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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

'generations' Search Results


Teaching is a sacred profession performed by self-sacrificing individuals with high responsibilities who are aware of their roles, have undertaken the task of raising future generations, make easier individuals’ process of becoming citizen in a way to ensure the peace and welfare of the communities, and allow them to learn knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors. By Ataturk’s saying, "Teachers are the most devoted and respectable factors of human society all over the world". In hadiths, the sanctity of teaching is expressed as, "Only those two people are admired enviously: The person who uses up and consumes the goods bestowed by Allah on him in the right way, and the person who properly rules over by the wisdom to him by Allah and who also teaches it to others.” From early childhood to puberty, the person studying in public institutions establishes a spiritual association with his/her teacher. The psychical aspect of teaching is also quite predominant. The role of teaching is sometimes mixed up with the roles of mother, father, sister and brother. There are many students who keep fresh their relationships with teachers for many years although their education and training activities do not continue. Based on these, the starting point of the study is about which characteristics the teacher must have to become an ideal teacher. This study was carried out to determine the characteristics of an ideal teacher in line with the opinions of the participants of the faculty of education and pedagogical training program in a University in Istanbul. The research was carried out in the screening model. The research data were collected through semi-structured interview technique to find out student opinions in a clearer way. The study group of the research was established in accordance with the voluntary basis from among the students from the psychological counseling and guidance department, Turkish teaching department, gifted children teaching department and English teaching department and the students who are enrolled in the pedagogical training certificate program in a University, in Istanbul, in the 2015-2016 academic year. Face to face interviews were conducted with each participant in the researcher's working office for half an hour on an average. At the beginning of the interview, students were asked about their genders and the graduated university, department and faculty. Within the context of the interview, the question of "what are the characteristics of an ideal teacher for you" was posed to participants. The personal and professional characteristics that an ideal teacher should have were determined according to the opinions of teacher candidates. The discussion section was structured by the research findings in the literature, and the study was finalized with suggestions.

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Pages: 103-111
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Recently, there has been growing interest among practitioners and scientists in teaching children computer programming languages. The international efforts to raise generations who produce technologies are supported at the national level in Turkey too. Programming language education is included beginning from secondary school curricula of computer science education. However, it can be mentioned that up-to-date methodological and pedagogical requirements of the courses are not adequately researched. Therefore, the primary aim of the study is to share innovative methods regarding programming education processes with middle school computer science teachers. This paper presents the details of a project conducted to design an in-service training model for computer science teachers and funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) with the project number of 116B298. During the training period, up-to-date methodology and technologies were presented in workshops with an integrated approach. At the end of the courses, the participants’ development and the efficiency of the activities were investigated based on the analyses of qualitative and quantitative data and positive results about the content of proposed in-service teacher training methodology were yielded.

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Pages: 477-489
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This study has been carried out with the families who migrated from Turkey and settled in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, which has an intense cultural and educational diversity. Finding the answer to the question “According to whom; who is who?” constitutes the fundamental ground of this research. However, this research has also been carried out in order to comprehend the points of view that have changed or have not changed between the past and the present and to scrutinize the reasons for such points of view. Moreover, another main objective is to form a comparative opinion about the situations that the settled migrant families in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and their children have encountered regarding the “other” concept, based on cases in their experiences, with regard to the adaptation concept. Content analysis, which is a qualitative research technique, was used during the research, whereas relevant persons have been contacted by means of the snowball sampling technique. In accordance with the obtained opinions and with the results derived from sample experiences, there surely exist differences in experiences in terms of adaptation and the marginalization-othering concept between those who migrated in the past and those migrating in the present day. Those sample experiences are discussed directly and the comments have been made by considering negative and positive concepts together.

