'Didactics' Search Results
Digital Andragogical Competences of Ecuadorian Higher Education Teachers during the COVID-19 Pandemic
higher education technology teaching competences virtual education andragogy...
The changes brought about in higher education by the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic require effective action. Teachers must be trained to work on university platforms. The study allows us to analyse the current educational problems, which are found in many countries, not only in Ecuador. The research aimed to determine the virtual andragogical competencies of Ecuadorian university education during the COVID-19 pandemic. A mixed research approach was used. A quantitative analysis was applied first, followed by a qualitative analysis. The sample selection was participatory and non-probabilistic. The sample consisted of 1003 active higher education teachers in Ecuador. A questionnaire of 106 questions divided into four variables was applied. A multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA) was performed. The analyses demonstrated the need to apply four integral competencies. First the teacher must "Know how to be", through continuous ICT training. After the teacher has been trained, he/she must "Know". This process involves mastering educational technology. After updating knowledge, they must "Know how to live together". Develop critical and constructive communication. Then "Know how to do" by applying an effective guiding methodology. Teacher training under the competency-based approach is seen as a viable alternative.
Understanding the Meaning of the Equal Sign: A Case Study of Middle School Students in the United Arab Emirates
equal sign unidirectional united arab emirates middle school...
The equal symbol has been used in diverse mathematical frameworks, such as arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, set theory, and so on. In mathematical terms, the equal sign has been used in fixed command of standings. The study reports on the students meaning and interpretations of the equal sign. The study involved Grade 6, 7, and 8 students in a secondary school in Alain, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Much of the earlier research done on the equal sign has focused on the primary school level, but this one focuses on middle school students. The study shows that the maximum foremost understanding of the equal sign amongst Grade 6, 7, and 8 students is a do-something, unidirectional symbol. Students realize the equal sign as an instrument for marking the response moderately than as an interpersonal symbol to associate extents.
Development of Academic Optimism Model in Learning for Junior High School Students
academic optimism democratic parenting school climate internal locus of control self-concept...
Academic optimism has an essential role in the adjustment of students in school. This study aimed to examine a model of academic optimism formed from democratic parenting, school climate, internal locus of control, and students’ self-concept. This a cross-sectional non-experimental design research design involved 335 Junior High School students in Kediri. The data collection tool was a scale while the data analysis technique was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. The results showed that the theoretical model for developing academic optimism in Junior High School students was in line with the research data and obtained empirical support (X2 = 246.056 < 255.6018; p = 0.110 > 0.05), so this model is feasible and can be used in samples that have been studied. In general, this study adds knowledge about positive psychology studies and supports democratic parenting, school climate, self-concept, and internal locus of control as ultimate factors for creating students’ academic optimism.
The Spatial Thinking Process of the Field-Independent Students based on Action-Process-Object-Schema Theory
apos theory cognitive style field-independent spatial thinking...
Spatial thinking has roles to facilitate learners to remember, understand, reason, and communicate objects and the connections among objects that are represented in space. This research aims to analyze the spatial thinking process of students in constructing new knowledge seen from the field-independent cognitive style learners based on Action-Process-Object-Schema (APOS) theory. APOS theory is used to explore spatial thinking processes which consist of mental structures of action, process, object, and schema. This research is qualitative research with an exploratory method. It provided the students' opportunity to solve problems alternately until the method found the most appropriate subjects for the research objectives. The subjects were 2 students of Mathematics Education in the fourth semester of Universitas Muria Kudus Indonesia. The data collection techniques were started by distributing the validated and reliable spatial thinking questions, the cognitive style question, and the interview. The applied data analysis consisted of data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The findings showed (1) spatial thinking process of holistic-external representation typed learners were indicated by the representative thinking element, abstract-illustrative figure expression to communicate and complete the tasks correctly, (2) spatial thinking process of the holistic-internal representation typed learners were indicated by the representative means, having ideas, connecting with the previous knowledge in the forms of symbols and numbers, and finding the final results correctly although incomplete.
The Interrelationships between Metacognition and Modeling Competency: The Moderating Role of the Academic Year
academic year levels confirmatory factor analysis mathematical modeling metacognition structural equation modelling...
