'household' Search Results
An Overview of School Dropout in Central America: Unresolved Issues and New Challenges for Education Progress
dropout educational attainment secondary education costa rica el salvador guatemala honduras nicaragua panama central america...
School dropout is a growing concern in Central America, and in Latin America as a whole, because of its consequences for economic productivity, the inclusiveness of growth, social cohesion, and increasing youth risks. This paper utilizes more than two decades of household survey data to construct a systematic overview of school dropout at the primary and secondary levels in Central America, focusing on recent trends in dropout patterns and their underlying causes. Within each country, poverty, rurality, and indigenous group membership are the strongest correlates of dropout, reflecting several underlying factors that affect the marginal benefits and costs of staying in school. Global and regional evidence increasingly points to common policy priorities for reducing dropout across Central America, including addressing remaining gaps in access at the pre-primary and secondary levels, improving the quality of education at all levels, and strengthening the coverage, targeting, and coherence of existing programs aimed at improving education outcomes. However, additional rigorous evaluations, including cost data, are needed to identify the most effective specific approaches in each country. JEL Classification: I2, I24, I25, I26, I28, O15
The Reflection of Neoliberal Economic Policies on Education: Privatization of Education in Turkey
neoliberalism education policy privatization in education...
This research reflects neoliberal economic policies by demonstrating the privatization of education in Turkey. The increase in the number of students of private schools and private schools in Turkey along with the relationship between public education investments and household income of education have been explained by using the document analysis technique from qualitative research methods. As in many countries, public education in Turkey has been removed from the basic human rights and commercialized and transformed into a commodity that has been bought and sold. Neoliberal transformation aims to generate a strong and dependent structure that eliminates political and economic freedoms. The documents published by the Ministry of National Education and the Turkish Statistical Institute were obtained from the relevant institutions and the data were analysed. It has been concluded that education has undergone a rapid privatization in Turkey, while investments in public education have decreased rapidly. Also the funds required to be allocated to public schools have been transferred to private schools, and the education rights of the children of poor families have been diminished.
Budget Plan to Manage Income and Expenses in College Students: Some Features that Explain It
prevision plan savings life insurance car insurance...
The purpose of this study is to describe the actions taken by college students to face their future retirement. For this, the test designed by the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Financial Services Users (CONDUSEF) in Mexico was used, which has items related to financial knowledge, specifically topics about savings, emergency funds and life insurance, among others. The instrument was applied to 60 UPAV college students of different levels, during the school cycle of February-August 2018, in the city of Xalapa, Veracruz; it should be noted that the range of age was older than 21 but younger than 23 years old. The descriptive analysis showed results that lead us to believe that students have emergency funds (53%) but these are used to face unexpected situations (59%); also, students do not have life insurance, which could be concerning in their personal and family life if/when they have to face a present or future illness. Regarding car insurance, most of the respondents stated that they do not own one, besides considering it an unnecessary expense. One of the study limitations was the surveyed population; hence the need to widen this research to encompass more students from such geographical area in order to obtain a wider outlook of said behavior.
The Stress Problems and the Needs for Stress Counseling of High School Students in Vietnam
children factors incomplete family psychological trauma vietnamese school counseling...
The correlation between the stress problems and the needs for high school students’ stress counseling in Vietnam is an unspecified issue that deserves attention. This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that there was no correlation between the stress problems and the needs for counseling of high school students in Vietnam. Survey of 1,200 high school students in Vietnam from grades 6 to 12 with questionnaires, the results show that the mean score of stress problems in high school students is 2.67 - corresponding to moderate level. Different levels of learning and living conditions are encountered in different student’s stress problems. The mean score for high school students' stress needs of counseling is 3.18 - corresponding to the optional level. Different levels of education have different needs for stress counseling. There is a strong correlation between high school students' problems and needs for stress counseling. The more problematic high school students experience in stress, the more they need to be counseled on this issue.
Wastepreneurship: A Model in Improving Students’ Confidence and Creativity
science wastepreneurship creativity self-confidence waste processing...
Skill in processing waste is an essential attitude needed in daily life because environmental pollution issue is one of the important parts that are learned in science subject. It is required students’ self-confidence and creativity in processing waste into a useful product. This research aims to improve students’ confidence and creativity through science wastepreneurship learning model. This research used experimental posttest-only design with nonequivalent groups design. Total of the samples were 140 students who were divided into experiment group (n = 75) and control group (n = 65). Statistic data analysis was carried out through Two-way ANOVA in significance level of 0.05. This research showed that the self-confidence and creativity of students on posttest finding in experiment group is higher than control group. It can be concluded that science wastepreneurship learning model was effective in improving students’ confidence and creativity in processing waste. Therefore, science wastepreneurship learning model is suggested to be more often used by the teachers in Junior High School.
