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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

' reform' Search Results


This study was undertaken to assess the level of readiness of higher education institutions (HEIs) for horizontal typology, institutional sustainability, and quality assurance in the key result areas (KRAs) for the enhancement of mechanisms, systems, and policies for the HEIs’ effective operation. It is a descriptive correlational design using the modified self-evaluation document (SED). The study showed that all the seven HEIs that participated in this study had been operating for 40 years and above, offering more than sixteen program courses with more than sixteen accredited programs. Four of the HEIs were Level 2 in accreditation status and five were ISO Certified. The level of readiness of HEIs for horizontal typology was moderately ready, which means the HEIs need some improvements in horizontal typology.  The most identified challenges affecting the level of readiness of HEIs in horizontal typology were the lack of innovation, technology, and sustainability; the lack of administrative strategies, leadership competencies, and management skills; and the lack of financial allocation for institutional development and advancements, respectively. There is no significant relationship between the institutional profile and terms of observing the standards in the KRAs. The study recommends further re-assessing the level of readiness of the HEIs in terms of documentation/evidence, observance for the improvement of the systems, processes and practices towards a more effective and efficient delivery of academic services to young people by conducting the more focused study in every KRAs and institutional self-assessment as future researches for the further improvement of the operations of HEIs.

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Pages: 881-890
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visibility 1065
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School quality has become a guiding concept that increasingly shapes educational planning and school development. For many decades, it has been a topic of significant interest, resulting in a wide-ranging and diverse research field. However, it is far from clear how school quality should be defined, what it should encompass, and how it influences student performance. The goal of this scoping review is to examine the existing evidence of the relationship between characteristics of school quality and student cognitive output/ student performance in secondary school. More precisely, it aims to (a) identify, (b) categorize, and (c) examine and evaluate the effects of characteristics of school quality affecting student performance and teaching characteristics in secondary school. In order to achieve these aims, we selected, clustered, and analyses 37 articles. The process was conducted by the research group through regular meetings, discussions, and consensus decisions. Our findings contribute to the comprehensive body of literature by identifying the following dimensions: aims and strategies for quality development, leadership and management, professionalism, school culture, and resources. Furthermore, the review revealed that although the field of school quality has been extensively researched, it lacks consistency, with many different operationalisations and definitions, making comparisons and syntheses challenging or even impossible. We believe that clear operationalisations and definitions are crucial to achieving comparability. Additionally, to achieve a standardized understanding of school quality and establish the categories internationally, uniform, theoretically sound, and content-related definitions of each category are necessary.

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Pages: 991-1013
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visibility 2407
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The significance of speaking English has been emphasized in Malaysia education. However, speaking problems such as lack of enthusiasm and poor speaking performance emerge among ESL pupils. To resolve this, an online board game “Flippity” is implemented in online speaking lessons. This paper aims to explore the usefulness of the online board game “Flippity” to improve speaking skills among elementary pupils who are in Year 5 as well as to investigate pupils’ perceptions towards the use of the online board game “Flippity”. The study employed a quasi-experimental mixed method design to collect data from thirty Year 5 pupils from a Chinese primary school. Data was collected through speaking pre-test and post-test, semi-structured interview and questionnaire. The results indicated a significant improvement in pupils’ speaking skills in terms of accuracy, fluency, range, interaction and coherence. Pupils also displayed preferences and positive attitude in learning to speak while playing “Flippity”. Further studies are recommended to be done on how “Flippity” could be exploited when learning other language skills such as listening, reading, writing and grammar.

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Pages: 1085-1096
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visibility 1779
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Morocco has undergone significant reforms in the education and training field, including the implementation of preschool education as a compulsory stage in the education system. Several studies have shown that attitudes toward science tend to decline between the ages of 11 and 14. Therefore, it is crucial to promote the acquisition of different modes of reasoning and forms of thought from early childhood. The primary objective of preschool education in Morocco should be to promote positive attitudes toward science. This study aims to analyze the preschool program prescribed in the Moroccan curriculum framework with regard to scientific awareness as well as its methodological and practical implications. The analysis was conducted using a designed grid and including the following criteria: construction of school science; axiological and psychological foundations of science learning; objectives and competencies; contents; approaches; activities; teaching strategies; didactic resources; pedagogical design and evaluation. The study's findings revealed that the Moroccan Curriculum Framework for Preschool Education featured a number of dimensions related directly to scientific awareness. However, no explicit statements about scientific awareness or science literacy were made. Moreover, some elements suggested in the program document were out of phase with the current trends of scientific awareness. Therefore, the study offered some suggestions for improving the proposal provided by this pedagogical document. In conclusion, Morocco's focus on preschool education is a positive step towards building a more scientifically literate society. However, to fully benefit from it, the guidance document must be revised to reflect current scientific awareness trends.

