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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

'private higher education institution' Search Results


Due to Finnish pupils’ achievements in international comparisons, also Finnish teacher training has been widely acknowledged. Today’s educational policies aim at making teacher training more effective in Finland. However, in order to realize this in practice, not only reforms in educational policy or institutions are enough. More attention should be paid on student teachers’ study processes as a whole. In this article, we introduce an illustration of the factors that comprise student teachers’ study processes at universities. Based on the illustration, we will discuss what makes a good study process as the teacher’s academic degree and how teacher educators can make students’ progress on their study paths motivating and fruitful. We argue that teacher educators should be more thoughtful and willing to genuinely help and confront students as individuals: teacher educators should act as mentors who further students’ engagement in studying.

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Pages: 339-352
cloud_download 1177
visibility 1919
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This research aimed to investigate relationships between quality of work life, burnout, school alienation, affective commitment and organizational citizenship behaviors. In this context, a model was proposed based on the literature review and the model was tested through structural equation model. The study group of the research consists of 314 volunteer teachers working in the state schools in Kilis in 2016-2017 academic years. The data was collected through work-related quality of life scale, burnout scale, school alienation scale, affective commitment scale and organizational citizenship behaviors scale. The analysis with descriptive, correlation, path and bootstrap methods were used to analyze the data. As a result of the analysis, it was found that teachers' perceptions for quality of work life have a negative effect on burnout and school alienation, whereas they have a positive effect on affective commitment. Besides, their perceptions for affective commitment have a positive impact on organizational citizenship behaviors. Another important result derived from the research is that teachers' perceptions for burnout and school alienation play partial mediation roles in the effect of their perceptions for quality of work life on affective commitment. Based on these results, it can be suggested that teachers' working conditions should be constantly improved.

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Pages: 169-180
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Human Resource Management Practices in Turkish Education System (Denizli Case)

human resource management turkish education system teachers

Fatma Cobanoglu , Gulsum Sertel , Sevda Seven Sarkaya


Human Resource Management (HRM) includes recruitment, training, development, motivation and evaluation of the staff who will achieve the goals of the organization and perform the necessary activities to be successful. The success of the organization depends on the effective use and management of human resources. Considering that The Ministry of Turkish National Education has the most crowded personnel and the potential of leading the future human resources, the HRM strategies of this organization becomes significant.  In this study, it is aimed to investigate to the human resources management practices of the Ministry of Turkish National Education from the perspectives of teachers who are also the human resources of the system.  In this research, holistic-multiple case study design was employed and the open-ended interview form which includes nine questions considering the functions of the HRM was utilized as the data collection tool. Research results showed that teachers know the duties and responsibilities which are declared in their job definition but they do not consider some of the significant professional efficiencies such as planning, assessment and evaluation. Moreover, the ministry does not make long-term plans in order to determine the required human resources, and also the functionality and subjectivity of the system is under discussion in terms of selection and appointment. What's more, the desired aims cannot be reached in terms of professional development. Teachers have the anxiety of performance evaluation based on accountability, and they emphasize fair and subjectivity in terms of payment, rewarding and discipline.

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Pages: 833-847
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Research productivity plays an important role in the prestige and reputation among higher education institutions. However, the time spent to do research among Filipino academics is the most pressing issue since they can barely meet the requirement for research productivity. Further, the lack of time for data gathering aggravated the drawbacks for research productivity. Data gathering is at the core of almost all research activity, the absence of factual and reliable data will lead to an invalid and illogical inference. In research years, there has been a massive agglomeration of data in large volumes coming from diverse sources pertaining to almost all facets of human activity which is worthy of investigation- known today as Big Data. This research has two (2) main objectives; the first is to find out the underlying reasons why Filipino academics are not enthusiastic to do research. The second is to evaluate the value of big data utilization for research productivity based on the assessment of the faculty members. This research used the Rasch model to measure the responses of Filipino academics with regards to their reasons for not doing enough research work as well as on their assessment for value creation of big data utilization using a polytomous item response selection scale.

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Pages: 423-431
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Implementing internal quality assurance activities is an indispensable condition to form a quality culture in higher education institutions in Vietnam which contributing to a fundamental and comprehensive renovation of Vietnamese higher education. The purpose of this research was to assess the correlation of internal quality assurance on the formation of quality culture through the types of higher education institution in Vietnam. A group of 222 teachers from 8 higher education institutions (4 public higher education institutions and 4 private higher education institutions) in Ho Chi Minh city participated in the survey. The questionnaire included three groups which are internal quality assurance activities, awareness of individuals, and organizational culture. The results showed that the correlation between internal quality assurance and the formation of quality culture is difference between two types of higher education institutions, in which with autonomy in higher education institution administration, the level of application of guaranteed the internal quality assurance activities is associated with quality culture developing in private higher education institutions higher than public higher education institutions.