Household Possessions and Parental Support in Mexican Students with High Scientific Competencies in PISA 2015
household assets mexican students parents support pisa 2015 scientific competencies...
Traditionally secondary studies on achievement on Programme for International Students Assessment (PISA) tests point to the significant impact of socioeconomic status and cultural backgrounds of families as well as the role of parental involvement, which in some cases has had a negative impact on achievement. For this article, a model of structural regression was tested, with structural modelling software. This model included the following factors: domestic and educational assets, parental support for students, parents’ perceptions about science, and science competencies among 214 high performing Mexican students on PISA tests in 2015. This resulted in a structural regression model with a goodness of fit, where science competencies were a positive significant variable, impacted by domestic and educational assets and parental involvement. An additional restricted model with four variables manifested as mediators, revealed that science competencies were predicted positively and significantly by domestic and educational assets, and by the manifest parental emotional support variable. Variables related to ownership of educational and cultural assets and resources, as well as parental support, particularly emotional parental support, have positive and significant impact on science competencies.
Sleeping Habits Explaining Academic Vulnerability and Household Influence: Co-sleeping and the Impact on Children's Fluid Intelligence
chronotype fluid intelligence household raven's progressive matrices sleep...
The main goal of this study is to examine the differences between school-aged children with different chronotypes who are only children or have a sibling in the household, regarding their sleeping habits and performance in intelligence tasks. The main measures used were Chronotype Questionnaire for Children and Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices. This study analysed 46 Portuguese children (Mean=8.67; SD=1.034, range 7-11 years of age) without sleep or educational/psychological disturbances, attending the first grade. The differences regarding chronotype and whether they were only children or not were examined. Then the performance of the sample in the Raven’s Progressive Matrices tests was evaluated. The Mann-Whitney U test showed that ‘only’ children had higher fluid intelligence scores only in the afternoon. The chronotype did not differentiate this population and it is concluded that the type of household is the main moderator: Not being an only child was, in general, the best predictor in the test. Results suggest that different sleeping times (e.g., bedtime and wake-up time) and different chronotypes did not have different effects. However, having siblings proved to be an advantage regarding the child’s performance. Re-education of sleeping practices, especially examining the influence of co-sleeping in families, is essential for the intellectual development of children.
Absenteeism, Self-Confidence and Academic Performance: Empirical Comparison of Turkey and Singapore
In today's World, data-driven methods are behind the determination of potential action plans in every area of life. These data-driven methods help individuals or policymakers to figure out the strengths and weaknesses on the subject that are worked on and to make a comparison to the best practices. Thus, actions can be taken immediately on the specific factors that have a huge impact on the topic investigated. In the educational area, countries are using the same approach to measure, monitor, and improve the quality of education by attending international studies. In this study, for both Turkish and Singaporean students, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model is performed to predict the students' mathematics achievement and to identify factors that have a high impact on achievement using Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in 2019 with the data of 3,586 Turkish and 4,750 Singaporean students. The reason behind comparing the results of Turkey to Singapore is that Singapore is the best-performing country in terms of mathematics achievement in the TIMSS in 2019. The model results show that the top two crucial factors in both countries are the frequency of absenteeism from school, and students’ confidence in mathematics with the accuracy of 75%. In addition, relevant policy implications are given based on the importance level of significant factors.
The Resilience of University Youth While Undergoing Digital Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
digital learning pandemic resilience university youth...
The outbreak of COVID-19 has affected the educational sector globally. One of the impacts of this outbreak is observed in the implementation of digital learning, which involves problems such as poor internet connection and a lack of information technology facilities. However, university youth could be seen as resilient if they could keep up with good academic performance despite going through various challenges of digital learning. Thus, this research would like to explore the resilience of university youth while undergoing the challenges of digital learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research adopted a qualitative approach, and data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Purposive sampling was used, where five respondents among the University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) youth with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.50 and above were selected in this research. The research found that the challenges faced by the majority of the respondents during digital learning were the non-conducive learning environment and the poor internet connection. In addition, findings also found two protective factors that helped the respondents be resilient, identified as the internal factor (i.e., self-concept and cultural sensitivity) and the external factor (i.e., parents' support and positive peer relationships). The research findings showed that the university youth also need support and help from various parties alongside their own efforts in academics in order to face any kinds of risky situations and grow as resilient youth.
Sleep Preferences and Chronotype Traits Impact on Academic Performance Among University Students
academic achievement college students daytime and nighttime classes post-pandemic sleep preferences...
