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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

' future of education' Search Results

A Systematic Review of Research on Problems and Challenges Faced by Principals During the COVID-19 Pandemic

covid-19 pandemic principals systematic review

Fatima K. Urakova , Alexandra V. Sudakova , Lyubov V. Kochneva , Elena E. Grishnova , Elena V. Asafova , Inna A. Garnaya-Ivanova


COVID-19 affected all education stakeholders and led to school closures at the beginning of the spread of the pandemic. During the pandemic, principals had to manage their schools and faced many problems during the closure. Although there are numerous studies on school principals' challenges and difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic, no systematic review study analyzes research about the principals' challenges and problems in the current literature. The purpose of this study is to provide a systematic review of the challenges and problems of principals during the COVID-19 pandemic from 2020 to 2022. The researcher analyzed 395 articles indexed in the ERIC and SCOPUS databases between 2020-2022. The results were analyzed using content analysis. The research results showed that 26 articles were suitable according to the analysis criteria. The results revealed that, in general, researchers focused on understanding principals' experiences regarding their challenges and problems during the pandemic. The results also showed that most articles were published in 2021, and most studies were conducted in The United States of America and Turkey. The results also show that qualitative studies are higher than quantitative. In addition, we found that the biggest challenges are inadequate equipment and lack of access to the internet and online resources during the pandemic. At the same time, the most common problems were identified as the adaptation of online teaching and inadequate infrastructure. The results from this research contribute to the body of the existing literature through a systematic review of the challenges and problems of principals during a pandemic and identifying the research gaps revealed from the analyzed studies.

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Pages: 87-98
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The Concept of Number Sequence in Graphical Representations for Secondary School Students

compulsory secondary education students graphical representation number sequences progression in learning

José Mariano Bajo-Benito , José María Gavilán-Izquierdo , Gloria Sánchez-Matamoros García


The aim of this work is to characterise the understanding that students in compulsory secondary education (14-16 years old) have of number sequences in graphical representations. The learning of numerical sequences is one of the first mathematical concepts to be developed in an infinite context. This study adopts the focus of semiotic representations as its theoretical framework. The participants consisted of 105 students and a qualitative methodology was used. The data collection instruments were a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. The results allowed for three student profiles regarding number sequences in graphical representations to be identified. These profiles may facilitate a possible progression in the learning of number sequences for students in compulsory secondary education to be considered. Therefore, the results presented in this study can provide information about the learning hypotheses of mathematical tasks related to numerical sequences and can help in the design of such tasks.

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Pages: 159-172
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Professional Certifications of a University Master’s Degree and Employability: Impact on Students’ Perception

educational innovation postgraduate degree professional certification

David Peón , Xosé-Manuel Martínez-Filgueira , José-Luís Rodríguez-Gómez


Professional certifications represent for many university degrees, especially postgraduate degrees, a recognition of their academic quality and the future employability of the graduates. This article contributes to the analysis of the impact of external accreditations on students’ perception of employability and satisfaction. We offer a case of study, a Master of Science (MSc) in Banking and Finance that became the first academic degree in Spain to obtain the two professional accreditations required for employees in financial institutions since 2019. A survey to a sample of students who graduated two academic years before and two years after the MSc was recognised is used to measure students' motivations for enrolment and satisfaction. The results provide significant evidence that professional accreditation became a key motivation for students to enrol the master, is associated with a more diverse geographical origin of students, and students highlight the higher quality and better coordination of the teaching staff.

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Pages: 173-188
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Research is considered a vital component for propelling progress and development. This study aims to investigate the effects of problem-based learning (PBL) in the teaching of research methodology and statistics courses on improving research writing skills and enhancing course achievement. It also projects an action plan model for the effective implementation of PBL in the instructional aspect. The study utilised a positivist research paradigm based on action research design using the technique of content analysis. Employing a universal rubric, 45 proposals of graduate programme students enrolled in the College of Education at Minia University in North Upper Egypt were subjected to content analysis to rate students’ skills in writing research proposals before and after the delivery of the course. The students volunteered to participate in the study after they were given a synopsis of the aims and procedures. Students’ achievement was assessed through a test consisting of 90 items, developed primarily for this purpose at the end of the second semester in the academic year 2018–2019. The post-content analysis revealed a significant improvement in scientific research skills, with a considerable difference between the pre- and post-achievement scores. It is imperative to consider the feasibility of using the PBL approach in teaching research methodology and statistics courses for graduate students. The study recommended the adoption of PBL in undergraduate programmes as well as in high school education.