Several concerted movements toward mathematical modeling have been seen in the last decade, reflecting the growing global relationship between the role of mathematics in the context of modern science, technology and real life. The literature has mainly covered the theoretical basis of research questions in mathematical modeling and the use of effective research methods in the studies. Driven by the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) theory and empirical evidence on metacognition and modeling competency, this research aimed at exploring the interrelationships between metacognition and mathematical modeling and academic year level as a moderator via the SEM approach. This study involved 538 students as participants. From this sample, 133 students (24.7%) were from the first academic year, 223 (41.4%) were from the second and 182 (33.8%) were from the third. A correlational research design was employed to answer the research question. Cluster random sampling was used to gather the sample. We employed structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the hypothesized moderation employing IBM SPSS Amos version 18. Our findings confirmed the direct correlation between metacognition and mathematical modeling was statistically significant. Academic year level as a partial moderator significantly moderates the interrelationships between the metacognitive strategies and mathematical modeling competency. The effect of metacognition on mathematical modeling competency was more pronounced in the year two group compared to the year one and three groups.
Realistic Mathematics Education's Effect on Students' Performance and Attitudes: A Case of Ellipse Topics Learning
equation of an ellipse learning outcomes realistic mathematics education real-world problems student feedback...
Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) has gained popularity worldwide to teach mathematics using real-world problems. This study investigates the effectiveness of elliptic topics taught to 10th graders in a Vietnamese high school and students' attitudes toward learning. The RME model was used to guide 45 students in an experimental class, while the conventional model was applied to instruct 42 students in the control class. Data collection methods included observation, pre-test, post-test, and a student opinion survey. The experimental results confirm the test results, and the experimental class's learning outcomes were significantly higher than that of the control class's students. Besides, student participation in learning activities and attitudes toward learning were significantly higher in the RME model class than in the control class. Students will construct their mathematical knowledge based on real-life situations. The organization of teaching according to RME is not only a new method of teaching but innovation in thinking about teaching mathematics.
The Influence of Gender and Interest on the Use of Learning Strategies in Biology Lessons
biology lessons gender interest in biology learning strategies...
For biology students, the diversity, complexity, and abundance of content in this field yield a heavy study load. Hence, appropriate learning strategies are key in supporting learners’ academic success. In biology, the factors gender and interest hold a unique position within the natural sciences, as there is an academic imbalance to the disadvantage of male students. In the present study, we examined the influence of gender and interest as well as its interdependences on the students’ use of learning strategies for biology learning. A total of 180 seventh through tenth grade students (Mage=14.47; SD=1.35; 60% female) from four general-track secondary schools located in Germany participated in this study. Data on the students’ level of interest and the use of learning strategies in biology lessons were collected. We used multivariate analysis of covariance with the students’ age as the covariate to analyse our data. Results revealed a significant effect of gender on the students’ use of the learning strategies rehearsal, organisation, effort, and time management. With regard to elaboration and effort, the effects of interest were found to be significant. The gender gap regarding learning strategy use was narrower for students with high levels of interest. These findings might have implications for beneficial teacher behaviour in biology.
Effects of Generic and Subject-Didactic Teaching Characteristics on Student Performance in Mathematics in Secondary School: A Scoping Review
generic characteristics instructional quality mathematics achievement mathematics instruction subject-didactic characteristics...
Research on instructional quality has been of great interest for several decades, leading to an immense and diverse body of literature. However, due to different definitions and operationalisations, the picture of what characteristics are important for instructional quality is not entirely clear. Therefore, in this paper, a scoping review was performed to provide an overview of existing evidence of both generic and subject-didactic characteristics with regard to student performance. More precisely, this paper aims to (a) identify both generic and subject-didactic characteristics affecting student performance in mathematics in secondary school, (b) cluster these characteristics into categories to show areas for quality teaching, and (c) analyse and assess the effects of these characteristics on student performance to rate the scientific evidence in the context of the articles considered. The results reveal that teaching characteristics, and not just the instruments for recording the quality of teaching as described in previous research, can be placed on a continuum ranging from generic to subject-didactic. Moreover, on account of the inconsistent definition of subject-didactic characteristics, the category of ‘subject-didactic specifics’ needs further development to establish it as a separate category in empirical research. Finally, this study represents a further step toward understanding the effects of teaching characteristics on student performance by providing an overview of teaching characteristics and their effects and evidence.