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Pages: 1233-1246
cloud_download 431
visibility 1271
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Although the central role of classical mechanics in physics teacher education is undisputed, divergent interests and perspectives from different disciplinary cultures might exist when thinking about how to best support pre-service teachers' professional development. In this article, we report the results of an exploratory mind map study to investigate which classical mechanics topics are regarded essential for physics teacher education according to N = 29 experts from different physics disciplines. The participants’ mind maps were analyzed using a category system and frequency analysis was applied. The results hint at similarities and differences in terms of key topics to be addressed in physics teacher education on classical mechanics according to experts from different physics disciplines, e.g., in terms of the depth of mathematics considered relevant for physics teacher education.

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Pages: 1247-1255
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visibility 1292
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Drivers of Primary School Students’ Achievement in Indonesia During Pandemic

community participation implementation of online learning political context principals’ support student achievement

Maisyaroh Maisyaroh , Juharyanto Juharyanto , Ibrahim Bafadal , Bambang Budi Wiyono , Maulana Amirul Adha , Johari Surif


Political context, community participation, principals’ supports, and the implementation of e-learning, refer to the orientation of efforts in overcoming the pandemic pressures, where these factors must ensure that all school programs can run effectively and efficiently. This study aims to identify the relationship between political context, community participation, principals’ supports, implementation of online learning and student achievement. Respondent in this research was the principal and elementary school teacher in East Java, Indonesia, 300 teachers and principals were respondents in this research. The Structural Equation Modeling method with the help of AMOS 24.0, is used in this study, while, mediation hypothesis testing is done with the Sobel Test. Based on the results of political context can significantly improve the achievement of students through community participation, principals’ support and implementation of e-learning. Research contributions show that with an ideal political context, high community participation, adequate principal support, and implementation of quality e-learning can improve the achievement of students even in crisis conditions in this case under the pandemic pressures.

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Pages: 1393-1405
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visibility 1282
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Heritage education is an integral component of general and higher education programs. It helps students understand the national culture and arouses their love for the country. The quantitative study was conducted with the participation of 822 students in the FPT University system. Multiple linear regression analysis and Pearson correlation results help determine the relationship between heritage education’s learning outcomes, including Vovinam martial arts and traditional musical instruments, and students’ patriotic and nationalistic attitudes. Accordingly, promoting learning outcomes related to Skills, Attitudes, and Behaviors positively impacts the development of students’ patriotism and nationalism. The study affirms the role of heritage education programs in the education system in Vietnam, especially at the university level. It confirms the necessity of this type of education at all stages of learners’ development, especially in the research context at FPT University.

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Pages: 1555-1567
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visibility 1935
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Strengthening Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Designing Laboratory Activity Based on Small-Scale Chemistry Practicum Approach

laboratory activity pedagogical content knowledge small-scale chemistry

Fitria Fatichatul Hidayah , Muhamad Imaduddin , Eko Yuliyanto , Gunawan , Muhammad Cholid Djunaidi , Siti Qomariyah


The purpose of this research is to strengthen pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in designing laboratory activities based on small-scale chemistry approaches. This research is action research involving 60 trainee teachers with stages that include (a) Reflect; (b) Plan; (c) Act; (d) Observe; (e) Reflect (2nd); (f) Plan (2nd). Qualitative data were collected through (a) Questionnaires reflecting on experiences in practicing chemistry learning and responses to the importance of learning, (b) a Portfolio of chemistry practicum design, (c) documentation of the process of carrying out design, implementation, and practicum evaluation activities, (d) field notes, (e) reflection sheet, and (f) Portfolio of follow-up plans. The data is displayed through the R computation system with data pre-processing stages in the teacher's reflection text which includes basic cleaning, case folding, normalization, stemming, and deleting meaningless words. Display data in the form of word clouds, frequency expression diagrams, and tabulations. Descriptive narratives are used to analyze the documentation obtained in the action process. The teacher group demonstrated performance in implementing small-scale practicum activities. Teachers are increasingly skilled in modifying conventional laboratory equipment, minimizing the amount of chemical use, minimizing waste disposal, and increasing efficiency in the duration of practicum implementation. The follow-up plan for this activity includes quality improvement in aspects of (a) skill in using laboratory equipment, (b) understanding of chemical concepts, (c) equipment availability, materials, and work procedures, and (d) implementation of chemistry practicum.

