' leadership education' Search Results
The Effect of Character Teaching on College Student Social-Emotional Character Development: A Case in Indonesia
character teaching college student socioemotional development...
This study aimed to investigate the effect of character teaching on college student socioemotional character development. The study was conducted at IAIN Pontianak, Universitas Tanjungpura and Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak. The sample was 1284 students, 388 male and 896 female. Partial least square-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) data analysis using SmartPLS was used. The findings reveal that character teaching has a significant and positive effect on college student honesty, prosociality, respect at home, respect at school, self-control, and self-development. This study suggests that colleges/universities ensure that lecturers supervise student assignments, seriousness and discipline, check students’ attendance strictly, give course assessment samples, and grade their assignments on schedule. At the end of the conclusion, implications and suggestions are given.
Drivers of Primary School Students’ Achievement in Indonesia During Pandemic
community participation implementation of online learning political context principals’ support student achievement...
Political context, community participation, principals’ supports, and the implementation of e-learning, refer to the orientation of efforts in overcoming the pandemic pressures, where these factors must ensure that all school programs can run effectively and efficiently. This study aims to identify the relationship between political context, community participation, principals’ supports, implementation of online learning and student achievement. Respondent in this research was the principal and elementary school teacher in East Java, Indonesia, 300 teachers and principals were respondents in this research. The Structural Equation Modeling method with the help of AMOS 24.0, is used in this study, while, mediation hypothesis testing is done with the Sobel Test. Based on the results of political context can significantly improve the achievement of students through community participation, principals’ support and implementation of e-learning. Research contributions show that with an ideal political context, high community participation, adequate principal support, and implementation of quality e-learning can improve the achievement of students even in crisis conditions in this case under the pandemic pressures.
Embracing Multicultural Education: How Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Multicultural Pedagogies Differ From Their Non-Mathematics Peers
ethnomathematics education multicultural awareness preservice teachers secondary subject subcultures...
Secondary subject subcultures, differing in status, perceived sequentiality, and scope, have been shown to form within departmental content areas. This study aimed to determine if preservice secondary teachers also exhibited attributes of secondary subcultures. Through the Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey and the Culturally Responsive Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale, this study revealed that subcultures also occur within preservice teachers, specifically preservice mathematics teachers and preservice English teachers, with regards to multicultural awareness and attitudes. The results from this study support the need for purposeful and consistent focus on multicultural education and Ethnomathematics education in mathematics education programs. In doing so, secondary mathematics students can obtain a robust background in multicultural education before entering the PK-12 classroom. When they do enter the PK-12 classroom, they will be able to empower all students that they teach.
Do Digital Competency and Self-Leadership Influence Teachers' Innovative Work Behavior?
digital competency innovative work behavior self-leadership...
This study investigates whether digital competency and self-leadership influence teachers’ innovative work behavior in Islamic International schools. The participants in the quantitative research were 108 teachers from the Islamic International School, who were selected using saturated sampling. The researchers used a 41 items questionnaire to collect data on the study variables. Quantitative data were analyzed by applying structural equation modeling partial least squares (SEM-PLS) using Smart-PLS 3. According to the study's findings, digital competency has a positive and significant impact on innovative work behavior, while self-leadership also has a positive impact that significantly influences innovative work behavior. Overall, the impact of digital competency and self-leadership simultaneously was 0.584 or 58.4%, while the other variables not tested in this study influenced the other 41.6%. This research emphasizes schools to improve building their teachers’ innovative work behavior and for teachers themselves through training, self-development programs, building knowledge sharing among teachers and school leaders, and open ideas about developing pedagogical and sustainable programs for schools.
Enhancing Student Performance during Online Learning with Psychosocial Processes and Information and Communication Technology Competence: The Role of Psychological Engagement as Mediator
ict competence online learning psychological engagement psychosocial processes student performance...
Some Indonesians may still regard online education as a novel, although they frequently engage in online-related activities without even realizing it. The quality of learning, satisfaction, achievement, retention, and, more broadly, personal growth are all favorably correlated with student engagement. For students to provide their best effort and succeed in online learning, it is crucial to have good psychological engagement in them. This engagement will help their psychological processes and dispositions to improve. The quantitative research methodology was utilized in this research. In addition, 800 high school students from South Sumatra participated in this research as a sample. The structural equation model is analyzed (SEM). The findings indicated that 85.9 percent of the time, a psychological commitment is influenced by information communications technology (ICT) proficiency, psychosocial processes, and student performance. Thus, the value of .713 indicates that psychological involvement, psychosocial processes, and ICT proficiency all impact student performance. This study demonstrates that every hypothesis has a favorable and significant impact. These circumstances suggest that students who are proficient in ICT and psychosocial processes will be able to enhance their performance through challenging and dry learning. The interaction between students while learning strengthens this condition.
