' parent involvement' Search Results
Perceptions about Teaching in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic: Experience of Secondary Education in Chile
covid-19 online learning secondary school students learning challenges qualitative study...
The following article is a qualitative study that analyses the perception of parents and high school students regarding teaching in times of Coronavirus disease COVID-19, with the idea of recognizing the facilitators and barriers for the teaching-learning process in the pandemic. The above, in the understanding that due to the sudden appearance of SARS-CoV-2, educational systems around the world had to adapt to virtual teaching, as a result of the confinement to which the population has been subjected during the year 2020 and a good part of the year 2021. The research is based on the interpretative-comprehensive paradigm, with a qualitative methodology, which considered the realization of four focus groups with students and four focus groups with secondary school parents, from two public high schools located in the province of Talca, Maule region, Chile. The findings of the study are related to the adverse effects of the pandemic on student learning, as a result of connectivity difficulties, and the emotional impact on the quality of life of young people and their families. On the other hand, learning at home is related to limited pedagogical strategies and evaluative aspects that do not allow verifying the real learning of the students.
Parental Involvement and High School Dropout: Perspectives from Students, Parents, and Mathematics Teachers
academic performance mathematics teachers parental involvement high school dropout self-determination theory...
Students drop out of schools for many reasons, and it has negative effects on the individual and society. This paper reports a study using data published in 2015 from the Educational Longitudinal Study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics to analyze the influence of parental involvement on low-achieving U.S. students’ graduation rates from high school. Findings indicate that both students and parents share the same perspective on the need for parental involvement in their academic progress. For low-achieving high school students, parental involvement in academic work is a positive factor influencing students’ graduation from high school.
Exploring the Challenges of Tertiary Students in Non-Laboratory Courses After the First Year of Emergency Remote Teaching
education in covid-19 emergency remote teaching filipino college students students’ challenges in covid-19...
Shortly after the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic began, studies on the challenges faced by tertiary students during Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) became available. However, the data sets were harvested early, as many countries began implementing ERT in response to the pandemic in March 2020. Many recent studies have failed to distinguish between the challenges faced by students enrolled in the laboratory and non-laboratory courses. There is still a dearth of literature on the difficulties encountered by students enrolled in non-laboratory courses following the first year of ERT implementation. The purpose of this paper was to examine the various challenges faced by tertiary students enrolled in non-laboratory courses following the conclusion of the first year of ERT implementation. Contextualized in two state-owned higher education institutions in northern Luzon, this study employed a fundamental qualitative approach, with focus group discussions (FGDs) serving as the primary data collection technique. Five major themes emerged from the FGDs with 42 purposively selected tertiary students. These themes presented in the spider web illustration include (1) student-focused challenges, (2) instructional material-related challenges, (3) instructor-emanating challenges, (4) technology-related challenges, and (5) student support-related challenges. This article concludes that these issues must be dealt with immediately to facilitate the implementation of ERT in non-laboratory courses. These difficulties may also be dimensions of concerns about distance education, particularly in non-urban areas of the Philippines. The themes also provide some actual pictures of the student challenges in the initial year of ERT in college. This paper highlighted some implications for pedagogy and educational management, as well as future research directions.
Impact of Modular Distance Learning on High School Students Mathematics Motivation, Interest/Attitude, Anxiety and Achievement during the COVID-19 Pandemic
mathematics achievement mathematics anxiety mathematics interest/attitude mathematics motivation modular learning...
