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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

' inclusive education.' Search Results

Classroom Climate and Student–Teacher Relationship: A Study Among Students and Teachers in Slovenia

classroom climate primary school students teachers

Sonja Čotar Konrad , Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec , Tina Štemberger


The primary objective of this study was to determine how students and teachers in primary schools view the classroom climate and its dimensions: (a) peer relationships and (b) student-teacher relationships. Additionally, the study aimed to explore the role of students' age (11-12 years old - 7th grade students vs. 14-15 years old - 9th grade primary school students) and gender on their perceptions of the school climate. Classroom climate was measured with the "Classroom Climate Questionnaire", which was completed by a total of 1,531 students (792; 51.6% female) and 348 teachers (296; 84.6% female). The findings of the study indicated that both students and teachers generally perceived the classroom climate as being relatively neutral to positive. However, teachers tended to report more positive classroom relationships compared to students. Furthermore, the study found no significant gender-based differences in how students perceived the classroom climate, peer relationships, and student-teacher interactions. However, differences were identified based on the age or grade level of the students. The results were discussed in the context of the students’ psychological development characteristics and the aspects of socio-emotional learning within school environments, also considering educational policies for achieving greater school quality.


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Pages: 1411-1420
cloud_download 341
visibility 1297
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Factors Influencing Special Education Career Choices: Interplay of Personality Traits and Identity Statuses

career choice identity personality traits special education teachers

Athena Daniilidou , Marianna Kyriakidou-Rasidaki , Katerina Nerantzaki


Recent research has identified factors influencing the choice of a special education career; however, it has not thoroughly examined their connection with personality traits and identity status. Thus, the present study was designed to explore how different personality traits and identity statuses correlate with the motives and perceptions associated with the choice to teach in special education. The study involved 209 pre-service special education teachers. The NEO-Five Factor Inventory was used to measure the Big 5 personality traits. The Ego Identity Process Questionnaire assessed identity commitment and exploration. The Factors Influencing Teaching Choice Scale was used to evaluate motivations and perceptions about teaching. Regarding the factors that influenced the decision to pursue a career in special education, intrinsic value, shaping children’s future, social equity, making social contributions, working with children, task demands, and job satisfaction were highly rated. Additionally, extraversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness, and identity statuses were identified as positive predictors for certain factors influencing the choice of a teaching career in special education. Finally, the study identified two distinct groups of students: "Identity Achievers" characterized by high positive personality traits, and identity commitment, and "Identity Explorers" characterized by lower positive personality traits and higher identity exploration. Differences were observed between the groups in their motives and perceptions concerning teaching in special education. In conclusion, this study highlights the relationships between personality, identity status, and career decision factors, offering insights into the factors that influence this critical career decision among future special educators. Directions for future research are discussed.

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Pages: 1587-1605
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visibility 2279
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In the realm of education, particularly in the domain of second language acquisition, understanding the intricate interplay between emotions and learning processes is a challenging endeavor. This research aims to explore the importance of studying anxiety-related emotions in the learning and teaching of English as a foreign language by conducting a study based on a quantitative methodology. To that end, a 33-item instrument was given to a total of 231 (n=231) university students who learn and use English in class in diverse degrees in the social and health sciences. The results obtained shed light on the negative emotions that students report during their English classes, such as fear, shame, nervousness, or feelings of judgement. However, not all the emotions are negative, since students also feel relaxed and interested. This study offers a new perspective on this topic since it compares different disciplines, underscoring the need to detect trends in different areas and therefore tailor pedagogy to different student profiles and degree programs.

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Pages: 1627-1645
cloud_download 262
visibility 740
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This study investigates the social attitudes and acceptance levels towards Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and other sexualities and gender identities, collectively referred to as LGBTQIA+, among students within the College of Education at Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology. Employing a descriptive correlational research design, the research utilized surveys and interviews to collect data from a diverse student body, analyzing their perspectives on LGBTQIA+ inclusion and the impact of educational environments on their acceptance levels. Results indicate a generally positive attitude and high acceptance of LGBTQIA+ students, with significant relationships identified between students' acceptance levels and their gender and year level, while no significant correlations were found with their course and religion. The study emphasizes the critical role of educational settings in fostering an inclusive atmosphere that supports LGBTQIA+ students, highlighting the importance of promoting understanding and acceptance to enhance the educational experience for all students. By shedding light on current attitudes and acceptance levels, this research contributes valuable insights into the efforts required to create more inclusive educational environments for LGBTQIA+ individuals. The findings are of particular relevance to educators, policymakers, and educational researchers interested in advancing LGBTQIA+ inclusion within educational settings.

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Pages: 1711-1726
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visibility 4565
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The field of education greatly benefits from inclusive education, which is praised for acknowledging and valuing student diversity and individual needs. Kosovo, as a newly independent country, went through major reforms, particularly in the realm of education, which is marked, among others, by initiatives that anticipate fostering and promoting inclusive education. Initiatives and programs throughout the country were designed and initiated to promote and advocate for inclusivity in the education system. To foster inclusivity, assistants for students with special educational needs were introduced to enable students with special needs to be part of regular education. Thus, in this study, the experiences of assistants for students with special educational needs in Kosovo are explored. This study employed semi-structured interviews to collect data and utilized thematic analysis to identify key themes and topics. The participants in the study included nine assistants for students with special education needs, reflecting diverse perspectives and experiences in the field of inclusive education. The following themes and topics were identified as the main findings of this study: (a) joy, excitement, and pride with the work; (b) individualized education plan (IPE); (c) lack of resources and guidelines; (d) (lack of) cooperation with parents and families; (e) united in unity: the power of collegial support; and f) promoting and advocating for inclusive education.