A Bibliometric Review on Realistic Mathematics Education in Scopus Database Between 1972-2019
bibliometrics mathematics education mathematics in context realistic mathematics education scopus...
Despite receiving increasing attention from mathematics education scholars, there has not yet been any overall understanding of the current state of realistic mathematics education (RME). To address this gap, this study aims to provide a review of 288 studies on realistic mathematics education from the Scopus database between 1972 and 2019. Using descriptive and bibliometric analyses, this study addresses four research issues as follows: (i) the total volume, growth trajectory, and geographic distribution; (ii) the most influencing authors and research groups; (iii) the most influencing sources (i.e., journals, books, conferences); and (iv) the most important topics. Several implications for not only mathematics education scholars but also other stakeholders, including policymakers, school managers, mathematics teachers, may not be considered in this study.
The Role of Visual Representations in Geometry Learning
area and perimeter digital resources geometry learning mathematics visualisation...
Visual representations and the process of visualisation have an important role in geometry learning. The optimal use of visual representations in complex multimedia environments has been an important research topic since the end of the last century. For the purpose of the study presented in this paper, we designed a model of learning geometry with the use of digital learning resources like dynamic geometry programmes and applets, which foster visualisation. Students explore geometric concepts through the manipulation of interactive virtual representations. This study aims to explore whether learning of geometry with digital resources is reflected in higher student achievements in solving geometric problems. This study also aims to explore the role of graphical representations (GRs) in solving geometric problems. The results of the survey show a positive impact of the model of teaching on student achievement. In the post-test, students in the experimental group (EG) performed significantly better than students in the control group (CG) in the overall number of points, in solving tasks without GR, in calculating the area and the perimeter of triangles and quadrilaterals than the CG students, in all cases with small size effect. The authors therefore argue for the use of digital technologies and resources in geometry learning, because interactive manipulatives support the transition between representations at the concrete, pictorial and symbolic (abstract) levels and are therefore important for understanding mathematical concepts, as well as for exploring relationships, making precise graphical representations (GRs), formulating and proving assumptions, and applying different problem-solving strategies.
Implementing Project-Based Blended Learning Model Using Cognitive Conflict Strategy to Enhance Students’ Mathematical Spatial Literacy
blended learning mathematical spatial literacy mathematics education project-based learning...
High school teachers are mentors and facilitators that must be concerned about their students' formal thinking abilities. Students may not take a conservation task seriously because they perform operations without consulting. This necessitates modifying the learning process to increase student motivation. Therefore, this study aimed to examine students' mathematical spatial literacy through project-based blended learning with the cognitive conflict strategy. The study sample comprised 129 students, including 66 and 63 in the experimental and control classes, respectively, divided into the low, medium, and high levels. The findings showed that the experimental class students using project-based blended learning with the cognitive conflict strategy had higher mathematical spatial literacy than those in the control class using problem-based learning. Project-based blended learning with the cognitive conflict strategy and problem-based learning students at the high and moderate levels differed in their ability to increase their mathematical spatial literacy. However, low-level students are comparable in their ability to increase their mathematical spatial literacy.
Longitudinal Data of High-school Students’ Grades during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Relation to Their Skills
average grades cognitive abilities distance learning covid-19 longitudinal problem-solving skills...
The longitudinal changes of the average grades in four study semesters before and during the COVID-19 pandemic and distance learning are presented in the current study. 11th grade students’ (n=586; age M=17.38, SD=0.53) average grades were assessed, as well as their verbal and non-verbal reasoning abilities, and self-evaluations of problem-solving and self-management skills. The main findings of the study are: 1) There is a general pattern for the grades to increase during the four semesters from the autumn 2019 to the spring 2021; 2) The general tendency of changes in the grades is similar to various students’ groups based on their level of skills; 3) Higher level of students’ skills and cognitive abilities determined that students’ grades were higher and were more likely to increase during the “second wave of the pandemic”, compared to the middle and low-level skill groups. Results of the current study show a tendency for the average grades to increase during the pandemic and distance learning, however, there are group differences in the findings, relating the grade level to the individual level of students’ skills and abilities.
Hate Speech and the Gender Perspective: A Problem from the Teaching of Social Sciences in School
gender perspective hate speech social networks social sciences teacher education...