This study examined the impact of modular distance learning on students' motivation, interest/attitude, anxiety and achievement in mathematics. This was done at the Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija, Philippines during the first and second grading of the academic year 2021-2022. The study included both a descriptive-comparative and descriptive-correlational research design. The 207 high school students were chosen using stratified sampling. According to the findings, students have a very satisfactory rating in mathematics. Students agree that they are motivated, enthusiastic, and have a positive attitude toward mathematics. They do, however, agree that mathematics causes them anxiety. When students are subdivided based on sex, their mathematics interest and anxiety differ significantly. However, there was no significant difference in interest/attitude and achievement. When students are divided into age groups, their mathematics motivation, interest/attitude, anxiety, and achievement differ significantly. Students' motivation, anxiety, and achievement differ significantly by year level. There was a positive relationship between and among mathematics motivation, interest/attitude, and achievement. However, there is a negative association between mathematics anxiety and mathematics motivation; mathematics anxiety and mathematical interest/attitude; and mathematics anxiety and mathematical performance. The study's theoretical and practical implications were also discussed, and recommendations for educators and researchers were given.
Learning Motivation, Democratic Parenting, and Peer Relations Predict Academic Self-Concept
academic self-concept democratic parenting learning motivation peer relations students...
Students' academic self-concept is a concerning concept in educational research. The purpose of this research is to examine the simultaneous influence and relationship of learning motivation, democratic parenting, and peer relations with academic self-concept in students. This is a correlational research with a cluster random sampling method used to collect data from 962 students. The result showed that learning motivation, democratic parenting, and peer relations had a partial and simultaneous relationship with students' academic self-concept. Furthermore, support from guidance and counselors, homeroom teachers, and parents is essential for students to actualize and develop their character optimally and effectively.
Implementing Online Integrated Character Education and Parental Engagement in Local Cultural Values Cultivation
local cultural values online integrated character education parental engagement...
Character education is urgent in passing down the ethical and moral values in the cultured community life. The local cultural values are a source of ethics and moral education for elementary school students. The school keeps taking an essential role in cultivating the local values through online character education during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to analyze the effect of implementing online integrated character education and parental engagement in local cultural values cultivation outcome. The method of this study used an exploratory sequential mixed method design. Collect qualitative data using interview forms, observation, documentation, and quantitative data using questionnaires and portfolios. Qualitative data interpretation used content analysis, and inferential analysis used multiple linear regression. Results revealed that parental engagement, teachers’ performance, and online learning obstacles affect local cultural values cultivation outcome in character education partially and simultaneously for sixth-grade students in Padang City. We suggested teachers improve character education management based on local cultural values by building good synergy and collaboration between them and parents to cultivate noble character behavior among students.
Primary School Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs About Teaching in Synchronous Virtual Classrooms: A Mixed Method Study
active learning beliefs mathematical achievement primary school mathematics teachers synchronous virtual classrooms teaching competence...
This study was conducted following the initial stage of the transition to distance education necessitated by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and meeting the various challenges that came with it. At this point, countries and teachers have gained experience in preparing and delivering online education. Therefore, the study aimed to identify the beliefs of primary school mathematics teachers about teaching in synchronous virtual classrooms. It adopted a mixed methods approach, following a convergent parallel design. The overall study sample comprised 410 male and female teachers. A questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data across three dimensions (teaching efficiency, employing the philosophy of active learning, mathematical achievement). There were 31 items (verified for validity and reliability) comprising statements measured using a five-point Likert scale, together with open-ended options for further elaboration. In total, 130 teachers completed the questionnaire. Interviews were conducted with 10 teachers to collect qualitative data. The results show means in the range 3–5.75 for agreement with statements concerning the beliefs of mathematics teachers about teaching in virtual classrooms in the following order of importance: teaching competence; mathematical achievement; employing the philosophy of active learning. The study also found no statistically significant differences attributable to the variables of gender, qualification, or teaching experience, and also that many factors are considered to affect teaching in synchronous virtual classrooms related to the teacher, the family, and the student.
The Effect of Project Based Assessment with Value Clarification Technique in Improving Students’ Civics Learning Outcomes by Controlling the Family Environment
family environment project based assessment learning outcomes vct learning...