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Pages: 189-200
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The most crucial factor influencing inclusive education is the preparation of educators for their professional activities. The aim of this study was to create and present a model for developing the professional competences of pre-service social educators in the context of inclusive education. The model reflected its main components: aim, objectives, methodological approaches, principles, technologies, study conditions, forms of training and stages of implementation (preliminary, main and final). The model introduced for professional activity in the conditions of inclusive education in the university's study process has the following characteristics: expediency, integrity, internal unity and consistency. The distinctiveness of the presented model lies in the possible application of taught subjects, such as the Inclusion in the Educational Environment module developed by the authors, educational internships and research work of students (RWS). Furthermore, the model is functional, based on a systemic and student-centred approaches and the principle of continuity of learning, i.e., lifelong learning (LLL).

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Pages: 201-211
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Developing Mobile Learning Application Containing Basic Pedagogy Material as the Supplement in Improving College Students’ Learning Outcome in Teacher Training Institutes of Indonesia

learning outcomes material pedagogy mobile learning

Farid Ahmadi , Wahyu Hardyanto , Suwito Eko Pramono , I Made Sugiarta , Hermawan Syahputra , Andi Kristanto , Mario Tulenan Parinsi , Iwan Sugihartono


The vast technological development affects every layer of people’s daily life, including Education. However, Indonesia’s tertiary education status quo has not exhibited any rapid development in information technology-based learning media. This study aimed to develop and identify the effectiveness of Basic Pedagogy Material online learning material in improving students’ outcomes in pedagogy. It applied R & D design with a waterfall development model on second-semester students in Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia, during the educational year of 2020/2021. The data collected through interviews, observation, questionnaire, scale, and test were analyzed using independent t-test and n-gain. The findings indicated a significant difference between the average score before and after students used the Basic Pedagogy Materials mobile learning application during the learning process. Therefore, the mobile learning application developed effectively improves students' learning outcomes in pedagogy subjects effectively.

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Pages: 213-227
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The Use of Collaborative Strategies to Improve Students' Writing Ability and Self-Efficacy: A Mixed Method Study

collaborative strategy writing ability writing self-efficacy

Helaluddin , Nurhayati , Nyayu Lulu Nadya , Gunawan Ismail , Muhammad Guntur , Arinah Fransori


This study explored the effects of collaborative writing strategies on students' writing skills and self-efficacy. The study used a mixed methods design combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. Several instruments were used in data collection, including questionnaires, writing tests, writing assessment rubrics, and semi-structured interviews. The participants were randomly divided into two groups: the experimental group and the control group, which comprised 62 students. Data from the questionnaire and writing tests were analyzed using one-way MANOVA and MANCOVA tests, while interview data were explored using thematic analysis techniques. Participants were randomly divided into two groups: the experimental group and the control group. The results showed that collaborative writing strategies could improve students' writing skills and self-efficacy. Moreover, the qualitative results showed that most students responded positively to using these strategies to improve their writing skills and self-efficacy.

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Pages: 265-280
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The Use of Technology-Based Model of Critical Thinking Development to Reshape Students’ Self-Study Process

critical thinking higher education self-study student performance technologies

Olena Kravchenko , Viktoriia Dokuchaieva , Tatyana Valentieva , Liudmyla Sbitnieva , Natalia Chornobryva


The aim of this study was to investigate how the use of the technologized model of critical thinking development affected the self-study process of students of higher educational institutions (HEIs). The research methodology was based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative empirical methods, as well as a descriptive approach to data analysis. The study involved a quasi-experimental model supposed to influence the variables under study. The technology-based educational model of autonomous learning with a focus on the critical thinking development in students of HEIs consisted of the following processes, such as: communication, analysis, synthesis, problem-solving, evaluation, and reflection. The Watson Glaser Test was adapted to monitor the level of students’ critical thinking. The average score on the final control of students’ knowledge was used to monitor the experimental group students’ performance. By monitoring the development of students’ critical thinking and the dynamics of their performance in the course of training, where 90% of the time students studied independently, it was established that the use of a technological educational model had a positive effect on the critical thinking of students of HEIs, and as a result, the effectiveness of their self-study.

