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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

'pisa test' Search Results

Gender Gap in Science Achievement for Jordanian Students in PISA2015

gender gap pisa 2015 science achievement test explained variance

Emad G. Ababneh , Manal M. Abdel Samad


The gender gap in achievement is one of the main challenges that face the educational system in Jordan. Since 1989, educational reform plans have attempted to reduce gender gap in achievement. However, the gender gap in science achievement according to PISA 2015 was higher than that of other participating countries. This study aimed to show the trends, and determine the factors associated with the gender gap in science achievement. The data were obtained from 7267 students, who participated in PISA 2015. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression methods were used, for which the results showed that the gap became wider with the same direction since 2006. In addition to that, the study findings suggested that environmental awareness, and sense of belonging to school are the most important factors associated with gender gap among other personal factors.

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Pages: 963-972
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The Computer has occupied a comprehensive coverage, especially in education scopes, including in learning-teaching processes, testing, and evaluating. This research aimed to develop computerized adaptive testing (CAT) to measure physics higher-order thinking skills (HOTS), namely PhysTHOTS-CAT. The Research Development used the 4-D developmental model carrying the four phases of define, design, development, and dissemination (4D) developed by Thiagarajan. This testing instrument can give the item test based on the student’s abilities. The research phases include (1) needs analysis and definition, (2) development design (3) development of CAT and assemble the test items into CAT, (4) validation by experts, and (5) feasibility try-out. The findings show that PhysTHOTS-CAT is valid to measure physics HOTS of the 10th-grade students of Senior High School according to 82.28% of teachers and students assessment on PhysTHOTS-CAT content and media. Therefore, it can conclude that PhysTHOTS-CAT can be used and feasible to measure physics HOTS of the 10th-grade students of the Senior High School.

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Pages: 91-101
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Mathematical Connection Process of Students with High Mathematics Ability in Solving PISA Problems

gender mathematical ability mathematical connections problem solving

Baiduri Baiduri , Octavina Rizky Utami Putri , Ikrimatul Alfani


The aim of this study is to analyze and explain the mathematical connection process for students with a high mathematical ability to solve problems in terms of gender. Explorative descriptive research with a qualitative approach was used in this study. Data was collected through written tests and interviews conducted to a male and female student of class X Mathematics and Natural Sciences with high mathematical abilities. Data credibility is obtained through triangulation of methods and time. Furthermore, the data are analyzed with a flowchart which includes data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that there were similarities and differences in the mathematical connection processes of male and female students. Similarities in the process of mathematical connections occur when making mathematical connections with other sciences and with everyday life in each of Polya's stages. In addition, the similarity of the connection process also occurs when connecting in mathematics during the re-checking stage. While the difference in the connection process in mathematics between male and female students is done at the stage of understanding the problem, solving strategies and implementing problem solving.

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Pages: 1527-1537
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Considering the low achievement of Indonesian students in international studies (PISA), which measures Higher-Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) in solving the problem, improving the quality of mathematics learning in Indonesia is very important. The purpose of this research was conducted to explore the variations in students’ learning strategies and students’ Self–Regulated Learning (SRL) in solving mathematical HOT problems. The study employed a mixed-method, namely quantitative and qualitative methods were applied through five tests and seven interviews for over eight weeks. Two types of instruments were employed in this study, and they include tests and interviews. At the initial stage, we randomly selected 30 students from all those in grade 10 (Senior High School ), after which 12 were chosen purposively after the pre-test for an interview, having satisfied all complete group, middle group, and lower group. All of them were treated using metacognitive questions. Data analysis techniques used were percentage, data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The quantitative results showed the students could generally use orientation, organization, and elaboration learning strategies as observed with 68.3%, 60%, and 56.7% for complete, middle, and lower groups. Moreover, the students were also observed to have conducted three cognitive processes in selecting the rules for solving the mathematical HOT problem, namely using models and drawing, written texts, and combining both. Furthermore, their final solution failures were affected by their misconceptions and errors in creating the mathematical model. The interview results on designing the learning procedures, monitoring the progress, and evaluating the outcomes, show that the students’ SRL level is good for complete (89.3%), middle (75%), and lower groups (60.7%).