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Pages: 965-981
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The article analyzes the evolution of pedagogical systems and the practice of universities in the world. The work reveals the essence and main structural components of the university education, as a special institution of higher education, designed to become a systemic solution to the problem of management and development of teacher education. The model presented by us includes the following components: education, as a platform for transferring innovative solutions into practice; Mega-Science -a system of research collaborations that provides advanced solutions to global problems; technologies -research constructs according to the Lego principle, generating local problem-solving based on a cluster; implementation -a system of investment decisions on the implementation of developments in the practice of activity; innovation is a system for the formation of products open to use that stimulate the development of education. The paper presents the main results of these developments, conclusions are made about the need to form a university of education as a special system operating within the framework of the concept of open pedagogical education and aimed at creating a federal scientific and educational hub of global importance for reproduction and the formation of human capital in scientific, engineering activities, the generation of new solutions in the field of training and development of teaching staff in.

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Pages: 1257-1268
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In the present study, perceptions of Turkish school administrators and teachers towards Syrian refugee children were examined through metaphors. 71 school administrators and 242 teachers from 27 different provinces of Turkey participated in the study. As a result of the study, the metaphors produced by school administrators were grouped into four categories: “child with cultural adaptation and belonging problems”, “fragile and needy child”, “child who is no different from other children” and “problematic child”. The metaphors produced by teachers were grouped into six categories: “child with cultural adaptation and belonging problems”, “child who is no different from other children”, “fragile and needy child”, “problematic child”, “child who can reveal her/his potential with interest” and “compatible child”. Participants' perceptions of refugee children were not related to gender but there was a significant relationship between professional seniority and the number of refugee children at school. Although school administrators and teachers have positive perceptions about refugee children, their negative perceptions are largely due to the lack of professional experience and the high number of students at school. Providing vocational support to teachers and administrators, planning the number of students in schools, and providing resources to schools will improve positive perceptions about refugee children.

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Pages: 1455-1472
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The Generational Digital Gap within Dual Vocational Education and Training Teachers

icts skills digital resources in teaching generational digital divide dual training

Jesús Sanchez-Prieto , Juan Manuel Trujillo-Torres , Melchor Gómez-García , Gerardo Gómez-García


In our current society, Digital Competence is an essential and basic competence for teachers. The students need trained teachers who know how to use Information and communication technologies (ICTs) and develop them into pedagogy. However, some of them do not know how. This phenomena is called “The generational digital divide”, which occurs when teachers do not have sufficient digital or technological skills or do not adapt to them. This article aims to determine whether the age of teachers has an influence on their knowledge about Information and Communication Technologies. The objective is to detect if there really exists a digital gap between generations, specifically in Dual Vocational Education Training, a kind of education which has been growing in the recent years. To do so, a study with a quantitative and descriptive method has been carried out, with the participation of 1.568 teachers of this training modality in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia. The data were extracted by means of a questionnaire to measure the level of digital teaching competence in Dual Vocational Education and Training schools. The results showed that the level of digital competence shown was medium to low across all dimensions. With regard to the age factor, only the problem-solving dimension was found to be age-dependent.

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Pages: 1557-1567
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visibility 1961
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The 2019 novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has increased the mental health challenges and decreased the quality of life among students and the general adult population. However, adult learners and non-traditional students who are currently at their quarter and midlife during the pandemic, remain underrepresented in well-being research. Moreover, the unique sociocultural and historical contexts specific to generational cohorts may have an impact on the way they experience and cope with the challenges brought about by the pandemic. This study sought to determine the relationships among generational identity, mental well-being and life satisfaction among Millennial and Generation X Filipino adult learners. A total of 543 adult learners participated in this online cross-sectional study. Findings suggest that young millennials reported lower levels of mental well-being and life satisfaction compared to old millennials and Gen Xers. Moreover, mental well-being was found to be a predictor of life satisfaction among Filipino adult learners, regardless of their generational identity. Schools must implement initiatives to monitor and address mental health issues among adult learners, contextualized to quarter and midlife contexts.

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Pages: 1209-1218
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In the last decades, the notion of universal design for learning (UDL) has gained prominence in the Greek educational scene (former government plan in education, projects based on UDL). This educational philosophy is essentially a necessary inclusive practice given the new conditions, the extreme heterogeneity of the student population due to socio-political and economic factors, and the exceptional circumstances due to COVID-19 pandemic. The UDL aims to ensure access and equity in learning for all learners despite differentiating characteristics. With our study, we seek to investigate whether teachers in secondary and second chance schools (SCS) are ready to implement UDL, what their expectations are, what obstacles they face, and the results of implementation through their records in reflection journals, a practice that is fully consistent with the context of UDL.