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Pages: 281-296
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visibility 1314
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Crises like COVID-19 affect organizations as well as employees' well-being. Leaders, in this sense, have a critical role to play in reducing the challenges and promoting a healthy workplace. With employees feeling overwhelmed and anxious to cope, leaders should provide the appropriate support and guidance. This quantitative study examined the relationship between different leadership styles, which are participative, directive, supportive, and Laissez-Faire, and teachers' well-being in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The study adds insights into the UAE's public school context, where 101 teachers were surveyed following a snowball sampling technique. Findings revealed that Laissez-Faire and directive styles were the most dominant among the four leadership styles examined. In terms of the relationships between leadership styles and well-being, correlation and regression analyses were done through SPSS, and findings from the Generalized Linear Model analysis revealed that although the four styles correlated positively with well-being, the participative leadership style had the most decisive influence. The results showed that none of the demographics had any significant influence on well-being, and no differences in well-being in terms of demographics were reported.

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Pages: 297-315
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This study examined students’ calibration of performance in a sport skill in relation to their performance in an executive functions test. A total of 265 students in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades participated in the study. The students took an executive functions test, and then they were tested on a basketball shooting test, after having provided a personal estimation regarding their performance. Based on students’ actual and estimated performance, the bias index was calculated to classify students into three categories; accurates, underestimators and overestimators, while the accuracy index (absolute values of the bias index) was also calculated. The results showed a positive but small magnitude relation between students’ scores in the executive functions test and their performance calibration, while accurate scored higher on the executive function test compared to over estimators and under estimators. These results are similar to those of previous studies with elementary school children that employed cognitive tasks and were discussed with reference to theoretical and empirical implications.

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Pages: 359-369
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The Possibility of Applying the Social-Emotional Learning Model in Teaching of Primary Teachers: A Vietnamese Case Study

primary teachers sel sel-based teaching sel’s perception social-emotional learning

Van-Son Huynh , Thien-Vu Giang , Vinh-Khuong Nguyen , Chung-Hai Nguyen , Hong-Quan Bui


Although the social-emotional learning model (SEL) has been researched in Vietnam for many years, studies on teachers' SEL-based teaching competence have not been the focus. This study explored the possibility of applying the SEL model to the teaching of Vietnamese primary school teachers. Our case study of 50 teachers who participated in previous SEL projects highlights three factors that prevented successful SEL application in Vietnamese schools, including (a) confusion about the SEL-based teaching perspective, (b) traditional teaching methods, (c) limited training in social-emotional skills, and mental health policies for primary school teachers. The findings have broadened and deepened our understanding of the possibility of successful application of the SEL model in the classroom, which would depend on SEL-based professional supervision, consistency in SEL-based teaching methods and SEL practice guides/manuals, and promotion or adaptation of policies for SEL-based practice and application in schools.

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Pages: 387-395
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Under the influence of neo-liberalism and marketization, education is increasingly becoming more content-focused than character one. Ignoring the fact that money, science, and technology may take a person to the moon, these are ethical and moral values that take him/her to the even loftier heights of humanity. Recent COVID-19-driven focus on information and communication technology (ICT) and digital learning have further added to these woes by focusing more on human-machine interaction than human-human ones. Traditional models for inculcating these values through education which heavily rely on the physical presence of teachers do not seem to work in these circumstances. This demands a model for inculcating these values in learning management systems/ e-learning platforms. This study contributes in this regard by first identifying key players and factors, and then proposing a model for it. Using the Delphi model, it gathers opinions from 59 experts in two rounds. Academic institutions, society and online community members, teachers, and e-contents were identified as key factors and players. It suggests a holistic approach-based model through which all of them play their role and collaborate through an e-learning platform. That platform can be used to disseminate information, create awareness, monitor, and report the e-learners. It uses pull and push strategies to help the e-learners to develop those values.

