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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

' diversity.' Search Results


Digital technologies in all forms have become ubiquitous in our media-rich, modern information society, but the connection between their use and information literacy is not always clear. This paper examines the impact of daily use of digital technologies on the reading and information literacy skills of 15-year-old students in Slovenia, based on data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 study. The study examines PISA 2018 variables related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), as well as a reading task involving the use of ICT. The sample consists of 2612 Slovenian students with a gender distribution of 50.8% girls and 49.2% boys. The study explores students' experiences, enjoyment, self-efficacy, autonomy, and independence in using ICT and learning about its use and identifies two groups of students: one group that is curious and another that is cautious. The results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM) show that the constructs of enjoyment, self-efficacy, learning, autonomy, and independence are highly/strongly correlated but have a low/insignificant impact on information literacy skills.

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Pages: 43-54
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Students’ Perspectives on Civic Education through Digital Citizenship in the Virtual Era

citizens skills digital ethics digital literacy rights and responsibility university students

Muhammad Japar , Asep Rudi Casmana , Mohammad Mona Adha , Dini Nur Fadhillah


This study aimed to determine Indonesian students’ perspectives on digital citizenship skills. Digital literacy is one of the most important needs in the community and the school environment. As educational institutions, universities are expected to integrate and develop an IT-based learning environment to help students develop digital skills. This study used social media and knowledge of rights and responsibilities in cyberspace to examine university students' digital-based skills. A descriptive method with a qualitative approach was also used to describe the perspectives of students about their rights and responsibilities. Participants included 12 students from state universities in Jakarta and Lampung. Data was collected through interviews and 90-minute focus group discussions (FGD). The results showed that the top three considerations that emphasized ethics in cyberspace were maintaining privacy, not spreading fake news, and respecting the Internet community. In this context, individuals must uphold their rights and responsibilities in the virtual world, and university students are expected to apply digital ethics appropriately.

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Pages: 89-102
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Obstacles to a Favorable Attitude Towards Reflective Practices in Preservice Teachers in Training

attitude towards reflection reflective practice teacher training teaching practice

Alejandra Nocetti-de-la Barra , Cristhian Pérez-Villalobos , Andrew Philominraj


Reflective practices have been recognized as a predictor of professional development because they favor teaching changes that improve the students’ learning. The expressions reflection, practice, and reflective professionals are very present in training programs, but with a diversity of meanings and interpretations. The concept of reflection is linked to professional development and teaching identity. The goal of training reflective teachers is shared on an international level, however, the educational conditions that favor a positive attitude toward reflection have not been sufficiently researched. This article aims to describe the obstacles to a positive attitude toward reflection in pedagogy students according to their teachers. This study is qualitative with an interpretive approach for which an instrumental case study was conducted with 15 university teachers in six Chilean regions.  The results show that both inter-institutional conditions negatively affect attitudes, as well as the lack of models of reflective practice, insufficient teaching, the way teacher reflection is evaluated, and the barriers to reflective practice in schools. The results indicate the need to intentionally teach pedagogical reflection practices and help to recognize its benefits for teaching.

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Pages: 145-157
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Mapping the Intellectual Structure of Studies on Internationalization of the Curriculum: A Bibliometric Analysis From the Scopus Database

bibliometrics curriculum internationalization of higher education scopus

Do Hong Cuong , Do Thi Hong Lien , Le Van An Nguyen , Tran Thi Ha Giang , Ha Thi Lich , Tien-Trung Nguyen


The pervasive development and momentous changes of internationalization in higher education have led to the acceleration of research on its key component – the curriculum. However, there has not been any comprehensive analysis of the research status of the internationalization of the curriculum (IoC). To address the gap, this study employs the bibliometric method to construct an intellectual structure of research on the topic. The data, retrieved from the Scopus Database, consisted of 386 publications. The extracted data were then analyzed using citation, co-authorship, and keyword co-occurrence analysis. The results reveal a significant growth in research volume during the last ten years and the domination of Global North in the geographical distribution of publications. Besides, the most prominent authors include those who introduced fundamental knowledge on the topic. The most cited works and the most popular publishing sources focus on various aspects of internationalization of higher education. They also show a multidisciplinary interest in the topic. Finally, concerning newly emerged themes of studies on IoC, “cultural competence” and “internationalization at home” are outstanding keywords. The research findings emphasize IoC as a potential research matter. Hence, this study is recommended as a starting point for future researchers when examining related subjects.