This study explores a socially relevant problem related to teachers' conceptions of hate speech from a gender perspective present in the discourse of teaching history and social science educational practices. The methodology was used within the paradigm with a case study design, as a generalization was not intended. The sample consisted of 80 professors of history and social sciences. A quantitative questionnaire was used to determine the conceptions of the participants. The main findings include the constraints placed by programs and curricula on the presence of hate speech, student interventions in classes, and strategies implemented by participating teachers to position counter-narratives to hate in their practice. The conclusions include the importance teachers place on analyzing the prevalence of hate speech in their practice, both by students and the media, and its impact on teaching. In addition, the results offer some educational insights and perspectives for positioning hate speech as a transformative social justice perspective.
The Effectiveness of Teaching Derivatives in Vietnamese High Schools Using APOS Theory and ACE Learning Cycle
academic achievement ace learning cycle apos theory derivative mathematics education...
The actions, processes, objects, and schemas (APOS) theory is a constructivist learning theory created by Dubinsky based on Piaget's epistemology and used to teach math worldwide. Especially the application of APOS theory to the curriculum of a mathematics class helps students better understand the concepts being taught, which in turn contributes to the formation and development of mathematical competencies. With the aid of the APOS theory and the activity, classroom discussion, and exercise (ACE) learning cycle, this study sought to ascertain the effect of teaching derivatives in Vietnamese high schools. In this quasi-experimental study at a high school in Vietnam, there were 78 grade 11 students (40 in the experimental and 38 in the control classes). As opposed to the control class, which received traditional instruction, the experimental class's students were taught using the ACE learning cycle based on the APOS theory. The data was collected based on the pre-test, the post-test results and a survey of students' opinions. Also, the data that was gathered, both qualitatively and quantitatively, was examined using IBM SPSS Statistics (Version 26) predictive analytics software. The results showed that students in the experimental class who participated in learning activities based on the APOS theory improved their academic performance and attitudes. Additionally, it promoted the students' abilities to find solutions to problems about derivatives.
Tutors' and Students' Views on Learning and Feedback in Problem-Based Learning
views discourse analysis feedback problem-based learning...
The successful application of the problem-based learning (PBL) approach requires feedback from the tutor to the student to guide the latter's learning process. The aim of this study was to characterise the views of a group of Chilean undergraduate students of Primary Teaching and their tutors regarding PBL methodology, and the role of feedback in it. Qualitative research was carried out based on a case study that gathered the views of students and tutors through a focus group. The methods of analysis adapted to the needs of this study are those derived from discourse analysis and especially from discourse in interaction in its three dimensions: interlocution (framework of participation), thematic (topic of discussion) and enunciative (enunciative positioning). The results indicate that students' views emphasised the inter-student collaboration involved in PBL, while tutors emphasised the motivational value of the methodology. However, both recognised the important role that feedback plays in enhancing learning opportunities. Knowing the views of both tutors and learners is central to improving PBL and feedback practices.
Science Awareness: Analysis of Moroccan Curriculum Framework for Preschool Education
curricular framework early childhood morocco pre-school education scientific awareness...
Morocco has undergone significant reforms in the education and training field, including the implementation of preschool education as a compulsory stage in the education system. Several studies have shown that attitudes toward science tend to decline between the ages of 11 and 14. Therefore, it is crucial to promote the acquisition of different modes of reasoning and forms of thought from early childhood. The primary objective of preschool education in Morocco should be to promote positive attitudes toward science. This study aims to analyze the preschool program prescribed in the Moroccan curriculum framework with regard to scientific awareness as well as its methodological and practical implications. The analysis was conducted using a designed grid and including the following criteria: construction of school science; axiological and psychological foundations of science learning; objectives and competencies; contents; approaches; activities; teaching strategies; didactic resources; pedagogical design and evaluation. The study's findings revealed that the Moroccan Curriculum Framework for Preschool Education featured a number of dimensions related directly to scientific awareness. However, no explicit statements about scientific awareness or science literacy were made. Moreover, some elements suggested in the program document were out of phase with the current trends of scientific awareness. Therefore, the study offered some suggestions for improving the proposal provided by this pedagogical document. In conclusion, Morocco's focus on preschool education is a positive step towards building a more scientifically literate society. However, to fully benefit from it, the guidance document must be revised to reflect current scientific awareness trends.
