' digital environment' Search Results
The Resilience of University Youth While Undergoing Digital Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
digital learning pandemic resilience university youth...
The outbreak of COVID-19 has affected the educational sector globally. One of the impacts of this outbreak is observed in the implementation of digital learning, which involves problems such as poor internet connection and a lack of information technology facilities. However, university youth could be seen as resilient if they could keep up with good academic performance despite going through various challenges of digital learning. Thus, this research would like to explore the resilience of university youth while undergoing the challenges of digital learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research adopted a qualitative approach, and data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Purposive sampling was used, where five respondents among the University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) youth with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.50 and above were selected in this research. The research found that the challenges faced by the majority of the respondents during digital learning were the non-conducive learning environment and the poor internet connection. In addition, findings also found two protective factors that helped the respondents be resilient, identified as the internal factor (i.e., self-concept and cultural sensitivity) and the external factor (i.e., parents' support and positive peer relationships). The research findings showed that the university youth also need support and help from various parties alongside their own efforts in academics in order to face any kinds of risky situations and grow as resilient youth.
Semantic Correlation Model of Socio-Formative Data for Curricular Planning Evaluation
curriculum planning curricular evaluation natural language processingi semantic correlation socio-formative data...
The study presents a semantic correlation model (SCM) of socioformative data, which is designed to support the evaluation of curriculum planning (CPE) that is developed from indicators derived from curriculum components such as graduate profile, study plan, area plan and subject plan. The objective of the research was to design a semantic correlation model of socio-formative data to support the evaluation of curriculum planning in accordance with the objectives of sustainable development in education. The study is a quasi-experimental research based in a Likert questionnaire applied on a group of 10 students (16 and 18 years old) belonging to the eleventh grade of the urban official educational institutions of Marsella, in the department of Risaralda in Colombia. The results indicate that the model has an impact on the evaluation of curricular planning, concluding that the design and implementation of a semantic correlation model of sociodemographic data does have an impact on the evaluation of curricular planning of a classroom subject in an educational institution in Marsella.
Students’ Perspectives on Civic Education through Digital Citizenship in the Virtual Era
citizens skills digital ethics digital literacy rights and responsibility university students...
This study aimed to determine Indonesian students’ perspectives on digital citizenship skills. Digital literacy is one of the most important needs in the community and the school environment. As educational institutions, universities are expected to integrate and develop an IT-based learning environment to help students develop digital skills. This study used social media and knowledge of rights and responsibilities in cyberspace to examine university students' digital-based skills. A descriptive method with a qualitative approach was also used to describe the perspectives of students about their rights and responsibilities. Participants included 12 students from state universities in Jakarta and Lampung. Data was collected through interviews and 90-minute focus group discussions (FGD). The results showed that the top three considerations that emphasized ethics in cyberspace were maintaining privacy, not spreading fake news, and respecting the Internet community. In this context, individuals must uphold their rights and responsibilities in the virtual world, and university students are expected to apply digital ethics appropriately.
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Preservice Elementary Teachers: Relationship to Self-Regulation and Technology Integration Self-Efficacy
self-regulation technology integration self-efficacy tpack...
Technology integration into learning is essential to supporting educational reform. On the other hand, the relationship between self-regulation (SR), technology integration self-efficacy (TISE), and technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) has yet to be thoroughly studied. This study investigated preservice elementary teachers and the connection between SR, TISE, and TPACK. A quantitative approach and a survey-based approach were both utilized in the research project. The research was carried out at one of Indonesia's universities, and the data collected were from 224 preservice elementary teachers in their fourth year through a questionnaire. According to the findings, preservice elementary teachers' SR, TISE, and TPACK levels were above average. Preservice elementary teachers scored the highest on planning capability (PC), monitoring and controlling skills (MC/CC), and making others use computer technologies self-efficacy (MUCTSE). In contrast, they scored the lowest on information and communication technology (ICT). Besides that, SR and TISE positively and significantly affected pre-service teacher TPACK. In light of the findings, it is of the utmost importance to enhance the competency of preservice elementary teachers in using technology to integrate learning.
The Impact of COVID-19 on Educational Climate in Dental Students - A Cross Sectional Study
covid-19 dreem educational climate...