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Pages: 379-395
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visibility 1726
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Community-Based Project Learning: Empowering Students' Self-Regulated Learning and Creativity

community creativity project self-regulated learning

Aynin Mashfufah , I Wayan Dasna , Candra Utama


Changes and challenges in the highly dynamic world of education require postgraduate students to manage their learning well and create something from their creative thinking according to the needs of the field. One of them is the activity of students in developing integrated natural science teaching materials is very necessary because learning at the primary level still uses integrated or thematic learning. Furthermore, students also need to be encouraged to be adaptive to these challenges by empowering their independence in learning. The ability to manage learning and creativity to create something new is highly prioritized for college graduates to contribute generously to their environment. This study aims to describe the empowerment of self-regulated learning and student creativity in developing natural science teaching materials in collaboration through community-based project learning. This study used a quasi-experimental design with a single-subject design type. The instruments used to retrieve data are creativity assessment rubrics and self-regulated learning questionnaires. The conclusion is that students are intrinsically and extrinsically motivated to fulfill the given tasks. Learning is essential for increasing competence, and learning strategies have been adjusted to the material's complexity or the difficulty level of the studied content. The aspect of student creativity in developing Integrated Science teaching materials shows the existence of change from stage one to the next and good categories.

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Pages: 427-443
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visibility 1258
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Teachers Underutilize Their Learning Styles in Developing Thought-Provoking Questions: A Case Study

critical thinking learning styles thought-provoking questions

Agustiani Putri , Abdur Rahman As’ari , Purwanto , Sharifah Osman , Selly Anastassia Amellia Kharis


Teachers' learning styles are a crucial part of the learning process as they determine how teachers' brains capture and integrate information linked with the senses. Kurnia, identified as an auditory teacher, was expected to capture written information in a provided numeracy problem. Nevertheless, she prefers to capture visual information, like tables or figures, and utilize them to develop thought-provoking questions. Thus, this study intends to investigate her reasons and the factors affecting Kurnia's decision to utilize visual information as a reference in developing questions. This research adopts a qualitative design covering a case study. Kurnia was selected from 32 teachers from 28 schools; roughly 43% were from public schools, and 57% from private schools. Kurnia placed more emphasis on pictorial information before proposing questions, which was caused by situational factors: the subject matter, the grade level, the student's engagement in the class, the teacher's experience, the teaching experience, and the diversity of students' learning styles. This article recommends that teachers recognize their learning styles to know their strengths and weaknesses in teaching mathematics, and that they convey understandable information utilizing effective instructional methods that represent each learning style of students in the classroom.

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Pages: 479-495
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visibility 1452
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This qualitative study examines the experiences of pre-service high school biology teachers in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, focusing on the challenges and transformative learning experiences encountered during their school-based internship. It aims to explore the dichotomy between specialized biology knowledge and practical applicability in high school teaching and uncover the significance of fostering student engagement through innovative strategies and the role of mentor teachers in guiding pre-service teachers. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from pre-service biology teachers who completed a school-based internship in the Mekong Delta. Thematic analysis was employed to analyze the interview data. The study highlights the challenges of bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and classroom practice, emphasizing the importance of innovative teaching strategies for student engagement. It recognizes the role of mentor teachers in guiding and enhancing the skills of pre-service teachers in creating effective learning environments. Findings suggest the need for curriculum reforms that balance specialized biology knowledge and practical pedagogical skills. The study emphasizes the importance of experiential learning through teaching apprenticeships to better prepare pre-service teachers for their professional journey.

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Pages: 557-571
cloud_download 401
visibility 1148
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There has been a clear shift in higher education to prepare and empower the current students for a future quite different and more complex than that faced by previous generations. In particular, it is expected that they will possess comprehensive abilities to deal with challenges arising from new employment demands and beyond. While liberal arts education has a long history in the West, it has been increasingly implemented more recently in East Asia as one response to the need for educational reform. The research reported here is an empirical study of how liberal arts education has affected individuals from two institutions with distinctive interpretations of “liberal arts education” - University N, the first Sino-foreign joint university in mainland China, and University L, the only public liberal arts university in Hong Kong. Drawing on Bourdieu’s Theory of Practice, this study illustrates the interplay and balance among students’ practical concerns, their sense of social obligation fostered through liberal arts education elements and the wider social structure. Semi-structured interviews with senior students, fresh graduates, and educators were conducted to gather in-depth primary data. These reveal that, by providing interdisciplinary knowledge and transferable skill sets, a liberal arts education experience does enhance individuals’ personal agency and intellectual competencies in a professional context - they are trained to become independent thinkers and learners. Moreover, the “humanistic” aspect of liberal arts is also relevant: having engaged in various activities and programs, students in both universities are encouraged to care, cooperate, and make positive differences in their increasingly interconnected communities.