Introducing Contextual Teaching and Learning as a Transition from Textbook-Based Curriculum to the National Curriculum
contextual teaching and learning efl elt speaking skills recount text...
The teaching of speaking in English as a foreign language (EFL) classes in the Province of Aceh did not rely on the suggested techniques and methods. This teacher-designed technique, which was mainly textbook-based, has left an unpleasant learning experience among students. Therefore, we conducted a quantitative research study to experiment with how students responded to contextual teaching and learning (CTL) to see the effect of transitioning from a teacher-established method to a systematically planned learning approach and compare how students progressed over time. The experiment was carried out by teachers who had received assistance in preparing the lesson and practicing the lesson plan. The six-meeting experiment was conducted in 11 small classes, with a total sample of 132 students. The student improvement after the first four meetings (cycle 1) was compared using inferential statistical analyses with that after eight meetings (cycle 2). The results show that the student’s achievement significantly improved in the first cycle and continued to improve, although at a lower rate, in the second cycle. This result suggests that CTL can be used to transition from a traditional teaching method to a more established method in EFL teaching. Therefore, teachers need help planning their teaching and practicing how to implement the teaching plan accurately.
Singing in Class: Analysis of Children Learning a New Song
didactics grammar of songs for children singing singing analysis song learning...
Teaching and learning new songs in class is an integral cultural practice. This paper focuses on a singing lesson and studies the complex relations among the target song, children’s song acquisition and the teacher’s instructions. However, instead of simply examining pitch accuracy or ratings, this paper proposes a novel methodology for analysing song learning in class. First, a transcription method is used to document a video-recorded lesson. Second, syllables are identified as both the essential components of the grammar of songs for children and the fundamental units for analysing singing in terms of pitch, timing and articulation. The individual singing of three children, divided into the syllables of the target song, is examined for these three properties. Third, a comparison between the song model and the children’s singing reveals how rule-breaking in the song corresponds to the children’s difficulties in singing. This detailed and subject-related analysis exemplifies the complex dynamic among the teacher, the object and the learner and is a contribution to the research of subject-related didactics.
Art Teaching: Inclusive Factor and Attention to Diversity
artistic creation art education cultural diversity inclusive education...
The current research aims to analyze art teaching as an inclusive factor and pays attention to diversity in excluded populations to meet the needs of students in the pandemic context. In regard to methodology, we used the naturalistic paradigm, a qualitative approach, and an inductive method with a phenomenological and hermeneutical design. The data collection techniques we used were semi-structured interviews with teachers of the Regular Basic Education in Peru. The findings show that through the mediation of diverse artistic languages and the implementation of different didactic strategies, it is possible to achieve an interaction free from exclusion barriers, driven by good teaching practices that enable the inclusion and attention to the diversity of students, providing them with opportunities to develop capacities and skills to establish better coexistence. We concluded that art education comprises a lasting learning process that guarantees a healthy environment for peaceful coexistence, which today, inclusive teachers, parents, and students should keep in mind.
Learning to Teach AI: Design and Validation of a Questionnaire on Artificial Intelligence Training for Teachers
artificial intelligence continuous training professional recycling ict training courses...
This study aims to design, produce, and validate an information collection instrument to evaluate the opinions of teachers at non-university educational levels on the quality of training in artificial intelligence (AI) applied to education. The questionnaire was structured around five key dimensions: (a) knowledge and previous experience in AI, (b) perception of the benefits and applications of AI in education, (c) AI training, and (d) expectations of the courses and (e) impact on teaching practice. Validation was performed through expert judgment, which ensured the internal validity and reliability of the instrument. Statistical analyses, which included measures of central tendency, dispersion, and internal consistency, yielded a Cronbach's alpha of .953, indicating excellent reliability. The findings reveal a generally positive attitude towards AI in education, emphasizing its potential to personalize learning and improve academic outcomes. However, significant variability in teachers' training experiences underscores the need for more standardized training programs. The validated questionnaire emerges as a reliable tool for future research on teachers' perceptions of AI in educational contexts. From a practical perspective, the validated questionnaire provides a structured framework for assessing teacher training programs in AI, offering valuable insights for improving educational policies and program design. It enables a deeper exploration of educational AI, a field still in its early stages of research and implementation. This tool supports the development of targeted training initiatives, fostering more effective integration of AI into educational practices.