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Pages: 1851-1863
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visibility 1430
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Metacognitive, critical thinking and opinion expression are in high demand. This study aimed to investigate the effects of the blended project- based literacy that integrates school literacy movement strengthening character education (literasi berbasis proyek terintegrasi GLS dan PPK: Li-Pro-GP) learning model on students' metacognitive skills, critical thinking, and opinion expression. A post-test experimental design was used to answer the research question. The study was conducted from August to October 2021 at Government Junior High School 23 Malang. Seventh-grade students were selected as research participants. The participants included 30 students from class VII-2. The research instrument was five essay questions to measure critical thinking skills. Material and assessment experts validated the essay questions developed by the researcher. The items that were declared valid were tested for validity. The result showed five valid items with high reliability of .670. Metacognitive skills were measured using the Metacognition Awareness Instrument (MAI), which consists of 40 items. The questions declared valid were tested for validity with a very high reliability of .953 for 37 items, and only three items were invalid. The ability to express an opinion was measured with an observation questionnaire validated by experts with a valid instrument score. Data analysis was performed by path analysis using the SmartPLS software. The results showed that the Li-Pro-GP blended learning model significantly strengthened students' metacognitive skills, critical thinking, and opinion formation.

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Pages: 145-158
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visibility 1941
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In the vulnerable and unstable contexts that characterize populations in mobility between countries, especially immigrants and refugees, the second language learning has assumed new traits of difficulty. To help the new generation of learners, mainly with origin in forced immigration, the mobile-assisted learning helps motivation for language learning and reduces anxiety related to language acquisition. Attending to this challenge educational scenario, this review study presents a literature systematic analysis and a concrete technology tool that advocates the student-centered approach. A mobile pedagogical plan was developed for the learning of European Portuguese as a Second Language and as a Foreign Language. A critical review of 38 studies was conducted to understand how the mobile-assisted learning responds to the inclusion and education, especially concerning minorities. Based on previous empirical data with 108 immigrants, we understand the type of tasks that new immigrants have more difficulty learning in Portuguese. It was developed as a mobile app for Android, IOS, computers and tablets: the GoGenius app. In mobile format, individuals can access fourteen themed units with a symmetrical game architecture. These games focused the tasks and themes with priority for new language learners who recently arrived in a hosting country. These units involve a consistent number of working hours that intentionally intend to complement to the contact hours that the subjects have in classroom contexts or in unstable communication contexts (daily communication). This technology project aims to match “tailored” psychological and technological resources. Flipped classroom approach showed how mobile-assisted learning reinforces the educational goals worldwide, specifically for language learning. However, mobile tools should be well structured and centered on students’ needs, especially with migration backgrounds.

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Pages: 583-592
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The study aims to point out direct and indirect correlations between others' roles on career self-efficacy, and career self-management. This research uses a multifactor correlational model, samples were 342 students. The research instruments are Career Self-Management Self-Efficacy Scale (CEDLE-Scale), Career Decision Self-Efficacy (CDSE Short-Form), and Role Model Influence Career Decisions Scale (RIMICDS). Data were analyzed using path analysis with AMOS 23. The findings show that 1) the variable of others' role directly influences career self-efficacy; 2) career self-management directly influences the career self-efficacy on career self-efficacy; 3) others' influence on career decision directly influences the career self-management, and 4) others' role on the career decision indirectly influences self-efficacy moderated by career self-management. Support, guidance, and inspiration from others will ease someone in deciding on a career. Guidance for managing a career will improve career self-efficacy. It will then positively contribute to the self-confidence to pursue the career.