Generational Differences in Teachers’ Professional Competencies
cognitive ability didactic competencies interaction style motivation for the teaching profession teaching style...
The study focused on generational differences in teachers’ professional competencies (interaction styles, teaching styles and didactic competencies) and motivation for the teaching profession. A total of 462 teachers (20 students with at least a bachelor’s degree; age: M = 43.36, SD = 11.05) participated in the study. The Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (Slovak version), the Slovak Teaching Style Questionnaire, the Didactic Competencies Questionnaire and the Scale of Motivations for Choosing Teaching as a Career were administered. Teachers were divided into generations (Baby Boomers, born up through 1964; Generation X, born 1965 – 1980; Generation Y, born 1981 – 1996; Generation Z, born 1997 and later). The main finding of the study was that there were significant generational differences in professional competencies but no differences in motivation for the teaching profession. On the other hand, there were strong preferences for the leadership, helpful, student-teacher responsibility, understanding interaction styles and the supporting teaching style. Baby Boomers were also knowledge-oriented, Generations X and Y also goal-oriented, and Generation Z also preferred a managerial style. From didactic competencies, Baby Boomers were best in self-reflection and the realization of teaching; Generations X and Y were best in self-reflection and maintaining a positive classroom climate, and Generation Z was good in the realization of teaching.
Relationship between Mentors’ Roles and Mentees’ Leadership Development: The Mediating Role of Mentees’ Self-efficacy
mentees’ leadership development mentees’ self-efficacy mentors’ roles...
Limited latest studies circulated in the 21st century of world university ranking reveal that well-designed mentoring programs will not increase mentees’ leadership development if mentors have not implemented effective roles in the mentoring programs. Although many studies have been done, the mediating effect of mentors’ roles is little known in the tertiary education mentoring research literature. This study is done to examine the correlation between mentors’ roles, mentees’ self-efficacy, and mentees’ leadership development. This study employed a cross-sectional research design. A purposive sampling plan was employed to collect 761 survey questionnaires from undergraduate students at non-research-based public universities in Sarawak. The survey data were analyzed by the SmartPLS package to determine the validity and reliability of the study instrument, and thus test hypotheses for the direct effects model and mediating model. The outcomes of the SmartPLS path model analysis showed that the majority of participants felt that the levels of information exchange, help, self-efficacy, and leadership development are high. This situation explains that the ability of mentors to appropriately implement information exchange and help in mentoring programs has strongly evoked mentees’ self-efficacy. Consequently, this self-efficacy can lead to higher leadership development. This finding can help practitioners to understand the diverse paradigms of mentees’ self-efficacy concept and plan the integration of academic and social-based approaches in formulating mentoring programs to prepare successful graduates in a time of rapid global change.
Teachers´ Reflective Experience Through Classroom Video Observation
practical knowledge professional development reflective practice teacher video observation...
During the pandemic, online classes were held around the world, which facilitated access to observe teaching practices. This is a relevant experience, since there are few reflective instances in schools, even though public education policy emphasizes reflective practice in the professional development of teachers. In this regard, the observation of videos shows high reflective potential, helping to problematize and analyze teaching. This research sought to describe the functions and experience of classroom video observation with a reflective approach of teachers from four educational schools in the city of Concepción, Chile. The approach was interpretative, an instrumental case study design, with nine participants, selected by a maximum variation sampling and safeguarding ethical criteria. In-depth interviews were conducted and subjected to content analysis. The results showed three functions of the video observation, one instrumental and two others of reflective approach. In addition, the video observation was recognized as a reflective experience that facilitates the reconsidering of teaching performance, renewing practices, and developing reflective habits; also, facilitating and hindering elements were found in the video observation. It is concluded that the functions and experience of video observation could improve and professionalize teaching, based on the awareness and understanding of practice.
Exploring the Nexus of Digital Leadership and Digital Literacy on Higher Education Performance: The Role of Digital Innovation
digital innovation digital leadership digital literacy higher education performance...