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Pages: 735-746
cloud_download 481
visibility 982
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Art Teaching: Inclusive Factor and Attention to Diversity

artistic creation art education cultural diversity inclusive education

Hilda María Arévalo-Vásquez , Judith Soledad Yangali-Vicente , Jaime Agustín Sánchez-Ortega


The current research aims to analyze art teaching as an inclusive factor and pays attention to diversity in excluded populations to meet the needs of students in the pandemic context. In regard to methodology, we used the naturalistic paradigm, a qualitative approach, and an inductive method with a phenomenological and hermeneutical design. The data collection techniques we used were semi-structured interviews with teachers of the Regular Basic Education in Peru. The findings show that through the mediation of diverse artistic languages and the implementation of different didactic strategies, it is possible to achieve an interaction free from exclusion barriers, driven by good teaching practices that enable the inclusion and attention to the diversity of students, providing them with opportunities to develop capacities and skills to establish better coexistence. We concluded that art education comprises a lasting learning process that guarantees a healthy environment for peaceful coexistence, which today, inclusive teachers, parents, and students should keep in mind.

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Pages: 779-793
cloud_download 389
visibility 1448
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The Attraction-Selection-Attrition (ASA) model is a prominent framework for supporting employee retention, stating that organisations attract, select, and retain people who share their values. However, the ASA model only extends to the end of the recruitment stage and lacks clarity on how to assist newcomers in the assimilation process when they first join the organisation. This research proposed a refinement of the ASA paradigm by incorporating the assimilation process of new hires into the new school culture and environment. This study employed a qualitative research approach by interviewing ten participants about the retention process from high teacher retention international schools in Malaysia. Thematic data analysis revealed a new paradigm, 'Attraction-Selection-Onboarding-Retention (ASOR), ' designed to increase teacher retention in international schools. The ASOR model could assist school administrators and human resource managers working in a related setting in properly engaging the workforce to increase teacher retention. This would benefit school sustainability, performance and the local community's economy.

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Pages: 865-876
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visibility 1824
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This study investigated young children’s recognition of social rules and responses to social-conventional transgressions in Japanese preschool settings. One hundred twenty-six children aged three to six years old heard four hypothetical stories that describe typical social-conventional transgressions in Japanese preschools. They were asked about their feelings when they witnessed each transgression (emotional response), whether they thought it was better to follow social rules and act like everyone else (social convention judgment), their justification for the judgment, and their willingness to play with the transgressor (interaction judgment). Most participants in all age groups valued following social rules and judged that the transgressor should act like everyone else, but five-year-olds generated more group- and other-oriented justifications for the judgment. Although there were no significant age group differences in interaction judgment, further analysis showed that three-year-olds’ willingness to play with the transgressor was positively related to their positive emotion, whereas such relationships were not found in four- and five-year-olds. The results demonstrate that Japanese children’s responses to social-conventional transgressions become more social and complex throughout young childhood in the Japanese cultural context.

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Pages: 1019-1029
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visibility 1116
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During the implementation of the inclusive education policy in several countries in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the psychological health of special education teachers should be considered as a key success factor. This study explored special education teachers’ perceived work stress (PWS), bio-psychological burn-out symptoms (BPS), and transformational teaching (TFT) in inclusive education in Indonesia and Thailand. There were 177 Indonesian and 199 Thai teachers completing a series of questionnaires that included BPS, PWS, and TFT. The results showed that BPS and PWS were high, whereas BPS and TFT were significantly different across nations. No gender differences were found among both Indonesian and Thai teachers. Moreover, TFT could be significantly predicted by positive age and negative work stress, which explained 8% of the variance among Indonesian teachers (R2 = .08, F(4, 172) = 4.18, p < .01) and by positive age and negative burnout symptoms, which explained 6% of the variance among Thai teachers (R2 = .06, F(4, 186) = 3.18, p < .05). Furthermore, inclusive education policymakers and stakeholders should be aware of psychological health improvement including burnout symptoms and work stress, which negatively invade the role of TFT among special education teachers in both countries.

