that students' entrepreneurial intentions are directly influenced by entrepreneurial self-efficacy and locus of control. However, the locus of control is also indirectly influenced by the university environment and learning program. The learning program's effect on both entrepreneurial aspirations and attitudes is mediated by self-efficacy. Locus of control, conversely, negatively affects both entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions in program learning. The study's results underscore that student entrepreneurship is shaped by personal factors such as self-efficacy and locus of control, alongside the university context. Interestingly, the findings also indicate interdependencies between these factors, further influencing students' entrepreneurial intentions and attitudes.
How Covid-19 Reshaped the Views of the University Instructors on Technology Integration
covid-19 pandemic future of education higher education online teaching university instructors...
The aim of this exploratory case study is to investigate the impact of the pandemic as an unexpected situational variable on university instructors’ perceptions and attitudes towards technology integration, as well as their foresight about the future of education in post Covid-19 era. The data for the study came from autobiographies, narratives, and opinionnaires. The findings revealed that the degree of familiarity with educational technology and eagerness to integrate technology into education made a difference in academicians’ adaptation to the new mode of delivery. As for their predictions for the future, an increase in the use of educational technology not only in teaching, but also in testing and assessment is expected. Participants also emphasized a need to enhance the infrastructure to avoid any further technical issues and offer continuous development opportunities for teachers and students to become familiar with new technologies.
Community-Based Project Learning: Empowering Students' Self-Regulated Learning and Creativity
community creativity project self-regulated learning...
Changes and challenges in the highly dynamic world of education require postgraduate students to manage their learning well and create something from their creative thinking according to the needs of the field. One of them is the activity of students in developing integrated natural science teaching materials is very necessary because learning at the primary level still uses integrated or thematic learning. Furthermore, students also need to be encouraged to be adaptive to these challenges by empowering their independence in learning. The ability to manage learning and creativity to create something new is highly prioritized for college graduates to contribute generously to their environment. This study aims to describe the empowerment of self-regulated learning and student creativity in developing natural science teaching materials in collaboration through community-based project learning. This study used a quasi-experimental design with a single-subject design type. The instruments used to retrieve data are creativity assessment rubrics and self-regulated learning questionnaires. The conclusion is that students are intrinsically and extrinsically motivated to fulfill the given tasks. Learning is essential for increasing competence, and learning strategies have been adjusted to the material's complexity or the difficulty level of the studied content. The aspect of student creativity in developing Integrated Science teaching materials shows the existence of change from stage one to the next and good categories.
A Bibliometrics Analysis of Scopus-Indexed Research on Teachers’ Well-Being from 1995-2022: Emerging Research Trends
bibliometrics analysis emerging trends teacher well-being...
Teacher well-being has gained significant prominence in academic publications indexed by Scopus in recent years. This study employs rigorous bibliometric analysis to trace the evolution of teacher well-being literature, examining 326 relevant publications from 1995 to 2022. Our findings reveal two crucial inflexion points in 2013, driven by the global economic downturn, and 2020, propelled by the widespread repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, including teacher unemployment. These inflexion points underscore the real-world events' profound impact on academic discourse in teacher well-being. Traditionally, authors from the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom have shaped this discourse. Dutch scholars have also gained recognition, accumulating substantial citations. This paradigm shift is paramount as emerging nations like Iran, Ireland, China, and Austria increasingly contribute, challenging the dominance of Western authors. This shift underscores the evolving dynamics of scholarly contributions in teacher well-being research, emphasizing the need for a more diverse and inclusive academic dialogue. This study provides a panoramic view of the trajectory of teacher well-being research, shedding light on the interplay between global events and scholarly responses. It highlights nations' evolving roles in shaping this discourse, acknowledging established influences while recognizing the contributions emerging from voices in the field. These findings enrich the global dialogue surrounding teacher well-being and offer insights into the dynamic forces shaping this vital field of study, compelling the academic community to adapt, diversify, and foster a more inclusive conversation on teacher well-being.
The Influence of a Robotics Program on Students’ Attitudes Toward Effective Communication
attitude effective communication robotics students...