Industry 4.0 has affected various aspects of life, including the organization of higher education. In the current era, higher education is required to transform themselves from using the conventional way of administration to the digitalized one. The said transformation also includes the services provided and management carried out by the organizations. The objective of this study is to measure the understudied mediation of digital innovation in the effect of the nexus of digital leadership and digital literacy on the performance of higher education. This quantitative research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 234 faculty members of four higher education institutions in Malang City, Indonesia. Partial Least Squares – Structural Equation Modeling was applied to analyze the data. This study finds that digital leadership significantly affects the higher education performance and conclusively predicts digital innovation. As hypothesized, digital literacy has a significant effect on the higher education performance and digital innovation, and digital innovation plays a substantial role in the higher education performance. In addition, digital innovation mediates the influence of digital leadership and digital literacy on the higher education performance.
The Resilience of University Youth While Undergoing Digital Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
digital learning pandemic resilience university youth...
The outbreak of COVID-19 has affected the educational sector globally. One of the impacts of this outbreak is observed in the implementation of digital learning, which involves problems such as poor internet connection and a lack of information technology facilities. However, university youth could be seen as resilient if they could keep up with good academic performance despite going through various challenges of digital learning. Thus, this research would like to explore the resilience of university youth while undergoing the challenges of digital learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research adopted a qualitative approach, and data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Purposive sampling was used, where five respondents among the University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) youth with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.50 and above were selected in this research. The research found that the challenges faced by the majority of the respondents during digital learning were the non-conducive learning environment and the poor internet connection. In addition, findings also found two protective factors that helped the respondents be resilient, identified as the internal factor (i.e., self-concept and cultural sensitivity) and the external factor (i.e., parents' support and positive peer relationships). The research findings showed that the university youth also need support and help from various parties alongside their own efforts in academics in order to face any kinds of risky situations and grow as resilient youth.
Students’ Perspectives on Civic Education through Digital Citizenship in the Virtual Era
citizens skills digital ethics digital literacy rights and responsibility university students...
This study aimed to determine Indonesian students’ perspectives on digital citizenship skills. Digital literacy is one of the most important needs in the community and the school environment. As educational institutions, universities are expected to integrate and develop an IT-based learning environment to help students develop digital skills. This study used social media and knowledge of rights and responsibilities in cyberspace to examine university students' digital-based skills. A descriptive method with a qualitative approach was also used to describe the perspectives of students about their rights and responsibilities. Participants included 12 students from state universities in Jakarta and Lampung. Data was collected through interviews and 90-minute focus group discussions (FGD). The results showed that the top three considerations that emphasized ethics in cyberspace were maintaining privacy, not spreading fake news, and respecting the Internet community. In this context, individuals must uphold their rights and responsibilities in the virtual world, and university students are expected to apply digital ethics appropriately.
Learning for Children With Special Needs: The Effect of Visionary Leadership and Organizational Commitment on Teachers’ Performance
learning for children with special needs organizational commitment teacher performance visionary leadership...
Inclusive teaching development has provided opportunities for children to study it with special needs to study in the school. Although some parents prefer to enroll their children in schools specifically designed for those with special needs, inclusive learning allows these individuals to participate in the learning process alongside their peers with disabilities. Through inclusive teaching, teachers aim to help children develop their social skills. This research aimed to analyze the influence of visionary leadership and organizational commitment on teacher performance under the visionary leadership of school principals in the implementation of inclusive schools in Malang City. The utilized research methodology was a mixed sequential exploratory, involving data collection through interviews, observations, documentation, and questionnaires. Qualitative data analysis employed content analysis, while quantitative data underwent multiple linear regression inferential statistical analysis. The findings indicated that visionary leadership and organizational commitment influence the instructional efficacy of teachers when working with children having special educational requirements. Therefore, the recommendation to school principals persistently enhances their leadership competencies and reinforces their dedication to cultivating a vibrant teaching environment that promotes inclusive educational advancements.
Innovative Teaching: A Bibliometric Analysis From 2013 to 2023
bibliometrics bibliometrix innovative teaching research trends topic evolution...