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Pages: 499-509
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There is a national trend on the declining percentage of school performance in the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Licensure Examination in the Philippines. This report aims to present the result of this licensure exam in regional level between private and public schools. Quantitative descriptive type of research was utilized in the study using documentary analysis from the result of the Licensure Examination including almost 415 accountancy schools in the country with first takers. Results showed that large number of examinees did not contribute much to increase the record of passing percentage of a certain region but instead it pulls down the passing rate. Public schools in eight (8) regions of the country have significantly higher passing rate than private HEIs. Private HEIs had been consistent in terms of having higher percentage of institutions with zero percent performance rating among first takers. However, private universities produced more top performing examinees than other private colleges and public schools in the country. Findings of the study may provide insights to educational leaders in ensuring the quality on the delivery of instruction through maintaining qualified teachers with relevant knowledge and competencies necessary to prepare the accountancy graduates for licensure examination.

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Pages: 995-1007
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visibility 8565
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Vietnamese Students’ Satisfaction toward Higher Education Service: The Relationship between Education Service Quality and Educational Outcomes

educational outcomes education service quality hue university vietnamese student satisfaction

Hong-Van Thi Dinh , Quynh Anh Thi Nguyen , Mai-Huong Thi Phan , Kien The Pham , Tham Nguyen , Hung Thanh Nguyen


Student satisfaction with education service has been considered one of the most critical strategic factors to attract students of higher education institutions around the world. Various models of satisfaction with education service quality have been developed to motivate actions towards improving the education quality. This study aimed to confirm a Vietnamese theoretical five-dimension model of student satisfaction with higher education service and investigate the relationship between student satisfaction with education service quality and student satisfaction with educational outcomes in this model. A cross-sectional survey on 2933 students from four-member universities of Hue University in Central Vietnam was conducted. The research results showed that the model of student satisfaction with education service in Hue University was consistent with the proposed theoretical model, which comprises five dimensions including access to education service, facilities and teaching equipment, educational environment, educational activities, and educational outcomes. In addition, the satisfaction of all dimensions of education service quality from dimension 1 to 4 affects the satisfaction of educational outcomes, of which educational activities have the most significant impact. This research result can provide a number of implications and recommendations for Hue University to implement appropriate measures to improve student satisfaction with education services received, thereby enhancing educational outcomes, attracting and retaining students.

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Pages: 1397-1410
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visibility 3018
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The main aim of the present study is to investigate the emotional intelligence of faculty members based on their career stage and gender. In the study, a mixed method was employed to determine the emotional intelligence of faculty members and to reach generalizable findings. The convenience sampling method was used in the quantitative study, while the quota sampling method was used in the qualitative section. The quantitative section sample included faculty members in various stages in their careers. In the qualitative dimension, the sample included faculty members who participated in the quantitative application. The quantitative study findings demonstrated that there were significant differences between the emotional intelligence competencies of female and male faculty members in the workplace based on the empathy and self-awareness dimensions. The qualitative study findings revealed that there were differences between the emotional intelligence dimensions, especially based on the career stage and gender. Recommendations are presented based on the study findings.

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Pages: 1727-1740
cloud_download 517
visibility 1306
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Higher education plays an important role in providing students with knowledge and skills to enter the labor market. The quality of higher education, the satisfaction of the quality of higher education has been concerned by many individuals and organizations. The study aims to explore the factors affecting student satisfaction with the quality of higher education services in Vietnam. Research data was collected from survey results by questionnaires from 396 students of An Giang University, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. SPSS 20, AMOS 24 software is used for analysis and evaluation of scales through Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient; exploratory factor analysis EFA; CFA confirmatory factor; SEM linear regression analysis to test the hypotheses. The results of the SEM model study show that there are six factors affecting student satisfaction with the quality of higher education services in Vietnam, including teaching staff; facilities and teaching facilities; ability to serve; educational activities; student support activities; education programs. From the research results, discussions on educational administration are proposed to improve student satisfaction with the quality of higher education services in Vietnam.

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Pages: 339-351
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Factors and Challenges Influencing the Criminologist Licensure Examination Performance through the Non-passers’ Lens

criminology descriptive phenomenology higher education licensure examination

Albert C. Albina , James Y. Balasabas , Ben John I. Laquinon , Muffit Herlyn Pampilo , Liza J. Caballero


This study aimed to explore the perceived factors that influenced the success and challenges experienced when taking licensure examination among Bachelor of Science in Criminology graduates of a state university in the Philippines who failed in the Criminologist Licensure Examinations (CLE). Descriptive-correlational research design was utilized to analyze quantitative data, and Colaizzi’s descriptive phenomenology was used for the thematic analysis of qualitative data. The quantitative findings revealed that home and family factor has a high influence on the success in CLE, while student factor, school factor, review center factor, and personal factor have average influence. Further, ten clusters of themes emerged as factors that influence the success in CLE. Among them were interest and focus on the program, and availability of qualified and dedicated faculty. Among the themes that emerged as challenges were lack of preparedness for the exam because of one’s work, and personal and social pressures. There is a significant difference on the respondents’ perception towards the factors that influence the success in CLE when they are grouped according to sex. Regarding the challenges associated with preparing for and taking the CLE, a significant difference is only observed when respondents are grouped according to their civil status. Generally, married respondents have higher weighted means than the single ones. This implies that the identified challenges affected married respondents more than the single ones. These results can be used to make policies and initiate programs that would enhance graduates’ success in the exam by providing appropriate interventions and early remediations.