This research aimed to explore the influence of a robotic program using the robot kit "RoboBuilder RQ+110" on students' attitudes toward effective communication. The study used a quantitative research design and involved 475 grade 4 (10 years old) students from Malaysia's Selangor and Malacca states. A quasi-experimental research (pre-test & post-test) approach with control and experimental groups was adopted, and the data were analyzed with inferential statistical test and repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SPSS 25 software at 0.05 significance level. Questionnaires were administered to collect data from the experimental and control groups. The results showed statistically significant changes (α ≤ .05) in attitudes toward effective communication for the experimental group that received a robotics program compared with the control group. The study results suggest that innovative technological tools or programs such as robotics programs are recommended as innovative science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) program rooted in constructivism to improve students' attitudes toward effective communication.
Classroom Climate and Student–Teacher Relationship: A Study Among Students and Teachers in Slovenia
classroom climate primary school students teachers...
The primary objective of this study was to determine how students and teachers in primary schools view the classroom climate and its dimensions: (a) peer relationships and (b) student-teacher relationships. Additionally, the study aimed to explore the role of students' age (11-12 years old - 7th grade students vs. 14-15 years old - 9th grade primary school students) and gender on their perceptions of the school climate. Classroom climate was measured with the "Classroom Climate Questionnaire", which was completed by a total of 1,531 students (792; 51.6% female) and 348 teachers (296; 84.6% female). The findings of the study indicated that both students and teachers generally perceived the classroom climate as being relatively neutral to positive. However, teachers tended to report more positive classroom relationships compared to students. Furthermore, the study found no significant gender-based differences in how students perceived the classroom climate, peer relationships, and student-teacher interactions. However, differences were identified based on the age or grade level of the students. The results were discussed in the context of the students’ psychological development characteristics and the aspects of socio-emotional learning within school environments, also considering educational policies for achieving greater school quality.
Writing PISA-Like Mathematics Items: The Case of Tertiary Mathematics Instructors from a State University in the Philippines
context-based math items item-writing mathematical literacy pisa mathematics assessment framework pisa-like mathematics items...
Mathematics test items in International Large-Scale Assessments (ILSAs) such as the Programme of International Student Assessment (PISA) and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) are nested in contexts defined in their assessment framework (e.g., the Personal, Occupational, Societal, and Scientific contexts in PISA). This study followed the item-writing activities of four tertiary mathematics instructors in the Philippines as they constructed context-based mathematics items. They were tasked to write four items each, following a set of specifications for PISA content and context categories. The data consisted of transcripts from the focus-group discussion which was conducted days after the task. The transcripts were then analyzed using thematic analysis. The results of this study showed that the phenomenon of item-writing in the context of writing PISA-like mathematics items had two themes: the phases of item-writing and the dimensions of item-writing. Findings showed that the respondents struggled to find realistic contexts and that they engaged in a problem-solving task likened to solving a puzzle as they attempted to satisfy the content, context, and process categories in the table of specifications (TOS). This study contributes to filling in the research gap on item-writing activities, particularly those of mathematics teachers in the Philippines- a country whose recent mathematical performance in the PISA 2018, TIMSS 2019, and PISA 2022 was nothing short of dismal.
Analyzing Learning Style Patterns in Higher Education: A Bibliometric Examination Spanning 1984 to 2022 Based on the Scopus Database
bibliometric analysis higher education learning styles scopus...
In an era where diversity and digitalization significantly influence higher education, understanding and adapting to various learning preferences is crucial. This study comprehensively analyzes 394 scholarly articles from 1984 to 2022 using bibliometric methods, providing a dynamic overview of the research patterns in learning styles within higher education. We identified four stages of development during this period: 1984–1995 (Low-interest), 1996–2005 (Early development), 2006–2018 (Development), and 2019–2022 (Intensification). Our analysis highlights that the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia were the top three leading publishers of research on learning styles in higher education. The results reveal three main topics of publications: educational technology, learning environments, and subject behaviors. This research not only identifies emerging research topics but also underscores the importance of adapting instructional strategies to diverse learning styles to enhance educational outcomes in higher education.