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Pages: 1215-1226
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visibility 1823
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In this article, we present the results of empirical research using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodology, in which we examined the achievements and difficulties of sixth-grade Slovenian primary school students in decimal numbers at the conceptual and procedural knowledge level. The achievements of the students (N = 100) showed that they statistically significantly (z = -7,53, p < .001) better mastered procedural knowledge (M = 0.60, SD = 0.22) than conceptual knowledge (M = 0.37, SD = 0.17) of decimal numbers. Difficulties are related to both procedural and conceptual knowledge, but significantly more students have difficulties at the level of conceptual knowledge. At the level of procedural knowledge, or in the execution of arithmetic operations with decimal numbers, we observed difficulties in transforming text notation into numerical expressions, difficulties in placing the decimal point in multiplication and division, and insufficient automation of mathematical operations with decimal numbers. At the level of conceptual knowledge of decimal numbers, the results indicate difficulties for students in understanding the place values of decimal numbers, in estimating the sum, product and quotient of decimals with reflection and in mathematical justification. In relation to difficulties in justification, we observed an insufficient understanding of the size relationship between decimal numbers and difficulties in expressing them in mathematical language. The results indicate that to overcome such difficulties in the learning and teaching of mathematics, more balance between procedural and conceptual knowledge is needed.

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Pages: 1227-1245
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visibility 1390
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This integrative literature review aims to provide a broader and updated perspective of teachers’ intergenerational learning (IL). The search was done in Web of Science and EBSCO ultimate  databases between 2011 and 2022. Thirty-two empirical studies were selected and submitted to a thematic analysis and five themes were identified: (a) defining and conceptualising generation, (b) IL from understandings to practices, (c) contexts, factors and roles from different generations and institutions to promote IL, (d) factors that facilitate the success of IL, and (e) factors that make IL difficult. Data shows an increase in the last decades of research in IL within the educational context, but an absence of the prospective dimension still prevails. Intergenerational knowledge has been researched mainly from an individual professional perspective at the micro and meso levels of scholarship. Effectiveness requires intentional cultivation and a genuine desire for intergenerational knowledge exchange, involving active engagement and awareness among diverse generations and alignment with organizational aims. The promotion of IL takes place in very different ways and forms, and reflection on what is different seems to be a dominant trait. Furthermore, the review could conclude that intergenerational opportunities to work together will improve teacher education and continuous professional development. 

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Pages: 1275-1290
cloud_download 372
visibility 1494
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Bibliometric Analysis of Research Developments on Differentiated Instruction

differentiated instruction scopus data rstudio vosviewer

Asih Utami , Sujarwo , Puji Yanti Fauziyah , Ali Mustadi , Riyan Hidayat , Imam Rofiki


This research attempts to map the trend of research related to differentiated instruction (DI). The research was conducted in May 2023 by researching research articles in the Scopus database. The search data from Scopus used title, abstract, and keyword searches. Research articles were analyzed descriptively based on year of publication, journal name, affiliation, country, and researcher name. The article database from Scopus was analyzed through VOSviewer and RStudio software so that a bibliometric map could be depicted in research related to DI. Based on the Scopus analysis results, it showed that publications of articles related to DI had increased from 2011 to 2021, although it decreased in 2016. The journal with the largest contributor to the publication of research articles related to DI was the Teaching and Teacher Education Journal. Vrije Universitiet Brusel was the university with the most published articles on DI. The country that contributed the most to the research articles related to DI was the United States. Struyven was the most productive scholar related to DI. Through network visualization, it was revealed that the evolution map of research related to DI was divided into five clusters.

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Pages: 1421-1439
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Factors Influencing Special Education Career Choices: Interplay of Personality Traits and Identity Statuses

career choice identity personality traits special education teachers

Athena Daniilidou , Marianna Kyriakidou-Rasidaki , Katerina Nerantzaki


Recent research has identified factors influencing the choice of a special education career; however, it has not thoroughly examined their connection with personality traits and identity status. Thus, the present study was designed to explore how different personality traits and identity statuses correlate with the motives and perceptions associated with the choice to teach in special education. The study involved 209 pre-service special education teachers. The NEO-Five Factor Inventory was used to measure the Big 5 personality traits. The Ego Identity Process Questionnaire assessed identity commitment and exploration. The Factors Influencing Teaching Choice Scale was used to evaluate motivations and perceptions about teaching. Regarding the factors that influenced the decision to pursue a career in special education, intrinsic value, shaping children’s future, social equity, making social contributions, working with children, task demands, and job satisfaction were highly rated. Additionally, extraversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness, and identity statuses were identified as positive predictors for certain factors influencing the choice of a teaching career in special education. Finally, the study identified two distinct groups of students: "Identity Achievers" characterized by high positive personality traits, and identity commitment, and "Identity Explorers" characterized by lower positive personality traits and higher identity exploration. Differences were observed between the groups in their motives and perceptions concerning teaching in special education. In conclusion, this study highlights the relationships between personality, identity status, and career decision factors, offering insights into the factors that influence this critical career decision among future special educators. Directions for future research are discussed.