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Pages: 743-756
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This study aimed to analyze the Research-Based Learning (RBL) model implementation in the natural sciences in improving students’ analytical thinking skills. This study employed a mixed-method with a sequential exploratory design. Data collection began with qualitative data and then continued with quantitative data. Qualitative data collection techniques used observation and interviews, while quantitative data collection used essay tests. Sampling was carried out before the research implementation. The samples were students of the PGMI IAIN Surakarta Study Program, Indonesia, which consisted of 34 pre-service elementary school teachers. The research was conducted in the odd semester of the 2019/2020 academic year. Quantitative data analysis techniques used a quasi-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest. Based on the results of four observations on the research treatments, the mean was 3.714, in which the values of preliminary activities were 3.625, core activities were 3.714, and closing activities were 3.75, used a rating scale (1-4) with the very good category. The RBL model implementation in the natural sciences in the concept of energy can improve the analytical thinking skills of students, as evidenced by the N-gain value was 56.57%in the medium category. This increase was obtained from the mean of the pretest score (46.84) and the post-test score (76.9), by using a rating scale (0-100). The research findings provide ideas to lecturers and researchers in improving the student's analytical thinking skills through the application of innovative learning models in the topic of the concept of energy.

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Pages: 1051-1062
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visibility 2294
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Traditionally secondary studies on achievement on Programme for International Students Assessment (PISA) tests point to the significant impact of socioeconomic status and cultural backgrounds of families as well as the role of parental involvement, which in some cases has had a negative impact on achievement. For this article, a model of structural regression was tested, with structural modelling software. This model included the following factors: domestic and educational assets, parental support for students, parents’ perceptions about science, and science competencies among 214 high performing Mexican students on PISA tests in 2015. This resulted in a structural regression model with a goodness of fit, where science competencies were a positive significant variable, impacted by domestic and educational assets and parental involvement. An additional restricted model with four variables manifested as mediators, revealed that science competencies were predicted positively and significantly by domestic and educational assets, and by the manifest parental emotional support variable. Variables related to ownership of educational and cultural assets and resources, as well as parental support, particularly emotional parental support, have positive and significant impact on science competencies.

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Pages: 259-366
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This research aims to determine the relationship between school principals' cultural intelligence level and teachers' job satisfaction and intention to leave. The relational survey model was used in this study. The data of the research were collected from 800 teachers working in public middle schools in the central districts of Mersin Province in the 2020-2021 academic year. The data were collected through Personal Information Form, Cultural Intelligence Scale, Job Satisfaction Scale, and Intention to Leave Scale. The data were analyzed through correlation analysis, Structural Equation Modeling and Sobel Test. According to the results of the research, a strong, positive and significant relationship was found between the cultural intelligence level of school principals and the job satisfaction of teachers. A strong, negative, and significant relationship was determined between the cultural intelligence level of school principals and teachers' intention to leave. A strong, negative, and significant relationship was determined between teachers' job satisfaction and their intention to leave. It was found that the cultural intelligence level of school principals negatively predicted teachers' intention to leave. It was also determined that cultural intelligence levels of school principals negatively predicted teachers' intention to leave through job satisfaction, and teachers’ job satisfaction was a partial mediator of the relationship between the cultural intelligence levels of school principals and teachers' intention to leave. It was suggested that candidates with high cultural intelligence levels should be given priority in the appointment process of school principals.

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Pages: 493-509
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In all years of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) in primary mathematics education, Finland ranked in the lower places (44-61) in the dispersion index (the difference in scores between the 95th percentile and the 5th percentile), while Israel ranked in the upper places (1-3) in the same index. In the last PISA test, Israel ranked first (among the 78 participating countries) in grade differences, while Finland ranked 61st. The score for dispersion in Israel is 356 points, the highest among the countries and economic entities of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Based on these results, this comparative study between Israel and Finland was conducted to investigate the most important sociological factor in the Pisa test that influences most student achievements in mathematics in Finland and Israel, as well as the reasons for the differences in achievement between mathematics scores. The results of this study show that the differences in achievement in Israel are due to students' socio-economic status and the sector. In contrast, Finland's first sociological factor influencing student performance is socio-economic status. Nevertheless, it has a more negligible influence than in Israel. The second factor is student motivation.