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Pages: 1045-1057
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visibility 1771
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The study focused on generational differences in teachers’ professional competencies (interaction styles, teaching styles and didactic competencies) and motivation for the teaching profession. A total of 462 teachers (20 students with at least a bachelor’s degree; age: M = 43.36, SD = 11.05) participated in the study. The Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (Slovak version), the Slovak Teaching Style Questionnaire, the Didactic Competencies Questionnaire and the Scale of Motivations for Choosing Teaching as a Career were administered. Teachers were divided into generations (Baby Boomers, born up through 1964; Generation X, born 1965 – 1980; Generation Y, born 1981 – 1996; Generation Z, born 1997 and later). The main finding of the study was that there were significant generational differences in professional competencies but no differences in motivation for the teaching profession. On the other hand, there were strong preferences for the leadership, helpful, student-teacher responsibility, understanding interaction styles and the supporting teaching style. Baby Boomers were also knowledge-oriented, Generations X and Y also goal-oriented, and Generation Z also preferred a managerial style. From didactic competencies, Baby Boomers were best in self-reflection and the realization of teaching; Generations X and Y were best in self-reflection and maintaining a positive classroom climate, and Generation Z was good in the realization of teaching.

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Pages: 1657-1665
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Development of Waves Critical Thinking Test: Physics Essay Test for High School Student

assessment in physics essay test physics essay test waves critical thinking test

Ani Rusilowati , Ridho Adi Negoro , Mahardika Prasetya Aji , Bambang Subali


This study aims to produce a product to evaluate students' critical thinking skills that departs from physics content where students often have misconceptions. This research is a development research with research stages covering a) research and review literature; (b) planning chapter objectives; (c) developing a preliminary form; (d) field-testing the preliminary form; (e) Revise the preliminary form; (f) conducting a main field-test. The Waves Critical Thinking (WCT) test developed consists of 7 questions with 15 specific domains. Total percentage of content validity test was obtained 87.98% with appropriate criteria and based on the construct validity WCT test, the Goodness of Fit criteria were obtained which were classified as fit. The test instrument being tested consists of 15 objective items. The reliability of WCT test results 0.597 as a Cronbach's alpha score with the medium category and all the components have a good level of composite reliability. The outcome of the study was the WCT test with a valid state for measuring students' CT in a specific domain of physics wave material.

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Pages: 1781-1794
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There has been a clear shift in higher education to prepare and empower the current students for a future quite different and more complex than that faced by previous generations. In particular, it is expected that they will possess comprehensive abilities to deal with challenges arising from new employment demands and beyond. While liberal arts education has a long history in the West, it has been increasingly implemented more recently in East Asia as one response to the need for educational reform. The research reported here is an empirical study of how liberal arts education has affected individuals from two institutions with distinctive interpretations of “liberal arts education” - University N, the first Sino-foreign joint university in mainland China, and University L, the only public liberal arts university in Hong Kong. Drawing on Bourdieu’s Theory of Practice, this study illustrates the interplay and balance among students’ practical concerns, their sense of social obligation fostered through liberal arts education elements and the wider social structure. Semi-structured interviews with senior students, fresh graduates, and educators were conducted to gather in-depth primary data. These reveal that, by providing interdisciplinary knowledge and transferable skill sets, a liberal arts education experience does enhance individuals’ personal agency and intellectual competencies in a professional context - they are trained to become independent thinkers and learners. Moreover, the “humanistic” aspect of liberal arts is also relevant: having engaged in various activities and programs, students in both universities are encouraged to care, cooperate, and make positive differences in their increasingly interconnected communities.

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Pages: 735-746
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This integrative literature review aims to provide a broader and updated perspective of teachers’ intergenerational learning (IL). The search was done in Web of Science and EBSCO ultimate  databases between 2011 and 2022. Thirty-two empirical studies were selected and submitted to a thematic analysis and five themes were identified: (a) defining and conceptualising generation, (b) IL from understandings to practices, (c) contexts, factors and roles from different generations and institutions to promote IL, (d) factors that facilitate the success of IL, and (e) factors that make IL difficult. Data shows an increase in the last decades of research in IL within the educational context, but an absence of the prospective dimension still prevails. Intergenerational knowledge has been researched mainly from an individual professional perspective at the micro and meso levels of scholarship. Effectiveness requires intentional cultivation and a genuine desire for intergenerational knowledge exchange, involving active engagement and awareness among diverse generations and alignment with organizational aims. The promotion of IL takes place in very different ways and forms, and reflection on what is different seems to be a dominant trait. Furthermore, the review could conclude that intergenerational opportunities to work together will improve teacher education and continuous professional development. 