Students' perception of educational climate influences academic performance, and its analysis provides essential information to improve it. To evaluate the perception of 3rd and 5th grade students regarding educational climate, before and during the pandemic. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was performed involving dental students, who answered the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) questionnaire. The overall DREEM and its 5 subscales were analyzed evaluating two period times, before and during the pandemic. There were statistically significant differences when comparing the results obtained by 3rd and 5th grade students, before and during the pandemic, with effect magnitude from high to very high. It is noteworthy that 3rd graders have more positive perceptions compared to 5th graders. The 3rd year students felt more strongly the difficulties inherent to the COVID-19 pandemic. While in the 3rd year the students had less Educational Climate during the pandemic, the 5th year student had better Educational Climate in this period, perhaps because they maintain the face-to-face clinical classes. A negative point is associated with the scarce support system for students with stress problems. COVID-19 pandemic affected the perception of the Educational Climate, with a significant difference between of 3rd and 5th year dental students.
Self-Directed Learning Readiness Model: A Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy among Need-Supportive Teaching Style, Transformational Parenting and Emotional Intelligence
emotional intelligence need-supportive teaching style self-directed learning readiness self-efficacy transformational parenting...
The study aimed to explore the self-directed learning readiness model and its relationship with various factors such as emotional intelligence, transformational parenting, need-supportive teaching style, and self-efficacy as potential mediators. The research was conducted with 415 junior high school students in Surabaya, Indonesia. To ensure the reliability and validity of the instruments used in the study, confirmatory factor analysis was performed. The loading factor values of all the items in the instruments were found to be greater than .50 indicating a satisfactory level of validity. Additionally, the reliability coefficient of all the instruments exceeded .90 demonstrating good internal consistency. Analysis using structural equation modeling (SEM) demonstrated that the theoretical model of self-directed learning readiness was consistent with empirical conditions because it meets the standard value of goodness of fit. Furthermore, through the indirect effect tests, it was discovered that need-supportive teaching style, emotional intelligence, and transformational parenting significantly influenced self-directed learning readiness, with self-efficacy acting as a mediator. Among the factors examined, self-efficacy was found to have the greatest impact in explaining readiness for self-directed learning readiness.
Community-Based Project Learning: Empowering Students' Self-Regulated Learning and Creativity
community creativity project self-regulated learning...
Changes and challenges in the highly dynamic world of education require postgraduate students to manage their learning well and create something from their creative thinking according to the needs of the field. One of them is the activity of students in developing integrated natural science teaching materials is very necessary because learning at the primary level still uses integrated or thematic learning. Furthermore, students also need to be encouraged to be adaptive to these challenges by empowering their independence in learning. The ability to manage learning and creativity to create something new is highly prioritized for college graduates to contribute generously to their environment. This study aims to describe the empowerment of self-regulated learning and student creativity in developing natural science teaching materials in collaboration through community-based project learning. This study used a quasi-experimental design with a single-subject design type. The instruments used to retrieve data are creativity assessment rubrics and self-regulated learning questionnaires. The conclusion is that students are intrinsically and extrinsically motivated to fulfill the given tasks. Learning is essential for increasing competence, and learning strategies have been adjusted to the material's complexity or the difficulty level of the studied content. The aspect of student creativity in developing Integrated Science teaching materials shows the existence of change from stage one to the next and good categories.
A Bibliometrics Analysis of Scopus-Indexed Research on Teachers’ Well-Being from 1995-2022: Emerging Research Trends
bibliometrics analysis emerging trends teacher well-being...
Teacher well-being has gained significant prominence in academic publications indexed by Scopus in recent years. This study employs rigorous bibliometric analysis to trace the evolution of teacher well-being literature, examining 326 relevant publications from 1995 to 2022. Our findings reveal two crucial inflexion points in 2013, driven by the global economic downturn, and 2020, propelled by the widespread repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, including teacher unemployment. These inflexion points underscore the real-world events' profound impact on academic discourse in teacher well-being. Traditionally, authors from the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom have shaped this discourse. Dutch scholars have also gained recognition, accumulating substantial citations. This paradigm shift is paramount as emerging nations like Iran, Ireland, China, and Austria increasingly contribute, challenging the dominance of Western authors. This shift underscores the evolving dynamics of scholarly contributions in teacher well-being research, emphasizing the need for a more diverse and inclusive academic dialogue. This study provides a panoramic view of the trajectory of teacher well-being research, shedding light on the interplay between global events and scholarly responses. It highlights nations' evolving roles in shaping this discourse, acknowledging established influences while recognizing the contributions emerging from voices in the field. These findings enrich the global dialogue surrounding teacher well-being and offer insights into the dynamic forces shaping this vital field of study, compelling the academic community to adapt, diversify, and foster a more inclusive conversation on teacher well-being.