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Pages: 1631-1644
cloud_download 388
visibility 1205
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Creativity and information literacy are skills necessary for students for task completion in the learning process. One of the tasks assigned to students in learning is to write drafts of scientific articles. Furthermore, teachers must pay attention to cognitive styles in the learning process. This study aimed to describe students' creativity in writing drafts of scientific papers based on information literacy concerning reflective and impulsive cognitive styles. This research was exploratory qualitative research to explain the creativity of reflective and impulsive students in writing scientific article drafts based on information literacy. The research subjects comprised two students for each reflective and impulsive cognitive style. The cognitive style was measured using the Matching Familiar Figure Test instrument. Students' creativity was measured using a test with fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration indicators. The results indicated that reflective students were highly creative in writing drafts of scientific articles. Meanwhile, impulsive students were relatively creative in the same activity. In conclusion, students possessing the reflective cognitive style are more creative than students following the impulsive cognitive style in writing drafts of scientific articles based on information literacy. We recommend that writing articles based on information literacy is required to increase HOTs (Higher Order Thinking Skills).

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Pages: 1667-1681
cloud_download 550
visibility 1376
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Semantic Correlation Model of Socio-Formative Data for Curricular Planning Evaluation

curriculum planning curricular evaluation natural language processingi semantic correlation socio-formative data

Diego Armando Aristizábal , Huaita Acha Delsi Mariela , Yangali Vicente Judith Soledad


The study presents a semantic correlation model (SCM) of socioformative data, which is designed to support the evaluation of curriculum planning (CPE) that is developed from indicators derived from curriculum components such as graduate profile, study plan, area plan and subject plan. The objective of the research was to design a semantic correlation model of socio-formative data to support the evaluation of curriculum planning in accordance with the objectives of sustainable development in education. The study is a quasi-experimental research based in a Likert questionnaire applied on a group of 10 students (16 and 18 years old) belonging to the eleventh grade of the urban official educational institutions of Marsella, in the department of Risaralda in Colombia. The results indicate that the model has an impact on the evaluation of curricular planning, concluding that the design and implementation of a semantic correlation model of sociodemographic data does have an impact on the evaluation of curricular planning of a classroom subject in an educational institution in Marsella.

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Pages: 69-87
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visibility 923
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Technology integration into learning is essential to supporting educational reform. On the other hand, the relationship between self-regulation (SR), technology integration self-efficacy (TISE), and technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) has yet to be thoroughly studied. This study investigated preservice elementary teachers and the connection between SR, TISE, and TPACK. A quantitative approach and a survey-based approach were both utilized in the research project. The research was carried out at one of Indonesia's universities, and the data collected were from 224 preservice elementary teachers in their fourth year through a questionnaire. According to the findings, preservice elementary teachers' SR, TISE, and TPACK levels were above average. Preservice elementary teachers scored the highest on planning capability (PC), monitoring and controlling skills (MC/CC), and making others use computer technologies self-efficacy (MUCTSE). In contrast, they scored the lowest on information and communication technology (ICT). Besides that, SR and TISE positively and significantly affected pre-service teacher TPACK. In light of the findings, it is of the utmost importance to enhance the competency of preservice elementary teachers in using technology to integrate learning.

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Pages: 159-170
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visibility 1596
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This study aimed to investigate the relationship between teacher professional development, quality of lecture design, student engagement, teacher technical skills, pedagogical content knowledge and teacher satisfaction in using Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Powered Facilitator for designing lectures. The study used a non-random sample technique, and 208 participants answered a survey via Google Form after one semester, using a 5-point Likert scale to rate their responses. The structural equation model was used to analyze the data, and six factors were included in the study. The study confirmed hypotheses that teacher professional development, quality of lecture design, student engagement, and pedagogical content knowledge have a positive effect on teacher satisfaction. However, the study also revealed that teacher technical skills have a negative effect on teacher satisfaction, and pedagogical content knowledge has no significant effect. The proposed conceptual model explained 55.7% of the variance in teacher satisfaction Theoretical and practical implications were also discussed. These findings provide insights into the factors that contribute to teacher satisfaction in utilizing AI-Powered Facilitator for designing lectures and could inform the development of effective teacher training programs.