Due to irregular daytime routines, chronotype changes, side jobs and exam periods after the COVID-19 pandemic, university students are trying to find new balances in their everyday life. The aim of the present study is to analyze the impact of daytime chronotype and hour preferences for the circadian rhythm on academic achievement among university students, considering their sleep habits and class frequencies in daytime and nighttime classes. Furthermore, this study aimed to analyze the differences in chronotype preferences with regard to age, sex, and academic schedule students are attending. A sample of 87 university second-year Psychology and Management students attending the academic year 2021/2022 after the governmental relief measures of the COVID-19 pandemic completed a 13-item questionnaire on sleep habits and preferences. Further variables encompassed sleep behaviors, such as age, sex, daytime and nighttime classes, as well as academic achievement. The results of the study showed that university students had a higher preference for the morningness type. Additionally, chronotype traits explained 30% (values from regression analysis) of academic achievement but did not directly impact academic results. The sleep-wake cycle diverged among age groups because the youngest participants (19–21 years old) and older participants (35–44 years old) reported higher academic scores during the first semester and the full academic year. No significant differences were identified with respect to sex. There is a lack of literature explaining the effect of sleep hours on academic achievement among students after stay-at-home rules during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, it is imperative to understand the difficulties students face with regard to their studying hours, working shifts, and daytime or nighttime classes to create a sustainable university system that attends to students’ needs and necessities.
Guiding Principles for the Use of Feedback in Educational and Psychosocial Interventions
design feedback framework intervention strategies...
Psychosocial and educational intervention approaches employ diverse treatment frameworks, most of which involve delivering some form of feedback to participants about their behavior. General conceptions of feedback are well-known to underlie mainstream therapeutic and educational approaches. Recently emerging ‘smart’ approaches also rely on feedback principles. However, little scholarship is available to stitch together evolving strands of feedback principles and no literature characterizes explicitly the diverse landscape of feedback practices employed in education or intervention science. This paper reviews intrinsic conceptions of feedback along with diverse cases of its use in intervention and education. Based on our consideration, we present a typology of feedback modalities that we hope will enrich the efforts of interventionists and educators to design treatment and educational frameworks incorporating feedback.
Institutional and Teaching Practices for Student Retention: Accounts from Four High Schools of Valparaíso, Chile
school dropout institutional practices teaching practices student retention...
Although central governments, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean, have defined reducing school dropout rates as a priority, and drawn policies accordingly, there are still young people who do not finish secondary education, and numbers are still alarming. Therefore, it is necessary to observe educational communities and analyze how they interpret and implement guidelines issued by the central government. The following study sought to describe the institutional and teaching practices deployed by four high schools in Valparaíso (Chile) in order to achieve student retention. A qualitative approach was employed. The management team, support professionals, teachers, students, and their families were interviewed. The information gathered was analyzed using the Grounded Theory. As a main finding, establishments use practices such as monitoring attendance, providing support to students facing problematic situations, and encouraging them during class, through a series of strategies. It is recommended that researchers implement this type of methodology for other study objectives, and that the central government consider these results to provide feedback on its policies.
The Evolution of Research on School Attendance: A Bibliometric Review of Scholarly Output
bibliometrics school absenteeism school attendance school attendance problems school refusal...
School attendance problems are of great research interest, which is reflected in the increase of scientific publications. This increase hinders the adequate follow-up and updating of the scientific community on the subject. The aim of the present bibliometric study lies in the review of the scientific literature published on school attendance problems during 2014-2021. A bibliographic search and analysis of scientific articles was performed, obtaining a definitive sample of 700 documents. Results were extracted and analyzed for the following indicators: temporal productivity, productivity by authors, co-authorship index, productivity by journals, use of topics, research areas addressed and types of samples used. The number of publications indicates a progressive increase of interest on the subject, which has not corresponded to the creation of a specific journal on the subject. There is also evidence of the need for consensus on the topics to be used; the preference for knowing the factors associated with school attendance problems over other areas of research; and the generalized use of community samples as opposed to more specific ones. In conclusion, the characteristics researched on school attendance problems are presented; knowledge that will facilitate the establishment of intervention processes applicable to different contexts and realities.
Developing Creative Thinking in Preschool Children: A Comprehensive Review of Innovative
comprehensive review creative thinking early childhood...
The ability to think creatively has a vital role in the development of preschool children. This research provides a comprehensive review of innovative approaches and strategies for developing creative thinking in preschool children based on current trends and methodologies used in educational settings. This research shows three significant areas: (a) creative thinking skills in preschool children, (b) factors influencing creative thinking skills in depth, and (c) innovative strategies and approaches to stimulate creative thinking abilities in preschool children. This research uses a literature study method assisted by the publish perish application to find reference sources related to creative thinking abilities in preschool children. Studies show that creative thinking abilities in preschool children enable them to find innovative solutions, help them adapt to challenges, foster self-confidence and courage, and enrich their experience and knowledge of the world around them. Meanwhile, preschool children's creative thinking abilities are influenced by collaboration from the external environment (parents, teachers, and society); providing support and examples for children to develop and stimulate their creative thinking skills is very important.