Investigating the Effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence Chatbots in Enhancing Digital Dialogue Skills for Students
artificial intelligence chatbots digital dialogue educational experts...
The central focus of this study is exploring the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chatbots in enhancing digital dialogue for students. The study investigates the key attributes of Chatbots that can contribute to the feasibility of facilitating digital dialogue to improve students' communication skills through discussions and dialogues. The study employed a descriptive method using a questionnaire to gather the perspectives of 35 educational experts on the use of AI Chatbots in digital dialogue skills. This study revealed that using AI Chatbots plays a crucial role in enhancing digital dialogue skills and can be effectively integrated into instructional practices to facilitate meaningful dialogue among students. Finally, the study recommends that educational technology specialists leverage new technologies, such as Al Chatbots to help improve student performance and facilitate digital dialogue in education.
Developing an Augmented Reality-Assisted Worksheet to Support the Digital Science Practicum
augmented reality learning technology digital science practicum...
The purpose of this research is to develop a worksheet that can support a digital science practicum. Conducting a needs analysis comes first in the development of worksheets, then comes product creation. The product produced based on the needs test analysis is a worksheet with the help of science worksheet-augmented reality (SWAR). Two knowledgeable education professionals then evaluate the finished product and test it out on participants or students. The results of the study show that worksheets equipped with augmented reality media are necessary. Meanwhile, the resulting product is valid in an almost perfect category (Pe = 0.7219; Po = 0.9744; K = 0.9078). Student perceptions of the products produced are at an "excellent" level in each category (ME-Av, mean = 3.466; CO-Av, mean = 3.472; CT-Av, mean = 3.503; ST-Av, mean = 3,507; TA-Av, mean = 3.440; IN-Av, mean = 3.640; MO-Av, mean = 3.640). There is a significant inverse relationship between media features (ME-Av) and student interest (IN-Av) based on Pearson's correlation test with r = -.50 (p < .50). Further explanation is presented based on the data that has been collected.
Logistic Regression Analysis: Predicting the Effect of Critical Thinking and Experience Active Learning Models on Academic Performance
academic performance critical thinking skills experience with pjbl and sbl logit analysis...
This study aims to analyse the relationship between critical thinking and the learning experience provided by instructors through active learning models, specifically Project-based Learning (PjBL) and Simulation-based Learning (SBL), to the potential achievement of academic performance in undergraduate students. The main analysis technique employed in this research was logistic regression, with additional analysis techniques including discriminant validity, EFA, as well as Kendall’s and Spearman’s correlation, serving as a robustness check. The results of this study indicate significant correlations and effects of critical thinking (CT) on academic performance. Higher levels of CT are associated with a greater likelihood of achieving academic excellence, as indicated by the cum laude distinction, compared to not attaining this distinction. Experiences of receiving PjBL (0.025; 6.816) and SBL (0.014; 14.35) predicted the potential for improving academic performance to reach cum laude recognition, relative to not achieving this distinction. Furthermore, other intercept factors need to be considered to achieve cum laude compared to not achieving cum laude. We recommend that policymakers in higher education, instructors, and others focus on enhancing critical thinking and utilizing both Pub and SBL as learning models to improve students’ academic performance.
Research Competence of Pre-Service Teachers: A Systematic Literature Review
development of research competence educational research measurement of research competence pre-service teachers research competence...
The importance of research competence in pre-service teacher education has been highlighted in many studies, but concerns over the lack and inconsistency of definition, measurement, and development of research competence still exist. This poses a challenge for pre-service education programmes to provide quality education to pre-service teachers in this area. Through a systematic literature review it was found that there is a gap in the existing literature regarding the definition of research competence in pre-service teacher education, as there seems to be no consensus on the definition. There is, however, an agreement that the development of research competence is an important part of study programmes, as it contributes to higher quality education of pre-service teachers. Addressing this, the review proposes a concise definition of research competence as a multifaceted construct that includes critical thinking, self-directed learning, and organizational skills essential for effective research. The review also highlighted a lack of consensus on the most appropriate frameworks and tools to use in measuring research competence in pre-service teachers, with studies using various frameworks and tools that differ in terms of research methods, instruments and sample characteristics. The results suggest that there is a need for greater attention to be paid to the definition and measurement of research competence, as well as its development within pre-service teacher education programmes.