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Pages: 455-465
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Ursula von der Leyen identifies diverse classrooms have different knowledges and ‘epistemologies’. A typology of epistemologies for democratising knowledge ‘A Blueprint for Character Development for Evolution’ (ABCDE) is offered to mainstream policy benefits for all by Higher Education as hubs i) credentialing educational leaders by doctoral-study and ii) propelling networks of Professional Educators and Administrators Committees for Empowerment (PEACE) across professions credentialed by Higher Education and chaired by educational leaders. PEACE builds robust evidence bases to inform redesigning curriculums and culturally responsive pedagogies as policy benefits that empower students to use ABCDE with Assessment for Personal and Social Learning (APSL) to problem solve across the quadruple-helix. Education Outcomes include students’ self-management of personal and social understanding and wellbeing for resilience within sustainable circular, entrepreneurial, green and digitised economies with products and means of production regulated by professions credentialed by Higher Education. Impacts include communities developing responsible historical social consciousness to reinvigorate democratic governance, accountability, transparency, effectiveness and trustworthiness of rule-of-law based institutions and policies to expand active and inclusive citizenship empowered by safeguarding human rights. Further research, building on the powerful European Commission funded platform ‘DocEnhance’ is recommended to inform effective and efficient investment into high quality education and training.

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Pages: 623-637
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This experimental research aimed to examine the effectiveness of the transformative learning program (TLP) on the active global citizenship (AGC) of 60 undergraduate students who had joined student affairs engaging in community development, working with a volunteer spirit, and community service. The participants were randomly assigned into experimental and control groups (n=30 for each group). The data were collected using the AGC Scale with a reliability of .968. Assessments were conducted three times: before, after the experiment, and follow-up. The TLP consisted of five steps: (a) Review social issues and crises contributing to disorientation; (b) Reflect critically to reach solutions; (c) Reformulate the meaning of perspectives to plan a course of action based on new perspectives; (e) Accept and improve new practices; and (f) Evaluate. MANOVA was performed to analyze the data. The results showed that students in the experimental group had a higher mean score of AGC than the control group, both after treatment and at follow-up (p < .05); the mean scores of the AGC of the experimental group after treatment and at follow-up were higher than the mean score before treatment (p < .05); and the mean score of AGC of the experimental group at follow up was higher than the score after treatment with no statistical significance. In conclusion, educational personnel could use this TLP to promote AGC for university students.

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Pages: 749-758
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Pedagogy-Andragogy Continuum with Cybergogy to Promote Self-Regulated Learning: A Structural Equation Model Approach

andragogy continuum cybergogy pedagogy self-regulated learning

Amiruddin , Fiskia Rera Baharuddin , Takbir , Wirawan Setialaksana , Muhammad Hasim


The increasing sophisticated learning technology and COVID-19 have pushed the teaching-learning process to use pedagogy, andragogy, and cybergogy approaches. The current research aims to investigate the relationship between the practices of these three approaches and student self-regulated learning. The structural equation model used indicates that pedagogy practices may affect the andragogy practices in teaching-learning process. Pedagogy approach shows no direct effect but has an indirect effect on students’ self-regulated learning. The indirect effect comes from the pedagogy-andragogy continuum and the impact of pedagogy instruction on cybergogy practices. Andragogy practices also gives a significant impact on students’ self-regulated learning and how the students use learning technology in cybergogy approach. Andragogy and the continuum of cybergogy promote students’ self-regulated learning. These results indicate that pedagogy-andragogy continuum can have an interplay with cybergogy. The interplay of these approaches may encourage students’ self-regulated learning. The current research can be a baseline to construct a new approach in teaching-learning process and its instructions in the classroom.

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Pages: 811-824
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Evaluation of Preservice Teachers’ Performance in School through Video Observations during the COVID-19 Pandemic

observation preservice teachers rubrics student evaluation teacher education

Maria Carme Peguera-Carré , Jordi Coiduras , David Aguilar , Àngel Blanch


Lesson study, observation and analysis are relevant to professional development and initial teacher education. As a strategy, it helps to bridge the gap between theory and practice. The health conditions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic forced the restriction of the tutors’ direct observation of preservice teachers at school. This study analyses preservice teachers’ performance through video observations to evaluate their professional activity at school during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Fifteen Items Revised Tsang-Hester Observation Rubric (FIR-THOR) was administered to a sample of 166 preservice teachers in their internship schools and their video recordings each one of 45-minute teaching lessons were analysed. The results show that the FIR-THOR appears as a robust instrument, which allows us to conclude that the instrument works well in the three five-items dimensions that compose it - Instruction, Management, and Assessment - proving to be reliable for assessing teacher intervention in the classroom. Among the three dimensions, the preservice teachers’ performance stands out in the Management of the classroom, as well as in the classroom Instruction. This contribution is relevant considering the potential of lesson analysis in learning and professional development during initial teacher training.