The decline in student character is the result of low student learning outcomes. The common student learning outcomes are influenced by several factors, and one of them is teacher-centered, monotonous learning model. For this reason, it is deemed necessary to conduct research that aims to determine the effect of project-based assessment on values clarification technique (VCT) learning on improving students’ learning outcomes by controlling the family environment. This study uses a 2x2 factorial experimental design. The sample was selected through multistage random sampling with 120 students. The two-way ANCOVA data analysis technique was used to analyze the data. The findings obtained after controlling the family environment are: 1) civics learning outcomes from the group of students who used value clarification techniques are higher than those using conventional learning models and 2) civics learning outcomes from the group of students who were given project-based assessments are higher than the group who are given conventional assessments. Thus, it can be recommended that civics education teachers used appropriate VCT and project-based assessments to improve learning outcomes.
An Examination of Science Achievement and School Compositional Effects in Ireland Using TIMSS Data
before children start school results are discussed with regard to educational policy and educational practice in ireland keywords: e...
Recent educational policy initiatives in Ireland have focused on improving outcomes in reading and mathematics among students, particularly those experiencing educational disadvantage. However, science achievement in Irish primary schools has received much less research attention, especially in the context of educational disadvantage. This article examines science achievement and its relationship to school compositional effects in primary schools at the national level, including school-average indicators of the school context, as well as examining factors associated with science achievement in three distinct categories of schools (those with high, moderate, or minor levels of educational disadvantage). The data are drawn from the Fourth grade Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2015 database for Ireland. Multilevel analyses were implemented in a stepwise manner. Findings suggest the relevance of school contexts with regard to science achievement. Before including school-level contextual variables, students from ‘minor disadvantaged’ schools achieved significantly higher science scores than students from schools with ‘moderate’ or ‘high’ levels of disadvantaged. However, this difference disappears after controlling for predictors at the school level. The findings highlight the importance of the home environment, including early numeracy activities and skills before children start school. Results are discussed with regard to educational policy and educational practice in Ireland.
Employing Fuzzy Delphi Techniques to Validate the Components and Contents of E-Learning Antecedents and Usage Behavior Towards E-Learning Performance
e-learning antecedents e-learning performance fuzzy delphi techniques usage behavior...
The primary objective of this study is to require the experts’ unanimous agreement on the e-learning antecedents and usage behavior towards e-learning performance. This study used the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) to gather answers and feedback using a 7-point Likert scale. The survey (items) was reviewed and approved by eight panel members or experts. It was analyzed using Fuzzy Delphi Logic (FUDELO 1.0) software. The data were evaluated using triangular fuzzy numbering and the position (ranking) of each variable was established through defuzzification. The findings revealed that all of the items received high levels of expert agreement, significantly greater α-cut defuzzification values >.5, the overall value of the threshold (d) is less than .2 and had to comply with the overall percentage of percent consensus, which must be greater than 75%. All 45 recommended items were retained adequately and acceptable for a large-scale survey in this study. Finally, each item was prioritized (ranked) based on the defuzzification value, and then some additional items were added, as recommended by experts.
Research on Factors that Influence College Academic Performance: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach
academic performance emotion engagement self-control self-efficacy...
This study used the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach to test a model that hypothesized the influence of self-efficacy, self-control, emotion, and engagement on student academic performance. The structural equation modeling model was developed to link all the study variables with a literature review to describe the interrelationship. Data collected were from 413 college students in their second year. The results show that self-efficacy, self-control, emotion, and engagement predict student academic performance. And through emotion and student engagement, both self-efficacy and self-control predict student academic performance indirectly. Practically the measures used in this study give more information about the learning environment in higher education settings than those usually come from traditional practices faculty received in the classroom, such as student rating forms and feedback. The main findings of this study have some implications for higher education, theory development, measurement, and future research.
Psychometric Analysis of the Social Support Scale Among Indonesian Academicians
factor analysis reliability social support validity...