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Pages: 219-231
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visibility 1702
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Flipped learning (FL) is one of the recent pedagogical models that seeks to promote student agency and hone 21st century skills for lifelong learning through its emphasis on collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and autonomy. However, only some physical education (PE) classes globally have adopted this method and researched its effectiveness. Thus, this qualitative study discovered how the SPRING online FL model helped enhance the 21st century skills of college PE students. From the students’ responses in the questionnaire and the teacher-researchers observation notes, it was revealed that FL aids in the students’ 21st century skills as it allows the students to collaborate and improve their social skills; analyze people, tasks, and situations to create an output that is not only ingenuous and entertaining but beneficial to all; and study and master the skills independently at their own pace. Future studies can explore testing the SPRING model's effectiveness in younger students and other learning contexts.

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Pages: 413-425
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visibility 1360
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Implementing online learning has led to several issues, especially those related on assessments to measure students’ learning achievement. This study aimed to obtain accurate information on learning assessments for vocational high school (VHS) students during online learning, including assessment for learning (AfL), assessment as learning (AaL), and assessment of learning (AoL). It also investigated students’ perceptions of the assessments based on their grades. This quantitative research employed the survey method, collecting data through questionnaires. The population of this research is VHS students in Indonesia, totaling 86,885 students. The participants of this study were 487 VHS students. The data were analyzed using descriptive and ANOVA techniques. The results show that most VHS students positively perceive the assessment of learning achievements in online learning for AfL, AaL, and AoL aspects. Moreover, there is a significant difference in students' perceptions of the assessment in online learning based on grades. The perception of class XII students is the highest (average value = 3.90) of all classes, while the other classes have an average value of 3.38 for class XI, and the average value of class X is 3.81.

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Pages: 445-456
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visibility 1163
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Teachers Underutilize Their Learning Styles in Developing Thought-Provoking Questions: A Case Study

critical thinking learning styles thought-provoking questions

Agustiani Putri , Abdur Rahman As’ari , Purwanto , Sharifah Osman , Selly Anastassia Amellia Kharis


Teachers' learning styles are a crucial part of the learning process as they determine how teachers' brains capture and integrate information linked with the senses. Kurnia, identified as an auditory teacher, was expected to capture written information in a provided numeracy problem. Nevertheless, she prefers to capture visual information, like tables or figures, and utilize them to develop thought-provoking questions. Thus, this study intends to investigate her reasons and the factors affecting Kurnia's decision to utilize visual information as a reference in developing questions. This research adopts a qualitative design covering a case study. Kurnia was selected from 32 teachers from 28 schools; roughly 43% were from public schools, and 57% from private schools. Kurnia placed more emphasis on pictorial information before proposing questions, which was caused by situational factors: the subject matter, the grade level, the student's engagement in the class, the teacher's experience, the teaching experience, and the diversity of students' learning styles. This article recommends that teachers recognize their learning styles to know their strengths and weaknesses in teaching mathematics, and that they convey understandable information utilizing effective instructional methods that represent each learning style of students in the classroom.

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Pages: 479-495
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visibility 1453
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This qualitative study examines the experiences of pre-service high school biology teachers in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, focusing on the challenges and transformative learning experiences encountered during their school-based internship. It aims to explore the dichotomy between specialized biology knowledge and practical applicability in high school teaching and uncover the significance of fostering student engagement through innovative strategies and the role of mentor teachers in guiding pre-service teachers. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from pre-service biology teachers who completed a school-based internship in the Mekong Delta. Thematic analysis was employed to analyze the interview data. The study highlights the challenges of bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and classroom practice, emphasizing the importance of innovative teaching strategies for student engagement. It recognizes the role of mentor teachers in guiding and enhancing the skills of pre-service teachers in creating effective learning environments. Findings suggest the need for curriculum reforms that balance specialized biology knowledge and practical pedagogical skills. The study emphasizes the importance of experiential learning through teaching apprenticeships to better prepare pre-service teachers for their professional journey.