This study sought to investigate the current state of innovative teaching research and identify emerging themes and trends in the field from 2013 to 2023. The Scopus database was searched for the term “innovative teaching,” resulting in 1005 documents. After manual screening, 903 articles were exported in the BibTeX format for further processing in Bibliometrix using three bibliometric analysis types: network analysis, science mapping, and performance analysis. Performance analysis revealed bursts in publication output in 2015 and 2021, with a moderate boost in 2018. Ten top-cited journal papers were identified. The citation rates were low between 2019 and 2021, but there has been an upturn since 2022. The top keywords included simulation and nursing education, and there was a shift in research topics from broad educational concepts to more specific approaches, such as e-learning. Innovative teaching has been predominantly investigated in higher education, particularly in nursing education, with themes like “teaching/learning strategies” suggesting an emphasis on enhancing teaching practices not just through technology infusion. This study can aid educators and researchers in staying current with innovative teaching developments and inform their teaching practices.
Impact of Teachers' Charisma on Students’ Motivation and Perceived Learning During Emergency Remote Teaching
charisma emergency remote teaching intrinsic motivation perceived learning synchronous online learning...
The swift widespread shift from face-to-face to emergency remote teaching (ERT) due to the COVID-19 pandemic was accompanied by numerous technical, psychological, and pedagogical challenges and prompted educators to look for ways to improve their performance to preserve the high quality of learning. One way to do this is for teachers to adopt charismatic behaviours. This study aims at investigating the concept of and factors determining teachers’ charisma and its connection with students’ intrinsic motivation and perceived learning in a synchronous online learning setting during ERT. The questionnaires measuring students’ intrinsic motivation, perceived learning, and teachers’ charisma were used to collect the responses from Ukrainian university students who reported on their online learning experienced amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The Varimax rotation method was applied to determine the factors of charisma. Correlation analyses established a connection between students’ intrinsic motivation and perceived learning and teachers’ charisma as well as each factor of charisma independently. The research is the first of its kind done in an online learning setting in an Eastern European cultural context. The research validates some previous findings done in a face-to-face teaching context. The current study also established the connection between humor and empathy as a factor of charismatic teaching.
Self-Directed Learning Readiness Model: A Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy among Need-Supportive Teaching Style, Transformational Parenting and Emotional Intelligence
emotional intelligence need-supportive teaching style self-directed learning readiness self-efficacy transformational parenting...
The study aimed to explore the self-directed learning readiness model and its relationship with various factors such as emotional intelligence, transformational parenting, need-supportive teaching style, and self-efficacy as potential mediators. The research was conducted with 415 junior high school students in Surabaya, Indonesia. To ensure the reliability and validity of the instruments used in the study, confirmatory factor analysis was performed. The loading factor values of all the items in the instruments were found to be greater than .50 indicating a satisfactory level of validity. Additionally, the reliability coefficient of all the instruments exceeded .90 demonstrating good internal consistency. Analysis using structural equation modeling (SEM) demonstrated that the theoretical model of self-directed learning readiness was consistent with empirical conditions because it meets the standard value of goodness of fit. Furthermore, through the indirect effect tests, it was discovered that need-supportive teaching style, emotional intelligence, and transformational parenting significantly influenced self-directed learning readiness, with self-efficacy acting as a mediator. Among the factors examined, self-efficacy was found to have the greatest impact in explaining readiness for self-directed learning readiness.
A Bibliometrics Analysis of Scopus-Indexed Research on Teachers’ Well-Being from 1995-2022: Emerging Research Trends
bibliometrics analysis emerging trends teacher well-being...
Teacher well-being has gained significant prominence in academic publications indexed by Scopus in recent years. This study employs rigorous bibliometric analysis to trace the evolution of teacher well-being literature, examining 326 relevant publications from 1995 to 2022. Our findings reveal two crucial inflexion points in 2013, driven by the global economic downturn, and 2020, propelled by the widespread repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, including teacher unemployment. These inflexion points underscore the real-world events' profound impact on academic discourse in teacher well-being. Traditionally, authors from the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom have shaped this discourse. Dutch scholars have also gained recognition, accumulating substantial citations. This paradigm shift is paramount as emerging nations like Iran, Ireland, China, and Austria increasingly contribute, challenging the dominance of Western authors. This shift underscores the evolving dynamics of scholarly contributions in teacher well-being research, emphasizing the need for a more diverse and inclusive academic dialogue. This study provides a panoramic view of the trajectory of teacher well-being research, shedding light on the interplay between global events and scholarly responses. It highlights nations' evolving roles in shaping this discourse, acknowledging established influences while recognizing the contributions emerging from voices in the field. These findings enrich the global dialogue surrounding teacher well-being and offer insights into the dynamic forces shaping this vital field of study, compelling the academic community to adapt, diversify, and foster a more inclusive conversation on teacher well-being.