The current study investigates the psychometric characteristics of the Social Support Scale as an instrument for assessing social support for academics. The original version of the scale was adapted and translated into Indonesian and was administered to academics in Indonesia through a google form. The data were then analyzed to investigate the reliability, construct validity, and structure of factors of the instrument. Confirmatory factor analysis confirms that the three-dimension model was the best model regarding the internal structure. Our findings also advocate the Social Support Scale as a valid and reliable tool for assessing social support in Indonesian academics. Thus, it can be employed to examine lecturers’ social support level which helps the universities to build a supportive working climate, as well as improve the relationship quality between employees.
Other People in Career Choice Influence Career Self-Efficacy and Individual Career Self-Management
other’s role career self-efficacy career self-management gen-z others role...
The study aims to point out direct and indirect correlations between others' roles on career self-efficacy, and career self-management. This research uses a multifactor correlational model, samples were 342 students. The research instruments are Career Self-Management Self-Efficacy Scale (CEDLE-Scale), Career Decision Self-Efficacy (CDSE Short-Form), and Role Model Influence Career Decisions Scale (RIMICDS). Data were analyzed using path analysis with AMOS 23. The findings show that 1) the variable of others' role directly influences career self-efficacy; 2) career self-management directly influences the career self-efficacy on career self-efficacy; 3) others' influence on career decision directly influences the career self-management, and 4) others' role on the career decision indirectly influences self-efficacy moderated by career self-management. Support, guidance, and inspiration from others will ease someone in deciding on a career. Guidance for managing a career will improve career self-efficacy. It will then positively contribute to the self-confidence to pursue the career.
Teaching Practices to Support the Transition of Students With Intellectual Disabilities to Adulthood
adulthood intellectual disability teachers teaching practices transition services...
There is a great need to provide transition planning and enhance the success of individuals with intellectual disabilities in employment and independent living through appropriate practices. This study aims to explore the essential components of effective transition services that teachers should include in their instruction of students with intellectual disabilities. A descriptive quantitative research design was utilized, and data were collected through an online survey from 102 teachers of students with intellectual disabilities. The findings indicated that participants sometimes included most of the five essential components of effective transition service components in their teaching. No statistically significant differences were found in participants’ responses based on school type, years of teaching experience, or qualifications. However, statistically significant differences were found between male and female participants in responses to two of the main components, namely, student-focused planning and interagency collaboration, with male participants reporting higher mean scores than female participants. The study’s implications for practice and future research are also discussed.
The Resilience of University Youth While Undergoing Digital Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
digital learning pandemic resilience university youth...
The outbreak of COVID-19 has affected the educational sector globally. One of the impacts of this outbreak is observed in the implementation of digital learning, which involves problems such as poor internet connection and a lack of information technology facilities. However, university youth could be seen as resilient if they could keep up with good academic performance despite going through various challenges of digital learning. Thus, this research would like to explore the resilience of university youth while undergoing the challenges of digital learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research adopted a qualitative approach, and data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Purposive sampling was used, where five respondents among the University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) youth with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.50 and above were selected in this research. The research found that the challenges faced by the majority of the respondents during digital learning were the non-conducive learning environment and the poor internet connection. In addition, findings also found two protective factors that helped the respondents be resilient, identified as the internal factor (i.e., self-concept and cultural sensitivity) and the external factor (i.e., parents' support and positive peer relationships). The research findings showed that the university youth also need support and help from various parties alongside their own efforts in academics in order to face any kinds of risky situations and grow as resilient youth.
Research on STEM in Early Childhood Education from 1992 to 2022: A Bibliometric Analysis from the Web of Science Database
bibliometric early childhood education stem education web of science...