A Causal Model of Learning Loss in the Midst of COVID-19 Pandemic Among Thai Lower Secondary School Students
covid-19 learning loss pandemic student structural equation modeling...
It is known that the COVID-19 pandemic led to learning losses among students both domestically and internationally. Therefore, situational and casual factors were examined to discover and understand them so that learning loss could be reduced or recovered from. This research aimed to: (a) study learning loss situation; and (b) develop and examine the causal model of learning loss among lower secondary school students affected by the pandemic. The sample included 650 Grade 7-9 students selected by multi-stage random sampling. The data was collected using a self-developing questionnaire as a research instrument. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, ANOVA, and structural equation modeling (SEM) through the LISREL program. The findings were: (a) Lower secondary school students had an average academic achievement learning loss at the moderate level with the highest mean of learning loss in mathematics (M=3.012, SD=1.074), and an average learning characteristics learning loss at the medium level (M=2.824, SD=0.842). Several situational factors had a different effect depending on the school size with a statistical significance of .05.; and (b) the causal model showed the learning loss of grade 7-9 students was consistent with the empirical data (χ2=46.885, df=34, p= .069, GFI=0.991, AGFI=0.964, CFI=0.999, RMSEA=0.024, SRMR=0.014).
The Influence of a Robotics Program on Students’ Attitudes Toward Effective Communication
attitude effective communication robotics students...
This research aimed to explore the influence of a robotic program using the robot kit "RoboBuilder RQ+110" on students' attitudes toward effective communication. The study used a quantitative research design and involved 475 grade 4 (10 years old) students from Malaysia's Selangor and Malacca states. A quasi-experimental research (pre-test & post-test) approach with control and experimental groups was adopted, and the data were analyzed with inferential statistical test and repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SPSS 25 software at 0.05 significance level. Questionnaires were administered to collect data from the experimental and control groups. The results showed statistically significant changes (α ≤ .05) in attitudes toward effective communication for the experimental group that received a robotics program compared with the control group. The study results suggest that innovative technological tools or programs such as robotics programs are recommended as innovative science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) program rooted in constructivism to improve students' attitudes toward effective communication.
Exploring the Factors of Firm-Provided Continuing Education and Training: A Systematic Literature Review
employer-provided training job-related training lifelong learning training investments vocational training...
Given the insufficient involvement of business investments in adult education, this study focused on the factors that motivate managers and entrepreneurs to invest in continuing education. For this purpose, we conducted a systematic literature review of studies referenced in Scopus and Web of Science since 2015. The factors for training were classified into four levels: personal, organizational, industry-related, and national. The results indicated that the inside firm-related determinants are the most studied and essential. A consensus emerged in the relevant literature on the positive impact of a supportive workplace culture, a learning orientation, formalized human resource development practices, and employee voice. The long-term orientation of managers and the perception of employees’ flexibility and adaptability to change also play a role. The study highlights the increasing pressure from regulations and market competition, as well as the (in)capability of universities to provide training tailored to the specific needs of companies. Although institutional factors appeared to predominate, economic considerations also influence training decisions; the latter means that the two underlying theories – institutional theory and human capital theory – complement each other when explaining employers' incentives to invest in training.
Design and Implementation of an Educational App as a Methodology to Improve Speaking Skills in EFL Students at B1 Level: A Case Study
4skillsweb app educational methodology oral competence development...
The present study aimed to improve the speaking skills of university students at the B1 level who presented limitations in their oral competence. An educational methodology based on designing and implementing an application adapted to the Common European Framework of Reference was developed and applied to boost language performance. A case study was used to conduct the two stages of this research; the former had to do with a control group where intervention was carried out using non-probabilistic sampling with students of the Computing Faculty; a pretest was applied to test the knowledge acquired in their classroom sessions during the first quarter in 2020. The second process was tracking an experimental group, which was assessed after implementing the developed methodology using the app "4skillsweb". A posttest was used to evidence learners' progress during the COVID-19 lockdown, and the results showed improved oral competence in aspects such as grammar and vocabulary, discourse management, pronunciation, and interactive communication, with about 95% confidence in its validation. A qualitative-quantitative methodology was used to determine the influence of the English app. A t-students test was implemented to corroborate the data analysis taken by both groups through SOFTWARE JMP v 11.0.0G.