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Pages: 1813-1824
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visibility 1244
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The problems in education in the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) vary from country to country. The differences between "upper class" and "lower class" countries in PISA assessment results have led to a research gap. The purpose of this study was to (a) test students' mathematical literacy skills on the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) test and compare the results using the sum of means across OECD countries; (b) examine the relationship between students' mathematical competence, precision, and self-perception of mathematical literacy skills in the PISA test; and (c) analyze the gaps that exist between the implementation of mathematics instruction in school and the mathematical literacy as measured on the PISA test. This study was designed as a mixed method with an explanatory sequential design. The data collection methods included test procedures, questionnaires, and interviews. The result of this study showed that the overall mean score obtained was below the OECD average. In general, the respondents achieved only level 2 mathematics proficiency. A significant relationship was found between mathematical competence, precision, and self-perception in mathematical skills. On the other hand, there was a gap, namely the difference at the implementation level, where mathematical literacy measured by PISA differed from the measurement of mathematical learning achievement by teachers in school. The results showed that teaching that emphasizes only problem-solving procedures affects low mathematical competence and is not useful enough for students to deal with the PISA mathematics test.

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Pages: 1479-1493
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visibility 2377
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This study aimed to compare and examine the effectiveness of interactive STEM learning and paper-and-pencil STEM learning in terms of mathematical literacy skills of elementary school students. This research is of a quasi-experimental type with a non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Sampling was carried out on the elementary school populations in Bengkulu and South Sumatra Provinces in two stages. In the first stage, schools in rural and urban areas were selected, and in the second, classes in each school were randomly selected. The selected sample consisted of fifth-grade students of the Public Elementary School of Terawas, Musi Rawas, with an experimental class A (n = 20) and an experimental class B (n = 19), as well as fifth-grade students of the Public Elementary School of Bengkulu City, with an experimental class A (n = 25) and an experimental class B (n = 22). Data collection was conducted using mathematical literacy skills tests in reference to the PISA and Minimum Competency Assessment (level 1–3). Data analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics; it employed an independent t-test for the comparative testing and an N-gain test for testing the effectiveness of STEM learning. The results showed that there were differences in math literacy skills between interactive STEM and paper-and-pencil STEM for students in urban schools, but not significantly different for students in rural schools. General STEM learning was effective in increasing the literacy of elementary school students, and interactive STEM in particular demonstrated the highest level of effectiveness in the urban school.

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Pages: 1569-1582
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visibility 2185
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Mathematics test items in International Large-Scale Assessments (ILSAs) such as the Programme of International Student Assessment (PISA) and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) are nested in contexts defined in their assessment framework (e.g., the Personal, Occupational, Societal, and Scientific contexts in PISA). This study followed the item-writing activities of four tertiary mathematics instructors in the Philippines as they constructed context-based mathematics items. They were tasked to write four items each, following a set of specifications for PISA content and context categories. The data consisted of transcripts from the focus-group discussion which was conducted days after the task. The transcripts were then analyzed using thematic analysis. The results of this study showed that the phenomenon of item-writing in the context of writing PISA-like mathematics items had two themes: the phases of item-writing and the dimensions of item-writing. Findings showed that the respondents struggled to find realistic contexts and that they engaged in a problem-solving task likened to solving a puzzle as they attempted to satisfy the content, context, and process categories in the table of specifications (TOS). This study contributes to filling in the research gap on item-writing activities, particularly those of mathematics teachers in the Philippines- a country whose recent mathematical performance in the PISA 2018, TIMSS 2019, and PISA 2022 was nothing short of dismal.

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Pages: 1441-1453
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