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Pages: 1761-1773
cloud_download 1784
visibility 3018
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In an era where diversity and digitalization significantly influence higher education, understanding and adapting to various learning preferences is crucial. This study comprehensively analyzes 394 scholarly articles from 1984 to 2022 using bibliometric methods, providing a dynamic overview of the research patterns in learning styles within higher education. We identified four stages of development during this period: 1984–1995 (Low-interest), 1996–2005 (Early development), 2006–2018 (Development), and 2019–2022 (Intensification). Our analysis highlights that the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia were the top three leading publishers of research on learning styles in higher education. The results reveal three main topics of publications: educational technology, learning environments, and subject behaviors. This research not only identifies emerging research topics but also underscores the importance of adapting instructional strategies to diverse learning styles to enhance educational outcomes in higher education.

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Pages: 1841-1857
cloud_download 195
visibility 724
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In this article, we present a study that examined the effects of visual art activities on the realization of aspects of empowerment in a blind ninth-grade elementary school female student with minimal residual vision. We focused on three key aspects: well-being, positive self-image, and empowerment of strengths and weaknesses. In addition to the student, her mother and a personal assistant who accompanies the student during each activity in art class participated in the study. Based on initial interviews with all three participants, we developed ten visual art activities that address at least one of the listed aspects in different ways. Based on interviews, rating scales, observations and analysis of the visual art solutions, we found that visual art activities have a significant impact on improving a person's well-being, helping to strengthen a good self-image, reinforcing strong areas and developing weaker ones. In the future, we could broaden the range of psychological aspects that could be influenced by artistic activities, and we would also obtain more interesting and reliable results if more people with different special needs were included in the research.

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Pages: 41-54
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visibility 1180
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Using Augmented Reality to Teach Digital Literacy Course to Primary School Children with Special Educational Needs

augmented reality digital literacy digital content inclusive education primary school

Lyazzat Rakhimzhanova , Darazha Issabayeva , Jaroslav Kultan , Nazira Baimuldina , Zhanylsyn Issabayeva , Zhamila Aituganova


Augmented reality technologies can create unique interactive learning environments for students with special educational needs that enrich the learning process and provide immediate feedback. This research analyzed the use of augmented reality in teaching digital literacy courses for primary school children with special educational needs. The study involved a quasi-experiment with participants using a mobile augmented reality application to assess its impacts on learning outcomes. The results showed the positive effects of augmented reality on student achievement. The results highlight the potential of augmented reality in inclusive education. In addition, the findings emphasize the importance of further research and development in this area and an increased use of augmented reality to improve the educational experience of students with disabilities. In light of the results, we conclude with recommendations for integrating augmented reality into educational programs and improving educational practices.

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Pages: 55-71
cloud_download 363
visibility 1547
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The rapid advancement of science, engineering, and technology, driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, has heightened the demand for a highly skilled workforce in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Integrated STEM education has emerged as a key driver of educational innovation in Vietnam, spanning both general and higher education. The competence of university lecturers in delivering integrated STEM education, a newly recognized pedagogical and professional skill set, is crucial to the success of STEM education at the tertiary level. As with general pedagogical competence, the development of an integrated STEM education competence framework is essential for enhancing this capability among university lecturers. However, there remains a lack of theoretical foundation and best practices tailored to the Vietnamese higher education context. This study aims to develop a framework for integrated STEM education competence specifically for university lecturers through document analysis and survey research. Multivariate statistical techniques, including exploratory factor analysis (EFA), Cronbach’s alpha, and Pearson correlation, were applied to analyze data collected from 205 lecturers across nine public universities in Vietnam. The integrated STEM education competence framework for Vietnamese university lecturers consists of three component competencies and 23 items: designing and implementing integrated STEM education (15 items), assessing integrated STEM learning outcomes (4 items), and demonstrating positive attitudes toward integrated STEM education (4 items). The framework was found to be both reliable and valid, with strong positive correlations among the three component competencies. This study also outlines limitations and provides recommendations for future research.

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Pages: 135-150
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visibility 607
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This article deals with the European Union's educational policies during the Covid-19 pandemic when several cracks and vulnerabilities in its Member States' education systems were exposed across the European Union (EU). In this sense, and with this exceptional period as a reference, we propose to research whether the Community's educational policies reflect a reinforcement of the commitment to education as one of the pillars of European integration. Other studies have not yet addressed the possible impact of this exceptional period on the design of European educational policies as integration mechanisms. Namely, whether there would be a pause in the integration process or, on the contrary, its strengthening and, if so, in what respect. For this research objective, several documents from the most important European institutions were examined. Its results allow us to verify the intention to renew education as an essential element of European integration and as an instrument to promote the EU as an economically stable and socially integrated community.

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Pages: 441-451
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visibility 160
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