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Pages: 1587-1605
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In the realm of education, particularly in the domain of second language acquisition, understanding the intricate interplay between emotions and learning processes is a challenging endeavor. This research aims to explore the importance of studying anxiety-related emotions in the learning and teaching of English as a foreign language by conducting a study based on a quantitative methodology. To that end, a 33-item instrument was given to a total of 231 (n=231) university students who learn and use English in class in diverse degrees in the social and health sciences. The results obtained shed light on the negative emotions that students report during their English classes, such as fear, shame, nervousness, or feelings of judgement. However, not all the emotions are negative, since students also feel relaxed and interested. This study offers a new perspective on this topic since it compares different disciplines, underscoring the need to detect trends in different areas and therefore tailor pedagogy to different student profiles and degree programs.

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Pages: 1627-1645
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Research in higher education has revealed a significant connection between executive functions (EF) and study success. Previous investigations have typically assessed EF using either neuropsychological tasks, which provide direct and objective measures of core EF such as inhibition, working memory, and cognitive flexibility, or self-report questionnaires, which offer indirect and subjective assessments. However, studies rarely utilize both assessment methods simultaneously despite their potential to offer complementary insights into EF. This study aims to evaluate the predictive capabilities of performance-based and self-reported EF measures on study success. Employing a retrospective cohort design, 748 first-year Applied Psychology students completed performance-based and self-report questionnaires to assess EF. Maximum likelihood correlations were computed for 474 students, with data from 562-586 first-year students subsequently subjected to hierarchical regression analysis, accommodating pairwise missing values. Our results demonstrate minimal overlap between performance-based and self-reported EF measures. Additionally, the model incorporating self-reported EF accounted for 13% of the variance in study success after one year, with the inclusion of performance-based EF raising this proportion to 16%. Self-reported EF assessments modestly predict study success. However, monitoring levels of self-reported EF could offer valuable insights for students and educational institutions, given that EF play a crucial role in learning. Additionally, one in five students reports experiencing significant EF difficulties, highlighting the importance of addressing EF concerns for learning and study success.

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Pages: 1647-1663
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The field of education greatly benefits from inclusive education, which is praised for acknowledging and valuing student diversity and individual needs. Kosovo, as a newly independent country, went through major reforms, particularly in the realm of education, which is marked, among others, by initiatives that anticipate fostering and promoting inclusive education. Initiatives and programs throughout the country were designed and initiated to promote and advocate for inclusivity in the education system. To foster inclusivity, assistants for students with special educational needs were introduced to enable students with special needs to be part of regular education. Thus, in this study, the experiences of assistants for students with special educational needs in Kosovo are explored. This study employed semi-structured interviews to collect data and utilized thematic analysis to identify key themes and topics. The participants in the study included nine assistants for students with special education needs, reflecting diverse perspectives and experiences in the field of inclusive education. The following themes and topics were identified as the main findings of this study: (a) joy, excitement, and pride with the work; (b) individualized education plan (IPE); (c) lack of resources and guidelines; (d) (lack of) cooperation with parents and families; (e) united in unity: the power of collegial support; and f) promoting and advocating for inclusive education.

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Pages: 1761-1773
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Children who are currently in primary schools are part of the generation that will be most affected by the current environmental trend of our planet in the future. They are the generation that will need to live in accordance with sustainable development and biodiversity protection. One of the key aspects of biodiversity education is to increase environmental literacy using appropriate and effective methods. Our aim was to assess the ecological literacy of a group of primary school students in Slovakia and to identify areas where additional support and clarification may be needed for effective biodiversity education. Our findings reveal widespread misconceptions regarding terms such as 'ecology,' 'community,' 'population,' and 'ecosystem.' The research emphasizes the importance of innovative pedagogical approaches to address and correct these misconceptions effectively. By incorporating exploration-oriented teaching methods, hands-on activities, and a constructivist approach, educators can engage students in experiential learning and facilitate a deeper understanding of ecological principles. Interdisciplinary and participatory research approaches focused on biodiversity education offer promising avenues to enhance ecological literacy. Moreover, increasing interest in environmental education can contribute to nurturing environmentally conscious individuals equipped to tackle ecological challenges effectively. This study underscores the urgency of prioritizing ecological education at primary schools and provides insights into strategies for fostering ecological literacy among young learners.

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Pages: 1791-1803
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