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Pages: 1275-1290
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Knowledge and Use of Social Networks in University Students from Mexico and Spain

comparative study higher education ict university students social networks

Estefanía Lema-Moreira , Cynthia Lizeth Ramos-Monsivais , Susana Del Río-Urenda


It is unclear how social networks can be utilized in educational settings. An exploratory study was conducted to examine the differences between university students in Mexico and Spain in terms of their perceptions of knowledge and utilization of networks in the university environment. An overall sample of 378 students was collected from two public universities, one in Mexico and one in Spain. This study utilized descriptive statistics as part of a contingency analysis, X2 with correction was used for the analysis of differences, Mann-Whitney U for the analysis of independence, Mantel-Haenszel test for association degree, Cramer's V for strength of association, Spearman's correlation coefficient for correlations. According to the results, the use of social networks is clearly related to country of origin, but not to gender. It seems that Instagram is a platform widely used by both Mexican and Spanish students, but it is not used in educational environments. Therefore, the use of social networks in higher education contexts differs by country, as does the knowledge of social bookmarking and the distribution of content to share information and resources.

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Pages: 1805-1819
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Exploring the Impact of Project-Based Learning on Sustainable Development Goals Awareness and University Students' Growth

educational intervention strategy higher education project-based learning sdgs sustainability awareness

Luis Espino-Díaz- , Rocío Luque-González , Gemma Fernández-Caminero , José-Luis Álvarez-Castillo


This study evaluates the impact of an educational intervention strategy – Project-Based Learning (PBL) – designed to enhance university students' knowledge of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), their integration into academic curricula, and their relevance for future professional and personal applications. The research is motivated by the recognised importance of the SDGs in education and the current limited integration and understanding within higher education settings. The study applied a pre-test and post-test experimental design used, involving 199 first-year students from the University of Cordoba (Spain), enrolled in Primary and Early Childhood Education programmes. The intervention comprised PBL activities aimed at increasing knowledge and perceptions of the SDGs. Data were collected using a questionnaire assessing three dimensions: knowledge of the SDGs, the importance of their inclusion in the curriculum, and the perceived relevance of applying SDG principles in professional and personal contexts. The findings indicate that the intervention strategy effectively improved, albeit partially, students' understanding and perception of the SDGs. There was a significant improvement in students' knowledge. However, regarding the perceived importance of integrating the SDGs into their curriculum and the relevance of the SDGs for their future professional and personal lives, no effects were observed. These results underscore the partial efficacy of PBL in promoting sustainability competences and global citizenship among students, suggesting the need to explore other pedagogical methodologies for greater effectiveness. The study advocates the integration of SDGs into higher education curricula to better prepare students for future challenges, emphasising the need for further research to explore the long-term impacts and broader applicability of such educational intervention.

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Pages: 283-296
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The field of engineering education is constantly evolving to meet the challenges of technological and societal advancements. Continuous research should be conducted to identify the potential match between the skills that employers seek and the ones engineering graduates gain at college. The purpose of this study is to identify areas of agreement and disagreement between the faculty and employers regarding the skills and knowledge that engineering students acquire during their undergraduate education. The study uses an explanatory sequential design method by employing a questionnaire that was developed based on the Engineering Competency Model (ECM) by the Employment and Training Administration of the USA Department of Labor and responded to by 125 volunteer engineering faculty. Additionally, interviews were conducted with 2 industry professionals to gain deeper qualitative insights. The study found that while faculty mainly stated that students acquire personal effectiveness, academic, and workplace competencies in college, employers disagreed with these perceptions, particularly regarding interpersonal skills, integrity, professionalism, writing, and communication. Additionally, the study found a significant mismatch between faculty and employer assessments of industry-wide competencies, with employers expressing concerns about graduates' preparedness in areas like design, business, and sustainability. These findings suggest significant updates and cooperation with industry experts in engineering curricula and their implementation.

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Pages: 501-520
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