Self-perception of Teachers in Training on the Ethics of Digital Teaching Skills: A Look from the TPACK Framework
professional ethics teachers in training teaching digital competence technology tpack...
The concept of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) is presented as a framework that guides how to effectively integrate technologies in the educational environment. Through this model, we investigate the ethical implications related to the use of digital tools in teaching, and we outline the necessary knowledge that educators should have to address these issues of ethics and technology in the classroom. We assess the professional, ethical knowledge of pre-service teachers regarding their use of technologies using a descriptive and exploratory mixed-methods approach. The data for this research come from a Likert-scale questionnaire administered to 616 teacher-training students in Spain, as well as from personal interviews with 411 of them. From these data, we identify four of the eight dimensions of ethical knowledge: professional, ethical knowledge, ethics in the use of technologies, pedagogy for their integration in the classroom, and the use of content specific to the disciplines of pre-service teachers. The results obtained indicate that the preparation of educators with professional, ethical knowledge in training is insufficient, which highlights the need to address this issue in the post-pandemic context of the 21st century. Among the difficulties detected, it should be noted that this study is limited to a European university and a sample chosen for convenience, so it would be advisable to extend the study to other European universities.
The Experience of Success and Failure of Gifted Students at School
experience of success experience of failure gifted students peer responses...
The education of gifted students is often characterized by high expectations, ambitious goals, and significant effort invested in learning. Their experiences of success and failure are shaped by a variety of factors, including personal, family, school, cultural, and social influences. This article examines how gifted students perceive and experience their own successes and failures, as well as how these experiences are perceived and responded to by their peers. Using qualitative methods, the study involved semi-structured interviews with thirty gifted students from seventh to ninth grades across ten elementary schools in Slovenia. The findings indicate that gifted students experience a range of emotions in response to success, from satisfaction to anxiety, while their reactions to failure often involve frustration and self-criticism. Peer responses to their success and failure vary significantly, ranging from supportive encouragement to jealousy and social exclusion. These findings highlight the complex interpersonal dynamics at play within school environments. Understanding and addressing these dynamics is crucial for creating inclusive, supportive, and stimulating learning environments that nurture both the academic and social-emotional well-being of gifted students.
Personalized Mathematics Teaching with The Support of AI Chatbots to Improve Mathematical Problem-Solving Competence for High School Students in Vietnam
theoretical framework ai chatbots personalized learning mathematical problem-solving vietnamese students...
The digital age has sparked interest among educators in utilizing information technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots. Due to the constant technological involvement, students must also acquire solid digital skills, especially AI proficiency, for learning and everyday life. However, there are few studies on models applying AI in teaching to develop mathematical abilities for high school students. Therefore, this paper proposes a theoretical framework for incorporating AI chatbots into education, boosting students’ mathematical problem-solving competence. Based on student data analysis, this framework will cover teaching, assessment, feedback, and dynamic learning activity adjustment. The paper then explains the operations of AI chatbots to provide personalized feedback. This process emphasizes the importance of error handling and information security, ensuring safety and efficiency in the learning process. This theoretical model supports the integration of AI chatbots in personalized teaching, specifically for improving mathematical skills.
Research Trends in Design Thinking Education: A Systematic Literature Review from 2014 to 2024
design thinking education systematic literature review 21st century skills...
This study examines the research trends of Design Thinking (DT) in education during the period 2014–2024 through a systematic literature review. This study aims to analyze annual publication patterns, implementation across educational levels, research methodologies, authorship distribution, geographical spread, journal type distribution, and key themes from highly-cited publications in DT education research. The results show a significant increase in publications, especially in 2023–2024, reflecting growing academic interest in DT as an innovative approach to developing 21st-century skills. Qualitative research methods dominate, with most studies involving collaborative authorship. DT application was initially focused on higher education but expanded in secondary education while remaining limited in primary education. Asia leads in research contribution, while Africa shows lower output. Publications are distributed across educational, design-focused, and interdisciplinary journals. These findings underscore the importance of cross-disciplinary and global collaboration to accelerate DT adoption equitably. This study recommends strengthening educator training, developing holistic evaluation methods, and expanding quantitative research for more inclusive DT implementation.