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Pages: 365-380
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The higher educational institution needs a group of dedicated and committed lecturers to endure the institution during these turbulent times. As the organizational commitment reflects the self-identification of an employee with the organization, it has far-reaching implications on multifarious aspects in the organization. This present study investigated whether job satisfaction could mediate the relationship between learning organization and organizational commitment. A total of 452 lecturers from Heilongjiang province in China participated in this study. Structural equation modelling showed that job satisfaction significantly mediated the relationship between the dimensions of learning organization and organization, specifically on the effect of continuous learning, connection, and strategic leadership. Job satisfaction is also found to be a stronger predictor of organizational commitment than learning organization. These findings are discussed thoroughly and recommended a holistic plan to be devised that could strengthen learning organization and job satisfaction of lecturers in various aspects of the organization.

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Pages: 847-858
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visibility 1982
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COVID-19 has substantially affected the majority of work capabilities. Higher education is responsible for preparing graduates for employment and well-rounded individuals with varied talents. This study determined the acquired attributes of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) graduates and whether it is anchored to the required attributes by the industry. Descriptive and comparative research designs of the quantitative research method were used in this study. This study had two sets of participants. Data on acquired attributes were gathered from the BSIT graduates from 2017-2020 of the Private Higher Education Institution (HEI) in Santiago City, Philippines, who are presently employed. At the same time, required graduate attributes were provided by the representatives from the industry partners of the Private HEI. A total of 45 BSIT graduates and 26 companies participated in the study. Data were collected using a modified questionnaire through online surveys and drop and collect method. Through confirmatory factor analysis, mean scores, t-tests, and ANOVA, rankings, findings revealed the six-factor result, which tallies the latent variables used for this study. BSIT graduates confirmed that they acquired the necessary attributes to be competitive in the IT industry according to the prescribed attributes for BSIT graduates. The Graduates and the Industry agreed that Modern tool usage and resiliency are essential in these challenging times in the workplace. According to the findings, graduates' university-acquired skills and competencies considerably increased their opportunities in national and global markets and sectors, making them timely and relevant during COVID-19 and beyond.

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Pages: 1937-1946
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Under the influence of neo-liberalism and marketization, education is increasingly becoming more content-focused than character one. Ignoring the fact that money, science, and technology may take a person to the moon, these are ethical and moral values that take him/her to the even loftier heights of humanity. Recent COVID-19-driven focus on information and communication technology (ICT) and digital learning have further added to these woes by focusing more on human-machine interaction than human-human ones. Traditional models for inculcating these values through education which heavily rely on the physical presence of teachers do not seem to work in these circumstances. This demands a model for inculcating these values in learning management systems/ e-learning platforms. This study contributes in this regard by first identifying key players and factors, and then proposing a model for it. Using the Delphi model, it gathers opinions from 59 experts in two rounds. Academic institutions, society and online community members, teachers, and e-contents were identified as key factors and players. It suggests a holistic approach-based model through which all of them play their role and collaborate through an e-learning platform. That platform can be used to disseminate information, create awareness, monitor, and report the e-learners. It uses pull and push strategies to help the e-learners to develop those values.

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Pages: 455-465
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Teachers’ Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: Causality and Comparison

competence moderated factor teacher performance

Ngabiyanto , Ahmad Nurkhin , Kemal Budi Mulyono , Iwan Hardi Saputro , Didi Pramono , Asep Purwo Yudi Utomo


The greatest impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Indonesian education was the decline in teacher performance. In light of this information, this study analyzes the role of supervision, salary and benefits, school climate, training and development, and perceived organizational support in moderating the impact of competence on teacher performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study also compares the relationships between employed government and private teachers. Data were collected through questionnaires to teachers with a sample of 166 government teachers and 175 private teachers in primary and secondary schools through a Google form and analyzed using moderated Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS), multigroup, and multilevel analysis. The results showed that salary and benefits, training, and development did not affect the performance of public school teachers. In contrast, only salary and benefits did not affect teacher performance for private teachers. Moreover, only supervision significantly moderated the effect of competence on the performance of public school teachers. However, supervision, salary, benefits, school climate, training and development, and perceived organizational support did not affect private teachers' performance. The Ministry of Education or the Foundation needs to review and improve the mechanisms of training and development, supervision, and school organizational climate to promote optimal teacher performance during the pandemic.