STEM education is an irreplaceable movement of educational systems across the globe in the 21st century. Both Pre-K, K-12, and higher education institutions consider STEM as an innovative approach to integrate and reform the teaching and learning processes. The purpose of this paper is to examine the development of studies on STEM in the Early Childhood Education context from 1992 to 2022. We investigated a dataset of 308 scholarly works from the Clarivate Web of Science database and figured a diversified collection of research focuses on topics such as children’s readiness, outcomes, teachers’ competency in designing and implementing STEM activities, and the role of computational thinking and robotics. The findings of this paper revealed the dominant contribution of researchers from the USA regarding research quantity and impact, as well as their collaborations with researchers from Western countries. In addition, we also figured out the top influencing authors, documents, and journals as a suggestion for scholars who are new to this topic. However, we would like to note that our findings depended on the quality of the imported database from the WoS system, which covers top-tier journals only.
A Causal Model of Learning Loss in the Midst of COVID-19 Pandemic Among Thai Lower Secondary School Students
covid-19 learning loss pandemic student structural equation modeling...
It is known that the COVID-19 pandemic led to learning losses among students both domestically and internationally. Therefore, situational and casual factors were examined to discover and understand them so that learning loss could be reduced or recovered from. This research aimed to: (a) study learning loss situation; and (b) develop and examine the causal model of learning loss among lower secondary school students affected by the pandemic. The sample included 650 Grade 7-9 students selected by multi-stage random sampling. The data was collected using a self-developing questionnaire as a research instrument. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, ANOVA, and structural equation modeling (SEM) through the LISREL program. The findings were: (a) Lower secondary school students had an average academic achievement learning loss at the moderate level with the highest mean of learning loss in mathematics (M=3.012, SD=1.074), and an average learning characteristics learning loss at the medium level (M=2.824, SD=0.842). Several situational factors had a different effect depending on the school size with a statistical significance of .05.; and (b) the causal model showed the learning loss of grade 7-9 students was consistent with the empirical data (χ2=46.885, df=34, p= .069, GFI=0.991, AGFI=0.964, CFI=0.999, RMSEA=0.024, SRMR=0.014).
Developing Creative Thinking in Preschool Children: A Comprehensive Review of Innovative
comprehensive review creative thinking early childhood...
The ability to think creatively has a vital role in the development of preschool children. This research provides a comprehensive review of innovative approaches and strategies for developing creative thinking in preschool children based on current trends and methodologies used in educational settings. This research shows three significant areas: (a) creative thinking skills in preschool children, (b) factors influencing creative thinking skills in depth, and (c) innovative strategies and approaches to stimulate creative thinking abilities in preschool children. This research uses a literature study method assisted by the publish perish application to find reference sources related to creative thinking abilities in preschool children. Studies show that creative thinking abilities in preschool children enable them to find innovative solutions, help them adapt to challenges, foster self-confidence and courage, and enrich their experience and knowledge of the world around them. Meanwhile, preschool children's creative thinking abilities are influenced by collaboration from the external environment (parents, teachers, and society); providing support and examples for children to develop and stimulate their creative thinking skills is very important.
Evaluation of the Teacher's Role in Promoting the Sense of Family Belonging: A Comparative Study between Contexts in Colombia and Spain
comparative study education policies educational participation needs assessment sense of belonging...
The sense of belonging is a human need that educational systems must foster to achieve student success. In the school setting, this feeling strengthens the bond between members of the institution and motivates families to become more involved with the school, improving the overall school climate. Teachers play a crucial role in promoting this sense of belonging by influencing the connection between families and the educational community. This study aims to understand how teachers from different contexts, one Colombian and the other Spanish, promote families' sense of belonging to the school. To this end, an evaluative, comparative, quantitative, and non-experimental study was conducted using a validated questionnaire applied to a significant sample in both contexts. The results show that, for teachers in both contexts, it is very important for families to feel satisfied with the education their children receive, which is why they strive to build trust in the teaching staff. The sense of belonging is more strongly promoted by teachers in charter schools and those with more years of experience in schools in the Spanish context. In the Colombian context, women are the ones who most actively promote it, thereby perpetuating gender roles. There is a need to provide specific training for teachers to help them develop this capacity in families, as well as to conduct further research to explore the differences that may influence the promotion of a sense of belonging.