Developing Creative Thinking in Preschool Children: A Comprehensive Review of Innovative
comprehensive review creative thinking early childhood...
The ability to think creatively has a vital role in the development of preschool children. This research provides a comprehensive review of innovative approaches and strategies for developing creative thinking in preschool children based on current trends and methodologies used in educational settings. This research shows three significant areas: (a) creative thinking skills in preschool children, (b) factors influencing creative thinking skills in depth, and (c) innovative strategies and approaches to stimulate creative thinking abilities in preschool children. This research uses a literature study method assisted by the publish perish application to find reference sources related to creative thinking abilities in preschool children. Studies show that creative thinking abilities in preschool children enable them to find innovative solutions, help them adapt to challenges, foster self-confidence and courage, and enrich their experience and knowledge of the world around them. Meanwhile, preschool children's creative thinking abilities are influenced by collaboration from the external environment (parents, teachers, and society); providing support and examples for children to develop and stimulate their creative thinking skills is very important.
An Integrated Framework of Online Learning Effectiveness in Institutions of Higher Learning
online assessment practices online course design online learning support perceived online learning...
In the early stages of adopting online learning, both learners and teachers displayed resistance, but the COVID-19 pandemic has forced a widespread shift to digital learning. To facilitate this transition, there is a growing focus on highlighting the effectiveness of online learning, which directly impacts learning outcomes. This study investigates online learning effectiveness through an integrated framework that considers online assessment practices and online course design as independent variables, with online learning support as a moderating variable. Understanding the effectiveness of online learning is crucial as hybrid learning becomes the "new norm" in education, combining online and offline methods for teaching the digital generation. Using a quantitative research design involving 232 students at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, the study found that online assessment practices and course design significantly influence students perceived learning outcomes in an online learning environment. Additionally, online learning support positively moderates this relationship. These findings offer a comprehensive perspective on how online assessment practices, course design, and support systems contribute to the quality of higher education in Malaysia amidst evolving educational practices.
eTwinning in Science Learning: The Perspectives of Pre-service Primary School Teachers
collaborative research etwinning ite initiative teacher training...
eTwinning is a community of European schools that promotes networking and transnational collaboration projects. Therefore, as part of the Initial Teacher Education (ITE) initiative, we decided to explore how the research projects on scientific topics familiarize pre-service primary school teachers with eTwinning. 251 pre-service primary school teachers from Spain, Iceland, and Slovenia designed and carried out joint research projects on scientific topics. The aim was to gain insight into their self-assessment of their knowledge of the platform, the limitations of working with it, and their responses. An electronic questionnaire was used as the main instrument for data collection. It turned out that the pre-service teachers enjoyed this international collaboration, but also found it challenging. By the end of the projects, they were familiar with the eTwinning platform, although the least engaged prospective teachers recognized that they needed strong support and considered the platform a non-intuitive environment. Overall, they were willing to use the platform with pupils in the future, which is in line with the aim of the ITE initiative.
Factors Influencing Special Education Career Choices: Interplay of Personality Traits and Identity Statuses
career choice identity personality traits special education teachers...
Recent research has identified factors influencing the choice of a special education career; however, it has not thoroughly examined their connection with personality traits and identity status. Thus, the present study was designed to explore how different personality traits and identity statuses correlate with the motives and perceptions associated with the choice to teach in special education. The study involved 209 pre-service special education teachers. The NEO-Five Factor Inventory was used to measure the Big 5 personality traits. The Ego Identity Process Questionnaire assessed identity commitment and exploration. The Factors Influencing Teaching Choice Scale was used to evaluate motivations and perceptions about teaching. Regarding the factors that influenced the decision to pursue a career in special education, intrinsic value, shaping children’s future, social equity, making social contributions, working with children, task demands, and job satisfaction were highly rated. Additionally, extraversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness, and identity statuses were identified as positive predictors for certain factors influencing the choice of a teaching career in special education. Finally, the study identified two distinct groups of students: "Identity Achievers" characterized by high positive personality traits, and identity commitment, and "Identity Explorers" characterized by lower positive personality traits and higher identity exploration. Differences were observed between the groups in their motives and perceptions concerning teaching in special education. In conclusion, this study highlights the relationships between personality, identity status, and career decision factors, offering insights into the factors that influence this critical career decision among future special educators. Directions for future research are discussed.