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Pages: 557-571
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Principal Support and Teacher Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Collective Teacher Efficacy

collective teacher efficacy principal support teacher self-efficacy

Marina Đuranović , Irena Klasnić , Tomislava Vidić


This study investigated the extent to which demographic variables, principal support and teacher self-efficacy contribute to the collective teacher efficacy. In the study, a non-probability purposive sample was used, which included 761 teachers working in compulsory primary schools in all parts of the Republic of Croatia. The first part of the administered online questionnaire provided data on sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents, while in the second part, the following scales were used: The Principal Support Scale, The Teacher Sense of Teacher Efficacy Scale and The Collective Teacher Efficacy Scale. The results of the performed regression analyses show that: 1) the demographic variables - workplace, promotion to a higher rank and principal support have a predictive value in explaining teachers’ self-efficacy; 2) an average number of students per class, promotion to a higher rank, principal support, teacher engagement and teaching strategies have a predictive value in explaining collective teacher efficacy. The findings of this study will be discussed in terms of their potential impact and future research.

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Pages: 693-703
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visibility 922
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Although central governments, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean, have defined reducing school dropout rates as a priority, and drawn policies accordingly, there are still young people who do not finish secondary education, and numbers are still alarming. Therefore, it is necessary to observe educational communities and analyze how they interpret and implement guidelines issued by the central government. The following study sought to describe the institutional and teaching practices deployed by four high schools in Valparaíso (Chile) in order to achieve student retention. A qualitative approach was employed. The management team, support professionals, teachers, students, and their families were interviewed. The information gathered was analyzed using the Grounded Theory. As a main finding, establishments use practices such as monitoring attendance, providing support to students facing problematic situations, and encouraging them during class, through a series of strategies. It is recommended that researchers implement this type of methodology for other study objectives, and that the central government consider these results to provide feedback on its policies.

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Pages: 705-718
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visibility 937
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There has been a clear shift in higher education to prepare and empower the current students for a future quite different and more complex than that faced by previous generations. In particular, it is expected that they will possess comprehensive abilities to deal with challenges arising from new employment demands and beyond. While liberal arts education has a long history in the West, it has been increasingly implemented more recently in East Asia as one response to the need for educational reform. The research reported here is an empirical study of how liberal arts education has affected individuals from two institutions with distinctive interpretations of “liberal arts education” - University N, the first Sino-foreign joint university in mainland China, and University L, the only public liberal arts university in Hong Kong. Drawing on Bourdieu’s Theory of Practice, this study illustrates the interplay and balance among students’ practical concerns, their sense of social obligation fostered through liberal arts education elements and the wider social structure. Semi-structured interviews with senior students, fresh graduates, and educators were conducted to gather in-depth primary data. These reveal that, by providing interdisciplinary knowledge and transferable skill sets, a liberal arts education experience does enhance individuals’ personal agency and intellectual competencies in a professional context - they are trained to become independent thinkers and learners. Moreover, the “humanistic” aspect of liberal arts is also relevant: having engaged in various activities and programs, students in both universities are encouraged to care, cooperate, and make positive differences in their increasingly interconnected communities.

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Pages: 735-746
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visibility 983
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Research on STEM in Early Childhood Education from 1992 to 2022: A Bibliometric Analysis from the Web of Science Database

bibliometric early childhood education stem education web of science

Thi-Lam Bui , Thanh-Huong Nguyen , Manh-Tuan Nguyen , Thi-Tham Tran , Thi-Luyen Nguyen , Viet-Nhi Tran , Ut Phuong Dang , Cam-Tu Vu , Anh-Duc Hoang


STEM education is an irreplaceable movement of educational systems across the globe in the 21st century. Both Pre-K, K-12, and higher education institutions consider STEM as an innovative approach to integrate and reform the teaching and learning processes. The purpose of this paper is to examine the development of studies on STEM in the Early Childhood Education context from 1992 to 2022. We investigated a dataset of 308 scholarly works from the Clarivate Web of Science database and figured a diversified collection of research focuses on topics such as children’s readiness, outcomes, teachers’ competency in designing and implementing STEM activities, and the role of computational thinking and robotics. The findings of this paper revealed the dominant contribution of researchers from the USA regarding research quantity and impact, as well as their collaborations with researchers from Western countries. In addition, we also figured out the top influencing authors, documents, and journals as a suggestion for scholars who are new to this topic. However, we would like to note that our findings depended on the quality of the imported database from the WoS system, which covers top-tier journals only.

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Pages: 1057-1075
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