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Pages: 851-863
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The purpose of the current study was to analyze social media content related to physical education. In the context of summative qualitative content analysis, I took advantage of big data analytics to access the data. Machine learning of this big data mapped the large content volume from four major social media platforms. The data was collected by extracting social media posts from January to December 2020. The big data analysis process sorted, categorized, and classified the enormous data into several preeminent topics regarding PE. These computerized analyzes were used to identify themes that were further analyzed using qualitative methods. The results revealed two overarching themes. These themes were (a) PE representation as a school subject and (b) the images of PE teachers on social media. The second theme consisted of three subthemes: masculine traits of PE teachers and negative and positive sentiments toward these teachers. I concluded that key aspects of PE discourse in virtually mediated reality share topical characteristics with what people have previously socially constructed. However, the themes offer a new addition to the literature in that the analysis offers a new perspective on ongoing debates about the social construction of PE through enormous large data sets.

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Pages: 891-900
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Psychometric Analysis of the Social Support Scale Among Indonesian Academicians

factor analysis reliability social support validity

Sri Lestari , Gita Aulia Nurani , Wisnu Sri Hertinjung


The current study investigates the psychometric characteristics of the Social Support Scale as an instrument for assessing social support for academics. The original version of the scale was adapted and translated into Indonesian and was administered to academics in Indonesia through a google form. The data were then analyzed to investigate the reliability, construct validity, and structure of factors of the instrument. Confirmatory factor analysis confirms that the three-dimension model was the best model regarding the internal structure. Our findings also advocate the Social Support Scale as a valid and reliable tool for assessing social support in Indonesian academics. Thus, it can be employed to examine lecturers’ social support level which helps the universities to build a supportive working climate, as well as improve the relationship quality between employees.

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Pages: 977-989
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School quality has become a guiding concept that increasingly shapes educational planning and school development. For many decades, it has been a topic of significant interest, resulting in a wide-ranging and diverse research field. However, it is far from clear how school quality should be defined, what it should encompass, and how it influences student performance. The goal of this scoping review is to examine the existing evidence of the relationship between characteristics of school quality and student cognitive output/ student performance in secondary school. More precisely, it aims to (a) identify, (b) categorize, and (c) examine and evaluate the effects of characteristics of school quality affecting student performance and teaching characteristics in secondary school. In order to achieve these aims, we selected, clustered, and analyses 37 articles. The process was conducted by the research group through regular meetings, discussions, and consensus decisions. Our findings contribute to the comprehensive body of literature by identifying the following dimensions: aims and strategies for quality development, leadership and management, professionalism, school culture, and resources. Furthermore, the review revealed that although the field of school quality has been extensively researched, it lacks consistency, with many different operationalisations and definitions, making comparisons and syntheses challenging or even impossible. We believe that clear operationalisations and definitions are crucial to achieving comparability. Additionally, to achieve a standardized understanding of school quality and establish the categories internationally, uniform, theoretically sound, and content-related definitions of each category are necessary.

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Pages: 991-1013
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Relationship Between Knowledge and Affection for the Environment: A Meta-Analysis

affection conservation environment knowledge meta-analysis

Trias Hernanda , Absori , Aidul Fitriciada Azhari , Kelik Wardiono , Janu Arlinwibowo


Environmental damage must be taken seriously. Strengthening human attitudes to preserve the environment is the keyword, and strengthening the aspects of knowledge about the environment must be pursued. However, a scientific basis is needed that shows that it is true that strengthening the aspects of knowledge about the environment can improve a person’s attitude toward preserving the environment. The purpose of this research is to find the relationship between a person’s knowledge and their behavior in preserving the environment. By defining the general picture of the relationship between knowledge and attitudes, future accurate educational policies can be taken in the context of environmental protection. This research is a meta-analysis of correlation types. The inclusion criteria for selecting the data are as follows: studies published from 1999 to 2022 in English, analyzed by correlation analysis, have descriptions of many samples and correlation indices, and published in Google Scholar-indexed journals. Based on this inclusion criteria, 23 studies were selected containing 36 relevant sets of research data. The results showed that there was a correlation between knowledge and a person’s attitude toward the environment (.37). Assuming a 95% confidence level, the real score ranges from 0.26 to 0.48. The publication bias test using the trim and fill method showed that none of the data contained biased publications, so the meta-analysis results could be declared valid. Now, there is an urgency to expand environmental education to encourage the development of good attitudes by the community toward the environment.

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Pages: 1071-1084
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