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Pages: 605-621
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Psychometric Analysis of the Social Support Scale Among Indonesian Academicians

factor analysis reliability social support validity

Sri Lestari , Gita Aulia Nurani , Wisnu Sri Hertinjung


The current study investigates the psychometric characteristics of the Social Support Scale as an instrument for assessing social support for academics. The original version of the scale was adapted and translated into Indonesian and was administered to academics in Indonesia through a google form. The data were then analyzed to investigate the reliability, construct validity, and structure of factors of the instrument. Confirmatory factor analysis confirms that the three-dimension model was the best model regarding the internal structure. Our findings also advocate the Social Support Scale as a valid and reliable tool for assessing social support in Indonesian academics. Thus, it can be employed to examine lecturers’ social support level which helps the universities to build a supportive working climate, as well as improve the relationship quality between employees.

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Pages: 977-989
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The Practicability of Quality Assurance Mechanisms in Promoting Tanzanian Universities’ Compliance

practicability quality assurance mechanisms university compliance

Daudi Mrema , Irénée Ndayambaje , Philothère Ntawiha , Eugene Ndabaga


Compliance with any policies, laws and regulations, including university compliance with quality assurance mechanisms globally, depends on the practicability of those mechanisms. Like other countries, Tanzania has quality assurance mechanisms that require universities to comply. However, the existing audit reports have shown non-compliance cases to such mechanisms. This study sought to explore the practicability of the existing quality assurance mechanisms in promoting universities’ compliance in Tanzania. The documentary reviews, interviews, and focus group discussions were used to collect data from the 4 universities and 46 students, academics, and quality assurance directors and officers as a sample size selected purposively. The data were analysed through content analysis. The findings revealed that the existing quality assurance mechanisms are generally practicable; however, there are quality assurance requirements with practicability challenges due to contextual factors. Such requirements include senior academics in administrative duties, academics’ promotion, academics’ recruitment, inclusive and participatory teaching approaches, requirements with extra financial costs, examination scripts’ marking, and invigilation restrictions. This study concludes that the practicability challenges of some quality assurance mechanisms are one reason for non-compliance cases at some Tanzanian universities. It recommends that key stakeholders be involved in establishing mechanisms, and all contextual factors must be addressed to enhance practicability.

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Pages: 1139-1154
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This study is an attempt to develop a grounded theory on how adult education in higher education (AEHE hereafter) programs in the Philippines are created and maintained. The grounded theory illustrates the interrelation of factors that stimulate or serve as the drivers of AEHE in higher education institutions in the Philippines as well as the management and maintenance of AEHE at the operational and strategic levels, hence illustrating the bigger picture of adult education in higher education in the Philippines. Funded by the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) of the Philippines, this study was part of a larger research project that investigated adult education in Philippine higher education institutions, that is, State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and Private Higher Education Institutions (PHEIs). The data were derived from focus group discussions (FGD) with 43 participants from eight SUCs and nine private HEIs that have adult education programs that are regularly offered every academic year. The grounded theory drawn from the study pointed to the contextual – personal and institutional – factors, strategic and operational levels of management as well as the critical role of academic policy for the implementation and maintenance of AEHE programs, collaboration, and a compelling vision to ensure that adult education in higher education in the Philippines is prioritized in the country with involvement of relevant government agencies that will draw definite agendas and priorities to attain the goals of AEHE through a structure and management to carry out its functions and realize its compelling objective of creating a cadre of AEHE educators and specialists and adults suited for the demands of a knowledge-driven economy.

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Pages: 1455-1475
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Faculty members’ beliefs in their ability to conduct research and publish research outputs are expected to impact research productivity directly. Thus, the study described the research self-efficacy and productivity among faculty members, their research self-efficacy influence on productivity, and their challenges in research writing and publication. The study utilized a mixed-method sequential explanatory research design, with 36 and nine faculty member-participants for the quantitative and qualitative study. For the quantitative study, the faculty members’ research self-efficacy was ascertained using a validated questionnaire, and their research productivity was determined through a researcher-made survey instrument. Meanwhile, the qualitative study focused on the faculty members’ research writing and publication challenges, which were gathered through focus group discussions. Results showed average research self-efficacy and low research productivity among faculty members. Research self-efficacy significantly predicted research productivity regarding refereed and indexed publications, paper presentations, and bibliometrics. Further, themed findings showed that the faculty members encountered challenges such as a lack of research exposure, time constraints, lack of institutional support, and publication pressure. The study may serve as an inference for higher education institutions in designing faculty development plans and in-service training programs to capacitate its members.

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Pages: 1693-1709
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