Principal Support and Teacher Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Collective Teacher Efficacy
collective teacher efficacy principal support teacher self-efficacy...
This study investigated the extent to which demographic variables, principal support and teacher self-efficacy contribute to the collective teacher efficacy. In the study, a non-probability purposive sample was used, which included 761 teachers working in compulsory primary schools in all parts of the Republic of Croatia. The first part of the administered online questionnaire provided data on sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents, while in the second part, the following scales were used: The Principal Support Scale, The Teacher Sense of Teacher Efficacy Scale and The Collective Teacher Efficacy Scale. The results of the performed regression analyses show that: 1) the demographic variables - workplace, promotion to a higher rank and principal support have a predictive value in explaining teachers’ self-efficacy; 2) an average number of students per class, promotion to a higher rank, principal support, teacher engagement and teaching strategies have a predictive value in explaining collective teacher efficacy. The findings of this study will be discussed in terms of their potential impact and future research.
Logistic Regression Analysis: Predicting the Effect of Critical Thinking and Experience Active Learning Models on Academic Performance
academic performance critical thinking skills experience with pjbl and sbl logit analysis...
This study aims to analyse the relationship between critical thinking and the learning experience provided by instructors through active learning models, specifically Project-based Learning (PjBL) and Simulation-based Learning (SBL), to the potential achievement of academic performance in undergraduate students. The main analysis technique employed in this research was logistic regression, with additional analysis techniques including discriminant validity, EFA, as well as Kendall’s and Spearman’s correlation, serving as a robustness check. The results of this study indicate significant correlations and effects of critical thinking (CT) on academic performance. Higher levels of CT are associated with a greater likelihood of achieving academic excellence, as indicated by the cum laude distinction, compared to not attaining this distinction. Experiences of receiving PjBL (0.025; 6.816) and SBL (0.014; 14.35) predicted the potential for improving academic performance to reach cum laude recognition, relative to not achieving this distinction. Furthermore, other intercept factors need to be considered to achieve cum laude compared to not achieving cum laude. We recommend that policymakers in higher education, instructors, and others focus on enhancing critical thinking and utilizing both Pub and SBL as learning models to improve students’ academic performance.
A Lesson on Mutual Collaboration for School Counsellors, Principals, and Teachers Given by the COVID-19 Pandemic in Slovenia
collaboration covid-19 pandemic principals school counsellors teachers...
This paper presents the meaning and characteristics of collaboration between school counsellors, school principals, and teachers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Slovenia and the extraordinary situation in which work in educational institutions changed dramatically overnight and the community of students and professionals moved into a virtual space. In the first part of the paper, we highlight that a strong network of professionals in an educational institution is key to achieving the vision, goals and quality of educational work. In the second part of the paper, we present the results of a survey conducted through an online questionnaire among 328 Slovenian counsellors during the first wave of COVID-19 in April 2020. The results of this survey show a positive attitude of counsellors towards collaboration with principals and teachers. The emergency situation has raised awareness among all school professionals about the importance of mutual support, while providing an opportunity to reflect on ways to improve mutual collaboration and build mutual relationships that enable quality pedagogical work. One of the biggest challenges for any school community now is to maintain the sense of alliance and mutual support that was created in many schools during the pandemic.
Revisit Attraction–Selection–Attrition Model for Teacher Retention in International Schools
attraction onboarding selection talent management...
The Attraction-Selection-Attrition (ASA) model is a prominent framework for supporting employee retention, stating that organisations attract, select, and retain people who share their values. However, the ASA model only extends to the end of the recruitment stage and lacks clarity on how to assist newcomers in the assimilation process when they first join the organisation. This research proposed a refinement of the ASA paradigm by incorporating the assimilation process of new hires into the new school culture and environment. This study employed a qualitative research approach by interviewing ten participants about the retention process from high teacher retention international schools in Malaysia. Thematic data analysis revealed a new paradigm, 'Attraction-Selection-Onboarding-Retention (ASOR), ' designed to increase teacher retention in international schools. The ASOR model could assist school administrators and human resource managers working in a related setting in properly engaging the workforce to increase teacher retention. This would benefit school sustainability, performance and the local community's economy.